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Palabras interrogativas en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Las question words (o WH questions) son aquellas palabras que sirven para formular e introducir oraciones de carácter interrogativo cuya respuesta no es un sí o un no, sino que es una respuesta abierta.

Las question words se colocan al principio de la oración.

Las principales question words son who, where, when, what, why, which, how old, how fa, how long, how often, how many y how much.
Question words -wh questions

Presta atención al uso del verbo to be en la siguiente imagen, para diferenciar cuando se trata de un elemento o varios elementos.

![Uso de How much]( much.jpg ““Uso de How much””)
Escribe las siguientes palabras en el orden correspondiente

book / How / is / this / much / ?
much / tickets / How / the / are / ?


How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

A continuación, encuentras varios ejemplos de Question Words

Who is your English teacher?
Where are you from?
When is your birthday?
What time is it?
Why didn’t you go to Charle’s party?
Which is your favorite class: English or Maths?
How old are you?
How far is the beach for here?
How long is Cristiano Ronaldo’s house?
How often do you go to the gym?
How many sisters do you have?
How much is that book?

Ahora es tu turno. Practica e inventa varios ejemplos de Question Words.

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez y Angie Tatiana Erazo Álvarez.

Aportes 1839

Preguntas 124

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Which - Cuál
Who - Quién
What - Qué
When - Cuándo
Where - Dónde
Why - Por qué
How - Cómo

-> How much is this book?
-> How much are the tickets?


  • How much is this book?
  • How much are the tickets?

Worksheet Questions

  • What is your name? My name is Jester
  • Where do you live? And where are you from? I’m live in Mexico and I am from Mexico
  • When is your mother’s birthday? My mother birthday is on October 24th
  • Which is your favorite color: blue, yellow, green or orange? Blue
  • Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress? PeterCapaldi
  • Why do you study English? I’m studying English because I want to earn more money
  • How far is your house from your office/school/university? My house is 4 km away
  • How long is your favorite movie? My favorite movie is 2 hours long
  • How many siblings do you have? One sibling
  • Imagine your favorite 500 ml soda. How much is it? I don’t drink soda
  • how much is this book?
  • hor much are the tickets?
Contribution I

Q=What is your name?
A= My name is John

Q=Where do you live? And where are you from?
A= I'm from Argentina and i'm live Argentina

Q=When is your mother’s birthday?
A= My mother birthday is on May 14th

Q=Which is your favorite color: blue, yellow, green or orange?
A= My favorite color is green

Q= Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress?
1. my favorite singer is Harry Style 
2. my favorite actor is Johnny Depp
3. my favorite actress is Meryl Streep

Q= Why do you study English?
A= Because, i want to travel through several countries

Q=How far is your house from your office/school/university?
A= My house is far 10km to the University

Q=How long is your favorite movie?
A= about 2 hours

Q=How many siblings do you have?
A= i don't have brother, i'm only child

Q= Imagine your favorite 500 ml soda. How much is it?
A= In my country my favorite soda costs ARS82

Contribution II

How much?**

How much is this dress?** One Element

How much are those shoes?** Two Element

How much is this phone?**

How much are those chairs?**

Contribution III

How much is this book?**

How much are the tickets?**

Usos que puede tener How y los demás Wh.

No supe como poner la imagen 🥴

how much is this book?
How much the are tickets?

-how much is this book?

  • hoy much are the tickets ?

Here I go:
How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

My answer of exercise

How much is this book?
How much are this shoes?

My answer in the workbook

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

I love this class. Congratulations

How old are you?
I’m 19 years old.
How long is this class?
This class lasts 7:43 minutes.
How far is the bank from your house?
The bank is 8 blocks far from my house.
How many brothers do you have?
I have one brother called Steven.
How much is the cellphone?
How much is your house?
How much are these fruits?
How much are those pants?
How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

How much is this cake?
How much is this phone?
How much is this dress? One element.
How much are those shoes? Two elements.

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

how much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

Who is that girl
Where are the money?
When I said that?
What apen with you?
Why Anakin Why? you was the chosen one
Which pill you prefer the Blue o the Red (Morpheos to Neo )

How long this class is? This class is 7:43 long
How far is the next planet with live ? (is my cuestion for an Alien)

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?


  1. How old are you?
    • I am twenty-five years old.
  2. How long is this class?
    • The length of this class is seven minutes and forty-three seconds.
  3. How far is the bank from your house?
    • It is not so far.
  4. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
    • I have 4 siblings.
  5. How much does it cost?
    • It cost $45 dollars.
  6. Put these words in order:
    • How much is this book.
    • How much are the tickets.

Practice WH questions:

  • What’s your name?
    My name is Eduardo
  • Where do you live? And where are you from?
    I live in Mexico, and I am from Guanajuato, Mexico
  • When is your mother’s birthday?
    My mother’s birthday is on December, 25th
  • Which is your favorite color: blue, yellow, green or orange?
    My favorite color is blue
  • Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress?
    Singer; The Weeknd, actor; Dwayne Johnson, actress; Millie Bobby Brown
  • Why do you study English?
    My principal reason, I want to watch and enjoy more movies with its sound original
  • How long is your favorite movie?
    One hour fifty-six minutes. Back to the Future
  • Imagine your favorite 500ml soda. How much is it?
    Fifteen Mexican pesos


  1. How much is this book?
  2. How much are the tickets?
    Worksheet Question:
  3. My name is Dania
  4. Im live in Santiago of Chile
  5. My mother birthday is on May 24th
  6. My favorite color is blue
  7. My favorite singer is Chester B.
  8. Im studying English because I would like to work in Tourism
  9. My house is near to the university
  10. My favorite movie its 2 hours
  11. I have 1 sibling
  12. Its 1.000 pesos

How much is this game?
How much are those snacks?

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

How much is this book?
Hoy much are the tickets?

  • How much is this book?
  • How much are the tickets?

How much is this book?
How much are the tickes?

How much is this dress
How much are those shoes

How much is this?
How much are tickets?

Which - Cuál
Who - Quién
What - Qué
When - Cuándo
Where - Dónde
Why - Por qué
How - Cómo

how much is this book?
how much are the tickets?

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

  • How much is this book?

  • How much are the tickets?

How odl=para saber la edad de alguien
How long= cuanto tiempo
How far= a que distancia
How many= cantidades
How much= precio

How much is= para referirnos a un solo elemento
How much are= para referirmos a multiples elementos u objetos

Book / how / is / this / much?
Much / tickets / how / the / are ?
How much is this book?
How much the are tickets?

Answers the questions for my workbook
How old are you? I’m twenty-six years old
How long is this class? It’s seven minutes and forty-three seconds.
How many brothers or sisters do you have? I have three brothers and one sister.
How much is this book?
How much are those pants?
How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

● What is your name?
My name is Yaisa

● Where do you live? And where are you from?
I’m from Colombia and I live in Riohacha

● When is your mother’s birthday?
My mother’s birthday is on June 21 st.

● Which is your favorite color: blue, yellow, green or orange?
My favorite color is lilac

● Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress?
I like Lee Min Ho from the boys over flower drama

● Why do you study English?
I study English because I need to improve my skills and get a better job and Increase my personal finance

● How far is your house from your office/school/university?
My house is very far from my place of work

● How long is your favorite movie?
I don’t know that

● How many siblings do you have?
I have two siblings

● Imagine your favorite 500 ml soda. How much is it?
It’s about $30

How much is this book? , how much are the tickets?

How (old,far,long,many)

How much is this dress?
How much are those shoes?

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

  • What → ‘Qué’ y ‘Cuál’

  • When → ‘Cuando’

  • Where → 'Donde", ‘En donde’, ‘Hacia donde’, ‘Para donde’, y ‘A donde’.

  • Why → ‘Por qué?’

  • Who → ‘Quién’, or ‘Quienes’

  • How → ‘Como’

Who? About people Who is that person? Where? About places Where is the supermarket? When? About time When is your birthday? What? Open and general question What's your name? Why? About reasons Why are you doing that? Which? About options. You need to make a choice Which color do you prefer? Black or green? How? How old? About your age How old are you? I'm 31 years old How long? About the lenght of something How long is this class? This class lasts 7 minutes 43 seconds How far? About distances How far is the bank from your house? The bank is 8 blocks from my house How many? About quantities How many pets do you have? I have one dog, Motas 🐶
Let’s practice: answer the following questions What is your name? My name is Sara Where do you live? I live in Caldas Antioquia And where are you from? I'm from Colombia When is your mother’s birthday? My mother’s birthday is on December 30 Which is your favorite color: blue, yellow, green or orange? My favorite color is blue Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress? I don't have a favorite artist Why do you study English? I study English because it increases my job opportunities and my options for traveling. How far is your house from your office/school/university? My house is 24 kilómetros from my office. How long is your favorite movie? My favorite movie is 2 hours long How many siblings do you have? I don't have siblings Imagine your favorite 500 ml soda. How much is it? My favorite 500ml soda costs about 2500 COP
What is your name? * My name is Fernando Where do you live? And where are you from? * I live in Argentina and I am from Corrientes When is your mother’s birthday? * My mother birthdate is in 12th Jan Which is your favorite color: blue, yellow, green or orange? * My favorite color is Purple Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress? * My favorite singer is Kurt Cobaine
Who? → Quien Where? → Donde When? → Cuando? Why? → Por que? Which? → Cual? How? → Como? y tiene diferentes combinaciones: How old - How long - How far - How many - How much
How much is this book? How much are the tickets?

Question words

  • Who: quien?
  • Where: donde?
  • When: Cuando?
  • What: que, cual?
  • Why: porque?
  • Wich: Cual?
  • How: Como? -old - long - far - many - much


How much is this dress?

How much are those shoes?

Time to practice!

  • How much is this book?
  • How much are the tickets?

1.- How much is this book?
2.- How much are the tickets?

1.- How much is this dress?
2.- how much are those shoes?

  • How much is this book?
  • Ho much are the tickets?

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?


What is your name? My name is Jenniffer
where do you live? I live in Colombia
When is your mother birthday? My mother birthday is on July 15th
Which is your favorite color? My favorite color in these options is the color blue
Which is your favorite actress? My favorite actress is Angelina Jolie
Why do you study in platzi? I study in platzi because I want to travel around the word and work in a big company
How far is your house from your school? My house is at 2 km
Haw long is your favorite movie: My favorite movie is long, one hour with fifty minutes
How many siblings do you have? I have one brother and 1 sister
Imagine your favorite 500 ml soda, How much is it? My favorite soda is the TE HATSU, and he cost one dollar

How much is this book?

How much are the tickets?

  1. How much is this book?
  2. How much are the tickets?

-> How much is this book?
-> How much are the tickets?


How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

How old are you?
I am 27 years old

How long is this class?
This class is seven minutes and fourty three minutes long.

How far is the bank from you house?
The bank is two blocks away from my house.

How many brothers do you have?
I have three brothers.

How much is it cost?
How much is this dress?
How much are those snikers/ shoes?

How much is this book?
This book i
How much are the tickets?



Which - Cuál
Who - Quién
What - Qué
When - Cuándo
Where - Dónde
Why - Por qué
How - Cómo


how much is this book
how much are the tickets?


What is your name?
My name is Magda
Where do you live? And where are you from
I live in Bogota, and i from landazuri – Santander Colombia
When is you mother´s birthday?
My mother´s birthday is in Agoust 14th
Which is your favorite color: blue, yellow, green or Orange
My favorite color is yellow and blue
Who is your favorite Singer/actor/actress?
My favorite Singer is Cris Martin , the actor is Al paccino, and the actress is a natali portman
Why do you study English?
Because is very important for my work
How far is your house from your office/school/university?
An hour away
How long is your favorite movie?
Lasts one hour

how much is this book?
how much are the tickets?



How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

  • How much is this book ?
  • How much are the tickets?

how old? age
how long? time
how far? distance
how many? quantity
how much? price

How much is also used to ask about non count nouns or things, like liquids, grain, etc.
For example:

  • How much milk do I drink?
  • How much rice do I cook?

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

How much is this book?
How much are the tickets?

What is your name?

  • My name is Jorge
    Where do you live?
  • I live in Santiago of Chile
    Where are you from?
  • I from Chile
    When is your mother birthday?
  • On August 4th
    Which is your favorite color?
  • Blue
    Who is your favorite singer/Actor/Actress?
  • Ronnie James Dio, Anthony Hopkins, Nicole Kidman
    Why do you study English?
  • Because English is necessary for jobs
    How far is your house from your office?
  • two kilometers
    How long is your favorite movie?
  • two hours
    How many siblings do you have?
  • One brother
    Imagine your favorite 500 ml soda. How much is it?
  • one dollar and half
  • How many courses are you taking on Platzi?
  • How much is this dress?
  • How much are those shoes?
  • How much is this book?
  • How much are the tickets?

How much is this jackets?
How much are those jeans?


  • What is your name?My name is Sergio

  • Where do you live? I live in Tonalá, Chiapas, Mexico.

  • And where are you from?I from Mexico

  • When is your mother’s birthday?My mother’s birthday is on May 5th.

  • Which is your favorite color: blue, yellow, green or orange?

    My favorite color is green.

  • Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress?

    My favorite singer is Juan Gabriel.

  • Why do you study English? I study English because I want to apply for a foreign work.

  • How far is your house from your office/school/university?

    It’s about 12 blocks from my university. Almost 2 kilometer.

  • How long is your favorite movie?

    It is 2 hours long

  • How many siblings do you have?

    I have nine siblings. 3 sisters and 6 brothers.

  • Imagine your favorite 500 ml soda. How much is it?

    it cost $15 mxn

how much is this book?
how much are the tickets?