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Presente simple y presente continuo en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

El tiempo presente tiene dos formas diferentes para expresar situaciones: presente simple y presente continuo. Estos se usan para expresar acciones que ocurren en diferentes momentos.

El presente simple tiene dos maneras de manifestarse:

  • Usando el verbo to be
  • Usando otros verbos diferentes al verbo to be

El presente continuo o presente progresivo, como también se le conoce, indica acciones que están ocurriendo en el momento y se forma con la estructura gramatical:

Pronoun + form of to be + verb + ing

** Ejemplo: ** We are dancing

Es decir, el presente continuo se forma a través de la combinación del presente simple más la terminación ING.

![Present continuous]( ““Present continuous””)

Recordando el uso del presente simple

Para recordar a fondo el uso del presente simple con el verbo to be y otros verbos, puedes ir a esta clase. El presente simple se utiliza en los siguientes casos:

  1. Cuando quieres comunicar estados o acciones permanentes.

Ejemplo: The earth is the third planet from the sun.

  1. Al manifestar estados o situaciones que son rutinarias o acciones que tienen periodicidad.

** Ejemplo**: Every ten years is a decade.

  1. Para hablar de hábitos, rutinas o hechos que se repiten en lapsos de tiempo determinado.

    Ejemplo: I drink coffee every morning.

  2. Cuando das indicaciones, instrucciones y señales.

    Ejemplo: You go down this street to the cinema, then you turn right .

  3. Para transmitir citas, hechos o compromisos que pasarán en un tiempo determinado.

    Ejemplo: Tomorrow is my birthday!

Ejercicios usando el presente simple

Selecciona la palabra o frase correcta:

  1. I brush my teeth every day.
  • am brushing
  • brush.

En este caso la acción se realiza todos los días. Es una acción permanente. No se está realizando en el momento. Por esta razón, se trata del tiempo presente simple.

  1. She has two sisters.
  • has
  • Is having

En este caso se repite la misma explicación del ejercicio anterior.

  1. I am cooking lunch right now
  • am cooking
  • cook

En este caso, la acción se realiza en el mismo momento que se está hablando. Por tanto, se trata del tiempo presente continuo.

Oraciones en presente continuo

La principal diferencia entre el presente simple y presente continuo está en su uso. El presente continuo indica acciones que suceden mientras hablamos, mientras que el presente simple se utiliza para expresar acciones habituales o situaciones permanentes.

Oraciones afirmativas usando presente continuo / Affirmative sentences using present continuous

Estructura gramatical:

Sujeto + verbo to be + verbo en gerundio (ING) + complemento

You are watching a video.
Steve is washing his hair.
Listen! The birds are singing.
I am reading a great book.
Jack is learning Italian.

Oraciones negativas usando presente continuo / Negative sentences using present continuous

Estructura gramatical:

Sujeto + verbo to be + not + verbo en gerundio + complemento


I’m not watching TV now.
She isn’t doing her homework.
We aren’t playing now.
Peter is calling his brother.
Steven is having a shower.

Oraciones interrogativas usando presente continuo / Interrogative sentences using present continuous

Estructura gramatical:

Verbo to be + sujeto + verbo en gerundio + complemento + ?


Are you enjoying the party?
Is the bus coming?
Is she opening her presents?
Where are you going?
What is he doing right now?

Let’s practice

  1. Am I speaking French?
    No, you aren’t speaking French.
    You are speaking English.

  2. Is he watching TV?
    No, he isn’t watching TV.
    He is dancing.

  3. Is she resting at home?
    No, she isn’t resting at home.
    She is running in the park.

Responde las siguientes preguntas e identifica cuáles están en presente simple y cuáles en presente continuo:

  1. Where does your father work?
  2. Is he working right now?
  3. Where do you work?
  4. Are you working right now?

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.

Aportes 1255

Preguntas 55

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

You are improving your skills in this moment

Dragon Ball fans, give me a 💚 and raise your hands, we are going to do a Genkidama! 🙌⚪

A mistake in the teacher’s presentation:

Incorrect: No it is isn’t sleeping.

Correct: No, it isn’t sleeping.

I am learning English at Platzi rigth now 🚀

I love this teacher!! Is awesome!

Do you like this course? ♥️


  1. Where does your father work? (Simple present)
    My father work in the field.
  2. Is he working right now? (Present continuous)
    Yes, He´s working right now.
  3. Where do your work? (Simple present)
    I´m study at the university.
  4. Are you working right now? (Present continuous)
    No, I´m not working right now.

It’s the first time that i understand cleary the difference between present simple and simple continuous

La principal característica de este tiempo verbal es el uso del gerundio “-ing”, que en español puede traducirse como los gerundios “-ando” y “-endo”.

En este tiempo, el verbo to be se convierte en verbo auxiliar y el “-ing”, se conjuga con el verbo principal de la acción:

Where does your father work? (Simple Present)

  • My father work at a company as security guard

is he working right now? (Present Continuous)

  • No, he isn’t working right now, he is sleeping right now.

Where do you work? (Simple Present)

  • I work at a University as Software Developer.

Are you working right now? (Present Continuous)

  • No, I’m not working right now, I am studying at Platzi right now.

21. Present Simple vs. Present Continuous:

  • Present tense:
  1. Present Simple: Verb To Be / Other verbs

I’m a student. // I study at Platzi.

  1. Present Continuous: (-ing)

I’m studying at Platzi.

  1. Present Perfect:


  1. I brush my teeth everyday.
  2. She has two sisters.
  3. I’m cooking lunch right now.

Practice 2:

  1. Where does your father work? My father works at home.
  2. Is he working right now? No, he’s not. Today is Sunday, it’s his day off.
  3. Where do you work? I work in a marketing agency.
  4. Are you working right now? No, I’m not. I’m studying at Platzi 😃.

Present tense:

Simple present: I work as a developer.

Present perfect: I’m working as a developer.

Present continuous: I’ve been working as a developer.

Este curso, y en especial esta clase, son sencillamente espectaculares ❤️.

  1. My father works in his workshop at home.
  2. Yes, he’s working right now.
  3. No, I don’t work, I study in Platzi.
  4. No, I’m not working right now.

Time to practice!

  1. Where does your father work?
    No, He is not, although it can be said that he works at home. He’s already retired.
  2. Is he working right now?
    No, He is not working right now, he’s sleeping right now.
  3. Where do your work?
    I work at the University.
  4. Are you working right now?
    No, I am not working right now, I’m studying English at Platzi right now.

Nice example the one of Dragon Ball

  1. Where does your father work?
    He works at home.
  2. Is he working right now?
    No, he is watching TV right now.
  3. Where do you work?
    I’m work at the bank.
  4. Are you working right now?
    No, I am studying right now.

Excellent class.

  1. Where does your father work?
    My father work in a Hospital
  2. Is he working right now?
    He isn´t working right now
  3. Where do your work?
    I work in my house.
  4. Are you working right now?
    I don´t working right now, I studying right now.

-I brush my teeth everyday.
-She has two sisters.
-I am cooking lunch right now.

Where does your father work?
He works in a company in Colombia.
Is he working right now?
Yes, he is working in the Company.
Where do you work?
I work in a supermarket.
Are you working right now?
No, I’m not working 'cause of the pandemic.


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A

I love the class and the way of explaining

Hi, teacher, I think in the TIME TO PRACTICE section , at the end of the video, in the option # 3 there is a spelling mistake (I think it´s YOU , not YOUR , in this case).

Please, check it carefully.

Thanks for your great classes: I´ve loved them a lot!


Where does your father work? (Present simple)
Is he working right now? (Present continuous)
Where do you work? (Present simple)
Are you working right now? (Present continuous)

  1. Where does your father work? (present simple)
    My father works as Travel Manager
  2. Is he working right now? (present continous)
    Yes, he is
  3. Where do you work? (present simple)
    I’m not working right now but I’m studying

I love the teacher’s gifs 😄
the cat is jumping, the dog is driving jajaja
"I am not sure if it is a good driver"

Gracias por este curso estoy aprendiendo mucho mas sobre ello

  1. I do not have father so, I became my own father and yes, I work hardly everyday.

  2. I work at Comcast Business as Customer service agent representative

  3. Yes, I’m working while I’m waiting a call.

    Time to practice.

1._ where does you father work?
may father work at hospital.
2._Is he working right now.
No He is not Working right now.
3._Where do you work.
I work in may house.
I"m working in may house every day.
$._Are you Working right now.
No I"m working now.
I"m studying English every day.


  1. Where does your father work?
  • My father work in Miller company, In the offices from Chicago.
  1. Is he working right now?
  • No, he isn’t working, he is reading a book
  1. Where do your work?
  • I don’t work, because I’m fourten years old, but I had a tables bussines but fauiled it, now I study in Platzi, and I study in high school.
  1. Are you working right now?
    No, I’m studing rigth now
  1. My father works in the bookstore.
  2. No, he is not working right now.
  3. I work in the office
  4. no, I am not working right now.

My practice:

  1. I brush my teeth everyday.
  2. She has two sisters.
  3. I am cooking lunch right now
1. My father work in Bank 2. No, He isn't work right now 3. I work in my Home 4. No, I'm working right now
  1. Where does your father work?
    He works at Downtown.

  2. Is he working right now?
    Yes, he is working right now.

  3. Where do you work?
    I work at Clouds Services Company.

  4. Are you working right now?
    No, I’m not working right now.

1. Where does your father work? He works at SolTecTra  (PS)
2. Is he working right now? He isn't working right now (PC)
3. Where do you work? I work at SolTecTra (PS)

Are you working right now? No. I’m not working right now (PC)

Tomorrow is my birthday!---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Where does your father work?
My father works in the house.

Is he working right now?
No, he isn’t working right now.

Where do you work?
I work in a Construction Company

Are you working right now?
Yes, I am working right now

Where does your father work? (Simple present)
Is he working right now? presente continuo
Where do you work? (Simple present)
Are you working right now? presente continuo

Where does your father work? (Simple present)
My father works in the field.
Is he working right now? (Present continuous)
Yes, He´s working right now.
Where do your work? (Simple present)
I´m study at the university.
Are you working right now? (Present continuous)
No, I´m not working right now.

Where does your father work? (Simple present)
My father works as a Plumber.
Is he working right now? (Present continuous)
Yes, He´s working right now.
Where do your work? (Simple present)
I´m study at Platzi
Are you working right now? (Present continuous)
No, I´m not working right now.





Thanks you

presente simple

I study at Plazi

Where does your father work?
-My father work is solder

  1. I am brush my teeth everyday
    2.She has two sisters
  2. I am cooking luch right now
  1. He works in a factory
  2. He is not working right now.
  3. I work in a supermarket
  4. No . I am not working rigth now.


  1. Where does your father work? Present simple
    My father work in Italy
  2. Is he working right now? Present continuous
    No, he isn´t working right now.
  3. Where do you work? Present simple
    I work at home
  4. Are you working right now? Present continuous
    No, I am not working right now.





Where does your father work? (Simple present)
My father work in the field.
Is he working right now? (Present continuous)
Yes, He´s working right now.
Where do your work? (Simple present)
I´m study at the university.
Are you working right now? (Present continuous)
No, I´m not working right now.

No, he isn’t watching TV.
He is dancing.

-Where does your father work?
in santanita

-He is working at this time?
No, he is not working at the moment.

-Where do you work?
I do not work yet

-Are you working right now?
yes, doing my homework

Is he working CONTINUO

Where does your father work? At his house.
Is he working right now? No, He’s not working right now.
Where do you work? I work in My casa es Puebla.
Are your working right now? Not really, I’m practing my English skills.

Where does your father work? (Present simple)
-My father works in the house
Is He working right now? (Present continuous)
-No, my father is resting right now

Where do you work? (Present simple)
-No, I dont work
Are you working right now? (Present continuous)
-I am studing at platzi right now

  1. where does your father work ?
    R// My father work in a workshop
  2. IS he working right now ?
    R// no, He is Resting right now
  3. Where do you work ?
    R// i work in my home
  4. Are you working right now ?
    R// if studyis work yes, but not is the case jajajaj xD

Dragon ball is always an excellent example 😄

  1. Where does your father work?
    My dad works at cafeteria.

  2. Is he working right now?
    Yes, my dad is working right now.

  3. Where do you work?
    I work at an agricultural insurer.

  4. Are you working right now?
    No, jijI I’m studying English at Platzi.

i am learning english right npw


  1. Where does your father work?
    He works in a government office
  2. Is he working right now?
    No he isn’t. He is visiting her mother right now
  3. Where do you work?
    I work in a government office too
  4. Are you working rihgt now?
    No I am not. I am studying english right now.
  • Exercise:
  1. Where does your father work?
    (Simple present)
    My father work in the field.

  2. Is he working right now?
    (Present continuous)
    Yes, He’s working right now.

  3. Where do your work?
    (Simple present)
    I’m study at the university.

  4. Are you working right now?
    (Present continuous)
    No, I’m not working right now.

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous.

  1. Where does your father work?.
    My father work in the university. (simple present).
  2. Is he working right now?.
    Yes, he is working right now. (present continuous).
  3. Where do you work?.
    I work at home. (simple present).
  4. Are you working right now?.
    Yes, I am working right now. (present continuous).

Hi everyone, these are my answers.

  1. Where does your father work?
    He works in mechanical workshop
  2. Is he working right now?
    No, he isn’t working
  3. Where do you work?
    I work at Minecraft S.A
  4. Are you working right now?
    No, I am not working
  • Is he working right now?
    No, he is not working. He is playing with the dog.
  1. I brush my teeth everyday.
  2. She has two sisters
  3. I am cooking lunch rigth now

. Where does your father work?
My father works in constrution
. Is he working right now?
no, he is not working right now
. Where do you work?
I work at office
. Are you working right now?
No, I am not working right now

Where does your father work?
My father doesn’t work because he is retired.

Is he working rigth now?
No, he isn’t working, he is watching TV.

Where do you work?
I am work in Ministry of Production in Peru.

Are you working right now?
No, I’m not. I’m studying English.


I love this clase.

i am cooking lunch right now

she has two sisters

where does your father work
my father works in a factory

is he workimg right now?
yes, he is working in this moment

where do you work
I work on sport club

are you working right now?
no, i’m sleeping

Where Does your father work? My father work in the camp (present simple) Is he working right now? Yes, he's working right now (present continuos) Where do your work? I work at home(present simple) Are you working right now? Yes, I am working right now (present continuos)
  1. I brush my teeth everyday.
  2. She has two sisters.
  3. I am cooking lunch right now.
  4. Am I speaking French? No, you’re not speaking French, you are speaking English.
  5. Are you paying attention? Yes, I’m.
  6. Is he watching TV? No, he isn’t. He is dancing.
  7. Is she resting? No, she’s running.
    Is the cat sleeping? No, it’s not. It’s jumping on the bed.
  8. Are they dancing? No, they are singing.

Hello everyone, this is my practice

where does your father work?
My father is a pensioner
is he working rigth now?
no, isn’t working rigth now
Wher do you worh
I am work in hachi
are you working rigth now?
no, i’m not working right now

Remember this:

Where does your father work?
My father works at the restrepo
Is he working right now?
no, he isn’t working right now, he is sleeping in his house
Where do you work?
I work in Bogota and Cundinamarca
Are you working rigth now?
No, I am not working right now, I am studying English at platzi

Thank you teacher John for this class is Excellent! 👏 🙌
#NeverStopLearnign 💚🚀
See you next Class!!

  1. Where does your father work?
    -He work in prevaler.
  2. Is he working right now?
    Yes, he is working right now
  3. Where do you work?
    -I work in faveley.
  4. Are you working right now?
    No, i’m not working right now

Where does your father work?
He work in Panama
Is he working right now?
No. he isn’t work right now

Where do you work?
I work in innova
are you working right now?
No. I am studying in platzi right now

I hope you are paying attention
  1. I brush my teeth everyday.
  2. She has two sisters.
  3. I am cooking lunch right now.

im learling english in this moment

Time to practice
1. Where does your father work?
He works at building
2. Is he working right now?
No, he isn’t working. He is getting a rest.
3. Where do you work?
I work at the company
4. Are you working right now?
No, I am not working. I’m studying at Platzi

  1. Where do you father work?
    My father work in his tire shp

  2. Is he working right now?
    No, he doenst work in this moment, he work at 8:00 am to 6:00 pm every day.

  3. Where do you work?
    I sell water purific plant.

  4. Are you working right now?
    No, I don’t, a work at 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

  1. I brush my teeth every day
  2. She has two sisters
  3. I am cooking lunch right now.