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How to go from idea to concept


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I don’t know when I started to understand English without subtitles but is great. Even when I am studying at English and someone catches my attention in Spanish I answer in English because my brain thinks in English

12.-How to go from idea to concept

Idea = general possibility.

Concept = concrete solution with key elements/steps to guide implementation.

Prioritizing ideas/concepts

Of all the ideas that come up in a brainstorming session we can use the matrix to help us prioritize them

Matrix of prioritizing ideas or concepts:


  • not rigth now: bajo impacto y baja viabilidad es mejor no hacerlas

  • big bets: área amarilla, son de alto impacto pero de baja viabilidad. Esas son grandes apuestas que tal vez quieras tomar.

  • quick wins: También hay cosas que son altamente viables, pero no super impactante. Esos son vientos rápidos que podrías querer hacer.

  • big oportunities: área verde. grandes oportunidades, alto impacto, alta viabilidad.

With a problem in mind you have to step by step or element by element draw the key aspects of the idea or concept. Prioritizing ideas

Absolutely valuable advice

How to go from idea to concept:

  • Idea = general possibility.
  • Concept = Concrete solutions with key elements or steps to guide an implementation.

¿Cómo prioritizar las ideas que surgen?

Dos preguntas:

```                                  ¿Es viable?    ¿Es de alto impacto 
                                                              o de Alto valor?


1 **Grandes oportunidades**.          SI              SI
2 **Ganancias rápidas**                  SI              NO
3 **Grandes riesgos**                      NO             SI
4  **No es el momento**.                  NO            NO

Nice format!!