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What is and isn't innovation?


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What is innovation?

Solutions that generate real value for the users.
Motives to innovate

  • By panic
  • By purpose


And… There are three levels of innovation:

  • Incremental
  • Evolutive
  • Disruptive


Solutions that generate real value for the user.

  • Motives to innovate

    • By panic -----> To survive.
    • By purpose -----> To envolve.
  • Levels of innovation

    • Graph. Effort VS Impact:
      • Incremental.
      • Evolutive.
      • Disruptive.
  • Types of innovation

    • Configuration.
    • Offering.
    • Experience.

Con el curso de desigh thinking pueden complementar mucho esto de innovacion centrada en el usuario 😊

95% of Innovation is Incremental. The point is to add value

Innovación: soluciones que generan un valor real para sus usuarios
Motivaciones para innovar

  1. Por pánico: para sobrevivir
  2. Por propósito: para evolucionar y construir una razón para innovar.
    Niveles de Innovación
  • Nivel de esfuerzo vs Impacto:
  • Incremental: pequeñas mejoras a nuestro producto, servicio u oferta
  • Evolutiva: hacer algo más avanzado o eficiente
  • Disruptiva: algo completamente nuevo

Tipos de Innovación | Larry KeeLey, yo lo conozco como Esquema Doblin

Los niveles de innovación se encuentran entre el esfuerzo y el impacto.

Motives to innovate: (Why do we innovate):

  • By panic: To survive.
  • By purpose: To evolve.

Levels of innovation:

  • Incremental: New flavor, color or size of the product. Small innovation
  • Evolutive: More efficient, more sustainable.
  • Disruptive: Sounds more exiting but be careful about that because nearly 90% of innovation is incremental.

Remember: Your user only cares that you are adding value to them.

Types of innovation:

  • Your profit model: Ex. Netflix subscription model
  • Network: Ex. HM partnering with a big designer for an specific collection
  • Structure: Organizing the company internally in a specific way
  • Process: Ex. Zara doing things in a specific way to get things quickly in the stores.
  • Product System:
  • Product performance:
  • Service: Going above and beyond for the clients
  • Channel: Ex. Amazon delivering with drones
  • Brand: Ex. Virgin going in different industries but creating a memorable brand in all of them
  • Customer engagement.

Virign is an amazing example !

It doesn’t matter the reason the important fact is that if you want to survive you need to innovate always

Este video es increíblemente valioso!

Types of innovation:
#1. Configuration.

  • Profit model
  • Network
  • Process
    #2. Offering
  • Product performance
  • Product System
    #3. Experience
  • Service
  • Channel
  • Brand
  • Customer engagement

Define your relationship with innovation:
My relationship with innovation is integral and fundamental to my business. It drives my vision, fuels my creativity, and shapes my solutions. I am constantly seeking new ideas, embracing emerging technologies, and pushing the boundaries to deliver cutting-edge products and services. Innovation is the driving force behind my growth, success, and ability to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

What context you want innovate
In my case, I want to innovate within the context of IoT, ERP, industrial PDAs, asset management, and mobile applications. My project, ENGONUS, aims to bring innovative solutions that leverage these technologies to optimize business processes, enhance connectivity, and streamline asset management operations. For this i have created the software of ERP and APP adapted to Industrial PDA. I would like to make a compelte system based on connectivity of IOT gadgets with an ERP system easy and plug and play solution for user.

wath is innovation?

  • innovation is a real solution that generate a real value to a user.

motives to innovate

  • if you don’t innnovate, your company could disappear

  • to evolve; buld a reason to be that serves as a guide to innovate

leves of innovation

  • incremental: add small changes.

  • evolutive: adds greater efficiency.

  • disruptive: chance of paradigm and trend.

Love the 10 types of innovation

Levels of innovation:

  1. Incremental.
  2. Evolutive.
  3. Disruptive.
    The incremental innovation, could be small but it is important and valuable on things that we already have.

La necesidad urgente es la madre de la innovación.

Los 10 tipos de innovación presentados son:

Tipo de innovación Descripción

  1. Modelo de beneficio Como se gana dinero
  2. Red de contactos Conexiones con otros para crear valor.
  3. Estructura Alineación de su talento y activos.
  4. Procesos Firma de métodos superiores para hacer tu trabajo
  5. Rendimiento del producto Características y funcionalidades distintivas
  6. Sistema de producto Productos y servicios complementarios.
  7. Servicio Soporte y mejoras que rodean sus ofertas
  8. Canal Cómo se entregan sus ofertas a clientes y usuarios
  9. Marca Representación de sus ofertas y negocios.
  10. Compromiso con el cliente 	Interacciones distintivas que fomentas

Types of Innovation - Examples

  • Profit Model: Netflix, being a subscription model.
  • Network: H&M, partner with a big designer for a specific collection.
  • Structure: Zappos, organizes themselves internally in specific way to give excellent custom service.
  • Process: Zara learns how to do really fast fashion to get you things really quickly into their stores.


  • Product Performance: Mac.
  • Product System: Nike.


  • Service: _Ritz Hotel is known for their amazing service.
  • Channel: Amazon and the way they are thinking about delivery with drones.
  • Brand: Virgin, how they have gone into so many different industries, but they are emblematic about their brand represents.
  • Customer Engagement: Starbucks, their loyalty program.

¿Qué es la innovación?
la innovación es una solución real que genera un valor real para el usuario.
motivos para innovar
si no innovas, tu empresa podría desaparecer
evolucionar; construir una razón de ser que sirva de guía para innovar
niveles de innovación
incremental: agregue pequeños cambios.
evolutivo: agrega mayor eficiencia.
disruptivo: posibilidad de paradigma y tendencia.

OK 🆗
Información de Inovaccion
Inovaccion!! 👍
En muchas ocasiones una innovación generada por pánico deriva en una motivación por propósito, ya que superada la crisis la experiencia adquirida enseña que la innovación permite pever situaciones de crisis y abordarlas de manera efectiva contribuyendo o mantener la relevancia y productividad de la empresa

Innovación es crear, hacer algo diferente, romper lo cotidiano y hacerlo de diferente manera.

  • Innovation by panic: to survive, if you don’t innovate, your company could die.
  • Innovation by purpose: To evolve, build a reason to be that serves as a guide to innovate.

What is and isn’t innovation?

  • Innovation are solutions that generate real value for the users.

Innovations are solutions that generate real value for the user.
Adding value

Solutions that generate real value for the user.

Para mi innovación con lo que ya tienes y con lo que ya conoces, encontrar otra manera de hacerlo o en contra una nueva aplicación

Motives to innovate

  • By panic: If you don’t innovate your company could disappear
  • By purpose: To evolve; build a reason to be that serves as a guide to innovate

Levels of innovation

  • Incremental Innovation
    We are making small incremental improvements on our product or service offering (New logo, new size, new color, etc)

  • Evolutive Innovation
    Looking for more efficiencies or more sustainability

  • Disruptive Innovation
    Something unique. This can be achieved with well use of technology
    Iphone, Google, Tesla, SpaceX, Paypal

The 90 or 95 percent of Innovations are Incremental
Only about 2% of innovations ends up really being Disruptive

3.-What is and isn’t innovation?

Solutions that generate real value for the user. It doesn´t matter if it has sophisticated technology or not.
Motives to innovate

  • By panic: To survive; if you don´t innovate, your company cool disappear.
  • By purpose: To evolve; build a reason to be that serves as guide to innovate.

Levels of innovation

  • Incremental: Small incremental improvements on our product or service. This one is the most common.
  • Evolutive: Make te product or service more efficient or more sustainable.
  • Disruptive.

At the end of the day it doesn´t matter what motives or levels of innovation you choose, the user only cares about the value that you are adding for them.

Types of innovation

Most people think of innovation as a new product offering, but there can be several types of innovation. As shown in the image.

If its adding value to someone, then is innovation ❤️

The problem I see in this particular way of thinking is that VALUE as a concept is not discussed and taken as granted. And this taken-for-granted way of thinking is usually associated with profit in the narrow capitalistic way of thinking. The idea of value or what is valuable in an individual and a community is more subtle than simply to generate profit to shareholders, and manage externalities to everyone else.

Hopefully this is being questioned and solutions are being proposed (I guess this is, at the end, what innovation is all about).


What is?

  • Solutions that generate real value to the user
    -I.E. making things easier, fixing problems in easy way

What isn’t?

Motives to innovate

  • By panic= if you don’t you disappear
  • By purpose= To evolve

Levels of Innovation

  • Incremental improvements to products
    -Evolutive= making more efficient or sustainable
  • Disruptive= completely different change from the status quo

Types of innovation=

Configuration= profit model, network, structure, process
Offering= Product Performance, Product System
Experience= Service, Channel, Brand, Customer Engagement.

Innovation is focused in adding value and fixing problems in a simple way instead fancy technology.