How to define my innovation challenge


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Aportes 138

Preguntas 17

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Before writing my challenge I want to said that reading all of the challenges of the Platzier’s studying at this course is inspiring.

My personal Challenge: How can someone create or reinforce new habits or skills with the support of a community in different contexts such as personal development, healthy lifestyle, positive thinking, etc".

How to get economic benefits from the conservation and restoration of ecosystems? How to integrate new technologies to this work?

My challenge could be: How to improve the comunications in relationships with others. I visualize a app or web page that can teach you skills to comunicate correctly in gamefication mode.

**My innovation challenge: **
Develop a system to encourage people to vote in the next federal election in México in 2024.

My challenge would be: How to increase women´s access to the IT sector?

5.-How to define my innovation challenge

Instead of asking “What´s your problem?” we talk about our innovation challenge.

If you skip the challenge definition you could end up solving the wrong problem.

Challenge definition

  • How might we?
    • Think about the context of our challenge.
    • Talk about the problem/opportunity.
    • Focus on the target user.
    • Impact we wanna have on this user.
    • Open vs closed. Not broad, but not so specific that you give the solution.
    • Productive constraints: limitations to take into account of the context or user.

“If you already have the answer don’t bother answering the question”.

REMEMBER that you can innovate in ANYTHING!

How can we help local businesses to be the first market option in their cities, thru technology

Challenge: How to find job opportunities for woman that just finished their sentence in jail for any kind of felony charges? (In US it is really complicated for people in general to find a job having any kind of criminal background but it is worst, I’d say almost impossible for them to get a job with a felony charge.

Innovation occurs when we face a problem and we don’t know how to tackle it

How might we…?

Yo quiero innovar en el Agro, así que mi gran desafío e romper las barreras que vulneran la seguridad alimentaria a través de la conexión directa entre el pequeño o mediano agricultor (Asociado) con su comprador.

Innovation transforms problems into opportunities

** What is the Innovation Challenge ?**

What problem are you trying to solve?


  • Context
  • Problem/Opportunity
  • Target user
  • Impact
  • Open VS Closed
  • Productive Constraints

In my case, mi work is my innovation challenge, why? because I’m make that in my University our researches and teams researches would be creatives and we could create a product, process or differente innovations that scale the impact of the research.

Please, I need your feedback! tks

My innovation challenge is how to increase awareness and use of ecofriendly products by citizens

Desafio de innovación:
¿Cómo podriamos?

Problema/ oportunidad
Usuario Objetivo
Desafio abierto Vs. Cerrado.
Limitaciones productivas

Innovacion debil o fuerte

My challenge would be: How to improve billing registration for people who don’t have computer skills?

Buenas tardes me gastaría innovar mi forma de interacción con los niños de 2 a 3 años de una forma mas lúdica y divertida.

Mi reto de innovación es:
Cómo podríamos implementar y establecer huertas comunitarias agroecológicas que complementen la dieta alimentaria en los barrios con población vulnerable.


  • Productos
  • Servicios
  • Clientes
  • Medio Ambiente
  • Comunicación
  • Herramientas
  • Procesos
  • Personas
  • Y más…

Mi reto es: ¿Cómo puedo transformarme a mí mismo para crear una fuente de ingreso propio que me permita aportar valor al mundo y vivir la vida que yo quiero?

My challange How can I tranfer money to others countries and do payments with a less commision.

How might we could increase the feeling of satisfaction, generate positive reactions and a strong and lasting connection between the small and medium business with its users.

How i can find job for people without oportunities?

Mi reto de innovación es poder crear un club de lectura que impulse la Generación de Conocimiento

Desafio de innovación:
Como podriamos hacer que nuestros servicios de consultoria/asesoria sean conocidos y deseados por los prestadores de salud en la región caribe de Colombia

My challenge: How can the households adopt new clean-technology for their water-energy related needs? (And in the path how we can diminish the environmental impact of the households without sacrifying the human comfort)

My innovation challenge: How can I develop intuitive and friendly medical devices for people that are unrelated with technology usage in their home?

How can we make society feel more aware and connected to their surroundings through technology?

Mi reto en el deporte es: Cómo podría hacer para romper las barreras del deporte formativo y el profesional mediante la conexión entre los especialistas de las diferentes disciplinas que integran el cuerpo técnico profesional y el entrenador de futbol de formación?
Entendiendo que la mayoría de los entrenadores solo se limita a saber de aspectos técnicos y tácticos del futbol.

How might I increase the participation of young women in technology?

**My personal challenge:**Create an specific place for people around 18-30 years old to eat high quality/good prices dishes

How might we reduce the risk of spine injuries due bad postures of office workers?

My challenge is how can i design a system to help people in their personals routines.

Mi relación con la innovación siempre ha sido muy cercana, incluso antes de entrar en el tema del emprendimiento o los negocios. En la vida cotidiana hay muchas formas de innovar e intentar cosas nuevas, desde la forma en que haces nuevos amigos, tu manera de conversar, tu actitud, tus hobbies. Siempre podemos ver la manera en que funcionan las cosas de forma habitual y decidir hacer algo distinto que funcione mejor pero que nadie se ha atrevido a hacer Mi relación con innovación en tres palabras es Pensamiento Interaccion Identidad

I am a Spanish as a foreign language teacher and a traveler. I have noticed that most of the travelers in Latin America aren’t able to speak Spanish and struggle a lot to communicate. So my challenge is :
How might I improve the skills of people to understand and speak Spanish for travel purposes in Latin America?

Como podemos hacer para que la gente que trabaja desde la casa ( homework) gestione mejor los tiempos con sus actividades extra laborales, sin que a èstas deje de hacerlas.

Here is my challenge: Bring an accessible solution that provides valuable knowledge & skills development to people that are being limited by their financial situation. Feedback is appreciated.

How do we make mental health a top priority and easy to solve especially in students?

In my country, many agricultural products are lost in remote regions of the capital cities because the farmers do not have a way to get his products to large markets for commercialization. My challenge is to achieve alliances so that these products can be marketed and thus improve the quality of life of farmers and the loss of food products.

my personal challenger is how to give at custommer one better experience and one excellent product for that live something that help to improve his live

My personal challenge is to innovate in early childhood parenting processes, guiding parents to manage their emotions to obtain respectful parenting with the help of new technologies

How more women from 40 to 65+ years can start or improve their vegetables gardens in their home…

Our challenge is to create a travel companion that makes your journey more enjoyable.

My challenge is: How to increase tech education for non urban areas habitants?

My challenge is in my work. Developing training processes for the sales force, in which a positive impact is generated in terms of knowledge and soft skills to generate greater motivation and better results in effectiveness and achievement of goals.

cómo podría facilitar la creacion de cultura de innovacion en organizaciones tradicionales y con gran cantidad de empleados?

My challenge: How can we encourage young people to keep studying/preparing?

My innovations challenge: how can I take care to the caregiver of dementia relatives? They don’t have compensation or salary and it’s a 24/7 hard work.

How to improve the connection beteween smalls companies and professionals in world turism ?

Innovación = Transformar problemas en oportunidades.

La pregunta de ¿Como podriamos? abre la mente a la posibilidad y de ella pueden surgir muchas cosas nuevas

How might we inspire young and middle-aged, middle class, hispanic American adult learners who have an intermediate level of English to value our 4-month EFL (English as a Foreign Language) program as much as a learn-abroad experience and become aware of the importance to engage with their learning process in a more autonomous way?

My innovation challenge: How might we help to SMEs to provide better selling experiences to consumers and differentiate them from the competition?

Mi desafío sería; como podría aportar en conservación del medio ambiente mi empresa, dedicada a la movilidad urbana y comercialización de productos.

I want to share with the platzier’s my personal challenge:
How can I create an aditional money income without leaving my actual job

I wan to Increase small business financial control in latam for their own grow

To start, I could say my challenge is:
¿How might primary care patients and doctors benefit from an effective, efficient, quick, low-cost, and sustainable healthcare delivery system without compromising its quality?

Present an innovative and attractive touristic project for land owners in Gigante (Huila, Colombia).

Innovation challenge:
How can give microfinancing solutions to poor people without credit history in developing countries?

My challenge is: How to improve the way of the immigrants make theirs projects to built theirs houses in Mexico while they are in the USA without having the opportunity to go to Mexico.

My personal challenge:
Change the malinchista culture of my country.

My challenge is about management of my time, I am Study 8 hours a day and I implement technicks for time management like pomodoro, task my priorities, etc.

My idea is about a digital platform for connect musicians with they public in different ways. How?, well with videos and blogs that musicians can upload it in the platform, and also get them better ways to advertise they new events and also sell they products in the platform.

Challenge Definition | How might we?

  • Contexto
  • Problema/Oportunidad
  • Público objetivo
  • Impacto
  • Desafío abierto
  • Limitaciones productivas

My personal chalenge: How can we teach our clientes to use (effectively) our online platform?
(Context: online platform dificult to use)

My innovation challenge is:
It is like helping the manufacturing industry and giving value to its manufacturers since we live in a country where people perceive the local product of inferior quality compared to that imported from first world countries, also helping that community of artisans, producers, and anyone who has a living to make products such as (clothing, footwear, leather goods, art, jewelry and much more

Se innova en:

Medio ambiente

My innovation challenge:

How to develop a dating app that can be an effective way to get couple for men?

Improve Industry operations response time

My innovation challenge:
It is to improve communication between the developers with whom I currently collaborate, so that everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions in front of others in order to have a better performance

My challenge is: How can I create and foment the gamedev industrie in latam? How can I connect and give the tools to the peopple that doesn’t have it?

my innovation challenge is: How could I bring the newest methodologies, software and online project´s tools, in civil / structural design. Offering to customers, faster reaction, high quality assurance and easy communicate of project progress and document availability.

In my case: How can i match machine learning with marketing skills for an automatization process in social media.

Innovate challengue: decrese the time of cooking for family, increasing the quality in diversity and healty of their feedings.

what do you think? I'll read.

how might we foster the intrapeneurshipping at my anime business in the next three months?
When I have an innovation challenge: * **I have a target user** * **I have potential solutions** **You can innovate in ANYTHING!** * Products * Services * Clients * Environment * Communication * Tools * Processes * People How to define? * Context * Problem / Opportunity * Target user * impact * Open vs closed * Productive Constraints
👍 Inovaccion
How might we **improve the processes for collecting recyclable waste** ?
innovación,, aprender como innovar llevar aun producto, engrandecer la marca o negocio !!!
My innovation challenge: How can I help some companies to develop a "real and rentable social model" when they (maybe) are only looking for profits?
My challenge is to help create a way to earn income from Tricking and help grow the Tricking community in Mexico

Innovation challenge:

  • How to give a second chance to people considered wasted by the community?
  • How to help fighting against hunger in my neighborhood / city / country?

MI reto de innovacion es como crear empresa desde mi profesion que es ingenieria de sistemas


My greatest challenge in my project is overcoming the difficulty of integrating all the interdisciplinary fields and technologies required for a complete IoT asset management system connected to an ERP system, in a fully automated manner, and ensuring a plug-and-play experience for the user. Considering that the technologies I have access to are generic, I need to customize them to meet the specific objectives of my product and ensure it has sufficient quality to meet the commercial requirements of IoT, rather than just being a prototype, making its commercialization feasible.

Challenge: How to improve the public transportation system and the mobility of citizens in the city.

Buenos días! aún no se en qué emprender o innovar. O cómo plantearlo.

My personal Challenge: How to make products that turn the user into a participative actor of fixing and repearing the environment

My innovation challenge right now is:
“How might we create a process that walk through all the needs of people that want to buy a new residential propertie in Bogotá, Colombia”

You can innovate in anything:

  • Products
  • Services
  • Clients
  • Environment
  • Communication
  • Tools
  • Processes
  • People

If you have a solution, maybe it is not an innovation challenge.
An innovation challenge is when you don’t know how to solve the opportunity/problem and you don’t have answers.
If you don’t know how to solve the problem, but the question or the challenge get you excited about generate a lot of ideas or proposals, that is a strong innovation challenge.

A stronger innovation challenge should have the impact, the target, and the productive constraints.

Challenge definition: How might we?

  • Context
  • Problem/opportunity
  • Target user
  • Impact
  • Open vs. closed
  • Productive constraints

How to define your innovation challenge:

  • When we talk about innovation, we are always talking about transforming problems into opportunities.
  • Instead ask: What is your problem? We ask about What is your innovation challenge?
  • If you skip the challenge definition, you could end up solving the wrong problem.
  • Challenge definition: How might we?

Innovation challenge:
Assist companies in the travel industry to make it part of their culture to decrease their impact on the enviroment.

I want to innovate myselft achieving my personal goals bieng productive, resolutive, creative and giving people correct solutions

my challenge: i want to innovate my proyects, i want to upgrade the attractiveness visual

I want to reduce manufacturing time