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How to prototype


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18.-How to prototype


  • Storytelling: Tell a potential user the story of your idea. Describe what the experience/product would be like then you get feedback. It requires a lot of imagination from the user so they are understanding the same idea.
  • Roleplay: Act out the experience of your idea with the user, consider different roles, use visual support to help the user get a more realistic experience of your idea.
  • Model: Make a simple representation of your idea. Use paper or other basic material. You can build models of digital tools/web pages on paper or digitally WITHOUT coding anything. Start with low resolution/fidelity and increase it little by little. It much easier for the user to give you feedback now that they are looking at something.
  • Fakedoor: Promote your product/service before it even exists to measure interest.
  • Wizard of oz: The appearance and experience of a complete and working service, where all of the invisible processes are carried out manually.
  • Pilot: A short term limited project selling your product/service with the main purpose of learning and improving.

How to prototype:

  1. Storytelling
  2. Roleplay
  3. Model
  4. Fake door (My favorite)
  5. Wizard of oz (My 2nd favority)
  6. Pilot


Narración: Describe cómo será la experiencia / el desarrollo del producto.
Juego de roles: representa la experiencia de tu idea con el usuario.
Modelo: haz una representación simple de tu idea
Puerta falsa: promocione su producto / servicio incluso antes de que exista para medir el interés
Mago de Oz: La aparición y experiencia de un servicio completo y funcional, donde todos los procesos invisibles se llevan a cabo de forma manual.
Piloto: Un proyecto limitado a corto plazo que vende su producto / servicio con el propósito principal de aprender y mejorar

Fake door its amazing bacause you can be sure if people are willing to pay for your idea

The fake door and the wizard of oz are my favorites, but it all depends on the context in which it’ll run

I think I would try storytelling and role play because I think is a cheap and fast idea of validate the hypothesis of my business

Para el Marketplace que estoy desarrollando Wizard of Oz es una estrategia genial para no programar y solo usar un Wordpress con Woocommerce

I will prototype with a Model for my dating app.

Both for my project (create a biotech company that creates industrial/medical products based on fruits and veggies from the Amazon) and Daphne’s idea of a service to rent my stuff, I would use the roleplay. I like the direct contact with the user, I think it gives plenty of insights.

I would prototype the app at the end of the lesson as a “Wizard of Oz”

Todos son muy interesantes, depende del tipo de innovación, producto y contexto, así como que cualidad tiene su usuario parea discernir uno de ellos.

This is amazing, I’ve been doing something like this for years without any method.

OMG, Fake door is really interesting, I’ll try it ASAP


  • Storytelling: Describe what the experience/product woild be like
  • Roleplay: Act out the experience of you idea with the user
  • Model: Make a simple representation of your idea
  • Fake door: Promote your product/service before it even exist to measure interest
  • Wizard of Oz: The appearance and experience of a complete and working service, where all of the invisible processes are carried out manually
  • Pilot: A short term limited project selling you product/service with the main purpose of learning and improving

Necesitábamos una definición de ITERAR y PIVOT

Haria una puerta falsa. Con ello probaría si es exitosa o no

For the public transport management system, I would use the type of prototype model since it could show the digital tool through a sketch made on paper.

los podemos ejecutar haciendo encuestas sobre que producto les parece mas llamativo o cual comprarian

For my idea i would do storytelling
or model.

How to prototype:

  1. Storytelling:
  • Tell a potential user the story of your idea. Describe what the experience or product would be like.
  1. Rolplay
  • Act out the experience of your idea with the user.
  • Consider different roles.
  • Use visual support to help the user get a more realistic experience of your idea.
  1. Model (mock-up)
  • Make a simple representation of your idea.
  • Use paper or basic materials.
  • You can build models of digital tools on paper or digital without coding.
  • Start with low resolution or fidelity and increase it little by little.

  1. Fake door (fake product, fake feature).
  • Promote your feature or product before it even exists to measure demand or interest.
  1. Wizard of Oz
  • The experience of a complete working service, where all of the invisible processes are carried out manually.
  1. Pilot
  • A short term limited project selling your product or service with the main purpose of learning, collect data and improving.

Fake Door!


I would try the fake door

in my case, I think the pilot and Fake doors are a good option.

I will do the fake door to meassure the interest in the game

For my idea I think the most suitable type of prototype would be the “pilot” one.

I used wizard of OZ to validate my busines Idea, and it was great, we realized that we have a great opportunity overthere

Glovo used the Wizard of Oz on their prototype