Listening Methods
What do you nee to learn about?
- Behaviours: What people do
- Values: What is important to people
- Needs: Requirements or goals they want to reach
- Barriers: Pain points
- Catalysts: Events or condicions that cause people to act
- Contexts: External conditions that influence people’s behavior
3 Ways to do this
Inmersion: Putting yourself into the context of your user
Digital Ethography: Documentation of the situation of the user
Ethnographic interviews: Deep unterstanding your user by interviewing
- Establish an open, friendly, trusting tone
- Use open questions
- Listen actively and explore
- Note everything of interest
My challenge:
I think my method would be Digital Ethographic by social media, and inmersion.
¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?