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Preposiciones de lugar en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Para responder la pregunta Where are you? es importante recordar las preposiciones de lugar como on, under, next to, in front of, between, etc. Si quieres profundizar sobre esas preposiciones, ve a nuestra clase de prepositions of place.

Además de las preposiciones de lugar mencionadas, existen otras igualmente importantes como:


Next to something or someone (Cerca de).
I am beside the window = I am next to the window


At the back of someone or something
(Detrás de)
Close the door behind you


Below something
(Debajo de) / UNDER = BELOW
The bag is under the table


Above or upon in position
(Por encima de) / OVER = ABOVE
The light is over me


La preposición IN se usa en los siguientes casos:

  • Para indicar ubicación en un país.
    Rose lives in France.
  • Para indicar ubicación en una ciudad.
    Rose lives in Paris.
  • Para indicar ubicación en un vecindario, barrio, u otra parte de un pueblo o ciudad.
    We live in a quiet neighborhood.
    They live in the Latin Quarter of the city.
  • Para indicar espacios cerrados.
    He is studying in his house.
    My pets are playing in the garden.
    There is nobody in the room.
    The keys are in her bag.
    My wallet is in my coat pocket.


La preposición ON se usa en los siguientes casos:

  • Indicar ubicación en calles y avenidas.
    The bank is on Loreto Street.
    My parents live on Park Avenue.
  • Indicar ubicación en superficies.
    The book is on the table.
    The pictures are on the wall.
  • Para referirse a los pisos de un edificio.
    Our office is on the 3rd floor.
  • Para decir que algo está localizado en una costa, río o camino.
    Portsmouth is on the south coast of England.
    The pasture on the south side of the river.


La preposición AT se utiliza en los siguientes casos:

  • Para indicar una dirección más específica.
    I live at 532 Loreto St.
  • Para indicar una ubicación en un punto específico.
    At the entrance.
    At the door.
    At the table.
    At the end of the street.
    At the station.
    At the market.
    At home.
    At work.
    At school.
  • Para teferirse a la casa de alguien.
    At John’s house.

![Prepositions IN ON AT]( ON AT.jpg ““Preposiciones In, On, At””)
Recuerda que estamos estudiando las palabras in, on y at en su condición de preposiciones de lugar, ya que estas palabras poseen otros usos diferentes que serán estudiados en lecciones posteriores.

Presta atención al siguiente ejemplo donde las preposiciones estudiadas son usadas de acuerdo al contexto de la oración:

Where do you work?

  • I work in Perú
  • I work on Loreto Street
  • I work at Platzi

Ahora es tu turno. Realiza varios ejemplos para poner en práctica cómo responder a la pregunta Where are you?

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.

Aportes 1855

Preguntas 69

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

I live in Medellin, Colombia.
I live on the second floor.
I am a violinist ar the Orchestra Sinfonica de Antioquia

I live in Marinilla, Antioquia - Colombia. It’s a small and peaceful city in the mountains of Eastern Antioquia.
I work at Univeristy where I study too, as software developer in a proyect that the university started with students, and I study at this university Software Engineering.

Where do you live? 
	IN: I live in Bogotá.
	ON: I live on third floor.
	AT: I live at 115 street with 152B
Where do you work?
	IN: I work in Cali
	ON: I work on street 106.
	At: I work at the HQ Open Systems International

Remember the uses of Demonstrative Pronouns. 👇

My Practice:
-Where do you live?
IN: I´m live in Bogotá,Colombia.
ON: I´m live on the firsth floor,
AT: at the montebello´s block.
-Where do yo work?
IN: I´m work in a goverment entity,
ON: on 26 avenue
AT: at the CAN building

Where do you live?
I live in Cancun, Mexico. It´s a big city. It´s has white sand beaches and warm turquoise oceans.
I live on Leona Vicario street, at house number 68, block 85.
My house is near an apartment complex, it is in front of a tortilla shop, there is a small store nearby.

Where do you work?
I work at city hall. It is on Avenue Tulum number 5.

I live in Sabaneta, Antioquia
I live on the first floor
I´m a dancer at the Vox Corpus Danza academy


Where do you live?
I live in Cali, Colombia.
I live on the second floor.
Ilive at 5th avenue.

Where do you work?
I work in Cali.
I work on the first floor of a building.
I work at Simon Bolivar avenue

I live in Chile.
I live on the Olmos street.
I live at Olmos 12th street.

I live in Villaviccencio, Colombia
I Live on the first floor, in my building
I play the bass guitar at the church

IN/ON/AT as Prepositions of Place. 👇

In: Conuntries, Cities, Neighborhoods, Enclosed spaces.

  • I live in Colombia. (Countries)
  • I live in Tijuana. (Cities)
  • I live in Rosales. (Neighborhoods)
  • I’m in my room. (Enclosed spaces)
  • I have my cell phone in my pocket. (Enclosed spaces)

On: Streets, Avenues, Surfaces, Floors.

  • I live on Washington street. (Streets)
  • I work on Rogers Avenue. (Avenue)
  • Those paintings are on the wall. (Surfaces, vetical or horizontal)
  • I live on a 10th floor. (floors)

At: Specific locations.

  • I live on Washington street, number 245 South.
  • I work at Platzi.

At Christmas or on Christmas?

We generally use on to refer to specific days, whether they be special days or not: on Monday, on Easter Sunday, on Christmas Day etc. In contrast, we use at to refer to a general holiday period, e.g. at Christmas, at Easter etc.


  • I went to New York on Christmas day.
  • I prefer to be in America Latina at Christmas.


Case one: Where do you live?
IN: I live in Mexico but I’m from Colombia.
ON: I live on first floor.
AT: I live at Vertiz street, Benito Juerez, Mexico City.
Where do you work?
IN: I work in Mexico
ON: I work on University Avenue, Mexico City.
At: I work at the SNTE Nacional as FullStack Developer

I live in cali,colombia
I live on the first floor
I study at platzi

I’m living in Colombia
I’m not working XD

I live in Chiclayo, Perú.
I live on the Luis Gonzales Street.
I work at Financiera Efectiva.

i`m from el salvador
i live in soyapango
i like to steal in the bus every day

I live in Bogotá, Colombia
My house is on the third floor
I´m study English at Platzi


Beside = Junto a
Behind = Detrás
Under= por debajo
Over= sobre

I live in Lima, Perú
I study on Universitaria avenue.
I study at National University of San Marcos

I live in Mexico.
I live on the 1st floor.
I live at Sweeter Saly St. 101.

Where do you live?

I live in the southern part of the city.
I live on Avenida Hernando Siles #4982.
I live at the corner across the street from the construction of a building.

Where do you work?

I work in my business.
I work on the materials development division
I work at EscomVer, EscomVer means Green Rubble in Spanish. I have the honor of being the founder of this green startup.

Complete Vocabulary of Prepositions :

Beside is the same as Next to:

  • You can say “I’m next to the window” or “I’m beside the window”

Behind is the opposite of In front:

  • The bookshelf is behind me.

Under is the opposite of Over:

  • My cat is under the desk.
  • The sun is over us in the sky.

hoy es mi cumpleaños

Homework * Where do you live? In I live in Venezuela, Cabimas, Zulia State. on I live on the Venezuela Street. At I live at the Campo Alegre Sector, Venezuela Street. Number 26. * Where do you work? In I work in my house. On I work on the Venezuela Street. At I work at home. .

This picture could be useful!

I live in Mexico City
I live in Brasil
I live in Jaurez
I read in my school
He lives in Colombia,


My job is on reforma avenue.
He lives on Washington street
She works on campos eliseos avenues

We work on the five floor
He lives on ten floor.

He works at platzi.
His mother works at hospital.

Recorte de pantalla realizado: 16/05/2023 03:03 p. m.

He live in San juan, Puerto rico.
Lives on the 4th floor.
He studies at the university.

Her live in Antioquia, Colombia.
She is living on the 2nd floor.
She works at the Hospital

I live in Chimalhuacán, México.
I live on the firts flour.
My table is on the floor, it’s horizontal surfaces.
I study at Platzi.

  • Where do you live?
    I live in Hong Kong.
    I live on seventh floor.
    I live at 123 avenue.
  • Where do you work?
    I work at Monster INC.
    I work in Bogota, Colombia
    I work on the second floor of the building
  1. I live in Colombia
  2. I live on secund floor
  3. I work at in tangelo
  1. Where do you live?:
    • I live in Caracas, Venezuela.
    • My house is on San Antonio Street.
    • I live at home.
  2. Where do you work?:
    • The university where i study is in Los Símbolos.
    • It is on Paseo Los Ilustres Street.
    • I study at Central University of Venezuela.

I live in Guatemala .
I live on first floor.
I work at gran play s.a.

•where do you live? I live in Guatemala , I live on the first floor, I live at 4-31 Mixco • where do you work? I work in Guatemala I work on third street My office is located at 7-35 Mixco.

I live in Guate

Where do you live?
I live in Guatemala City.
I live on Pine Street.
I live at 32th avenue 498 zone 1
Where do you work?
I work in Guatemala
I work on coffe shop
I work at Mcdonald´s


i live in San Salvador, El Salvador
i live on the ten floor
my mom work at the hospital

Where do you live?

  • I live in CDMX, Mexico.

  • I live on the third floor.

  • I live at number 12 north Pedrito’s street.

Where do you work?

  • I work in Mexico.
  • I work on carmen street.
  • I work at Sony.
Hello John

I live in Medellin, Colombia.
I live on the second floor.
I am a violinist ar the Orchestra Sinfonica de Antioquia

Esto esta bien?
Where do you work?
I not work, I study in the school
I study on my city
I study at bethlemitas school

i live in Venezuela, i live on Washington street. My residente is on the Paradise parroquia, and my apartment is at the sixth floor i work at my house like holistic therapic and graphic designer, in little words... is a pleasure meet to all of you

Where do you live?
I live in Peru, Pozuzo
I live on “Ingobert” street and “Los colonos” avenue.
I live on the third floor

Where do you work?
I don’t work, I study at the school

thanks You

hello folks.
I live in the basement.
I live in Canada.
I’m a teacher of yoga therapeutics and chef of Ayurveda.
I’m sorry I lost my age I don’t remember how old I am ha ha ha

I live in Marinilla, Antioquia - Colombia. It’s a small and peaceful city in the mountains of Eastern Antioquia.
I work at Univeristy where I study too, as software developer in a proyect that the university started with students, and I study at this university Software Engineering

  1. Where do you live?
    I live in El 🇸🇻 Salvador

  2. Where do you work?
    I work at Procuraduría

I live in San Salvador, El Savador.
I live on the first floor.
I study at highschool.

I live in Medellin, Colombia. I live on the second floor. I am a violinist ar the Orchestra Sinfonica de Antioquia

I live in Lima Perú, in apartment on second floor. My adrees is at street Chamaya 276. Cercado.

I live in Bucaramanga, Colombia

I am from El Salvador
I live in Tonacatepeque
I like to travel every day

I live in el salvador
I study on Universitaria avenue.
I study at National University of San Marcos

I live in El Salvador


I live in Medellin, Colombia.
I live on the second floor.
I am a violinist ar the Orchestra Sinfonica de Antioquia

where do you live?

  1. I live in Buga (Colombia)
  2. I live on third floor
  3. I live at 11a-75 33b street
    where do you work?
  4. I work in buga
  5. I work on 26b street
  6. I work at office

I live in Medellin, Colombia, in Robledo, that neiborhood is big, i live more specifically on Av.80 at second floor

I live in Neiva
I live on Prado Alto
I live at Street 8A No. 29A 23

I work in Neiva
I work on Alameda
I work at Strret 35 No. 35 - 29

Excellent class

I live in Puebla, Mexico, there my house is on the second floor . And i study at school

Where do you live?
I live in Toluca, Mexico at the street Avena 100

Where do you work?
I work at the Univesity. I am teacher in the high school

Para el que conozca de rol: Me acabo de dar cuenta que el profesor tiene un Starter Pack de Dungeons & Dragons en al repisa. Nice

I live in Tuxtla Gutiérrez on bugambilia street, number 891. I study at the State University and I also work at Pet’s Veterinary Hospital.

  • Where do I live?
    I live in Sibaté, Cundinamarca, Colombia
    I live on the second floor.
    I live at 10 street

  • Where do I work?

I work in Bogotá, Colombia
I work on the second floor
I work at the University.

  1. Where do i live.
    R = I live on the avenue Carlos Juarez
    I live in Monterrey.
    I live at Juan Carlos 248, Coloni the Modern

  2. Where do i work.
    I work in Guadalupe.
    I work on 1 streets
    I work at small room

I live in Barranquilla, Colombia
My laptop is on the desk
I study at University Autonoma del Caribe

I live in Bogotá
I am in my cousin´s bedroom
I am staying on the seventh floor
I am study english at platzi

I live in Lima, peru.
i live on the five floor.
I study at platzi

where do you live?
I am living in Mexico city
I am living on Mariano Street
I am living at 10 Mariano Street.

where do you work?
I am working in Mexico city
I am working on Reforma Street
I am working at 110 Reforma Street.

-I live on Peru.
-My room is in second floor.
-I live at Ramon Castilla street number 123.
-I work in Huanuco.
-My office is on third floor.
-My office is at Jorge Chavez street.

Answers the questions
Where do you live?
I livie in Quito. My house at Ficoa street, E203. I live on a second floor.
Where do you work?
I work in Quito- Ecuador. Likewise, I work at high school. I work on Guayaquil and Carvajal streets.

I live In México City
I live on San Cosme street
I live at numer 15

I work in México city
I work on Polanco
I work at Viva Agencia

I live in Mexico I work in Mexico city, on Miguel Hidalgo Street at the second floor

I live in Mexico city
I live on the first floor and my building has twenty floors

I live in Bogotá D.C, Colombia
I don’t work at this moment, still, I study at the University

I live in Valencia, Spain.
I work at home.

Where do you live?
I live in Puebla, Méxco.
I Live on street 10 P.
I live at street #310,
Where do you study?
I study in my house.
I study on the first floor.
I study at my room.

Where do you live? (3 answares. IN, ON, AT)

  • I live IN México.
  • I live ON Francisco Villa street.
  • I live AT house 3B.

Where do you work?

  • I work IN my house.
  • I work ON my room.
  • I work AT my computer.

I live In Santa Fe, Argentina.
I live on the 5th floor
I am a Data Engineer at Datalytics

I live in Mexico
I live on Always live Avenue
I live at Always Live Avenue 123

I work in Nuevo Leon
I work on Sixth floor
I work at Talisis

I live in Tecamac, Mexico.
I live on the Tinajas street .
I work at Majicarga

Time to practice!

I live in Villavicencio Colombia, I love this city, because its warm weather is very fanatastic, is a little small but there are very places for visit.
For the moment, I don’t have a work, but I do very things, I study at the school i’m on grade 9 of high school, I study at Platzi, I sell things for facebook, I do companions’ homeworks for win money and litle more.

Where do you live?

  • I live in Acapulco, my house is on pinocho street, if you want to visit me my house is at pinocho street number 123.

Where do you work?
-I work at Platzi, but currently work in my house, my studio is on the second floor.

IN - ON - AT : Time and Location

Where do you live?
I live in San Luis Potosì, Mexico on the first avenue.
Where do you work?
I work at home

  • I live in Cancún, México.

  • I go to the Church on Saturday at 6 o’clock at night.

  • I work at Home like a Developer and I provide my services at a church

I live in Monterrey
I live on the first floor of my house
I´m studying at Platzi

I live in Manizales, Colombia
I live on the second floor
I am a Web Developer at the Vybros Company

Where do you live?

  • I live in Puebla City

  • I live on the firts floor

  • I live at the Nacional Norte avenue, #110.
    Where do you work?

  • I work on México City

  • I work on the second floor

  • I work at Softtek

Where do you live?
I live in Bucaramanga city.
I live on the fifth floor
I live at the Carrera 30#50 Florida street.

Where do you work?
I work in my house
I work on the second floor of my house
I work at Trello

  1. Where do you live?
    1. I live in La Paz
    2. I live on Sucre avenue
    3. I live at 803 department
  2. Where do you work?
    1. I work in San Jorge
    2. I work on Cordero street
    3. I work at Coboser

I live in Cúcuta, Colombia
I live on the Los Pinos Avenue
I work at Ovy Company

I live in Villavicencio, Colombia. i love this city for its hot weather.
I dont work, I’m study at high school, and at Platzi too, at Platzi I study english and programation,

I live in Lima, Perú

I live in Fusagasuga, Colombia.
I live on the third floor.
I’m an assistant administrative at Superintendencia