There are five pillows on the bed
There are two pollows in front of the bed
There aren’t chairs
There aren’t people
There is one lamp on the table
There is one plant on the desk
There isn’t a TV
There isn’t a girl
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Expresiones útiles en el presente simple
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Quiz: Otros usos del presente simple en Inglés
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En esta imagen puedes observar que se hace una descripción de los objetos que hay en la cocina
Siguiendo el ejemplo anterior, realiza una lista de cinco objetos existentes y cinco objetos inexistentes en la habitación de la siguiente imagen.
Contribución realizada con los aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.
Aportes 1047
Preguntas 16
There are five pillows on the bed
There are two pollows in front of the bed
There aren’t chairs
There aren’t people
There is one lamp on the table
There is one plant on the desk
There isn’t a TV
There isn’t a girl
In this kitchen…
There are 5 chairs
There are two lamps
There aren´t five plants
There is a window
There isn´t a TV
In this room…
There is a blanket
There are three or four plants
There is a window
There are four pictures
There isn´t three lamps.
In this kitchen:
There are five chairs, but there ins´t a tv.
There are two lamps, but there isn´t a dog.
There is a big window, but there ins´t an aquarium.
Outside the kitchen there are plants, but there isn´t a car.
On the table there are many cups, but on the table there isn´t food.
In the room:
In front the window there is a bed, but there aren´t people.
On the bed there are five pillows, but there isn´t a cat.
on the wall there are four picturs, but there aren´t lamps.
In front the bed there ins´t a table, but there are two pillows.
Under the bed there are something, but under the bed there isn´t a PS5.
In this kitchen:
There are 5 chairs
There isn´t a coffee bar
There are two lamps
There isn´t a carpet
There is a refrigireitor
There is a stove
Look at the picture and use there is and there are to describe it.
There are five pillows on the bed
There are two pollows in front of the bed
There aren’t chairs
There aren’t people
There is one lamp on the table
There is one plant on the desk
There isn’t a TV
There isn’t a girl
°on the wall there are four paintings but there is no family photo
° on the bed there are five Cushions but is are not enough
There is a bed
There are three plants
There are four pictures
There is a windows
There are five pillows on the bed
There are two pollows in front of the bed
There aren’t chairs
There aren’t people
There is one lamp on the table
There is one plant on the desk
There isn’t a TV
There isn’t a girl
Good class
There is a bed.
There are eight pillows.
There is a door.
There isn’t a window.
There are four painting.
There isn’t a TV.
There aren’t people.
In this bedroom:
There are 4 pictures.
There are 4 plants.
There is a big bed.
There is a lamp.
There is a big window.
There is a night table.
There are seven pillows.
There isn’t a TV.
There aren’t any people.
There isn’t a cellphone.
There are five pillows on the bed
There are two pollows in front of the bed
There aren’t chairs
There aren’t people
There is one lamp on the table
There is one plant on the desk
There isn’t a TV
There isn’t a girl
There are four decorative pictures.
There is a bed.
There is a three plants.
There is a big window.
There are two lamps.
There isn’t a bathroom.
There aren´t animals.
There isn´t a TV.
There isn´t a closet.
There isn´t a fan.
There isn´t a rug.
thanks for the good explication
In my kitchen there are a microwaver, there is a refrigerator, there is a chair, there are plates, there are glasses…
In my livinroom there are chairs, there are laptops, there are books, there is a modem, there is a table, there is a desk and there are sofas…
There are five pillows on the bed
There are two pollows in front of the bed
There aren’t chairs
There aren’t people
There is one lamp on the table
There is one plant on the desk
There isn’t a TV
There isn’t a girl
-> There is a mouse.
-> There is a bed.
-> There are two chairs.
-> There is a table.
In the bedroom:
There are many plants
There is one bed
There are 4 frames
There is a big window
There are 8 pillows
There are 2 lamps
My aport
In the big bed room
There is a big bed
There are 4 paintings
There are three plants
There is a table nightstand
There is a window
There isn´t a TV
There isn´t a person
There isn´t a dog
There aren´t three windows
Thank you
Let’s practice there is and there are!
In this bedroom:
My Practice:
In this room we can see that:
There are four paintings on the wall.
There are five pillows on the bed.
There are two plants beside to the window.
There is a lamp on the table.
There are three pillows beside to the bed.
There Isn´t people in the room.
There Isn´t TV in the room.
There are 4 picture
There are 2 table
There are several cushions
There is bed
There is window
There are 2 lamps
there are some plants
there is a bed
thera are some pillows
there are some cushions
there are curtains
there isn´t a tv
There are some pillows
There is a bed
There are some plants
There are four pictures
There is a door
There is a towel
There are curtains
There isn’t a tv
In the picture:
In the picture are:
There are two lamps
There are five chairs
There is a cupboard
There is a big window
There is a toaster
There are many pillows.
There isn’t a TV.
There is a bed.
There are three plants.
There aren’t persons in the picture.
There are four pictures on the wall.
There is a blanket on the bed.
In the kitchen:
In the bedroom there are many things:
There are four pictures
There isn´t a TV
There are many pillows
There is a bed
There are two plants
There is a nightstand
There are two lamps
There aren´t closets
There is a blanket
There aren´t chairs
There is a window
• There are many pillows
• There are two plants
• There is a bed
• There are four pictures
• There are two lamps
• There isn’t a TV
• There isn’t a closet
• There aren’t people
• There isn’t a bathroom
• There isn’t a balcony
There are six pillows on the bed
there are two lamps
there are two plants
there are two curtains
there is a big window
*there is a bed
*there isn’t a chair
*there are cushions
*there aren’t peoples
*there is a big window
There are five chairs
There are two lamps
There is a fridge
There isnt a big plant. There aren
t plates on the table.
There are four pictures
There aren’t four pillows
There is a bed
There isn’t a plant
There is a big window
There are four paintings
There are many pillows
There are three plants
There isn’t a TV
There is a lamp
There is a bed
There is a window
There are four pictures
There aren’t four pillows
There is a bed
There isn’t a plant
There is a big window
in my bedroom there are:
two desks
two computers
a bed
a closet
a bookseller
1.-There are 5 pillows
2.-There is a bed
3.-There are three plants
4.-There are 4 pictures on the wall
5.-There aren’t people there
6.-There aren’t kids there
7.-There isn’t a bathroom there
8.- There isn´t a tv there
1. There are five chairs.
2. There are two lamps.
3. There is a windows.
4. there is a fridge.
5. there aren't microwave oven.
• There are four paintings.
• There are some cushions.
• There isn’t a TV.
• There are two lamps.
• There is a big window.
• There are some plants.
• There aren’t people.
This is a big a room:
Look at the picture:
In this bedroom:
there are four pictures
there is a bed
there is a big window
there are two plants
There isn’t a TV
There are four pictures.
There are many pillows.
There are two plants.
There isn’t a clock.
There aren’t people in the bedroom.
There is a window.
My practice:
In this bedroom:
● There are 4 pictures.
● There are 2 lamps.
● There is a bed.
● There are 3 plants.
● There isn’t a TV.
● There isn’t a radio.
I chose another picture to do the activity.
There is one rooster.
There are three hens.
There is a cow.
There are two ducks.
There isn’t a horse.
There aren’t pigs.
There are some turkeys.
There are some chicks.
There is a farm.
My answers
There is a bed.
There are some pillows over the bed.
There are 4 decorative pictures on the wall.
There isn’t a person.
There is a window.
There aren’t animals.
There is a big kitchen
There aren´t people to practice my english
There are 7 cushion’s
There is a big bed
There isn’t a TV
There are 4 pictures in tyhe wall
There is a lamp on the table
There is a table center
There isn´t dining room
There are a paintings
There aren´t seatings
There are many cuchions
thre is a bed
there are a plants
there are courtains
there are lamps
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