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Post Prototype


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19.-Post Prototype

The prototype phases:

  1. Build.
  2. Try.
  3. Learn.
  4. Iterate.
  5. Start again. You finish when you’re ready to move forward with your concept because it’s been validated and you are ready to implement it.

Do not fall into the extreme, there has to be a point where you know is solid enough to move forward.

What to do with the results

We can use a matrix with the following quadrants:

  • Positive points.
  • Points to change.
  • Doubts/Qs.
  • New ideas.

Iterations= are key to the process, it’s a small adjustment based on the results of the test.


More significant adjustment/change of direction:

  • Zoom in: You had a lot different features and aspects of the idea, but after testing it with the user you realice you need to focus just on one or a few aspects.
  • Zoom out: The opposite of zoom in.
  • Client segment: Change the client segment.
  • Client need: When the solution is more helpful for another type of problem.
  • Business model.
  • Channel: How are you going to deliver
  • Technology.


Part of life, part of innovation!

You have to be willing to let go an idea when it’s not helping anyone anymore. Go to the next idea!.

To pivot is important because it means that we change in order to fulfill the needs of our user doesn’t matter the degree of the change, we should always move in the same direction as the user

The Prototype Phases

  • Build
  • Try
  • Learn
  • Iterate: Small adjustment based on results

Pivot: More significant adjustment/change of direction
Death: Part of life, part of innovation!

Death: Maybe an idea dies, and another idea develop, is part of the innovation, so dont try prototype the complete solution, do it in parts.

Advice of me to me: do not fall in love of your solve. fall in love of the problem.

Jaja, if you wait to have the perfect prototype or product:

I loved this class! It made me think a lot

Prototype tips ☺:

  • Don’t try to prototype the complete solution, do it in parts.
  • Don’t take your prototype too seriously, it shouldn’t be precious.
  • What you can put together is good enough.
  • Iterate a lot, don’t be afraid to change the idea.
  • Less talking and planning, more DOING.

¡Parte de la vida, parte de la innovación!
Tienes que estar dispuesto a dejar ir una idea cuando ya no ayuda a nadie. ¡Ve a la siguiente idea

Las fases del prototipo:
Empezar de nuevo. Termina cuando esté listo para seguir adelante con su concepto porque ha sido validado y está listo para implementarlo.

Que hacer con los resultados
Podemos usar una matriz con los siguientes cuadrantes:
Puntos positivos.
Puntos a cambiar.
Dudas / Qs.
Nuevas ideas.

Ajuste / cambio de dirección más significativo:
Zoom in: Tenías muchas características y aspectos diferentes de la idea, pero después de probarla con el usuario te das cuenta de que necesitas enfocarte solo en uno o algunos aspectos.
Alejar: lo opuesto a acercar.
Segmento de clientes: cambie el segmento de clientes.
Necesidad del cliente: cuando la solución es más útil para otro tipo de problema.
Modelo de negocio.
Canal: ¿Cómo va a entregar

*"La idea es la primera versión, tons estas dispuesto a evolucionar, debemos dejarla morir"*

Last prototype tips:

  • Don’t try to prototype the complete solution, do it in parts.
  • Don’t take your prototype too seriously, it shouldn’t be precious.
  • What you can put together is good enough.
  • Iterate (or make pivot) a lot, don’t be afraid to change the idea.
  • Less talking and planing, more doing.

You have to measure risk and put the product in the real world.

Last prototype tips:

  • Don’t try to prototype the complete solution, do it in parts.
  • Don’t take your prototype too seriously, it shouldn’t be precious, let the people criticize it and give you hard feedback.
  • What you can put together is good enough, don’t be a perfectionist.
  • Iterate (or make pivot) a lot, don’t be afraid to change the idea.
  • Less talking and planing, more doing.

Pivot are much more significant than iterations and you have to be ready and willing and able to do that kind of change as well.

Kinds of pivots:

  1. Zoom in pivot: Is a pivot when you have a lot of different features and aspects of your idea but thanks to testing it with the user, **you realize you need to focus in on just one or few aspects. **
  2. Zoom out pivot: Is a pivot when you have one key component and your user is telling you that they need more in order for rhis to be valuable.
  3. Client segment pivot: when you thought it was for this type of user, it turns out it’'s more for this type of user. Or client need: I thought I was solving this problem but they’re telling me that this solution is more helpful for this other type of problem.
  4. Business model pivot: When you thought you were going to sell your solution but the client is telling you he would rather rented, so, you would switch from buying to renting.
  5. Channel pivot: I used to think that I was going to deliver things online but my user is telling me that they would’t feel comfortable buying something online, so I need to change the channel.
  6. Technology pivot: When you have a digital transformation.

Iteration = small tweak
Pivot = More significant adjustment or change of direction.

What to do with the results of your prototype:

  1. Positive points
  2. Points to change
  3. Doubts
  4. New ideas.

The prototype phases:

  1. Build
  2. Try
  3. Learn
  4. Iterate
