Creativity is born when you mix ideas from one context into a new one
Getting into the world of innovation
Unleash your entrepreneurial skills
How to define my innovation challenge
Why does innovation matter?
What is and isn't innovation?
Can I innovate?
Listening to your user
Listening methods
The importance of empathy
How to go from info to insights
Creating valuable ideas
Can I be creative?
Finding inspiration
How to go from idea to concept
Considering the outside world
Who and what else is out there?
Thinking about the context
What have we learned so far?
Putting your ideas to the test
Why to prototype
What to prototype
How to prototype
Post Prototype
Going from idea to business
Business Model Canvas
How to capture value
Getting people on board
Change management
How to pitch
Innovating in the real world
How to do more with less
Tips for innovating thinking
Course summary
Ready, set, innovate!
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Creativity is born when you mix ideas from one context into a new one
“Uber” + salud: servicios de salud a domicilio. Beneficios por membresía. Creación de una red de proveedores de salud que brinden servicios especializados a domicilio, principalmente fuera de la Ciudad
Este curso de creatividad estimula tanto mi creatividad que es imposible no verlo sin dispersarme en un millón de ideas a cada minuto de lo que dice…
Suscripción de ropa para bebés y niños ya que dicha ropa se puede cambiar y ya no es necesario para los padres ir cada mes a comprar ropa al bebé.
Finding inspiration
You can proactively search for inspiration !
Inspiration from Analogous Contexts
Conectar quienes generan residuos orgánicos con cadenas de valor que las estén aprovechando.
You don’t have to start from 0, you can look for inspiration in other places and contexts.
You don’t have to come up with completely original ideas, you can mix and match or remix things into new ideas.
Inspiration from analogous contexts
When you look for inspirations beyond your exact context and situation.
Ask yourself open minded questions. What is … trying to solve as a problem? Who does exactly what I’m trying to do? Who does something somewhat related or add value to my user in a diffent way?
Thanks for this great quote:
Creativity often comes when you
take an idea from its original
context and you move it
somewhere else. It’s easier to
think outside the box if you spend
your time clambering from one
box into another. -Tim Harford
small actions can make a big difference! Gran curso, muy inspirador.
Wow, qué dato interesante. Yo nací prematuramente.
This class remind me the concept of the book Where good ideas come from by Steven Johnson. There is a TED talk of him talking about it.
If you have the chance to read his book, go for it.
Remember: Think of an analogous context that could provide inspiration for your innovation challenge.
I would like to take Herman Miller as an example because they make really good chairs for office workers and I think they improve the work conditions for people who work in offices
en mi ciudad ahi un negocio el cual me dio inspiracion para crear el mio propio
Con mi reto de innovación: el tema de la naturaleza y su interacción que no genera daño al medio ambiento sino todo lo contrario. Para mi caso, podría tomar el ejemplo de entornos verdes y siendo ecoeficiente con la electricidad, el agua mediante paneles solares por ejemplo, etc
In my country, Salud Digna is a healthcare provider that offers laboratory and imaging tests, eye glasses, and nutritional advice, among others. Generally, they do not offer or focus on medical services (consultations). However, their system is quick, effective, and low-cost. Their quality is still an opportunity, but I consider their system a nice inspiration for my challenge.
podría ser el mismo uber para mensajería pero esta vez encontrando a la gente donde quiera que estén
ventas domiciliarias de un producto exotico
Abstract Methodology.
Darwin´s Theory, Code Interpreter in ERP with IOT integrations.
I’d like to present you with an idea for my product/service, inspired by Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and utilizing AI Chat GPT and Code Interpreter. I want to implement an adaptation and improvement process in future versions of my product/service, drawing inspiration from the Law of Natural Selection at the code, interface, and usability levels.
To achieve this, I plan to create an algorithm within the code that can collect anonymized usage logs from each user. With this information, the system will analyze usage and non-usage patterns for each section of my system. Based on these insights, it will propose code modifications to the development team, focusing on improving the less-used or less customer-friendly parts while emphasizing the successful functions and areas.
By continuously improving and adapting the product/service with each version, I aim to deliver a more user-centric and efficient solution. To accomplish this, I will leverage APIs from Code Interpreter to delve deeper into the usage patterns and generate code change proposals.
This iterative process of analyzing user data, identifying usage patterns, and incorporating changes will ensure that my product/service evolves to meet the evolving needs and preferences of users. Through this implementation, I strive to create a truly adaptive and customer-centric solution.
An example of a analogous context for the project that I have in mind regarding the public transport system, is what a transport platform like Uber does in terms of the use of GPS to locate its users.
I have thought about the retention, upselling and cross-selling of other industries in mine because I don’t have retention. We sell apartments and in Colombia it’s a one in a lifetime purschase.
That have helped me to come up with other ways to help our existing clients.
Inspiration form analogous contexts:
Finding inspiration:
You dont have to come up with completely original ideas.
You can mix and match or remix things into new ideas.
La tokenización en blockchain de la plata es una idea que me ronda hace días.
Así tendrías un token con valor apegado a la plata, la plata es un activo que se considera puede tener un repunte los próximos años.
an analous context in my case relationated with my goal would be: Hollywood?, No!! we are in CALI WOOD, so buy our amazing WOOD products
thank you
My direct inspiration comes the Chilean company NotCo. Through an algorithm named ‘Giuseppe’ they analyze the composition of animal-based products and create that same composition with vegetable components, creating plan-based products. Crazy and absolutely brilliant!!
My indirect inspiration comes from Brazilian startup Nubank. All of their services are customer-centric and they really take time to develop products and services that add value to their customers
Cuando buscas inspiraciones más allá de tu contexto y situación exactos.
Directo: su industria. Verifique y vea lo que otros están haciendo en su espacio competitivo, su competidor directo o qué está haciendo alguna empresa que no sea su competencia con respecto a este desafío.
Indirecto: otras industrias.
Resumen- Otras tendencias. Piense en otras disciplinas que parecen no estar relacionadas, pero que pueden tener algo en común con su desafío.
Hágase preguntas de mente abierta. ¿Qué está… tratando de resolver como problema? ¿Quién hace exactamente lo que intento hacer? ¿Quién hace algo algo relacionado o agrega valor a mi usuario de una manera diferente?
No tienes que empezar desde 0, puedes buscar inspiración en otros lugares y contextos.
No es necesario que se le ocurran ideas completamente originales, puede mezclar y combinar o remezclar cosas en nuevas ideas.
Inspiración de contextos análogos.
I want to combine what I´m studying right now: Logistics & Technology
Inspiration Analogous Contexts:
My **direct **context comes of PLanet of Lana a handrowed videogame developed by an indide team, they inspire me to create beautifful worlds through videogames.
My indirect context comes from Ghibli and their unforgettable stories, they inspire me to tell as much stories as I can.
wow incredible story!!
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