Well, there is 20.95% of Oxygen’s volume contained in the air. 🤓💨
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Las expresiones there is y there are se utilizan para referirse a la existencia de algo.
La expresión there is se usa en los siguientes casos:
Expresar la existencia de un solo elemento, es decir, en singular.
There is a coffee on the table - Hay un café en la mesa
Referirse a algo que físicamente no se puede ver o es desconocido.
There is something in my eyes - Hay algo en mis ojos
Referirse a cosas incontables (nouncontable), como por ejemplo el oxígeno, etc.
There is some milk in the fridge - Hay leche en el refrigerador
There are se utiliza para hablar acerca de la existencia de varios elementos, es decir, en plural (dos o más elementos).
There are two dogs in the garden – Hay dos perros es el jardín
There are five books on the desk – Hay cinco libros en el escritorio
Con el uso de la siguiente imagen realiza varias oraciones usando las expresiones There is y There are.

There is a sofa.
Estas expresiones indican la inexistencia de elementos.
There isn’t a bus stop near here. – No hay parada de autobús cerca de aquí
There isn’t any cheese in the fridge – No hay queso en el refrigerador
There aren’t any oranges in the basket – No hay naranjas en la cesta
There aren’t any pens on the table – No hay lápices en la mesa
There isn’t money in my wallet - No hay dinero en mi billetera (cartera)
There aren’t students in the classroom - No hay estudiantes en el aula
Para formular preguntas usando there is y there are, solo se invierte el orden de las palabras de la siguiente manera:
There are - Are there…?
There is - Is there…?
Por ejemplo:
Is there a TV in your bedroom?
Yes, there is a TV.
Are there pets in your house?
No, there aren’t pets in my house.
Partiendo de la siguiente imagen, responde las preguntas que se formulan.
Are there kids in the park?
Yes, there is one girl in the park.
Is there an adult with the kid?
No, there isn’t an adult with the kid.
Are there animals in the park?
No, there aren’t animals in the park.
Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.
Aportes 1126
Preguntas 45
Well, there is 20.95% of Oxygen’s volume contained in the air. 🤓💨
My Practice:
Description the picture
There are many elements, for example:
There are three chairs
There is a puf.
There is a Sofa.
There are two tables.
There are two pictures.
There are two lamps.
Description of my Room
Well in my room in this moment:
There are some books.
There are some clothes.
There is a computer.
There is a Piggy bank.
There are perfumes
My practice:
There are two tables
There is a window
There are two pictures
There is a white carpet
There are some journals on the table
In my house:
There is a bathroom, there is a kitchen, there is a TV, there is a radio, also there are four beds, there are many chairs, there are two dogs and two cats.
-> There is a computer.
-> There are five notebooks.
-> There are three pencils.
There is a coush
There are two lamps
There are three tables
There are four chairs
There is a puf
There are two paintings
[HERE WE GO!}(https://voca.ro/1doWEK4ykvG3)
Things that there are in my room
there is one hall or room and there are many things.
there aren’t in that classroom.
there isn’t a house.
are there any kids in the park? yes there is one girl in the park
-Are there kids in the park?
Yes, there is one girl in the park.
-Is there an adult with the kid?
No, there isn’t an adult with the kid.
-Are there animals in the park?
No, there aren’t animals in the park.
There is a bed.
There are five pictures on the wall.
There is my desk.
There is my laptop.
There is my mouse.
There is a TV.
There are four books.
There is crucifix.
There aren’t animals.
There isn’t a sofa.
There isn’t any knife.
There isn’t a bicycle.
There isn’t a fridge.
There isn’t any car.
There aren’t weapons.
There isn’t a video game console.
There is / There are: Something exists or doesn’t exist.
There is and there are with the house’s elements:
Afirmative, negative & questions.
There is a table
There is my daughter sleeping
There isn’t food
There are toys all the flat
There is a sofa
There is a ventilator
description picture number one:
There are six sofás
There are two tables
There is a window
There is a wall
There is a sweater on my bed
There are candies on the table
There is a pizza in the fridge
Description of my study room
There is a door.
There is a computer.
There are many windows.
There is a treadmill.
There are a lot of books.
There is one table.
There are three chairs.
There are two desks.
There is one camera.
There isn’t a sofa.
There are many magazines in the room
There are many pictures on the wall
There is a phone on the table
There is a carpet in the floor
Description the picture
1There are three chairs
2There is a Sofa.
3There are two tables.
4There are three pictures.
5There are two bathrooms
6There are three rooms
7There are three computers
In my room:
This is my practice
There are four floors in my house.
There is a computer in my room.
There are six chairs in the kitchen.
There are two televisions in my house.
There is one TV in my house.
There are beds in my house.
There isn’t a car in my house.
There aren’t matches in my house.
There are two tables
There are two windows
There are three pictures
There are five chairs
There is one lamps
There is one refrigerator in my kitchen
There are three pillows in my bedroom
There is one microwave oven in my dining room
there is in singular and there are in plural 😃
which is the option correct for this picture?
Yes, There is one girl in the park
No, There isn´t an adult with the kid
No, There aren´t animals in the picture
There is a desk in my apartment
There isn´t a dining room
There aren´t two tables
There is a puf.
There are two chairs
There is a window
There are many lamps
I can see that there are two images in the picture, there is also a large window and there are many chairs.
there is one window
there are two lamps
there are two table
there are four chairs
Image Description.
There is a sofa.
There is a table.
There is a switch.
There is a window.
There are three chairs.
There are many lamps.
I cansay there arent’ students in de school.
There aren’t students in that classroom.
I can say there isn’t a house
maybe there isn’t an animal.
There isn’t a plantin that picture.
There aren’t humans in that picture.
There aren’t houses in the picture.
Yes, there is one kid.
Yes one girl in the park.
There isn’t an adult with the kid.
There aren’t animals in the picture.
There is a laptop.
There is a mause.
There are many pictures.
There is a door.
There are two monitors.
There are thre chair.
There are five books
There is a window
There are two Beds.
There are four chairs in this picture.
There is a window
There are some magazine
Are there kids in the park?
Yes, there is one kids in the park.
Is there an adult with the kid?
No, there aren’t an adult with the kid.
Are there animals in the picture?
No, there aren’t animals in the park.
Practice There are & There is
In my house
Here we go!
There is
There is quite a bit of light in that photo.
There is a window here
There is a beige wall in that picture
There are:
There are two chairs
There are three lamps
There are two books on that picture
There are many cars on the road
There is a coffee on the table
Good class
There is a window
There are two pictures
There is a white carpet
There are some journals on the table
Are there kids in the parak?
R/ Yes, there is one kid in the park
Is there an adult with the kid
R/No, there isn´t an adult with the kid
are there animals in the picture?
R/No, There aren´t animals in the picture
en la ultima era picture me equivoque
Are there kids in the park?
Yes, there is one girl in the park.
Is there an adult with the kid?
No, there isn’t an adult with the kid.
Are there animals in the park?
No, there aren’t animals in the park.
There are 2 pictures
There is a couch
There are two magazines on the table
There is a window
My practice:
There are three tables in the picture
There is one sofa in the picture
There are several magazines in the picture
Are there kids in the park?
Yes, there is one girl in the park
Is there an adult with the kid?
No, there isn’t an adult with the kid
Are there animals in the picture?
No, there aren’t animals in the picture
There is one TV in my bedroom
There are many posters on my bedroom’s wall
There isn’t a radio in my bedroom
There are two lamps im my living room
There are eight chairs in my dining room
There is one table in my kitchen
There aren’t pets in my house
There are five computers in my room.
There is one Xbox controller.
There aren’t animals in my house.
There es a computer in my desk
There are pencils in my desk
There is a refrigerator en my kitchen
There are sofas en my room
There is a microwave in my kitchen
There isn´t a dinning room in my house
there is a pocket in the car
there are three oranges on the bag
There are 2 pictures
There is a couch
There are two magazines on the table
There is a window
There are many chairs
There is a table
There are many magazines
There is a nice bay window
There are seven beds in my house.
There is a car.
There are two dogs in my house.
There isn’t a swimming pool in my house.
There isn’t a TV in my room.
There aren’t lamps in my hose.
There is a sofa on the roon.
There are three chairs.
The are 2 newspaper on the table.
There is a bed.
There are five pictures on the wall.
There is my desk.
There is my laptop.
There is my mouse.
There is a TV.
There are four books.
There is crucifix.
There aren’t animals.
There isn’t a sofa.
There isn’t any knife.
There isn’t a bicycle.
There isn’t a fridge.
There isn’t any car.
There aren’t weapons.
There isn’t a video game console.
there are computers
there is a dog
there are 7 chairs
there is a tv
In my house there is a TV,
There are four sofa
There are Three rooms
There is a cat
There is a shop
Take a moment to look around your house and describe what you see.
There are books.
There are three tables
There is a sofa
There is a carpet
There are two frames
There are two lamps
-Are there kids in the park?
Yes, there is only one girl
-Is there an adult with the kid?
No, there isn’t an adult with the kid
-Are there animals in the picture?
No, there aren’t animals in the picture
There is a bed
There is a desk
There is a computer
There is a bathroom
There are many books
There is a closet
There is a computer in my room
There are many books in my desk
There isn´t a TV in my room
There aren’t toys in my room
There are 2 cellphones in my desk
There is a chair in my room
There is a lamp
there is a desk
there is a newspaper
there is a sofa
there is an anchair
there are pictures
there are 3 sofas
there is a table on that picture.
there are a charis on the picture.
there are ids in the park?
yes, there is one kids in the picture.
is there an adult with the kid?
there isn´t an adult with the kid.
are there animals in the picture?
no, there aren´t animals in thepicture.
note: in quesiton we change the order, for example:
(+) there is
(?) ¿is there?
(+) there are
(?) ¿Are there?
is very simple ¿right?
Describing the picture:
There is a sofa in the room.
There are 4 chairs in the room.
There are two murals on the room´s wall.
There is a carpet on the room´s ground.
There are two lamps in the room.
There are many books in the room.
In the park, there is a kid.
There isn´t an adult with the kid.
There are animals in the picture.
In the picture, there is a window.
In the picture, there are five chairs
In the picture, there is a sofa.
In the picture, there are two Painting picture
In the picture, there are three magazines.
In the picture, there is a circular chair.
In my house, there isn´t a pet,
there is a living room. Also, there are five rooms. In my house The isn´t a green area, there is one bathroom there aren´t kids. There are two adults and there is one teenager.
Hi there
I let my exercises about “There is” and “There are”
I hope these examples are well.
My Examples:
Picture 1
There is a trash can.
There are two lamps.
Picture 2
There isn’t a teacher.
There aren’t people.
Picture 3
Are there cyclists in the park? / No, there aren’t cyclists in the park.
Is there a clown? / No, there isn’t a clown in the park.
House’s elements:
There is a computer.
There aren’t three chairs.
There are two monitors.
There isn’t a fountain.
There is a cup of coffee on the table.
There are some books on my desk.
There is a table.
There is a phone.
There is a picture.
There isn’t a bike.
There aren’t sofas
There aren’t TVs in the rooms
There are two Lamps
There are 4 chairs
There are not students
There isn´t people on sand.
Describing the picture:
In my room:
In my room:
There is a bed.
There are many shoes, tenis and sandals.
There isn´t a restroom.
There aren´t windows.
In my room
In my bedroom there are many video games to ps4
In my house there are two dogs
In my house there is a fridge
In the living room the is one orquídea
There are two coffe tables
There is a sofa
There are four chairs
There are two pictures at the wall
There are two lamps
There is a big window
In my room:
There is a computer
There are two chairs
There is a monitor
There is a bed
There is a mirror
There are two guitars
There are many books
There are a lamp
My Room:
The gifs of this class are amazing.
There is one color on the wall (White)
There is a carpet in the living room.
There is a sofa in the apartment.
There are many chairs in the living room.
There are three desks in the room.
There are windows on the wall.
Here, in my room, there is a computer and there are tables. But, the isn’t a fridge or the aren’t other people.
There is a sofa
There are two paints
There are four chairs
There are two lamps
Thare is a window
There is a puff
Whatever , in this room there are many elements
Yes, there is a kid in the park,
No, there aren´t an adults with the kid
No, There aren´t an animals in the park
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