Ojalá Win Sports en Colombia entendiera esto
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Sports Marketing vs Traditional Marketing
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Brief History of Sports Marketing: Sponsorships
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The importance of Storytelling
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Sport Organizations
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Our Most Important Client: The Fan
Why are fans so special and unique?
Loyalty programs
Understanding digital audiences
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The Sports Industry
Why is football/soccer the most popular sport in the planet?
American sports set the standard in marketing and innovation
Social and cultural aspects of football/soccer?
What is defined as an Olympic sport?
eSports and Gamification
Sports as a political tool
Communications, PR & Media
Masterclass- PR and Media Ops (Gabriel Gabor)
Branding and Brand Awareness
Digital Content and Fan Engagement
Broadcasting and Media Rights
Sporting Events
Planning, Logistics and Management
The Future of Sports
Summary of the Present and Future of Sports
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Ojalá Win Sports en Colombia entendiera esto
I didnt what NBA had done that with copyright. I used to have a Fan Page named 90sFutbol which was banned from twitter, Facebook and Instagram (where I got to have 100 thousand followers organically) just because the copyright of using videos from FIFA.
They dont understand that was a kind of snakcs for all the fans to keep them interested on their ‘meals’.
Hope one day FIFA, PremLeague, LaLiga and all the football broadcasters see the potential of doing something like NBA is doing, even with the risk of getting banned or erased, Ive seen a lot of potential on what people have done with the clips of the matches.
Realmente … la del arbitro me sorprendio… exceletne curso
Isn’t possible to catch a fish if you don’t put some snack in the fishing rod. Free videos are the snack!!!
Nickelodeon and MLS Camera exapmles was amazing. First one very good to impac young audiences and the second one is fantastic fot bran activations, show, and viral content.
The Chiringuito is other great example of innovation in sport marketing
Pónganles micrófonos a los jugadores de fútbol antes de agarrarse a trompadas.
¡Eso sería un hit, literalmente!
Las mejores estrategias e innovación las hacen: Los mundiales de futbol donde atraen la atención de los Fans para conectarse con sus jugadores y selecciones.
Los SuperBowls y el juego de las estrellas de la NBA son expertos atraer publico y crear estrategias.
En Colombia hay talento para crear las iniciativas pero las marcas con sus dueños, la pereza de la gente por hacer algo grande y la avaricia de algunos no dejan hacer estas estrategias para fortalecer la relaciona Fans y Deporte.
la de nickelodeon, se nota lo que quieren traer nuevo público y aparte entretener a uno que puede estar perdiendo interés, tambien que pensaron no solo en el fan sino en el hijo o hijos del fan por que si ven el partido acompañado, pueden sentir que están siendo valorados y agregarlos a la comunidad.
That’s right I’ve noticed how advanced American sports are in terms of entertainment for fans and the audience
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