Worker pools are a model in which a fixed number of m workers (implemented in Go with goroutines) work their way through n tasks in a work queue (implemented in Go with a channel). Work stays in a queue until a worker finishes up its current task and pulls a new one off.
Basically there are a set amount of workers and n tasks. Every worker takes a task, and when it’s done it takes another one. This is very useful for breakable task that require a lot of processing.
This is an example program:
package main
import "fmt"
func Worker(id int, jobs <- chan int, results chan <- int) {
for job := range jobs {
fmt.Printf("--> Worker #%d started fib with %d\n", id, job)
fib := Fibo(job)
fmt.Printf("Worker #%d finished. Job: %d; Fibo: %d\n", id, job, fib)
results <- fib
func Fibo(n int) int {
if n <= 1 {
return n
return Fibo(n - 1) + Fibo(n - 2)
func main() {
tasks := []int{2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 15}
nWorkers := 3
jobs := make(chan int, len(tasks))
results := make(chan int, len(tasks))
// creates the workers
for i := 0; i < nWorkers; i++ {
go Worker(i, jobs, results)
// sends them to work
for _, v := range tasks {
jobs <- v
// close channel to indicate that's all the work to do
for i := 0; i < len(tasks); i++ {
<- results
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