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Business Model Canvas


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Business model canvas

Is a plan for the successful operation of a business, identifying sources of revenue, the target customer base, products, and details of financing.

How your business will create and capture value:

  1. Easy to understand
  2. Focused
  3. Flexible
  4. Costumer focused
  5. Shows connections
  6. Easy to communicate

20.-Business Model Canvas

Going from idea to business.

What is a business model canvas?

  • A plan for the successful operation of a business, identifying sources of revenue, the target customer base, products, and details of financing.
  • Essentially it tells us how the key drivers of a business fit together.
  • How your business will create and capture value.

Advantage of the business model canvas

  • Easy to understand: Single page, very visual, very easy to understand.
  • Focused: Removes any fluff that might have been present in a traditional business plan.
  • Flexible: Quick and easy to make changes to your model and sketch out different ideas. You can have different versions and test different ideas.
  • Customer focused: Forces you to think about the value you’re providing to your customers, and only then what it takes to deliver that value.
  • Shows connections: Shows how the different parts of the model interrelate to each other.
  • Easy to communicate: You’ll be able to share and explain easily, making it easier to get people on board with your vision.

Business model canvas:

  • Value proposition: What do you do that is special? What are you promising to your customers or users?. You always start here.
  • Customer segment: Who do you help?
  • Channels: How do you reach them?. It might me online, through a platform, etc.
  • Customer relationship: How do you interact?. It might be a customer service center that calls them once a week or maybe it’s done by automated chatbots.
  • Key activities: How do you do it? How do you deliver that value proposition to the clients? What makes it possible?.
  • Key resources: What do you need in order to make this possible?. Might be a database, system, or technology that allows us to deliver the promise.
  • Key partners: Who will help you?. We might have some activities that we won’t do but we need someone else to do. Partnership with different companies, entities, people that do better some aspect of what it need to be done.
  • Cost structure: What will it cost you?. Key aspects of things that are going to cost the company. It could be salaries, systems, technology, infrastructure, big items we need to know about that are going to be costly for the company and that we should consider.
  • Revenue streams: How will you make money?

" Entrepreneurs don’t write a 100-page business plan and execute it one time; they’re always experimenting and adapting based on what they learn."

Thomas Friedman

Ningún plan de negocio aguanta al primer cliente. (Steve Blank)

¿Qué es un modelo canvas de negocio?
Un plan para el funcionamiento exitoso de una empresa, que identifica las fuentes de ingresos, la base de clientes objetivo, los productos y los detalles del financiamiento.
Básicamente, nos dice cómo encajan los impulsores clave de una empresa.
Cómo su negocio creará y capturará valor.

Ventaja del lienzo del modelo de negocio
Fácil de entender: una sola página, muy visual, muy fácil de entender.
Enfocado: Elimina cualquier pelusa que pudiera haber estado presente en un plan de negocios tradicional.
Flexible: rápido y fácil de realizar cambios en su modelo y esbozar diferentes ideas. Puede tener diferentes versiones y probar diferentes ideas.
Centrado en el cliente: lo obliga a pensar en el valor que está brindando a sus clientes y solo entonces lo que se necesita para brindar ese valor.
Muestra conexiones: muestra cómo las diferentes partes del modelo se interrelacionan entre sí.
Fácil de comunicar: podrá compartir y explicar fácilmente, lo que facilitará que las personas se unan a su visión.

The Business Model Canvas:

  1. The value proposition: What do you do that is special? What is your promise?
  2. Customer segment: What is the customer segment? Who are you trying to help?
  3. Channels: How do you reach your segment?
  4. Customer relationship: How do you interact with your segment?
  5. Key activities: How do you do your value proposition? How do you deliver your value proposition? What are the key activities that you have to master and deal with? Only the key activities related with your value proposition.
  6. Key resources: What and how do you need in order to do your key activities possible? (Technology, data, data bases, etc.)
  7. Key partners: Who will help you? Outsourcing.
  8. Cost structure: What will it cost you? The key aspects that are gonna cost the company? Big items that will be costly.
  9. Revenue streams: How will you capture value? How will you make money? Are you customers gonna pay or someone else?

Advantages of the business model canvas:

  1. Easy to understand: Very visual, single page.
  2. Focused: Removes any fluff that might have been present in a traditional business plan.
  3. Flexible: Quick and easy to make changes to your model and sketch out different ideas.
  4. Customer focused: Forces you to think about the value you’re providing to your customers, and only then what it takes to deliver that value.
  5. Shows connections: shows how the different parts of the model interrelate to each other.
  6. Easy to communicate: You’ll be able to share and explain it easily, making it easier to get people on board with your vision.

Advantages of the business model canvas:

  1. Easy to understand: Very visual, single page.
  2. Focused: Removes any fluff that might have been present in a traditional business plan.
  3. Flexible: Quick and easy to make changes to your model and sketch out different ideas.

Business Model Canvas
What is a business model and business plan?

  • It is a plan for the successful operation of a business.
  • It help to identifying sources of revenue, the target customer base, products and details of financing.
  • Essentially it tells us how the key drivers of a business fit together.
  • How you business will create and capture value.


Esquema de modelo de negocios:
Propuesta de valor: ¿Qué haces que sea especial? ¿Qué prometes a tus clientes o usuarios ?. Siempre empiezas aquí.
Segmento de clientes: ¿A quién ayudas?
Canales: ¿Cómo llegar a ellos ?. Podría hacerlo en línea, a través de una plataforma, etc.
Relación con el cliente: ¿Cómo interactúas ?. Puede ser un centro de servicio al cliente que los llama una vez a la semana o tal vez lo hagan chatbots automatizados.
Actividades clave: ¿Cómo lo haces? ¿Cómo entrega esa propuesta de valor a los clientes? ¿Qué lo hace posible ?.
Recursos clave: ¿Qué necesitas para que esto sea posible ?. Podría ser una base de datos, un sistema o una tecnología que nos permita cumplir la promesa.
Socios clave: ¿Quién te ayudará ?. Es posible que tengamos algunas actividades que no haremos, pero necesitamos que alguien más las haga. Asociación con diferentes empresas, entidades, personas que hacen mejor algún aspecto de lo que hay que hacer.
Estructura de costos:
¿Cuánto costará?. Aspectos clave de las cosas que le van a costar a la empresa. Podrían ser salarios, sistemas, tecnología, infraestructura, grandes elementos que necesitamos conocer que van a ser costosos para la empresa y que debemos considerar.
Flujos de ingresos:
¿Cómo va a ganar dinero?

Here is a very visual explanation of this Model

The buisness model canvas is a plan for the succesful operation of the buisness