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Can I be creative?


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Aportes 45

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A surprised mate.

Oh no! That’s not possible! 🧢😮

Looks like a sad face

Great class!! I see faces in many things, I didn’t know that it has a name.

Thinking out of the box

How to be more creative

  • Think Different
  • Think Big

todos somos creativos, la creatividad es como un musculo mientras mas la ejerces mas se potencia

I always see an octopus that want to fight🐙

**An angry face with a bad hairstyle: **

Creativity is important because we can see, imagine and think differently than we are used to, because that way we can innovate

a robot in the camera

I don’t consider myself a creative person but creativity can be developed…

Pareidolia: ability to see faces in usual objects or places

Todos somos creativos, y la creatividad se puede ejercitar

Todos somos creativos, y la creatividad se puede ejercitar
Nos permite desconectarnos de lo acostumbrado y adentrarnos en territorios inexplorados con el objetivo de crear soluciones únicas y útiles.
Pareidolia = Pensar diferente, prestar atención de una manera diferente a la que estamos acostumbrados.
Piensa en grande.
Defina el desafío de una manera más abierta y amplia.

A woody face:

he loose an eye


Pareidolia, a new word that goes straight to my mental dictionary! 😉

como lo copian y lo pegan aki?

prensar flores es hermoso, como un album en tu sala que al abrirlo ves colores texturas y las conservas alli!!!

Frenchie on Frenchie

Todos somos creativos y podemos entrenar las ideas y ser ingeniosos

Your creativity always improve, and you can always go back to your original creative spirit.

Think big.

  • Design.
  • Consider what problem does the design solve?
  • Design a way for people to experience the solution that the design solve.

Pareidolia is seeing patterns, faces or silhouettes in inanimate objects.
Creativity or think different is pay attention in a different way that you use to.

Can I be creative?

  • You can improve your creativity just like any other muscle in your body or skill that you work on.
    Why is creativity important?
  • Creativity allows an entrepreneur to disconnect from the accustomed and move into uncharted territories with an aim to create unique and useful solutions.
  • It has become essential for all leaders and team members to develop their creative skills.

a hairy woman

9.-Can I be creative?

Why is important?

It allow us to disconnect from the accustomed and move into uncharted territories with an aim to create unique and useful solutions.

**Pareidolia **= thinking different, pay attention in a different way that we are used to.

Think big

Define the challenge in a more open and broad way.
My paradolia!

Joker face:

🐟 🐟 🐟