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Aportes 17

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I loved the course and I am going to give it 5 stars. Also, I’m going to revisit it many times because it’s deep and it gives me a huge vocabulary on sports matters. Also everything related to sports. Saludos y un fuerte abrazo desde Panamá. La escuela de Inglés de Platzi cada día está mejor

A great journey through the history of sports marketing and that this industry has a future, possibilities to grow and create great projects for the sports future.

Thank you Professor Diego for your teachings, experience and for opening the door to move forward and work in the sport that is the future and the hope to build a better world.

We hope you think the sports industry school would be wonderful.

We go with everything and connect the world thanks to Platzi

Sport has the power to transform the world. It has the power to inspire, to unite people like few other things … It has more capacity than governments to break down racial barriers.

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)

Creacion de contenido para Sports Marketing y un curso de RP me encantaria !

Muchas gracias

Gracias profesor, hablo en español porque se que eres Colombiano como yo. Muy buen curso, estudio en la universidad una carrera relacionada con deporte y con este curso aprendí muchisimas cosas nuevas que no sabía. Me ayudara a ser un gran protagonista en la industria, como sucedera. Gracias de nuevo.

Gracias Diego por motivarme a especializarme en el marketing deportivo e intentar cambiar la forma de entretenimiento en un pais subdesarollado como lo es Honduras

Un placer haber visto esta clase contigo profe, muy buenas todas las clases, se siente muy dinámica y no se siente uno aburrido. Soy comunicadora social y periodista y me gustaría saber más como por medio de mi carrera puedo trabajar en todo esto del marketing deportivo.

Thank you teacher, I'm gonna check this course as many times as I can, as sports science student this course involve many areas of the career of sports science. since what's a institution until how to organize a sport event. definitely this course values a lot of. like feedback, we should take account the sciences sports, I mean talking about transgenders compete with athletes of another gender, as I mention, there are many factors. like the physic of a woman against a transgender, I don't like discriminate, but we have to talk about since science.
Estimados Freddy y Christian, gran curso el que ha presentado Diego Pinzón. Brindando contenido de calidad sobre el mundo del deporte. Especialmente haciendo un excelente mix entre el sistema de organizaciones del deporte y la intervención a través del Marketing y los expertos/apasionados en esta industria. Más contenido con este. Felicitaciones 💪🏽✅ Saludos!

I like this class, can I see a different way the esports.

Un curso muy bueno, sobretodo la parte enfocada a tendencias y nuevas tecnologías

It’s a good course due to I learnt a lot about this industry that almost every people in the world is linked to any sport. The marketing perspective to approach the opportunity to generate revenue is limitless

This course right now it´s one of my favorites. Great information and value.

Thanks Diego!

Hopefully you bring more of this courses to platzi soon.

Congratulations!! excellent course, it is a very important area of ​​marketing that is rarely handled with so many current changes. I am very happy with the course

Thanks for these 5-star course Diego!!!

Regarding your question, it will be nice to have executives from the major leagues (NFL, MLB, NBA and NCAA), to know more about teams as multi national corporations and marketing world leaders.

For instance, there will be great to have a Master Class with Gersson Rosas, who is managing Minnesota Timberwolves team in the NBA.

Gran curso! muchas gracias Diego, vamos por ese examen!

Great course!! thank you so much!