A surprised mate.
Getting into the world of innovation
Unleash your entrepreneurial skills
How to define my innovation challenge
Why does innovation matter?
What is and isn't innovation?
Can I innovate?
Listening to your user
Listening methods
The importance of empathy
How to go from info to insights
Creating valuable ideas
Can I be creative?
Finding inspiration
How to go from idea to concept
Considering the outside world
Who and what else is out there?
Thinking about the context
What have we learned so far?
Putting your ideas to the test
Why to prototype
What to prototype
How to prototype
Post Prototype
Going from idea to business
Business Model Canvas
How to capture value
Getting people on board
Change management
How to pitch
Innovating in the real world
How to do more with less
Tips for innovating thinking
Course summary
Ready, set, innovate!
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¡Continúa aprendiendo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Daphne S. Leger
Aportes 45
Preguntas 1
A surprised mate.
Oh no! That’s not possible! 🧢😮
Looks like a sad face
Great class!! I see faces in many things, I didn’t know that it has a name.
Thinking out of the box
How to be more creative
todos somos creativos, la creatividad es como un musculo mientras mas la ejerces mas se potencia
I always see an octopus that want to fight🐙
**An angry face with a bad hairstyle: **
Creativity is important because we can see, imagine and think differently than we are used to, because that way we can innovate
a robot in the camera
I don’t consider myself a creative person but creativity can be developed…
Pareidolia: ability to see faces in usual objects or places
Todos somos creativos, y la creatividad se puede ejercitar
Todos somos creativos, y la creatividad se puede ejercitar
Nos permite desconectarnos de lo acostumbrado y adentrarnos en territorios inexplorados con el objetivo de crear soluciones únicas y útiles.
Pareidolia = Pensar diferente, prestar atención de una manera diferente a la que estamos acostumbrados.
Piensa en grande.
Defina el desafío de una manera más abierta y amplia.
A woody face:
he loose an eye
Pareidolia, a new word that goes straight to my mental dictionary! 😉
como lo copian y lo pegan aki?
Frenchie on Frenchie
Todos somos creativos y podemos entrenar las ideas y ser ingeniosos
Your creativity always improve, and you can always go back to your original creative spirit.
Think big.
Pareidolia is seeing patterns, faces or silhouettes in inanimate objects.
Creativity or think different is pay attention in a different way that you use to.
Can I be creative?
a hairy woman
Why is important?
It allow us to disconnect from the accustomed and move into uncharted territories with an aim to create unique and useful solutions.
**Pareidolia **= thinking different, pay attention in a different way that we are used to.
Think big
Define the challenge in a more open and broad way.
Joker face:
🐟 🐟 🐟
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