18.-How to prototype
- Storytelling: Tell a potential user the story of your idea. Describe what the experience/product would be like then you get feedback. It requires a lot of imagination from the user so they are understanding the same idea.
- Roleplay: Act out the experience of your idea with the user, consider different roles, use visual support to help the user get a more realistic experience of your idea.
- Model: Make a simple representation of your idea. Use paper or other basic material. You can build models of digital tools/web pages on paper or digitally WITHOUT coding anything. Start with low resolution/fidelity and increase it little by little. It much easier for the user to give you feedback now that they are looking at something.
- Fakedoor: Promote your product/service before it even exists to measure interest.
- Wizard of oz: The appearance and experience of a complete and working service, where all of the invisible processes are carried out manually.
- Pilot: A short term limited project selling your product/service with the main purpose of learning and improving.
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