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Listening methods


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Aportes 58

Preguntas 1

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Listening Methods

What do you nee to learn about?

  • Behaviours: What people do
  • Values: What is important to people
  • Needs: Requirements or goals they want to reach
  • Barriers: Pain points
  • Catalysts: Events or condicions that cause people to act
  • Contexts: External conditions that influence people’s behavior

3 Ways to do this

  1. Inmersion: Putting yourself into the context of your user

  2. Digital Ethography: Documentation of the situation of the user

  3. Ethnographic interviews: Deep unterstanding your user by interviewing


    • Establish an open, friendly, trusting tone
    • Use open questions
    • Listen actively and explore
    • Note everything of interest

My challenge:
I think my method would be Digital Ethographic by social media, and inmersion.

a survey might be the comun idea. but i think the videocall sessions with my users can help more. And i can aply this methods of conversation to listen them.

In my challenge I would initially use digital ethnography to analyze the behaviors of parents with children and additionally I would use the ethnographic interview method to understand from their points of view the reason for the behaviors.

video calls to be closer to my customers, so they feel that I really working to impove the service I’m giving them

Consejos para llevar a cabo una Entrevista etnográfica:

  • Mantenerse abierto, amigable, con un tono seguro.

  • Realizar preguntas abiertas.

  • Escucha activamente y explora.

  • Anota todo lo interesante.

7.-Listening methods

There are lot of types of “information” about your users.

What do you need to learn about?

  • Behaviors: What people do (specific activities).
  • Values: What is important to people, their priorities, decision criteria.
  • Needs: Requirements or goals they want to reach.
  • Barriers: Pain points, things that get in the way of their goals.
  • Catalysts: Events or conditions that cause people to act.
  • Contexts: External conditions that influence people’s behavior.

“Go beyond stats and basic info!”
Listening methods

  • Immersion: Put yourself into the context of your user. Live the experience directly like your user would.
  • Digital ethnography: This is useful when you can’t be there face to face with your user, you can ask them to give you evidence of their experience.
  • Ethnographic interviews: A really deep understanding of our users or potential costumers and why they behave the way they behave. Talk to a variety of users and people. They are powerful tools because you go to a really deep conversation with the user and get information that you might not get in any other way. Here are a few tips:
    • Establish an open, friendly, trusting tone.
    • Use open questions.
    • Listen actively and explore (give yourself the chance to explore the answers of the user, don’t go 100% with the guide cause you can loose rich information).
    • Note everything of interest. It might help having someone else taking notes as we interview the user, this way they take notes and also have input on the conversation if they catch a point that we missed. You can also record it and take notes later if you are by yourself.
    • Interesting info is not just what they say, it can also be their gestures, tone or body language. Take notes of these too.

And there a lot more.

one listening method I’d like to implementt and apply to know my clients’s requeriments would be Inmersion in real situations hos is their experience with our services

In our challenge we use:
● Immersion
● Digital ethnography
● Ethnographic interviews

We implemented them because the main user currently does not have all the attention he requires and we are investigating what he feels, what he thinks, how he sees things, what he expects, what he is looking for and the frustrations he feels about the whole process he has to go through to be able to do what he needs to do.

My challenge is:
Understand the catalysts that make the user take the decision to change their actual home.

and the way i can learn the most from users is thru ethnographic interviews.

My method is going to be immersion and digital ethography in order to know a little bit more about the conditions of each of my users and be able to document what the users need in the first place.

Es demasiado interesante la herramienta de la entrevista uno a uno y saber y conocer mas sobre las necesidades y como se sienten los clientes. Así uno puede mejorar la experiencia del cliente sobre lo que uno ofrece.

Siento que dependiendo del área de innovación donde me vaya a desarrollar, es necesaria la aplicación de las 3 métodos mencionados en esta clase.
Puedo tomar por ejemplo, estudiar la experiencia de una persona en realidad virtual.
Usando los métodos empleados puedo obtener de cada uno de ellos puntos esenciales para continuar con mi emprendimiento:

  • Inmersión: Dejando que la persona se desenvuelva en el entorno, sienta la experiencia de entrar en esta realidad.
  • Etnogra. digital: Tomando notas, momentos destacables, fotos, mientras se encuentra en el entorno.
  • Entrevista: Logrando que la persona exprese ante otra, su posición, opinión, comodidad, indiferencias, etc.

The best method is to interview with open questions, how I give the users the opportunity to listen to them, understand their needs and prove the importance to their opinion for me

I would use the inmersion in first place to understand the costumer needs and etnographic interviews to grasp specific aspects of their needs and life.

For my challenge I could use the method of Ethnographic interviews, setting up meetings with prospects to learn about their ailments and have a broader panorama of the problem I want to solve.

  1. What are we trying to learn about?
  • Behaviors: What people do.
  • Values: What is important to people, their priorities, decision criteria.
  • Needs: Requirements or goals they want to rearch.
  • Barriers: Pain points, things that get in the way of their goals.
  • Catalysts: Events or conditions that cause people to act a certain way.
  • Context: External conditions that influence how they behave.

Immersion: Live the experience directly like the user does.

Digital ethnography: Ways to get as close as you can to immerse in the situation of your user when you cannot be there, by getting digital evidence.

Etnographic interviews: Deep understanding of your user. Talk to a variety of people, different types of potential users to get a nice perspective.

Tips for etnographic interviews:

  • Establish an open, friendly and trusting tone with your user.
  • Use open questions.
  • Listen actively and explore
  • Note everything of interest. Have a backup person taking notes, if not, focus on doing the interview and record it.
the digital ethnography method, looking for a way for the client to give me information through this method,

My method is to interview and observe how the user behavior is, like their bodily acts when they talk and record the interview and take note afterwards

Listening methods:

  • Behaviours: What people do.
  • Values: What is important to people.
  • Needs: Requirements or goals they want to reach.
  • Barriers: Pain points
  • Catalyst: Events or conditions that cause people to act.
  • Context: External conditions that influence people’s behavior.

Listening methods:

  1. Immersion
  2. Digital ethnography
  3. Ethnographic interviews

A course by platzi on these three ways of doing research is thick data

Ethnographic interviews:

  • It is a really deep understanding of the variety ot users or potential customers and why they behave the way they behave, what they think and believe.
    Tips for ethnographic interviews:
  • Establish an open, friendly, trusting tone.
  • Use open questions.
  • Listen actively and explore.
  • Note everything of interest.
  • I believe I can use immersion by experiencing first-hand the user experience when using public transportation.
  • I can also use ethnographic interviews by talking to a wide variety of users while using public transportation.

Para mi reto considero que puedo utilizar los tres métodos, puedo utilizar la inmersión en espacios deportivos, la etnografía digital para documentarme acerca del contexto de una forma más amplia y las entrevistas para extraer la mayor información y más detallada posible del usuario meta.

I think, interview with open questions, should work for my potential user or client. He/She is a relative’s care givers young, old, w/o education, man/woman.

To collect information about the problem to be solved, I propose a new method, which is to write a diary that records the emotions, thoughts and behaviors associated with the innovation challenge of how to increase my confidence and perseverance to execute my projects successfully. It can be considered a method very similar to immersion. With the information extracted I can design new behaviors and responses.

My methods to listen my user are inmersion and etnography interviews.

I have used sometimes dating apps and in my opinion, there are a lot of things that are need to be improved. Those apps are an enormous waste of time if our target is get a couple.

Etnography interviews can be done by asking to single men. Ask them things such like “Do you use dating apps?”, “What do and don’t you like of these dating apps?”…

Quizá un método de escucha podría ser una caminata planificada, con el objetivo de generar confianza con el usuario, sin embargo entiendo que para eso se debe contar con el espacio físico para esta actividad.

El lenguaje corporal también tomarlo en cuenta.

Body language also take it into account.

I think that my challenge may be inmersion 😃

Ethnographic interviews: Deep understanding of your user by interviewing, I could implement by a question form or regarding about the experience

I think that in first place I will use immersion method in order to understand the context of user and get the main insights. And then I will use ethnographic interviews to contrast my information obtained in the immersion method.

Metodos de escuha a aplicar en mi reto de innovación:
ENTREVISTA ETNOGRÁFICA. Dada la interacción con mis clientes y proveedores; programar momentos y/o pequeñas entrevistas en los momentos de contacto, en las que pueda recibir opiniones, aportes a lo desarrollado o a los planteos de estrategias a implementar. De esa manera sabre de mis usuarios lo necesario para mi plan de innovación.

i will make Digital Ethography and interviews : to detect they pain points and understand their WHY

Aunque considero que los tres métodos son interesantes, es necesario que dependiendo en que se vaya a innovar puede darse dos tipos de usuarios, el que adquiere un producto o servicio para sí mismo y el que lo adquiere para otro. Esto hace que se atienda a intereses distintos. Por ejemplo una persona puede estar buscando una institución educativa para una persona que depende economicamente de él. Por tanto no solo deben conocerse a la persona que va a pagar el servicio sino también quien se va a beneficiar del mismo.

Yo podria utilizar la entrevista etnografica y la inmersion

Entre los métodos de escucha que usaría sería:
Entrevistas etnográficas

En mi desafio de innovación utilizaré dos metodos:
a) Inmersión
b) entrevista etnogrfica

My product is an ERP that integrates an IoT system for SMEs. Since I use two technologies, ERP and IoT, I have approached these two technologies separately as there is not much information on ERPs with integrated IoT as a “plug and play” solution. Once this was done, I consolidated the data to identify barriers that arise from my product by looking for patterns and similarities. I used the Ethnographic method by reaching out to contacts in my LinkedIn network and conducting research studies. Here are the conclusions:

**Resistance to change and lack of awareness: **
SMEs may face resistance from employees who are anchored in the past and have limited understanding of the project’s importance. This can hinder collaboration and delay implementation.

**Cost considerations: **
The cost of implementing an ERP and IoT solution may pose a financial challenge for SMEs, particularly startups. Finding affordable options and demonstrating long-term ROI is crucial.

**Security concerns: **
Protecting sensitive data and ensuring privacy becomes a top priority when integrating IoT devices with an ERP system. Robust security measures should be in place to address these concerns.

Integration complexity:
Integrating IoT devices with existing technology infrastructure can be challenging. SMEs may struggle with the technical aspects of connecting various devices and ensuring seamless operation.

**Limited resources and expertise: **
SMEs often have limited resources and expertise to successfully implement and manage an integrated ERP and IoT system. This can affect their ability to fully leverage the potential benefits of the solution.

**User training and support: **
Providing adequate training and ongoing support for employees is essential. SMEs may require assistance in understanding and utilizing the features and functionalities of the ERP and IoT system effectively.

Customization and scalability:
Offering customizable solutions that can adapt to the specific needs and growth trajectory of SMEs is vital. The system should be scalable to accommodate future expansion and changing requirements.

**Bridging the digital divide: **
SMEs may face challenges related to the digital divide, including disparities in digital literacy and access to technology. Solutions should be user-friendly and cater to users with varying levels of technological proficiency.

The importance of active listening


Creo que en una entrevista online tambien podrias recabar mucha información importante.

Preguntas abiertas mejor para la entrevista.

Métodos de escucha
¿Qué necesitas aprender?
Comportamientos: lo que hace la gente
Valores: lo que es importante para las personas
Necesidades: requisitos u objetivos que quieren alcanzar.
Barreras: puntos de dolor
Catalizadores: eventos o condiciones que hacen que las personas actúen
Contextos: condiciones externas que influyen en el comportamiento de las personas.
3 formas de hacer esto
Inmersión: ponerse en el contexto de su usuario
Etografía digital: documentación de la situación del usuario
Entrevistas etnográficas: comprensión profunda de su usuario mediante entrevistas
Establezca un tono abierto, amistoso y de confianza.
Utilice preguntas abiertas
Escuche activamente y explore
Anota todo lo que te interese.

I’ll definitely choose the Ethnographic interview, I think this is the one who fits my challenge the most, this way I could understand what people think, need and want the most. Of course, I could apply the other 2 in a way that fits my challenge, but the interview would give me a lot more context.

Listening by feeling, very useful

One way to listen to my users would be to be just another user, since I am actually just another user, so I am experiencing the problem right now. Besides me, there are more people to whom I could do a survey with open questions to be able to see that problem that they are perceiving in their day to day.

Here is my note! I hope it can help you! 😃

I’m actually running one survey about my topic so I guess I can mix it with the digital ethnography method.

I would definitely go for the ethnographic interview, I will be interviewing users that are consistently buying, users that have stopped buying and users that have never placed an order.

In my case, my listening method would be a form cause it’s a videogame developer

I’d to have an interview with my potencial clients or costumer, Even when I didnt realize that i was doing, I liked to hace deeps conversations with the people and they became angry for example and i was wondering why, and some questions about it. Lets put attention on their reactions and the body language it could provides great opportunity to get valuable information.

What do U guys think about this method?

Shared Experience:

Put myself in the skin of the user being by their side.

Qualitative — Quantitative
Depth ||| Breadth

  • [Interview - Focus group - 0bservation - Survey - Database] +

You need to learn about

  • Behaviors: What people do? Specific activities.
  • Values: What is important to people? Priorities. Decision criteria.
  • Needs: Requeriments or goals
  • Barriers: Pain ponts
  • Catalysts: Events or conditions that cause people to act
  • Contexts: External conditions that influence people’s behavior

Listening methods

  • Inmersion: Putting yourself into the context of your user

  • Digital Ethography: Documentation of the situation of the user

  • Ethnographic interviews: Deep unterstanding your user by interviewing

I’d like to schedule a Meet meeting using Jam, Mural, Menti, or any other platform to do a more interactive interview. But especially, I like to pay attention to the facial language of the interviewee on camera, since tools like polls are easy to fake.

Listen to understand:

  • Behaviours
  • Values
  • Needs
  • Barriers
  • Catalysts
  • Context
Todos estos métodos están relacionados a hacer un User Research, verdad?