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How to go from info to insights


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How to go from info to insights

What is your end goal with listening to your users?

  • Go from information to INSIGHTS that helps us better understand our innovation challenge.

Insigth: Is a new and deep understanding about the user that inspires action and unlocks a business opportunity


Insights should not just be true

They must be

  • Authentic
  • Useful
  • Unobvious
  • Revealing

Besides the wonderful teacher, I am really enjoying the examples provided in the course. Thank you Daphne!

Eureka!!! <- Arquimides’ Insight moment

Cómo pasar de la información a la visión
¿Cuál es su objetivo final al escuchar a sus usuarios?
Pase de la información a visión que nos ayuden a comprender mejor nuestro desafío de innovación.
La visión: es un conocimiento nuevo y profundo sobre el usuario que inspira a la acción y abre una oportunidad comercial.
Las percepciones no solo deben ser verdaderas

Deben ser:
• Auténticas
• Útiles
• No evidentes
• Reveladoras

Insight: Mexican patients feel tired and distrustful of waiting more than 30 minutes for their medical appointments as well as of receiving a 15-minute long consultation after waiting so.


A new an deep understanding about the user that inspires action and unlocks a business opportunity.

Observation + Understanding = INSIGHT

Notice something + Why is this important? = Actionable learning

Insights should be:

  • Authentic
  • Useful
  • Unobvious
  • Revealing

INSIGHT: Men feel tired of apps like Tinder because they depends so much of physical appearance to get a possible connection with a woman.

Algo que descubro de mi usuario es que no se imaginaron que una comercializadora pueda tomar como punto de trabajo el tema sostenible ambiental, valoran el hecho de hacerlo, valoran el tomar en cuenta sus opiniones y esperan seamos un ejemplo para otras empresas.

8.-How to go from info to insights

When you really listen to the user there’s a point where you end up with a lot of information. After a while you’ll start to find patterns and themes.

What is your end goal with listening to your user?

  • Go from information to insights that help us better understand our innovation challenge.
  • Insight: A new and deep understanding about the user that inspires action and unlocks a business opportunity. Something different we didn´t knew before.

Insights should not just be true

They must be:

  • Authentic.
  • Useful.
  • Unobvious.
  • Revealing

In order to later help you generate valuable ideas. Go to those things that are surprising, or revealing.

Insights should be

  • Authentic
  • Useful
  • Unobvious
  • Revealing

The most useful insight that I had 1 year ago when I discovered the potencial of little cities, and how to create a business idea if we could connect all city with local businesses. by the way even the people dont understood the problem or they wouldnt imagine that the have a problem. It was a hard challenge but we did it

Un insight que he tenido con mi reto es: Los entrenadores no tienen la capacidad educativa, estructural ni económica para enriquecer las prácticas deportivas con otras disciplinas.

Existe una Super Market muy cerca de mi casa, y aunque el negocio no sea mio, el problema siempre es el mismo, las colas largas y aburridas. entonces como uno puede generar valor para el cliente?. Bueno si tan solo tendrian una forma de pagar directamente desde una app seria algo mas comodo y rapido para salir de este problema

By listening the class I couldn’t avoid to think about the book Hooked by Nir Eyal. Highly recommended to understand as much as possible the people interests.

What is your end goal with listening to the user?

Go from information to insights that help us better understand our innovation challenge. An insight is a new and deep understanding about the user that inspires action and unlocks a business opportunity.

Insights should not just be true, the must be authentic, useful, unobvious and revealing. It is normal that when you go to these process you would notice things that are obvious, those are not things that are going to transform into insights, take those things that are surprising, contradictory or revealing.

Really helpful examples!
Thnks to Daphne

Los gerentes y/o administradores de las empresas, quisieran mejorar u optimizar el desempeño de sus procesos y de su rentabilidad, apoyados en herramientas tecnologicas que propicien toma de decisiones

From here i check which are the actions to ber implemented in my product to solve this:

Simplicity and ease of use:
Design your product with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that requires minimal learning curve. SMEs value solutions that can be implemented and used without extensive training.

Customization and flexibility:
Adapt your product to meet the specific needs of SMEs. Offer customization and configuration options so they can adjust the solution to their processes and unique requirements.

Consider offering your product in scalable modules or packages, allowing SMEs to start with basic functionalities and add additional features as they grow or need them. This enables them to control costs and adopt the solution gradually.

Affordability and flexible pricing models:
Provide flexible pricing options such as monthly or yearly subscriptions, allowing SMEs to adjust their investment based on their financial capabilities. Consider offering more economical versions or staggered payment plans to facilitate acquisition.

Support and customer service:
Highlight responsive and efficient customer support. Provide robust support to help SMEs resolve issues or inquiries, offering tutorials, clear documentation, and technical assistance.

Demonstrations and free trials:
Offer live demonstrations or free trial periods to allow SMEs to experience your product before making a purchase. This builds confidence and enables them to evaluate the usefulness and adaptability of the product to their specific needs.

Compatibility and integration:
Ensure that your product is compatible with other commonly used solutions and systems in SMEs. The ability to integrate with existing tools and systems is crucial for facilitating adoption and seamless business processes.

Success stories and testimonials:
Showcase success stories and testimonials from SMEs that have derived significant benefits from using your product. This builds trust and demonstrates the relevance and effectiveness of your solution in their business context.

How to implement all these points into my product. It is a matter of developing plus marketing plus custom service, all this in order to offer a “all in one solution”

El Insigth el disparador que mueve a la acción

Insight: Some of the people who went for a chiropractic adjustment had more mental problems (stress, anxiety) than physical problems. They wanted to go to a chiropractor because they wanted to feel a sense of relief.

We are looking for “aha!” insights

an insight we discovered in our business is that men usually ask to their wives to confirm if they need our forniture we are selling them, so women used to rule in that case

I’m not sure if that could be an insight because my survey is still running up, but I’ve been noticing that young people in Colombia want creative content but consuming it in a short period of time. So one insight could be adapt our contents to that type of narrative and create a new experience of journalism storytelling.

Los siguientes insights fueron realizados en base a los datos de Screen Time de Apple y Digital Wellbeing de Google. # Insights basados en Reportes de Apple y Google ## Alta utilización de redes sociales en horarios nocturnos ### Observación Los datos pueden mostrar un aumento significativo en el uso de redes sociales por la noche. ### Entendimiento Los usuarios tienden a usar las redes sociales como una forma de relajarse antes de dormir. ### Insight Las personas no tienen sueño cuando se van a dormir y utilizan el teléfono para relajarse pero no descansan. ## Uso excesivo en niños y adolescentes durante el tiempo libre ### Observación Los datos pueden indicar que los niños y adolescentes pasan más tiempo en pantalla durante el tiempo libre, como en fines de semana o vacaciones. ### Entendimiento Los niños y adolescentes usan dispositivos móviles para entretenimiento durante el tiempo libre. ## Insight Los padres ya no compran juguetes o herramientas para deportes para los niños porque prefieren que estén dentro de casa que jugar afuera. ## Diferencias en el uso entre adultos jóvenes y adultos mayores ### Observación Los adultos jóvenes suelen utilizar más aplicaciones de productividad y redes sociales, mientras que los mayores usan más aplicaciones de comunicación y entretenimiento. ### Entendimiento Los adultos jóvenes están más conectados con herramientas digitales modernas, mientras que los mayores pueden usar dispositivos para mantenerse conectados con familiares. ### Insight El distanciamiento social es producido por la percepción de conectividad virtual producida por las herramientas digitales modernas. ## Patrones de uso relacionados con el estrés y la productivida ### Observación Los datos podrían mostrar que el uso de aplicaciones relacionadas con el trabajo y noticias aumenta durante períodos de alto estrés. ### Entendimiento Los usuarios pueden recurrir a sus dispositivos para mantenerse informados o como una forma de manejar el estrés. ### Insight Las notificaciones en tiempo real y la alta conectividad producen FOMO (Fear of missing out).

Varias personas afiliadas a la liga compartieron sus opiniones acerca de la situación actual del rugby en Bogotá, que incluían la falta de masificación en edades tempranas, la escasez de lugares para la práctica del deporte, la capacitación insuficiente de los entrenadores, entre otras. Al analizar en profundidad, la causa subyacente de estos problemas se encuentra en la gestión administrativa que respalda los procesos y actividades relacionados con el rugby en la ciudad.

Characteristics of the insights (ahas):
They must be:

  1. True
  2. Authentic
  3. Useful
  4. Unobvious
  5. Revealing
    In order to later help you generate valuable ideas.

How to go from info to insights:

  • What is your goal with listening to your user?
  • Go from information to insights.
  • A better understanding of the innovation challenge.
  • Obtain a new and deep understanding about the user that inspires action and unlocks a business opportunity.
  1. Observation
  2. Understanding
  3. Insight

The user does not want to miss his flight and luggage.

there is a direct relationship between negative internal dialogue and confidence and perseverance to execute my projects

negative self talk
there is a direct relationship between confidence and perseverance to execute my projects

Insigth de aprender por su cuenta el uso de tecnología