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Aportes 10

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

In this course we’ve learned:

  • What is culture
  • What is culture intelligence (CQ)
  • Culture’s values
  • Types of cultures on: time, relationships, space perception
  • Work and managing multicultural spaces
  • We may vary in so many aspects of culture, but our basic emotions remain the same

My final project’s answers:

1: While **emotional intelligence (EQ) **focus on being aware of, managing effectively and properly communicating to others our emotions while being empathetic, cultural intelligence (CQ) relates to effectively behave in multicultural situations and our ability to act according to different cultural situations.

2: When a team achieves certain level of CQ, benefits results on a well-comunicated team, joy, better flows, more productivity and creativity, since people with different backgrounds can do their best, as they were in a pleasant place to work where they’re accepted as they are.

3: I’ve never been in a real multicultural team to date, but I plan to do it in the near future.

4: I would do my best effort to make all the groups with the highest level of cultural variety as possible. Then I would suggest that first activities promote communication and people introductions. After that I would suggest practical activities that don’t necessarily involves talking, but just do things.

We are the same
We are different

Super. The course teacher Ekaterina Matveeva is great. I learned a lot about culture. Congratulations. I’m going to give it 5 stars. I loved

The most important course I have been studied at Platzi!

Knowing Strategy without learning Culture is like driving a car without windows


We are the same and we are different.

Final Project

  1. What is the difference between cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence?
    Emotional intelligence is to understand the “other” and cultural differences and adapt to the context.

  2. How can the cultural intelligence of a team improve performance?
    It brings new perspectives to the table and therefore improves the performance

  3. Have you ever been on a multicultural team
    that was high on cultural intelligence? How
    about a team that was low on cultural
    intelligence? What were the impacts?
    I had the opportunity to work on some projects with people from different nations and we exchanged ideas to complete the project is a nourishing experience.

  4. You are the director of a multicultural team
    with employees across the globe. Your team
    rarely has the opportunity to meet in person,
    but you have been given the budget to bring
    everyone together for a week-long global team
    meeting and team building. How would you
    structure the time together? What are some of
    the activities you would suggest building
    stronger relationships among team members?
    I’ll do two activities first collaborate with some NGO to improve the teamwork and do some recipes from our nations with all the teammates (having into account dietary restrictions)
    I’ll do two activities first collaborate with some NGO to improve teamwork and do some recipes from our nations with all the teammates (taking into account dietary restrictions)

Thank you