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Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

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When I started the course, I said: “I’ll study for just a couple of hours”; but this teacher has a way to teach that now it’s one o’clock in the morning and I finish it! 🤓💪🥳

It was an incredible course, I think the best thing to highlight is the teacher’s pronunciation, it’s amazing, I always have had problems to understand the american accent, I understand the latino accent better than american or australian, even I understand the english accent better than the american accent, but the teacher’s pronuntiation it’s completly understandable, I hope to see more courses with the teacher Jhon in the future. Thank you.

Great course!
John speaks and explains very clear, he is a fantastic teacher.

It´s a good teache. His classes are very funny. Today is a good day. Thanks Platzi !!!

I really enjoyed this course. You are an awesome teacher. I like the dinamics with which we work in this course.

The Teacher´s pronunciation is so clear and pulid, he doesn´t speak so fast or so slow , it was just perfect. I hope to see you in a next course. See you soon. 😃

Finally I learn how to tell you the time 😃

I am surprised by the quality of the course. It was already necessary to renew the basic courses of the school. Undoubtedly, the teacher does a wonderful job.

John speaks and explains very well. I learn some topics

THANK YOU 🙌😀🥇🥳🥇🥳🥇🥳🥇🥳🥇😀🙌

I loved the class, I have learned more English than in college and university, this course is interesting, participatory, entertaining and, most importantly, they provide bases and leave nothing to chance.

Thank you Professor Jhon for continuing with English, although it will take me longer, I will continue to learn and strengthen my English, which is the mission I have.

We go with everything and the sky is the limit.


I really enjoyed this course. Thanks John!😁
You are an excellent professional. I hope you do more courses.🤓

Thanks teacher.

You are a best teacher

Hi Jhon.
Jhon, you are a good teacher, your pronunciation is clear, se entiende y eso es super importante, interpretar cada tema con una pronunciación clara y no tan corrida , sobre todo en esta etapa de aprendizajes básicos, recalco es importante comprender que ustedes son los profesores y están frente a personas que necesitan aprender a cómo pronunciar de la forma correcta y entender de lo que se dice o escribe, la gramática bien explicada, los trucos y todo para facilitar de forma dinámica el aprendizaje es dispensable.
Thank you, you’re fine but Jhon continues to improve in strategies, teaching methodology.

Wow! This course was very useful for me, It’s very amazing, and Jhon is wonderful person, he’s got an incredible charisma, I laughed with him in the all classes.
Thank you for all Jhon, and thank you Team Platzi
Congratulations for this job! 🎉

thank you Jhon, you are an excelent teacher, i learned too much whith you

el mejor profe de platzi , he aprendido mucho con el !!!

it was amazing, I really enjoyed this course, thanks for your passion Jhon

jhon, you are a good teacher. I like so much the way how you teach us.


Thank you very much team Platzi, I really enjoyed this course, especially the activities, I would like to continue implementing them in future courses at all levels.

I love can finish this class. I am learning English!
Really, I am very happy and I want continue to learn.


I think John is a great teacher, I enjoy all his classes, congrats John, You are amazing!

solo gratitud por tu buen trabajo. Gracias!

Thanks John, I really aprecciate your knowledge.
See you again in the next course.

I will say this in spanish.

El mejor curso dentro del nivel beginner en la escuela de inglés de platzi que he hecho hasta el momento, con una seccion de recursos bien distribuida y desarrollada. Actividades muy buenas y un slider de todo el curso para el aprendizaje. Muy ordenado, justo lo que le falta a todos los cursos anteriores de la ruta A1. Un verdadero profesor.

Thank you!

He’s excellent teacher.

Good class

Good class teacher


Thank you teacher

Thank you

I took this course in order to remember the basic things that we need to know in the learning process of English, and I can say that is a good course, the teacher explain in a correct way, is easy to understand him and also learn all what he say us. Thank you very much

I learned severel item in this course , is awesome !

Thank teacher, I have learned a lot. Very good teacher.

I enjoy this curse 💚. The professor Jhon is amazing, his English is excellent and inspires me to continue learning English.
This curse is 100/100.

When I started the course, I said: “I’ll study for just a couple of hours”; but this teacher has a way to teach that now it’s one o’clock in the morning and I finish it! 🤓

Thank you teacher Jhon (Jei-eich-ou-en) and thank you Platzi’s team and Plazinauts for every single addition. You’re doing it great.

I loved the dynamics of this course, providing us with a workbook template, the use of roleplays every n classes, the questionnaires for each module and that at the end the audios were delivered and a special mention of the excellent work of the teacher.

I loved the course, even though I knew the majority of the topics from the course. This course was a good way to refresh this knowledge.

Thank you For All teacher

thanks for the class . i learned so much

I loved this course. Thanks teacher for your clear examples and your amazing pronunciation.

Great course and excellent teacher! 😃

I loved your course. The dynamics (conversations) where both participated was fantastic. I wait that repeat they in other course.

See you soon and thank you

Thanks for everything teacher

thank you for this course, im really happy

i did say first " i don't like as speaking john"... buuuhh...😔 and i'm finally saying " i love you Jhon" 🤣

One of the best Platzi’s teachers

I really enjoyed the classes , he teachers is very good and he explains perfect . Thanks

Dear teacher Jhon Carvajal:
May Thy Lord be with you and the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for you. Best Regards!

Thanks John! You are an excelent teacher. I can’t believe the course has finished. It Was amazing. I learned so many things! Thanks a lot 😃

Thank you very much Jhon, I learned a lot.

You are an excellent teacher!! Thank you

This course is very good, congratulations teacher

You are great as teacher.

it was a great course, I learned to much, and also never stop learning

I enjoy this course. The teacher John is a great teacher.
Your classes motivate me to continue improving my English.
I enjoy this course. The teacher John is a great teacher.
Your classes motivate me to continue improving my English.
His dynamic classes kept me hooked throughout the course

I like this course, because I understood everything 😃
Great teacher

Amazing course!

Jhon I loved your course. Regardless I have an intermediate english, I enjoyed it so much. Nice job! x)

Thanks Mr Carvajal. It has been an excellent course. I finished Platzi’s English Academy at the end of the last year, but I saw there were some new courses, so I said: this is an opportunity to continue practicing and improving my English.
It was a good decision to take this course. 😀

I love this course, I understand almost everything the professor talks about. I'm happy :)
In this class I learn to much. Thank you teacher Carbajal.
Hi, I want to say that I really enjoyed the classes and the pace at which they took place. Jhon is a magnificent teacher, thank you very much.
I like this course because I can understand different concepts, Mr. Carbajal deserve 10 Stars.
Hi teacher, I want give you my gratitude, I feel that I learned very much with this course. Your actitude in the classes and your way of teachin every concepts, there are the reasons for I had feel that my level english is better. Than you, and I will see you in the next class
I really enjoy studying with teacher John! He is extremely amazing!
Thank you Jhon, you are a great Teacher!

Thanks teacher. You are an excellent professional.

Thank you, sir!!
Excelent teacher, i learn so much, I underestad all. Thank you.
I loved this course, I learned a lot about things that I didn't have and I am already very clear about the simple and continuous present, which is what was hardest for me at the university, and I understood the rest very well, thank you teacher, excellent way of explaining and giving the topics
thanks you for this excelent course. I like this form for learn. I will see theacher in the next class. I am studing right now, today is sunday, it's fifteen past twelve, in Venezuela. I'm cardiologist, Where are you from Carvajal?, Colombia, I don't know this country, but is beatiful. Pardon me, I'm learning english.
I am so happy!! I like this course and the teacher is good explaning the details, thank you
***John Carvajal is an excellent teacher.*** ***His classes are very dynamic.*** ***Today is a great day.*** ***¡¡¡¡Thanks Platzi !!!!***
Congratulations to anyone that is reading this feedback, let's go, you can and you are the unique that can do it. Here I'm letting the power verb "Do": I'll give all of my potential for strengthen my skills and I'm going to do my streaks every time longer. so I'll reaffirm myself ![](![](![](![](![](![](
thank you I learned from this course Dialogue: Let's use "can" and "can't How to use 's to talk about possessives in English Subject and object pronouns There is .vs. There are Likes, dislikes and opinions Present Simple .vs. Present Continuous
This was an excellent English course, thank you!
Thanks for this course, this helps me a lot to improve my English skills. The teacher rocks!!
Thank you for the concepts. I will continue with the study
Thank you very much teacher Jhon, I learned a lot, you teach very well. 💚
🧠🔥🚀 I love this course. The pronunciation and the method the teacher uses are great.

Muchas gracias!

thank you! teacher.

Thank you very much! Excellent review!

I enjoyed the lessons, thank you.
Thanks for this course,
Good morning, I am very happy, and i don´t believe it too. This course was very funny and easy. Thanks!!!
Thank you for taking your time for us. I love this course! See you in the next time :) 🤓
Thank you God Course
Thanks a lot John!
Magnificent course John!!! Congratulations to you too, your energy and wonderful pedagogy is excellent, I am very satisfied, because I have understood all the topics very very well.

it was a good course
thank you very much teacher Jhon¡¡¡

Love the way teacher Jhon explains, specially the way he uses a cartoon to represents the present continuous, very clever, and practical.

Hello Jhon!
Thanks so much. You have great capacity to learn English languages!

Professor I love your shape of teaching, I love the example with Dragon ball and I remembered that the practice makes perfect.

Curso de Inglés Básico A2: Cantidades y gerundios

I enjoy this class because it enable me learn more about the basic english and its differents topics