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Expresa gustos, desagrados y opiniones en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Cuando quieres (o te piden) expresar tu parecer sobre un tema, puedes responder hablando de lo que te gusta / likes, lo que no te gusta / dislikes y puedes dar una opinión abierta / opinions.


Hay varias formas para expresar que algo te agrada. Por ahora, te mostramos estas tres:

  1. He likes chocolate.
  2. I love video games.
  3. We enjoy cooking.

De las tres, love es la que hace más énfasis en que realmente nos gusta mucho algo.


Igualmente, hay varias maneras para expresar que algo no te gusta, por ejemplo:

  1. We don’t like dancing.
  2. She hates fast food.
  3. They dislike jazz.

Las tres opciones son correctas, pero ““hate”” es una forma de expresión más fuerte que las otras.


Cuando solicitan tu opinión sobre un asunto existen varias maneras para responder. Aquí tienes tres formas muy comunes:

  1. I think you are right.
  2. I consider we need it.
  3. I believe that´s not true.

En la siguiente imagen puedes observar el uso adecuado de likes, dislikes y opinions.

![Likes, dislikes and opinios]( ““Likes, dislikes and opinios””)

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez

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Preguntas 49

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What is the difference between don’t like and dislike?

There are a lot of people that think there isn’t difference between both them. But yep, there is a subtle difference that can surprise you.

  • Saying that you dislike something means you have a distaste for or hostility towards it.

  • When you don’t like something, it means that you would prefer something else over it. You would want this to not happen.

My Practice:
Do you like sports?
No I don’t I actually hate sports
Oh really? Why?
I think that sports are boring.
Do you like sports?
Yes I love them! I consider that sports are entertaining.

I like the Role-playing games in this course, great idea, I think it is the only course that has them at the moment.
I like this course, I consider we need more courses with activities like these.
@Agustín Antonio Martínez Berigüete enjoys the songs of the role plays this class.

Do you like your work?
No, I don´t like my work, actually i hate it

I think that this course is very good!

  • I like to play videogames, and I consider that is a good form of entertainment.

  • I enjoy travelling with my sisters, and I believe it is so relaxing.

  • I dislike the broccoli , I think it isn´t necesary for have a balance diet.

  • I hate the people who hurt animals.


She likes electronic music.
He loves extreme sports.
We enjoy driving on the highway.

I don’t like crowded malls.
You hate alcoholic drinks.
I dislike racist people.

I think that the fall of Facebook affected the world.
You consider that migration can be stopped.
We believe that entrepreneurship will be the solution to all problems.

I love to study at Platzi, because I think that going to your own rhythm and taking classes at any time of the day is the best way to learn. I also consider that is very useful that the platform gives you a link to review the classes of the questions you failed in the tests, and in case you failed the test, Platzi gives you the chance to take it again in 6 hours. Zero stress. I love it!

I consider that John’s conversations with us are amazing. I love it!

In English it is super important to know how to express the things that we like, that we dislike and our opinions. Similarly, it is important to know how to express your feelings. So to express that you like something you can basically use three common expressions.
“like” (to like), “love” (to love) and “enjoy” (to enjoy). To express that you don’t like it, you can say “Don’t like” (I don’t like it), “hate” (I hate), if the feeling is very strong, or “dislike” (I don’t like it).
You can also use them with different subject pronouns. “I” (I), “we” (we), “she” (she), “they” (they),

I like my dog, Max, because I consider my dog to be a member of the family

I dislike cats, bat I respect who likes

I like to dance and sing

What does she like.
She like plantas
She love the plants.
what doesn"t she like
She dosen"t like flowers.
She dosen"t like chocolate.
What will Nick buy her?
He will buy her a plants and he will write her letter.

I love the song of the role plays hehehe

I like that my teachers be disciplined with their students and with their actions in the class.

My practice:


1. I like to learn
2. I like to exercise
3. I like to win
4. I like to gain money
5. I like to stay with my family


1. I hate going to the bed late
2. I hate wake up late
3. I dislike lazy people
4. I dislike disrespect people
5. I dislike fake people


1. I think Freddy Vega is a good leader
2. I think Python is a so good programming language
3. I consider the war is so detrimental to the humanity
4. I believe to smoke is detrimental to health
5. I think hot weather is better than cold weather

The practice was very funny and I think that in the future we practice with a artificial intelligent, is this the next step in Platzi? How far is this posiblle ? 5 years? With the actualy tecnology I belive that is in less time

I think this class is great

I hate to practice but is necesary

I love to writting my little exercices for section comments


She likes electronic music.
He loves extreme sports.
We enjoy driving on the highway.

I don’t like crowded malls.
You hate alcoholic drinks.
I dislike racist people.

I think that the fall of Facebook affected the world.
You consider that migration can be stopped.
We believe that entrepreneurship will be the solution to all problems.

Good class

Do you like your work?
No, I don´t like my work, actually i hate it

Good class teacher



I love BTS.
I love reading.
I don’t like sports

I like sleep 😴🤣 I don't believe can't paint I don't consider a bad bunny a good singer




He likes chocolates
I love video games
We enjot cooking

Don’t like
Don’t like=no me gusta
Dislikes= me desagrada

We don’t likes dancing
She hates fats food
They dislikes jazz


I think yor are rigth
I consider we need it
I believe that’s not true

What does she like.
She like plantas
She love the plants.
what doesn"t she like
She dosen"t like flowers.

I think it’s a good explanation.
You hate to be an approachable person.
They dislike the meat diet for children.

I love study in Platzi and my teacher favorite are John Carvajal, Freddy and Diego De Granda. I consider that them are amazing. 😄

I love play Rocket League.

I like chocolate cookies but I dislike to cook. I think the chocolate is the best flawor for cookies.
I love listen to music but I hate the radio commercials. I consider that the radioi comercials are annoying.
I enjoy reading a good book but I don’t like painting I believe that a short history is better than a long book.

Jajajaj i like the gifs’ teacher

I like video game but I prefer play soccer over any other activity

I like this course, i love the methodology and i’ve enjoying the whole time.

I don’t like the negative persons,
i dislike troublemakers that want make disorder.
i hate the complaints with a way to solved.

I think that our world is diverse.
I consider that what we need is more interships between countries.
I believe that it will possible someday.

What is the difference between don’t like and dislike?

There are a lot of people that think there isn’t difference between both them. But yep, there is a subtle difference that can surprise you.

Saying that you dislike something means you have a distaste for or hostility towards it.

When you don’t like something, it means that you would prefer something else over it. You would want this to not happen.

1.-I think delveloping software is fun.
2.- He likes play the guitar.
3.-She loves sports.
4.-She considers play videogames are entertaining.
5.-He doesn’t like vegetables.

Do you like sports?
No I don’t I actually hate sports
Oh really? Why?
I think that sports are boring.
Do you like sports?
Yes I love them! I consider that sports are entertaining.

i like swim but i don´t like the futbol, i think that is so boring
i love blue color, but i hate red color, i consider is to much
she enjoys wach tv, but she dislike listen to music she believe is boring

* **Like:*** "I like to use user feedback to improve the product design." * **Dislike:*** "I dislike working with outdated design tools." * **Hate:*** "I hate when there are unclear requirements for the design project." * **Consider:*** "I consider user experience to be the most important aspect of product design." * **Think:*** "I believe my new app design will improve user satisfaction." * **Love:*** "I love creating intuitive and visually appealing interfaces." * **Believe:*** "I believe in iterative testing to refine the product design."
I enjoy this course I dislike the vegetals I think you are very smart

Practice: Likes, dislikes and opinions




  • Do you like parties?
    Yes, I love go to party.
  • Do you want to go to a party tomorrow?
    No, I can’t go to party tomorrow, I think that a bad day.
  • Would you like go to party in saturday?
    Yes, I want to go in saturday.
Do You like sports?. No, I don't like. I actually hate sports. Oh, really? Why? I think that sports are boring. Do You like sports? Yes, I love them. ! I considered that sports are entertaining.
1. Where does your father work? My father works in the field. 2. Are you working at the moment? no, it's not working. 3. Where do you work? I'm not working, I'm studying at Platzi 4. Are you working at the moment? I'm not working
She likes pizza She dislike dances I think that eat pizza?

he likes chocolate

I love video game

muy buena explicación, gracias.

Yes, I do
Do you like sports?
No I don’t I actually hate sports
Oh really? Why?
I think that sports are boring.
Do you like sports?
Yes I love them! I consider that sports are entertaining.


Thank you for this class




1.-I think delveloping software is fun.
2.- He likes play the guitar.
3.-She loves sports.
4.-She considers play videogames are entertaining.
5.-He doesn’t like vegetables.

Likes, dislikes and opinions.

  • Do they like baseball?
    Yes, they like baseball.
  • Does he like athletics?
    No, he doesn’t like athletics.
  • I think that gymnastics is good for her.
  • Do you think we like this Restaurant?.
    Yes, I do.
  • She hates to eat liver.

my name is Daniel, I like to play soccer and sing my songs
I love play whit my cat everyday, it name is Felix
I enjoy talk whit my friends and family and I enjoy cooking

my brother doesn’t like when i sing jajaja
my cat hates the milk
I dislake the fast food

I think that i can learn more in Platzi
I consider buy the new Ps5 jajajja
I believe that this year will be amazing

  1. I like my dog
  2. I Like watch tv
  3. I don’t like the clowns
  4. I hate the lies
  5. I love travel with my daughter
  6. I consider that my work is stressing
- I like to play soccer at the park. - I love to eat pozole. - I enjoy travel with my friends every month. - I don't like coffee - I hate vegetables. - I dislike opera music.


  • I like hamburgers.
  • He loves playing video games.
  • She loves coffee.


  • They dislike Mexican sauce.
  • She hates dancing.
  • He doesn’t like Tequila.


  • I think you will be the best.
  • We consider that she need to be the lead.
  • I believe that the cybersecurity very important.
she doesn't like flower she doesn't like chocolate she does like plants nick will buy her a cactus and hi writes a letter


She likes play the piano
she loves animals
we enjoy going to the cinema


I don’t like cats
I hate meatloaf
they dislikes reggaeton


I think this course is very good
I consider that I love you

  • I like football, and I consider that is the best sport of the world.
  • I enjoy travelling with my friends, and I believe it as a therapy.
  • I dislike junk food because I think it is unhealthy.
  • I hate injustices.

I love to practice conversations

I like to study, but I dislike watching football on television

Practice with me 😁

I think that Platzi is very useful

I love to wath movies
I don’t like beetroot
I think that the study is the only way out, morally

I like to eat pasta
I love run
She dislikes sing
He consider maths are very useful
I think traveling is important in life

I like to watch soccer, but I don’t like to practice it. I think volleyball is more interesting and that’s why I like to practice it.




Dont Like


My practice. * I like matcha. * She loves eating. * My friends enjoy playing video games. * I hate lie people. * He doesn’t like running. * We dislike loud music. * She thinks is right road. * I believe that talk with true is good. • ⁃ You consider this to be safe.
He likes chocolate. They dislike jazz. YOUR OPINION: I think you are right. I consider we need it. I believe that's not true.
Homework * I like Burger. * She enjoys the horse ride. * He doesn't like chicken. * They hates lies.​ * We love spring. * Do you like beach? Yes, I like beach. * She consider Maria's opinion. * They deslike work? No, they delike work. * She believe in God? Yes, she believes Good. * Peter thinks about hos return to schoo.l
Hi! 1. I love video games too! 2. I enjoy doing sports. 3. I don't like being boring 4. I dislike the disorder

Good class teacher C:

The Expression what i can use is : Think (pensar), (consider) (considerar) (believe) (creer). Y existen algunas que se llaman (love (amar) y Hate (odiar
I love the sports. My favorite sport is soccer. I am fan of Barcelona team. Because I think that they play amazing. Also I hate Real Madrid team. Bucause I dislike that the referies always help them. I considerer that club is corrupt.
LIKES 1. Do you like Chinese food? Yes, I love Chinese food. 2. Does he love Spanish dancing? No, he doesn't. He loves peruvian dancing. 3. Do they enjoy country club on weekends? Yes, they do. They enjoy the pool a lot. DISLIKES 1. Do you like her? No, I don't like her. I like Miss Castillo. 2. Does he like pineapple pizza? No, he doesn't. He dislikes pineapple in his food. 3. Does she like soda? No, she doesn't. She hates soda. OPINIONS 1. Do you like water? No, I don't. I think water is necessary, but I like to drink soda. 2. Ronald, Williams and Luis worked all day!. Did they work all day? I believe that's not true. 3. Do you study for the English final exam? No, I don't. I consider is not necessary to study.
Good Teacher, excellent pronunciation :)
follow me in Instagram: Rafaarismendy
A. Do you like sport? B. Yes, I like play volleyball and play tennys. A. Oh ,really? Why? B.I think that sports are relax and fun. B. Do you like sport? A. Yes, I love them . I consider that sports are beneficial for health. Betty Ocando B. A. Do
**To express dislikes or likes** * I **like** learning english. * She **dislikes** running. * We **hate** being sick. * They **like** going gym. * I don't **like** washing dishes * My mom **hates** cockroaches. **To express opinion** * I **believe** Goku exists. * She **considers** the planet is flat. * They **think** I am right.
He likes the sports, He actually love to ride bike But, He doesn't like the books, he hates to read. I enjoy to read a good book, but I dislike to ride bike
oraciones que expresan likes, dislikes y opiniones: 1. Likes: * I like to read books in my free time. * She likes listening to music while studying. * We like to go hiking on the weekends. 2. Dislikes: * He dislikes waking up early in the morning. * They dislike spicy food because it upsets their stomachs. * She dislikes watching horror movies because they scare her. 3. Opinions: * In my opinion, chocolate ice cream is the best. * His opinion on the matter is that we should invest in renewable energy. * Our opinion is that the new restaurant in town serves delicious food. Estas oraciones ilustran cómo se pueden usar expresiones de gustos, disgustos y opiniones en contextos diferentes para comunicar preferencias y puntos de vista personales.
"Likes," "dislikes," and "opinions" are all related to expressing preferences and thoughts about various topics. Here's a breakdown of each: 1. **Likes**: Likes refer to things, activities, or people that you enjoy or have a positive attitude towards. It can be anything from hobbies, foods, places, or people. * Example: "I like playing basketball." * Example: "She likes going to the beach." 2. **Dislikes**: Dislikes refer to things, activities, or people that you do not enjoy or have a negative attitude towards. It's the opposite of likes. * Example: "He dislikes horror movies." * Example: "They dislike spicy food." 3. **Opinions**: Opinions refer to personal beliefs, judgments, or viewpoints on a particular topic. Opinions can vary greatly from person to person and are often influenced by personal experiences, values, and knowledge. * Example: "In my opinion, the new movie is fantastic." * Example: "Her opinion on the matter is that we should wait and see what happens." In everyday conversations, people often express their likes, dislikes, and opinions to share their preferences, make decisions, or engage in discussions. These expressions help to convey personal tastes and perspectives on various subjects.
I hate adult life She loves to run He dislikes cooking I love watch anime They enjoy winning
i like to drema she loves to laugt we enjoy to sell you dislike to dream she doesn't to dream he hates to sell i consider to sell she thinks to dream they believe to laugh

Clase 18 - Cómo expresar gustos, desagrados y opiniones en inglés

Summary Class

¿Qué palabras podemos usar cuando nos gusta algo?

  • Likes
    • He likes chocolate.
  • Love
    • I love video games.
  • Enjoy
    • We enjoy cooking.

¿Entre las palabras “likes”, “love” y “enjoy”, cual podemos usar para denotar un mayor agrado hacia alguien o algo?

  • Con la palabra “love”.

¿Qué palabras podemos usar cuando no nos gusta algo?

  • Don’t like
    • We don’t like dancing
  • Hate.
    • She hates fast food.
  • Dislike.
    • They dislike jazz.

¿Entre las palabras “don’t like”, “hate” y “dislike”, cuál podemos usar para denotar un mayor grado de desagrado hacia alguien o algo?

  • Con la palabra “hate”.

¿Qué palabras podemos usar cuando nos piden nuestra opinión hacia algo?

  • Think.
    • I think you are right.
  • Consider.
    • I consider we need it
  • Believe.
    • I believe that’s not true.
I love your practice ❤
a person - Ian, do you like money? 🤑 I - Yes, i like money, of course a person - Ian, what do you tink for her? I - I do not like her
Name of the class: Likes, dislikes and opinions Important notes and activities: I learned a new word “switch” is a synonym for “change”. Likes: I like, I love or I enjoy; dislikes: I don´t like, I dislike or I hate (this is a more strong word) and; opinions: I think, I consider or I believe.
I don't like sea food.
Good night This is my exersice <>