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How to do more with less


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How to do more with less

Necessity is the mother of invention

Jugaad: Improvised or temporary solution using limited resoruces (Eso lo hacemos todo el tiempo en latinoamérica xd)

Resourcesfulness: Capacity to resolve a problem effectively within the resources and limitations of the context

  • Imagine improbable conecction between objetcs, people and resources
  • Try with what we have on hand
  • Propose new hypotheses and ask “what if”
  • Mover in a more agile way
  • Be more tolerant

Amazing examples by the way

Principles of frugal innovation

  • Required functionalities and performance with appropiate technology
  • More with less resources (Ingenuity > capital)
  • Reduced cost
  • Inclusive and replicable
  • Focused on user and ecosystem
  • Triple impact: Social, economic, environmental

Cómo hacer más con menos
La necesidad es la madre de la invención
Jugaad: Solución improvisada o temporal con recursos limitados (Eso lo hacemos todo el tiempo en latinoamérica xd)
Recursos: capacidad para resolver un problema de manera efectiva dentro de los recursos y limitaciones del contexto.
Imagina una conexión improbable entre objetos, personas y recursos.
Prueba con lo que tenemos a mano
Proponer nuevas hipótesis y preguntar "¿y si?"
Mover de una manera más ágil
Se más tolerante
Ejemplos asombrosos por cierto
Principios de la innovación frugal
Funcionalidades requeridas y desempeño con tecnología adecuada
Más con menos recursos (ingenio> capital)
Costo reducido
Inclusivo y replicable
Centrado en el usuario y el ecosistema
Triple impacto: social, económico, ambiental

Ojalá sirva el aporte 😉

In our home, we use a mix of pieces of onion, garlic, chilly, vinegar and water to sprite the plants to keep them safe of plagues.

Is low-cost, with ingredients from the fridge and safe for the environment, insects and animals.

24.-How to do more with less

Innovating in the real world

“Necessity is the mother of invention”

Frugal Innovation: Getting the most potential out of limited resources to generate real value for the user.

Resourcefulness: The capacity to resolve a problem effectively within the resources and limitations of the context.

Limited resources

Don’t limit us, it’s the lack of resourceful that limit us!. In innovation, “productive constraints” can allow us to:

  • Imagine improbable connections between objects, people and resources.
  • Try with what we have on hand.
  • Propose new hypothesis and ask “What if?”.
  • Move in a more agile way.
  • Be more tolerant. You can’t expect perfection because we are being resourceful.

“More with less”

Principles of Frugal Innovation

  • Required functionalities and performance with appropriate technology: We are going to do good enough solutions. Don’t add things the user doesn´t even need. Focus on what they need.
  • More with less resources (ingenuity>capital).
  • Reduced costs: If we reduce the cost so we make a solution that is more attainable for more people.
  • Inclusive and replicable for many people.
  • Focus on the user and the ecosystem: How is this going to impact the ecosystem? the environment? the society?.
  • We are looking for triple impact: social, economic, environmental.

Make your idea frugal and strategic, the idea is to increase value and reduce the resources that we are putting into that.

Increase value for: clients, shareholders/investor, society.

Reduce the resources like: energy, capital, nature, time, complexity.

Necessity is the mother of invention

I think the boy who harnessed the wind can be an example of frugal innovation. I haven’t really seen the movie but it has been highly recommended to me.

In México we have “Mexicanadas” for Frugal Innovation.

In crisis people become more created and innovative.

“jugaad”: “lo atamos con alambre” in Argentina

Jugaad me recuerda al gobierno de Guatemala 🙃

Innovación frugal: es sacar el maximo potencial de los recursos limitados para generar valor real para el usuario. Esto surgió de un concepto de la india, se llama ‘‘jugaad’’, que significa solución mejorada, improvisada, temporal utilizando limitados recursos.

When you unleash your 100% brain capacity:

Frugal and strategic.

  • More value, less resources.
  • More vale for: clients, shareholders, investors, and society.
  • Less resources as: energy, capital, nature, time, and complexity.
  • Sharing circular.

Principles of frugal innovation:

  1. Required functionalities and performance with appropriate technology.
  2. More with less resources: More ingenuity, less capital.
  3. Reduced costs.
  4. Inclusive and replicable for many people.
  5. Focus on user and ecosystem.
    **6. Triple impact: social, economic and environmental. **

Limited resources:
Don’t limit us, it’s the lack of resourceful that limit us.
In innovation, productive constraints can allow us to:

  • Imagine improbable connections between resources, objects or people.
  • Try with what we have on hand.
  • Propose new hypotheses and ask “What if?”
  • Move in a more agile way.
  • Be more tolerant.
  • Create simple but effective solutions.

Innovation in the real world.
How to do more with less:

  • “Necessity is the mother of invention” Plato
  • A crisis is a moment when people are more innovative.
  • A crisis push us to innovate.
    Frugal innovation: Getting the most potential out of limited resources to generate real value for the user.
    Jugaad: improvised or temporary solution, using limited resources.
    Resourcefulness: The capacity to resolve a problem effectively within the resources and limitations of the context.
    Frugal innovation = resourcefulness.

No hay subtítulos 😳

Limited Resources: All-time in the world (time, money, material).
Adapted the solution (People, Process, technology).