19.-Post Prototype
The prototype phases:
- Build.
- Try.
- Learn.
- Iterate.
- Start again. You finish when you’re ready to move forward with your concept because it’s been validated and you are ready to implement it.
Do not fall into the extreme, there has to be a point where you know is solid enough to move forward.
What to do with the results
We can use a matrix with the following quadrants:
- Positive points.
- Points to change.
- Doubts/Qs.
- New ideas.
Iterations= are key to the process, it’s a small adjustment based on the results of the test.
More significant adjustment/change of direction:
- Zoom in: You had a lot different features and aspects of the idea, but after testing it with the user you realice you need to focus just on one or a few aspects.
- Zoom out: The opposite of zoom in.
- Client segment: Change the client segment.
- Client need: When the solution is more helpful for another type of problem.
- Business model.
- Channel: How are you going to deliver
- Technology.
Part of life, part of innovation!
You have to be willing to let go an idea when it’s not helping anyone anymore. Go to the next idea!.
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