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Sports as a political tool


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Aportes 12

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Woooooow this is the best class of the whole course. I really liked it because it has to do with human rights and politics. My specialty in law is human rights and I will always protect the human rights of people: ‘I disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it to the death’ is one of the most famous quotes that are pronounced when someone wants to convey their disagreement with what their interlocutor says or thinks but that they respect her for the fundamental right to freedom that we all have to express our opinions.

It is common for this quote to be accompanied by the tagline “As Voltaire said …”, wrongly attributing it to the famous French philosopher and writer François-Marie Arouet, better known by the pseudonym “Voltaire”.

He never actually uttered that phrase (or at least there is no written record that he was) and we really owe the authorship of it to the British writer Evelyn Beatrice Hall, who was a great student of the life and work of Voltaire and author. from an important biography entitled ‘Los amigos de Voltaire’ (The Friends of Voltaire) published in 1906.

That politic issue is really controversial that can ruin sport spirit, however when game starts and adversaries beggin to play, crowd forget about it and focus on the play. That’s why is said sports are used to entertain population with social troubles, this tactic has been used B.C. with gladiators

A book that I recommend to understand the relation beetween sports and politics is “Football against the enemy” by Simon Kuper.
Football Against the Enemy

En esta nueva era el deporte debe adaptarse a las nuevas igualdades y derecho de defender sus ideales.

Aun hay que trabajar en estas cuestiones: la comunidad LGBTI ha llegado al deporte y lo tienen que aceptar, que los deportistas tienen derecho a defender sus ideales, ya el racismo, homofobia, xenofobia y odio a los migrantes en deporte debe terminar. Es hora de defender y ser parte de la solucion y no del problema.




El deporte tiene el poder de transformar el mundo. tiene el poder de inspirar, de unir a la gente como pocas otras cosas. tiene la capacidad que los gobiernos de derribar las barreras sociales-Nelson Mandela

* Se discutieron ejemplos históricos, como los Juegos Olímpicos de 1936, y casos contemporáneos, como las protestas de Colin Kaepernick y el movimiento Black Lives Matter ✊. * Se abordó la lucha por la inclusión y la igualdad de género en el deporte, destacando la importancia de la diversidad en la industria deportiva 🌍. * Estos temas son clave para entender cómo el marketing deportivo puede influir en la sociedad 📈.
It's incredible the power that has Sport, it can make relationships among people of a neighborhood or prevent wars amongst countries, however, both parts must be available to lost, I heard a new a Colombian young was dead for winning a match with foreigners, we know where they come, but I don't like discriminate. I only want to claim, that we need to learn to lost.

it looks like the teacher was forced to agree with 80 percent of what he taught in this lesson. He knows well enough why women cant get paid the same.

The phrase from Caetano doesn’t seem to me as absolute truth, most of the time Sports and Politics have been mixed it doesn’t end well. It is just in specific cases that it really works for a noble reason. Mostly it only ends in people smearing sports for their particular agendas. Also, we should discuss the dirty and political world cup of Qatar 2022 as a modern example of how to don’t use sports as a political tool.

The best ally for the social struggle is sport.Why? Remember:

“Sports teache us how to handle failure, to get up and try again when we lose. Thats the most valuable lesson. Since we lose more than we win in the life”.



creo que debería investigar mas sobre el equipo de fútbol y la de la primera corredora, primero por que el equipo femenino de fútbol, si recibe un sueldo y unas garantías de salud, por que a la federación se le hizo la oferta de ganar como los barones o un sueldo fijo y ellas aceptaron un sueldo fijo.
en la corredora se ve el arbitro como quiere quitarla de la competición pero fueron sus compañeros de carrera quienes empujaron y apoyaron, allí no fue que los hombres la empujaron fue el arbitro, respecto al resto del tema con el deporte siempre se debe cuales son los intereses.

Sports are the perfect place to show the injustice and fight against it