I suppose that in esports, the publisher or developer of the games would be the corresponding federation. Being the federation of League of Legends the company Riot / Tencent.
Warming up
Welcome to Sports Marketing
Sports Marketing vs Traditional Marketing
Brief History of Sports Marketing
Who's the client in Sports Marketing?
Brief History of Sports Marketing: Sponsorships
What is the value of sport as a product?
The importance of Storytelling
Types of Sports Marketing
Sport Organizations
International Federations and Professional Leagues
Clubs and Franchises (Case Studies)
College Sports (Case Studies)
Multi-Property Organizations (Case Studies)
Athletes and Sponsors
Rules and Regulations
Our Most Important Client: The Fan
Why are fans so special and unique?
Loyalty programs
Understanding digital audiences
Prioritizing physical audiences
The Sports Industry
Why is football/soccer the most popular sport in the planet?
American sports set the standard in marketing and innovation
Social and cultural aspects of football/soccer?
What is defined as an Olympic sport?
eSports and Gamification
Sports as a political tool
Communications, PR & Media
Masterclass- PR and Media Ops (Gabriel Gabor)
Branding and Brand Awareness
Digital Content and Fan Engagement
Broadcasting and Media Rights
Sporting Events
Planning, Logistics and Management
The Future of Sports
Summary of the Present and Future of Sports
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Diego Pinzón
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I suppose that in esports, the publisher or developer of the games would be the corresponding federation. Being the federation of League of Legends the company Riot / Tencent.
Burocracia a mas no poder!
“FIFA is a non profit organisation”
Es el organismo rector mundial que dirige el RUGBY en el mundo. fundado en 1927.
Este organismo agrupa a las naciones que practican el rugby en el hemisferio sur: Asia, Oceanía y Sudamérica.
Hay 8 paises miembros que tienen derecho donde se destacan: Australia-Nueva Zelanda y Sudáfrica los paises mas poderosos del mundo.
2 Miembros Afiliados y 5 Miembros Observadores.
Este organismo agrupan a las naciones que practican el rugby en Europa y el hemisferio norte: Europa, Medio Oriente, África y América del Norte, Centro y Caribe.
Hay 11 miembros que tienen derecho donde se destacan: Los 5 grandes del rugby europeo: Inglaterra, Irlanda, Gales, Escocia y Francia.
10 Paises Miembros y 16 Paises Observadores
Esto es un ejemplo de Federaciones deportivas para complementar esta clase.
After watching the last dance on Netflix, I am interested in marketing sports. It changed my perspective on many things.
La importancia de poner el foco en lo que si funciona en nuestras vidas, lo que nos impulsa, lo que nos apoya, gracias
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