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How to pitch


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How to pitch your idea

This is about human to human conecction

How do i convince?

  1. Logos: Evidence, logical proof
  2. Pathos: Emotional appeal
  3. Ethos: Evidence of credibility

Ingredients of a pitch

  1. Start with the problem: What need are you solving? Why is important.

    Start with a personal story.

    Impactful declaration: Data, profound/big and relevant for the audience

    Powerful question: Puts audience in introspective mode

  2. Continue with the solution: That’s why i created…

    Focus on the value proposition

    Explain what makes your solution unique

    Show that your solution is innovate and based on the user

  3. Introduce yourself: Many times people “buy” not hte idea but the team behind it

    What can you say about yourself/team that sells the idea

  4. Call to action: I need x from you

    Explain where you are at today, what the next step is, and what you need help with

Amazing class!! I will use the 4 steps

  • Start with the problem
  • Continue with the solution
  • Introduce yourself
  • Call to action

23.-How to pitch

What is the purpose of presenting?

Connect & convince -Human to human connection.

How do I convince?

  • You can use logos: logical thinking, appealing to logic, facts, evidence to convince people.
  • Pathos: Emotional appeal, getting to the heart of your emotions in order to convince you.
  • Ethos: Giving evidence of my credibility in order to convince you.

Ingredients for a pitch

The pitch is basically a speech or an act that attempts to persuade someone to buy or do something. In this case, we are going to use it to convince people to support our idea.

1.-Start with the problem:
That’s exactly how we started the process of innovation, so we are going to do that here too.

What need are you solving?

Why is it important? Why should they care about this?

Personal Story related to the problem -yours or someone else’s that the audience can relieve with you.

Impactful Declaration -data, profound/big & relevant for the audience. For example: “Every minute n people …”

Powerful Question -exploratory/reflective, puts the audience in introspective mode. For example: “How you ever thought about how much water you use in one day?” or “Have you thought about what kind of future your kids are going to have?”.

NOTE: We usually kick off a pith with one of these three, don’t do all of them. Choose the one that reflect you the best and is going to get your point across so the audience is aware of the problem.

2.- Continue with the solution:

You’re going to say something like “And that’s why I created…”, make the transition from convincing people there is a problem to tell them about the solution.

Focus on the value proposition: What is it that your solution is promising to do? How is it going to solve the problem?

Explain what makes your solution unique: Now that you know your competition, you know how you compare. What’s special about your solution?

Show that your solution is innovative and based on the user: Show them that you figured out how to create and capture value. You can show your results here, quotes from potential customers, prototypes, etc. Things that show that you are really creating and capturing value. You might show your business canvas.

3.- Introduce yourself: Many times people “buy” or support not the idea but the team behind it. Make people believe in you.

What you can say about yourself/the team that sells the idea even more.

This part can go here or at some other point in the pitch. Some people like to start their pitch by introducing themselves, some put it in the middle, and some people put it at the end.

This is where ethos go: establish credibility, show evidence of your authority on the subject (technical expertise, relevant education, personal experience, investigation you have done).

4.-Call to action: Any good pitch has to finish up with “What do you need from us?”

“I need x from you” is one of the last sentences that you are going to put a solid pitch.

Explain where you are at today, what the next step is, and what you need help with to move forward with the idea.

Think broadly about what you need you might need: investment, alliance, provider, advice, etc.

@teamplatzi, el primer video en recursos no esta disponible más.

Elevators pitch is not available anymore.


  • Establish the big picture context
  • Logical proof that the problem deserves attention, using fact-based evicende.



  • Describe the need.
  • Appeal to the emotions illustrating the problem with human examples with wich the audience can relate.


  • Establish creadibility
  • Show evidence of your authority on the subject:
    • Technical expertise
    • Relevant education
    • Personal experience
    • Investigation you have done


Ingredients for a pitch

  1. Start with the problem: Here you can use Logos or Pathos
  2. Continue with the solution: Start with desirability
  3. Introduce yourself: Here you can use Ethos
  4. Call to action: Explain where you are at today, what the next step is, and what you need help with.

Comience con el problema: ¿Qué necesidad está resolviendo? Por qué es importante.
Empiece con una historia personal.
Declaración impactante: datos, profundos / grandes y relevantes para la audiencia
Pregunta poderosa: pone a la audiencia en modo introspectivo
Continuar con la solución: por eso creé …
Centrarse en la propuesta de valor
Explique qué hace que su solución sea única
Demuestre que su solución es innovadora y está basada en el usuario
Preséntese: muchas veces las personas “compran” no la idea, sino el equipo que la respalda.
¿Qué puedes decir sobre ti / equipo que vende la idea?
Llamada a la acción: necesito x de ti
Explique dónde se encuentra hoy, cuál es el siguiente paso y con qué necesita ayuda.

Ingredientes para lanzar la idea:

  1. Empezar con el problema. ¿que necesidad estas resolviendo? ¿Por que es importante?
  2. Continua con la solución. Hay que iniciar por decir ‘‘y es por eso que he creado…’’.
  3. Presentación
  4. Acción. Cualquier buen lanzamiento debe terminar con lo que necesitas de nosotros.

Ingredients of a pitch:
#1. Start with the problem.

  • What need are you resolving?
  • Why it is important?
  • Share a story or personal or story of the problem.
  • Give an impactful declaration: data, big fact, relevant fact.
  • Make a powerful question: Puts the audience in an introspective, exploratory or reflective mode.
  • The object is that the audience is very clear about what the problem is.
  • Use logos and pathos.
    #2 Continue with the solution:
  • Thats why I created…
  • Now you know the problem, so let me show you the solution…
  • Focus on the value proposition.
  • Explain what makes your solution unique.
  • Show that your solution is innovative and based on the user.
  • Show how you create and capture value: Desirable (Human value), viable (Business aspect), and feasible (Technology).
  • Show how desirable is, how business viable is, and how technology feasible is for show a solid innovation solution.
  • Show all the resources that you consider (e.i. Business model canvas) how you can create and capture value.
    #3 Introduce yourself (Ethos: Show your credibility and authority).
  • Many times people buy not the idea but the team.
  • What can you say about yourself/the team that sells the idea.
  • This part can go here or at some other point in the pitch.
  • Establish credibility.
  • Show evidence of your authority on the subject.
  • Show your technical expertise.
  • Show your relevant education.
  • Show your personal experience.
  • Show the investigations that you have done.
    #4 Finish with a call to action:
  • I need X from you.
  • Explain where you are at today.
  • What the next step is.
  • What you need help with.
  • Think broadly.
  • Ask for investment.
  • Ask for an alliance.
  • Ask for a provider.
  • Ask for advice.

How to pitch

  • Pitch = sell = presenting.
    What is the purpose of presenting?
  • Connect and convince.
    Sell = connect and convince.
    Sell is about human to human connection.
  • Sell is find the best way to connect and convince.
    How to convince people?
  1. Logos: Reason and logical proof and data.
  2. Pathos: Emotional appeal for convince trough emotion triggers.
  3. Ethos: Giving evidence of my credibility in my authority.

Pitch: convince people to buy our product


¿Cómo convenzo?
Logos: evidencia, prueba lógica
Pathos: atractivo emocional
Ethos: evidencia de credibilidad

Cómo presentar tu idea
Se trata de la conexión de humano a humano.

Create & Capture Value - Desirable + Feasible + Viable