Amazing course and amazing teacher, i’ll take notes and put all the knowledge in practice for my personal growth, thanks Daphne
Getting into the world of innovation
Unleash your entrepreneurial skills
How to define my innovation challenge
Why does innovation matter?
What is and isn't innovation?
Can I innovate?
Listening to your user
Listening methods
The importance of empathy
How to go from info to insights
Creating valuable ideas
Can I be creative?
Finding inspiration
How to go from idea to concept
Considering the outside world
Who and what else is out there?
Thinking about the context
What have we learned so far?
Putting your ideas to the test
Why to prototype
What to prototype
How to prototype
Post Prototype
Going from idea to business
Business Model Canvas
How to capture value
Getting people on board
Change management
How to pitch
Innovating in the real world
How to do more with less
Tips for innovating thinking
Course summary
Ready, set, innovate!
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Aportes 19
Preguntas 1
Amazing course and amazing teacher, i’ll take notes and put all the knowledge in practice for my personal growth, thanks Daphne
Thanks, Teacher Daphne, I learned a lot. You changed my mind. I going to put in practice your valuable knowledge.
I strongly recommend this course to everyone 😄
Innovacion profesional
Generar valor para el usuario
Claro reto de innovación
Entender el problema y al usuario antes de saltar a la solución. (Sale información clave)
Transformar toda la información recopilada en insights o acciones
Crear ideas valiosas = Como ser definitivamente creativo.
Conseguir inspiración en un contexto analogo.
Lluvias de ideas, las ideas deben transformarse en conceptos, para priorizar en función de la viabilidad y lo impactante se ha valorado.
La Competencia siempre estará alli. Identicarla y analizarla. Aún como sustituto.
Hay que considerar el contexto general de la idea y cualquier tendencia que ayude o dificulte.
Poner las ideas a prueba. El prototipo poner la idea delante de los usuarios para que sea retroalimentante, parte clave del concepto.
Pasar de la idea al negocio. (modelo canvas)
La innovación se trata de crear y luego capturar valor.
La resistencia al cambio es humana y hay que manejarla.
Un lanzamiento solido es una forma de conseguir que la gente se suba a bordo e incluye hablar sobre el problema, la solución, el equipo y una llamada a la acción para vender la idea. (Convencer y persuadir)
Innovación en el mundo real (frugal) reta a hacer más con menos (Hay que ser ingenioso)
Para la innovación hay que romper rutinas y hábitos para hacer nuevas conexiones.
Amazing teacher.
Seeing such excellent and experienced teachers sometimes makes me wonder if I made the best decision and if I was in time to achieve my goals in this career.
thanks Daphne.
I would love more English courses. So we may have both English and Spanish faces, and we may get better in one or the other. What do you think?.
Besides Spanish, I thought it would be a basic course for the title but it completely exceeded my expectations! Thank you Daphne!
Thank you very much Teacher Dahpne! Very helpful and practical. I’m actually trying to apply it to my goals.
Gold course!! I really learn a lot from this course, all skill definitely are here and most important things to consider always. Thank you so much Daphne. With you I learned about entrepreneur skills and I improve my listening english so…Amazing teacher.
Thanks Daphe! this is course es great and the information is valuable.
This is information in new for me but I will do it in practice
Great course, I really enjoyed! Thanks Daphne for your clarity about the topics!
Course summary:
#1 Getting into the world of innovation:
thank you
Congratulations Teacher 😉
great course
The best course for me so far in Platzi. Thank You. 😉
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