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Change management


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In Platzi we hate the Status Quo.

“Resistance is Human”

When you have a new idea, you need to push to change their belief. As much success you have the more you avoid new things.

Think people you have to get on board as another user, consider:

  • How to make it in their interest?
  • How to make it easier for them?
  • How to address their concerns?

When you are driving innovation, you are a virus of the status quo. You really need to promote the change.

22.-Change management

Getting people on board

“Resistance is human”

When you have a new idea or concept you want to push forward you’ll probably have to convince some people to change their behavior, their way of doing things, their attitudes and beliefs and that’ll probably be tricky because their natural reaction is going to be resistance.

As much success as you have you start to have a lower likelihood of trying something new or taking risks, because you basically found a formula that works and you are not willing to change things.

Think of people you have to get on board as another user! (have empathy for them too).


  • How to make it in their interest?: Don’t ask people for a favor. More like “this is going to benefit you”, “this is going to be in your interest so you should make the change for yourself”.
  • How to make it easier for them?: If you make change difficult they are going to resist it. Lower the barriers so that it’s easier for them to make the transition.
  • How to address their concerns?: If they are worried about something, if they are not sure if something is going to go a certain way, they are going to resist even more. Think about what you can do to help them see what’s in it for them, make it easy and try to make it so that it’s less worrying.

Be the virus🥴

when you drive forward innovation and change you are a virus!

“Resistance is human”

  • It is completely natural for people to resist change.

"La resistencia es humana"
Cuando tienes una nueva idea, debes presionar para cambiar su creencia. Cuanto más éxito tienes, más evitas las cosas nuevas.
Piense en las personas a las que tiene que incorporar como otro usuario, considere:
¿Cómo hacerlo en su interés?
¿Cómo facilitarles las cosas?
¿Cómo abordar sus inquietudes?
Cuando estás impulsando la innovación, eres un virus del status quo. Realmente necesitas promover el cambio.

  • Think of people you have to get onboard as another user.
  • Just as much as you had empathy for your end user and your customer, you should have empathy for your superiors in the organization that have resistance to change.

Consider when you are doing change management:

  • How to make it in their interest? Explain why it is useful.
  • How to make it easier for them? Lower the barriers through showing that it’s easier make this transition.
  • How to address their concerns? Think about what you can do to help, to express the value, make it easy, and create conditions for less worrying.
  • Drive innovation and CHANGE…
  • You are a virus inside your organization.
  • You are a virus that is challenging the status quo.
  • Convince people and make them see that this is in their interest.
  • Sell your ideas.
  • Sell your innovations.
  • Sell your vision of change = Change management.

Some people dont like change., but you need to embarace change if the alternative is disaster.

as much success you have, you will take less risk or trying something new, why? status quo, comfort zone.
If you need the innovation works, it’s necessary to catch the interest, make it easier and manage the concerns.

Nobody likes changes, but if you don’t change you’ll be dead

  • Change management: convince people to change.
  • Change management: defeat the natural human resistance.
  • The natural resistance of the humans to the change is resistance.

Change management (getting people on board):
Attempted innovation: 98%
Successful innovation: 2%

The reason is because the people don’t follow the innovation methodology and don’t getting people on board to their ideas.

It is natural for humans to resist change.


I recommend the course Thick Data Oportunidades de Negocio. This class is related in particular to the class ¿Qué es la innovación contextual? And the progressive way to innovate in business

Una gran cantidad de intentos de innovación ante la pequeña innovación que se logra.

When you have a new idea, you need to push to change their belief. As much success you have the more you avoid new things.