In Colombia, Fox changed his name for Star. In USA too?
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Our Most Important Client: The Fan
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The Sports Industry
Why is football/soccer the most popular sport in the planet?
American sports set the standard in marketing and innovation
Social and cultural aspects of football/soccer?
What is defined as an Olympic sport?
eSports and Gamification
Sports as a political tool
Communications, PR & Media
Masterclass- PR and Media Ops (Gabriel Gabor)
Branding and Brand Awareness
Digital Content and Fan Engagement
Broadcasting and Media Rights
Sporting Events
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The Future of Sports
Summary of the Present and Future of Sports
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Aportes 12
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In Colombia, Fox changed his name for Star. In USA too?
DAZN el Netflix de los deportes porque es una plataforma donde puedes ver los eventos deportivos que quieras y he investigado que hace buen contenido de investigación y reportajes.
Ese seria mi mayor influencia para crear un proyecto deportivo como lo hizo DAZN (OTT).
Se imagina si llega a Colombia yo tengo que decir supera y deja en un segundo plano a Win y ESPN.
In the future big platforms as netflix will show big sport events exclusively like WC
STAR+ es la mejor plataforma digital para deportes
F1 TV is other example of Over the Top broadcaster.
OTT and “Digital only” are the most attractive channels for me.
I’m starting to wonder how web 3 will influence distribution channels
Facebook Watch or YouTube TV area awesome.
Fanatiz came up with the whole Copa América 2021 competiton broadcast. Working with them has been a huge challenge to understand sports rights and distribution.
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