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Cuanto vas a hablar sobre lo que quieres o lo que deseas puedes usar las expresiones I want o I would like.
I want…
Es la forma más común para expresar tus deseos. Es considerada una forma más directa para expresar cuando quieres alguna cosa.
I want to learn English.
I want to go to the gym.
I want a large beer.
I want a new car.
I want to watch TV.
I would like…
También se usa para expresar deseo, pero esta expresión suena un poco más formal y educada.
La contracción de I would is I’d. Por ejemplo:
I would like an orange juice. I’d like an orange juice.
Por ejemplo:
I’d like a big house.
I’d like a pizza.
I’d like to watch a movie.
I’d like to go home
I’d like another beer.
Ambas expresiones son correctas. Sin embargo, se debe tener cuidado en el uso de WANT, porque en algunas ocasiones se puede interpretar como poco cortés o una forma mandona y exigente.
Observa el siguiente ejemplo:
Practica estas expresiones con varios ejemplos de tu vida cotidiana.
Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.
Aportes 1500
Preguntas 57
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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?
I want go to the concert of BTS
I want study more english
I want sleep
I want buy a new cellphone
I want read a new book
I would like travel around the world
I would like eat more salad
I would like read more
I would like see a movie
I would like finished my homework
I want to go to Paris
I want to get married
I want to get a dog
I want to study another carreer
I want to improve my English
I’d like to have a car
I’d like to Covid-19 doesn’t exist
I’d like to get another nephew
I’d like to eat a churro
I’d like to be more tall
I want to learn another language
I want to get a new job
I want to eat a better way
I want to finish one song
I want to travel to Tokyo
I’d like to travel to Guanajuato again.
I’d like to improve my studio.
I’d like to meet the Egyptian pyramids.
I would like the opportunity to travel to space at least once.
I’d like to learn to cook.
I want:
I want to play basquetball
I want to buy milk at the supermarket
I want to go to the beach
I want to eat breaded shrimp
I want to clean the house
I would:
I’d like to learn english
I’d like to going at Disneyland
I’d like to stop working
I’d like to learn italian
I’d like to get with my sister in Dallas
1. I want to eat a burguer
2. I want to buy a new computer.
3. I want to learn programming.
4. I want to learn english.
5. I want to have other work.
I would like… - I’d like…
1. I'd like to speak english.2. I would liketo eat sushi.
3. I would liketo travel for all world.
4. I'd like to learn to swim.5. I would liketo run in the moorning.
want a hamburger.
I want a chinese rice.
I want go to Transilvania.
I want to eat a chocolate.
I want buy the new cellphone.
I would like buy a new car.
I would like a blue dress.
I would like to be more inteligent.
I would like to have a restaurant.
I would like to improve my English.
-I want the peace in Colombia.
-I would like to see Tour of France live.
-I want to improve my English.
-I’d like to learn more about new technologies.
I want to live with my wife.
I want to have a lot of money.
I want to eat a very big hamburguer.
I want a job like software development.
I would like to be more beautiful.
I would like to have a nice sleep.
I would like to have a bicycle.
I would like to be closer to my wife, because she’s in another country. lol that’s very sad.
I want
1 I want have girl
2 I want play soccer in the school
3 I want walk all the moda
4 I want run for all the gym
5 I want cook pasta and sandwich today
I would like
1 Id like to travel to bolivia for see the mar
2 Id like make bulling to somebody ahre xd
3 Id like walk the monday
4 Id like see a movie witch my dog and cat
5 id like eat in a restaurant witch mirta legrand
I want go to the concert of BTS
I want study more english
I want sleep
I want buy a new cellphone
I want read a new book
I would like travel around the world
I would like eat more salad
I would like read more
I would like see a movie
I would like finished my homework
I would like to pay a carr.
I would like to know English.
I would like to go to Europe.
I‘d like outside to walk.
I’d like to fly.
I want to learn English with Platzi
I want to eat fried fish.
I want to be close to you.
I want to finish this course to start the next.
For right now I want nothing more.
1. I want to play videogames
2. I want to travel to Japan
3. I want to visit my grand parents
4. I want to buy my computer
5. I want to eat salchipapa
6. I would like to do my homework
7. I would like to practice my english skills
8. I would like to hug my mother
9. I would like to learn data analytics
10. I would like to pay for my career
I would like
1. I would like to eat a cake
2. I’d like to travel with my friends
3. I would like to live in Japan
4. I would like to buy a camera
5. I would like to have a hamster I want
1. I want to be young forever
2. I want to buy a TV
3. I want to have a Ipad
4. I want to get married in the beach
5. I want to have super powers
Examples with **I want**
1. I want to buy a data visualization book
2. I want to finish my excel course to be fully expert.
3. I want to become in a data analyst in short term.
4. I want to become in a data scientist in large term.
5. I want to eat seafood.
**I would like**
1. I would like to achieve an advance English level.
2. I would like to fall asleep in minutes at night.
3. I would like to learn to drive a car.
4. I would like to learn to dance.
5. I woule like to start doing exercise.
I would like to adopt a dog. I love Beagles, they're so pretty.
I'd like to pay a suscription in a gym near my house
I'd like to start a bakery business
I would like to change my job
I'd like to live in Medellin, I see that is a beautiful city.
I want to get a job at a Marketing agency.
I almost don't know how LinkedIn works, I want to learn how to use it.
My apartment is very small for 3 people. I want to move to another one.
I want to see my mom. She left the last month.
I want to learn programming.
I want:
1.I want a new cell phone.
2.I want an orange juice.
3.I want that dress.
4.I want to finish the course.
5.I want to buy that desk.
I would like:
1.I would like to learn a new course at Platzi.
2.I would like to travel more.
3.I would like to buy a house outside of the city.
4.I would like a hot chocolate.
5.I would like a fruit salad.
I want to go to "The restaurant"
I want a driver’s license
I want my university title
Want you those shoes?
I want to travel to do climb
I’d like a pizza with a large soda, please.
I’d like to see the shirts, please
I’d like to go to the concert with you, if you want it.
I’d like green apple, every day to day, it is a fruit delicious.
I would like a book, please.
I want to play soccer,
I want to sleep in the afternoon,
I want to run in the street,
I want a hamburger now.
I would like that chair,
I would like lunch in other restaurant,
I would like have a house,
I would like work in this company,
I´like to travel for some countries in Asia in january
I would like to live in Madrid
I´d like to go at the Platzi Conference
We would like to go at U2 concert
They would like to come for the summer vacation
I want to buy a playstation 5
I want to eat a large sandwich
I want a Patriots´ shirt with the name and number 12 of Tom Brady
I want to eat pasta with my siblings
I want to read one hundred years of solitude of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
La contracción de I would is I’d. Por ejemplo:
I would like an orange juice.
I’d like an orange juice.
Por ejemplo:
I’d like a big house.
I’d like a pizza.
I’d like to watch a movie.
I’d like to go home
I’d like another beer.
I Want.
1- I want to learn English
2- I want to go travel
3- I want a new shoes
4- I want to play with you
5- I want to work
I Would Like1- I'd like to go to Australia2- I would liketo see the movie Fantastic Beats & Whereto Find Them
3- I'd like to travel to the Beach4- I would liketo eat pizza
5- I'd like read a comic
I want a cup of coffe, please.
I want to travel with my parents thus month.
I want buy that dress.
I want to eat in this place.
I want to you remember the telephone number.
I would like eat hamburguer today.
I´d like to be your roomate.
I would like to visit the museum with you.
I´d like to listen to music in my house.
I ´d like to go with me at church.
I want my own apartment.
I want to travel to Europe.
I want to eat a big cake.
I want to go to the beach
I want a beauty office.
I’d like to have my car.
I’d like to watch a Netflix series.
I would like to take other courses in Platzi.
I would like to buy expensive skincare products.
I’d like a large orange juice.
I want to work at this company.
She wants to buy a cellphone.
My dad wants to travel to Paris.
They want a new friend.
My dog wants to hang out with you. Would like
I would like to get your cellphone number.
He’d like to wake up earlier in the morning.
My friend would like to call his mom.
I’d like to study in another country.
We would like to return to face-to-face classes.
I want to travel the woeld
I want to go out with my friends
I want to learn english very well.
I want to make a dinner.
I want to realx on the beach.
I would like drink a coffee
I would like to eat ice cream
I would like to see a movie in the cinema.
I would like to make a cake.
I would like to swim.
I want to speak English
I want to study javascript
I want to practice English every time
I want to sing rock
I would like or I’d like
I’d like to know more about programming than i already know
I would like to speak English perfectly
I’d like to travel to Germany
I would like to practice volleyball more often
I want
1. I want to learn English.
2. Karen wants to be a teacher of kindergarten.
3. Thiago wants to be boyfriend of Helenita.
4. I want learning react.
5. I want to eat a hamburger.
I would like
1. I would like to learning react.
2. I would like to travel to Miami, Florida.
3. I would like to buy a Yamaha MT 09.
4. I would like to learn English.
5. I would like to know the Cap Nau stadium.
I want:
I want a new job
I want a pizza
I want to eat mexican food
I want to study
I want to buy chocolate
I would like or I'd like:
I’d like to go to Italy
I’d like to buy new clothes
I’d like a coffee
I would like to call my mom
I’d like to wait here.
This is my homework!
Write five examples using “I want”
1\. I want to go to the movies.
2\. I want to buy this computer for gamer.
3\. I want a FORD car.
4\. I want to take a Caribbean cruise.
5\. I want blue curtains.
Write five examples using “I would like”
1\. I would like to eat at a Chinese restaurant.
2\. I would like to go to France.
3\. I would like to meet Cristiano Ronaldo.
4\. I would like to eat hot soup.
5\. I would like to be a Dota player.
I would like togo to Puebla.
I would like to have new bike.
I would like my Platzi certificate.
I would like a stove for cooking.
I would like to have my pension.
I’d like to have a dog.
I’d like to have a motocycle.
I’d like to have a car.
I’d like to have more muscles.
I’d like to have magic.
I want a chicken sandwich.
I want a car.
I want a lawyer.
I want a winning lottery ticket.
I want to be in the review
I want to learn about Azure at Platzi.
I want to travel to Luxemburg.
I want to present the PEA test.
I want the recent book of my favorite businessman.
I want to stay safe.
Five examples with “I would like or I’d like”:
I’d like to watch anime after that class.
I would like to study more about data structures.
I’d like to see my friends.
I would like to eat with my family.
I’d like to keep learning with Jhon C.
I want the whisky cool
I want sleep, I am tired
I want the mountain run, in the morning
I want to go the bank by the afternoon
I wan to go the cinema tne eveninig
I would like at hot dog
I would like go in the USA
I would like a beer it is moment
I would like a beer at the moment
I would like to buy a car new
I'd like work in a multinacional company
I want a pizza
I'd like buy a penthouse
I would like a Tesla car at my garage
I want speck English
I want to be with my family this Christmas
I want the whole cake.
I Want to go to the Disneyland.
I want a new game.
I want to give you a gift.
I want to buy you a drawing.
I would like
I would like a burger with fries.
I would like a popcorn with soda for the movie
I would like to see that movie
I would like to be with you
I would like to learn to draw
1-I want to run in the park
2-I want soda on my table
3-I want thoses shoes
4-I want to eat all afternoon
5-I want dinner today
would like
1-i would like go to japan
2-I would like have a house
3-I would like a new table
4-I would like go to a party
5-I would like eat
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