Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades


Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos

Superlativos en Inglés


Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"


Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas


Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés


Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés

Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés

Expresa cantidades en Inglés


Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"


Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés


Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés


Cuantificadores con "of"


Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado

Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés

Comparativos en Inglés


Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"


Comparativos usando "more + than"


Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés


Adverbios terminados en "-ly"


Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos


Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés


Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios

Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés

Expresiones útiles en Inglés


Expresa posesión y características usando "of"


"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés


Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones


Negaciones en Inglés


"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación


Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés

Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés

Uso del gerundio en Inglés


Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés


Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"

Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés

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Ahora sabes usar adjetivos y cuantificadores

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Antes: $249


Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

19 Días
14 Hrs
4 Min
40 Seg

Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Presta mucha atención al diálogo que están teniendo el invitado (guest) y César. Luego, identifica los superlativos y forma una oración con cada uno de ellos.

Asegúrate de completar este desafío antes de ver las respuestas de abajo.

Diálogo usando superlativos

Guest: Hey, Cesar! How are you? Welcome back to the office! What about your vacations? Tell me everything.

Cesar: Hi Jhon! Everything is great, especially after all these days of resting! The vacations were super cool! I dare to say those were the best vacations of my life!

Guest: Really?! Where did you go?

Cesar: I went on a cruise with my family. We traveled to different places there.

Guest: That’s so nice! So tell me, what was the most beautiful view you saw?

Cesar: It was actually when I was in the middle of the ocean. Seeing the sunset from the ship was, for sure, one of the most amazing views I have ever seen.

Guest: Wow! I can imagine, Cesar. And what about the food?

Cesar: Aaaaah, the food! So good! I could try dishes from different places, but the most delicious was the seafood. We were in the Caribbean, so I ate lots of seafood.

Guest: I really enjoy the food when I’m in a hotel, but for me, the coolest part is spending time by the pool. Just to tan. You know I’m the worst swimmer, right? hahaha.

Cesar: You would have loved the pools there. There were three of them, and the nicest one was located on the highest floor! You could tan admiring the horizon.

Guest: Oh! No way! I’m afraid of heights. I can’t feel safe! That’s the worst feeling for me. To be honest, I don’t know if I would ever go on a cruise. Imagine if something happens in the middle of the ocean.

Cesar: No worries about that. I believe the crew members are the most trained people in the world. One of them told me they do drills every week, and in case of an emergency, the safest thing to do is to
follow their instructions.

Guest: That’s true! But Cesar, tell me more! What else is there to do on a cruise ship?

Cesar: There are many live concerts every night. But you know I like dancing, so the best entertainment for me was the dance productions. I felt like watching a Broadway play. The most spectacular dancers
and the most beautiful light effects.

Guest: Really? And what about your family? What were their favorite things to do?

Cesar: My mom and dad spent half of the time at the casino. For them, that was the most fun thing to do. My sister liked to participate in the trivia nights. She was the fastest at answering the questions.

Guest: I didn’t know there were so many things to do on a cruise. I’m starting to change my mind.

Cesar: And you should! It was the most exciting trip I’ve ever had!

Guest: I’m glad to hear that! And I’m glad you are back to work. We missed you here.


  • The best vacation
  • The most beautiful.
  • The most amazing.
  • The most delicious.
  • The coolest.
  • The nicest.
  • The most trained.
  • The best entertainment.
  • The most spectacular.
  • The most beautiful.
  • The most fun.
  • The fastest.
  • The most exciting.

Contribución creada con aportes de: José Miguel Veintimilla.

Aportes 710

Preguntas 45

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

  • the best
  • the most beautiful
  • the most amazing
  • the most delicious
  • the coolest
  • the worst
  • the nicest
  • the highest
  • ❌ the worst
  • the most trained
  • ❌ the safest
  • the best
  • the most espectacular
  • the most fun
  • the fastest
  • the most exciting

My answers 😁

  • The best
  • The most beautiful
  • The most amazing
  • The most delicious
  • The coolest
  • The worst
  • The nicest
  • The worst
  • The most
  • The best
  • The most spectacular
  • The most beautiful
  • The most fun
  • The fastest
  • The most exciting
  1. The best vacation
  2. The most beautiful.
  3. The most amazing.
  4. The most delicious.
  5. The coolest.
  6. The nicest.
  7. The most trained.
  8. The best entertainment.
  9. The most spectacular.
  10. The most beautiful.
  11. the most fun.
  12. the fastest.
  13. the most exciting.

My answer:

  • the most beautiful
  • the most amazing
  • the most delicious
  • the coolest
  • worst
  • nicest
  • highest
  • the most trained
  • the most spectacular
  • the most beautiful
  • the most fun
  • the most exciting

The best
The most beautiful
The most amazing
The most delicious
The coolest
The worst
The nicest
The highest
The worst
The most
The safest
The best
The most spectacular
The most beautiful
The most fun
The fastest
The most exciting

-** The best vacation** of my life!

  • What was the most beautiful you saw ?
  • One of the most amazing views i have ever seen
  • But the most delicius was the seafood
  • But for me the coolest part is the spending time by the pool
  • You know , I’m The worst swimmer
  • And the nicest one
  • Was located in the highest floor
  • That’s** the worst** feling for me
  • The most trained people in the word
    -** The safest** thing to do
  • ** The best **entertaiment
  • The most espectacular
  • The most beautiful
  • **The most fun **
  • The fastest
  • **The most exiting **

Why does it say: “that was the most fun thing to do”; even when “fun” is CVC (consonant + single vowel + consonant). Following the rule, it should be the funnest 🤔 I’m not sure. Thanks

Only I´m missing “the nicest”,

This is the most interesting class! thanks!

• the best vacation
• the most beautiful
• the most amazing
• the most delicious
• the coolest
• the nicest
• the highest
• the most trained
• the best entertainment
• the most espectacular
• the most fun
• the fastest
the most exciting

The best vacation
The most beautiful.
The most amazing.
The most delicious.
The coolest.
The nicest.
The most trained.
The best entertainment.
The most spectacular.
The most beautiful.
The most fun.
The fastest.
The most exciting.

The best
The most beautiful
The most amazing
The most delicious
The coolest
The worst
The nicest
The highest
The worst
The most
The safest
The best
The most spectacular
The most beautiful
The most fun
The fastest
The most exciting

🔸The best
🔸The most beautiful
🔸The most amazing
🔸The most delicious
🔸The coolest
🔸The worst
🔸The nicest
🔸The highest
🔸The worst
🔸The most trained
🔸The safest
🔸The most spectacular
🔸The most beautiful
🔸The most fun thing to do
🔸The fastest
🔸The most exciting

the best
the most beautiful
the most amazing
the most delicious
the coolest
the worst
the nicest
the highest
❌ the worst
the most trained
❌ the safest
the best
the most espectacular
the most fun
the fastest
the most exciting

the best
the most beautiful
the most amazing
the most delicious
the coolest
the worst
the nicest
very nace never stop to learn thamk you

the best
the most beautiful
the most delicious
the coolest
the worst
the nicest
the highest
the most
the fastest
the most exciting


the best vacaition
the most beautiful view
the most amazing view
the most delicius was the seafood
the nicest of then
the highest floor
the most traing people
the best entretainment
the most espectacular dancer
the most beautiful efects
the most fun thing to do
the faster in the question
the most exiting

I found sixteen words superlatives. Very excited for this practice.

- Identify what superlatives are used.

  • The best vacations of my life.
  • The most beautiful view you saw?
  • The most amazing views I have ever seen.
  • The most delicious was the seafood.
  • The coolest part is spending time by the pool
  • I’m the worst swimmer, right?
  • The nicest one was located on the highest floor.
  • That’s the worst feeling for me.
  • The members are the most trained people in the world.
  • The safest thing to do is to follow their instructions.
  • The best entertainment for me was the dance productions.
  • The most spectacular dancers and the most beautiful light effects.
  • The most fun thing to do.
  • She was the fastest at answering the questions.
  • It was the most exciting trip I’ve ever had.
* The best vacation. ✅ * The most beautiful. ✅ * The most amazing. ✅ * The most delicious. ✅ * The coolest. ✅ * The nicest. ✅ * The most trained. ✅ * The best entertainment. ✅ * The most spectacular. ✅ * The most beautiful. ✅ * The most fun. ✅ * The fastest. ✅ * The most exciting. ✅
The best, most beautiful, most amazing, most delicious, the coolest, the most trained, the best enternainment, the most espectacular, fastest, the most exciting.
I listened: ∆ the best ∆ the most beautiful ∆ the most amazing ∆ the most delicious ∆ the coolest ∆ the nicest ∆ the highest ∆ the worst ∆ the most trained ∆ the best ∆ the most spectacular ∆ the most beautiful ∆ the most fun ∆ the fastest ∆ the most exciting
1. The best vacations 2. The most beautiful view 3. The most amazing views 4. The most delicius 5. The coolest part 6. The worst swimmer 7. The nicest one 8. .The higest floor 9. The worst feeling 10. The most trained 11. The best entreteinment 12. The most espectacular 13. The most beautiful 14. The most fun 15. The fastest 16. The most exciting
The best vacations the most beatiful view the most amazing views the most delicious the coolest part the worst swimmer the highest floor the worst the most trained people the best entertaiment the most espectacular the most beatiful light effects the most the fastest the most exciting trip
* the best vacations of my life! * the most beautiful view you saw? * the most amazing views I have ever seen. * the most delicious was the seafood. * the coolest part is spending time by the pool * the nicest one was located on the highest floor! * That’s the worst feeling for me * the most trained people in the world. * the safest thing to do is to follow their instructions. * the best entertainment for me was the dance productions * the most beautiful light effects * the most fun thing to do * the fastest at answering the questions * the most exciting trip I've ever had!
The best vacations of my life The most beautiful view The most amazing The most delicious was the seafood The worst feeling for me The most beautiful light effects The most fun thing to do
These are the superlatives I heard: * The best * The most beautiful * The most amazing * The most delicious * The coolest * The nicest * The worst * The most trained * The best * The most spectacular * The fastest
The best vacation the most beautiful the most amazing the most delicious the coolest part the worst swimmer the nicest one the worst feeling the most trained the safest thing the best entertainment The most spectacular the most beautiful the most fun the fastest the most exciting
* The best * The most beautiful * The most amazing * The most delicious * The coolest * The worst * The nicest * The worst * The most * The best * The most spectacular * The most beautiful * The most fun * The fastest * The most exciting
1. ***The best*** vacations ✅ 2. ***The most*** beautiful view ✅ 3. ***The most*** amazing ✅ 4. ***The most*** delicious ✅ 5. ***The coolest*** part ✅ 6. ***The worst*** swimmer ✅ 7. ***The nicest*** ✅ 8. ***The highest*** floor ✅ 9. ***The worst*** feelling ✅ 10. ***The most*** trained ✅ 11. ***The safest*** thing to do ✅ 12. ***The best*** entertainment ✅ 13. ***The most*** spectacular dancers ✅ 14. ***The most*** beautiful life✅ 15. ***The most fun*** ✅ 16. She was ***the fastest***✅ 17. It was ***the most*** exciting thing ✅
Sulperlatives that I could see. * **The best** vacation * **The most beautiful** * **The most amazing** * **The most delicious** * **The coolest** * **The nicest** * **The most trained** people * **The most spectacular** * **The fastest** * **The most exiting**
* **The best** vacations * **The most beautiful** view * **The most amazing** views * **The most delicious** * **The coolest** part * **The worst** swimmer * **The nicest** * **The highest** * **The worst** * **The most** trained * **The safest** thing * **The best** entertainment * **The most spectacular** dancers * **The most beautiful** light effects * **The most fun** thing to do * **The fastest** * **The most exciting**
La palabra fun solo se usa con "the most funa" o también puede ser utilizada con la regla CVC y escribir funnest ? agradezco la aclaratoria
* the best * the most delicious * the worst * the nicest * the highest * the most trained * the most spectacular * the most beautiful * the most funny * the fastest * the most exciting


  • The best vacation
  • The most beautiful.
  • The most amazing.
  • The most delicious.
  • The coolest.
  • The nicest.
  • The most trained.
  • The best entertainment.
  • The most spectacular.
  • The most beautiful.
  • The most fun.
  • The fastest.
  • The most exciting.
  • The worst
  • The highest
  • The safest
  • The best
* the best * the most beautiful * the most amazing * The most delicious * The coolest * The worst swimmer * The nicest one * The highest floor * The worst feeling * The most trained * The safest thing to do * The best enterteinment * The most spectacular dancers * The most beautiful light effects * The most fun thing to do * The fastest at answering * The most exciting trip
* the best vacations * the most spectacular dancers * the most beautiful view * the most amazing views * the most delicious * the coolest time * the nicest one * the most trained people * the safest thing to do * the best entertainment * the most spectacular dances * the most beautiful light effects * the most fun thing to do * the fastest * the most exciting trip
The best entertainment. The most spectacular. The most beautiful. The most fun. The fastest. The most exciting The best vacation The most beautiful. The most amazing. The most delicious. The coolest. The nicest. The most trained.

the best
most beautiful
most amazing
the most delicious
the coolest
the nicest
the worst
the most

the best the most beautiful the most amazing the most delicious the coolest the worst the highest the worse feeling the most trained the safest the best entertainment the most spectacular dancers the most beautiful light effects the most fun thing the fastest at answering the most exciting
1. the best vacations 2. most beatiful view 3. most amazing 4. the most delicious 5. worst swimer 6. worst feeling 7. most trained 8. the safest 9. the best 10. the most spectacular 11. the most beatiful light effect 12. the most 13. the fastest 14. the most exiting
The best vacation The most beutiful view The most amazing view The most delicious was the sea food The most excited The coolest The worst The highest The nicest The most trained people The best entertainment was... The most beutiful .... The most fantastic The fastest The most excited

the most beautiful
the most amazing
the most delicious
the coolest
the worst
the nicest
the most trained
the safest
the best
the most espectacular
the most fun
the fastest
the most exciting

best vacation most beautiful most amazing view most delicious the coolest part nicest one worst feeling most trained people best enterteinment most espectacular dancer most beautiful light effects. most fun thing to do fastest most exciting

The best vacations
The most beautiful
The most amazing
The most delicious
The coolest
The worst
The nicest
X The highest
The worts
The most trained
The most spectacular
The most beautiful
The most fan
The most exiting

Here is my answer:

  1. The best
  2. The most beautiful
  3. The most amazing
  4. The most delicious
  5. The coolest
  6. The worst
  7. The nicest
  8. The highest
  9. The most trained
  10. The safest
  11. The best
  12. The most spectacular
  13. The most beautiful
  14. The most fun
  15. The fastest
  16. The most exciting

Ups yo solo identifiqué 5
the most beatiful views
the most amazing views
the most delicious is a seafood
Im the worst swimmer
the most beautiful light efects
she was the fastest at answers the questions

the best vacation
the most beautiful
the most amazing
the most delicious
the coolest (no)
the worst (no)
the nicest
the highest (no)
the most trained
The safest (No)
the best entertainment
the most spectacular
the most beautiful
the most fun
The fastest (no)
The most exiting

  1. The best vacations of my life.
  2. The most beautiful of my family.
  3. The most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.
  4. The most delicious cake.
  5. The nicest in the class.
  6. The most trained in the place.
  7. The best entertainment in the world.
  8. The most spectacular of the trip.
  9. The most fun of my friends.
  10. The fastest of cars.
  11. The most exciting of the trip.
  12. The coolest of the group.


The best vacation
The most beautiful.
The most amazing.
The most delicious.
The coolest.
The nicest.
The most trained.
The best entertainment.
The most spectacular.
The most beautiful.
The most fun.
The fastest.
The most exciting.

I had 14 out of 17

You could tan admiring the horizon!!!
New word for me TAN is bronceado!!!

Seventeen superlatives:

  • I dare to say those were the best vacations of my life.
  • What was the most beautiful view you saw?
  • Seeing the sunset from the ship was for sure one of the most amazing views I have ever seen.
  • But the most delicious was the seafood.
  • But for me the coolest part is spending time by the pool.
  • You know, I’m the worst swimmer, right?
  • There were three of them and the nicest one was located on the highest floor.
  • That’s the worst feeling for me.
  • I believe that crew member are the most trained people in the word.
  • in case of an emergency, the safest thing to do is to follow their instructions.
  • The best entertainment for me was the dance productions.
  • I felt like watching a Broadway play, the most spectacular dancers and the most beautiful light effects.
  • for them, that was the most fun thing to do.
  • She was the fastest at answering the questions.
  • It was the most exciting trop I’ve ever had.


  • The best vacation
  • The most beautiful.
  • The most amazing.
  • The most delicious.
  • The coolest.
  • The nicest.
  • The most trained.
  • The best entertainment.
  • The most spectacular.
  • The most beautiful.
  • The most fun.
  • The fastest.
  • The most exciting.

The best vacation
The most beautiful
the most amazing
the most delicious
the coolest
the worst swimmer
the nicest
the highest floor
the most trained
the best entertainment
the most spectacular
the most beautiful
the most fun
the fastest
the most exciting

The best vacations

New expressions I learned today:
I dare to say
Just to tan
Crew members
Do drills
Trivia nights

The best vacations of my life
The most beautiful view
The most amazing views
The most delicious was the seafood
The coolest part is spending time by the pool
I’m **the worst ** swimmer
**The nicest **
The most trained people
The most spectacular dancers
The most fun thing to do
The fastest
The most exciting trip


  • The best vacation
  • The most beautiful
  • The most amazing
  • The most delicious
  • The coolest
  • The nicest
  • The worst x
  • The most trained
  • The best entertainment
  • The most spectacular
  • The most beautiful
  • Missing
  • The most fastest x
  • The most excited

What a good class

1. the best.
2. the most beautiful.
3. the most amazing.
4. the most delicious.
5. the coolest.
6. the worst.
7. the nicest.
8. the worst.
9. the most trained.
10. the safest.
11. the best.
12. the most spectacular.
13. the most beautiful.
14. the most fun.
15. the fastest.
16. the most exciting trip.

the best vacation
The most beautiful
The most amazing
The most delicious
The coolest
The worst swimmer
The nicest one
The wors feeling
The most trained
The best entertainment
The most spectacular
The most beautilful
The most fun
The fastest answering
The most exciting

✔️ The best
✔️ The most beautiful
✔️ The most amazing
❌ The most delicious
✔️ The coolest
✔️ The worst
✔️ The nicest
✔️ The worst
❌ The most
❌ ❌ ❌ The safest
❌ The best
❌ The most spectacular
✔️ The most beautiful
❌ The most fun
✔️ The fastest
❌ The most exciting

The best
The most beautiful
The most amazing
The most delicious
The coolest
The worst
The nicest
The worst
The most
The best
The most spectacular
The most beautiful
The most fun
The fastest
The most exciting


The best vacations.
The most beautiful view.
The most amazing view.
The most delicious.
The coolest.
I’m the worst.
The nicest.
The worst feeling.
The most trained.
The safest.
The best entertainment.
The most spectacular.
The most beautiful.
The most fun.
The fastest.
The most exciting.

The most beautiful
The most amazing
The nicest
The worst
The most trained
The best
The most spectacular
The mos beautiful
The fastest
The most exciting

The best
The most beautiful
The most amazing
The most delicious
The coolest
The nicest
The highest
The most trained
The safest
The best
The worst
The most spectacular
The most beautiful
The must fun
The fastest
The most exciting

  • The best
  • The most beautiful
  • The most amazing
  • The most delicious
  • The coolest
  • The nicest
  • The most trained
  • The best
  • The most fun
  • The fastest
  • The most exiting

My Practice:

  • The best
    -The most
    -The most
  • The most
  • The coolest
  • Nicest
  • Highest
  • The most
  • Safest
  • The Best
  • The Most
  • The most
  • Fastest
  • The most

*The best
*The most beautiful
*The most amazing
*The most delicious
*The coolest
*The most trained
*The nicest
*The most
*The best
*The most spectacular
*The most beautiful
*The most fun
*The fastest
*The most exciting

The best
The most beautiful
The most amazing
The most delicious
The coolest
The worst
The highest
The worst
The most
The safest
The best
The most spectacular
The best
The most spectacular
The most beautiful
The most fun
The fastest
The most exciting

It's kind of hard to memorize most things.
the gerondios cost me
  • The best
  • The most beautiful
  • The most amazing
  • The coolest
  • The nicest
  • The most trained
  • The most espectacular
  • The most fun
  • The fasted
  • The most exciting

the best
the most beautiful
the most amazing
the most delicious
the coolest
the worst
the nicest
the worst
the most trained
the safest
the best enterteinment
the most espectacular
the most beautiful
the most fun
the fastest
the most exciting

  • The most beautiful
  • The most amazing
  • The most delicious
  • The nicest
  • The coolest
  • The worst
  • The highest
  • The most trained
  • The most espectacular
  • The fastest
  • The most exciting
  • The safest
    *The best
    *The most fun

The best
The most beautiful
The most amazing
The most delicious
The coolest
The worst
The nicest
The highest
The worst
The most trained
The safest
The best
the most spectacular
the most beautiful
The most fun
The fastest
The most exciting

The best
The most beautiful
The most amazing
The most delicious
The coolest
The worst
The nicest
The worst
The most
The best
The most spectacular
The most beautiful
The most fun
The fastest
The most exciting

the best
the most beatifull
the most amazing
the most deliciuos
the coolest
the worst swimmer
the nicest
the highest
the worst feeling


The best vacation
The most beautiful.
The most amazing.
The most delicious.
The coolest.
The nicest.
The most trained.
The best entertainment.
The most spectacular.
The most beautiful.
The most fun.

The best vacations
The most beautiful view
The most amazing views
The most delicious
The coolest part
The nicest one
The heigst floor
the worst feeling
The most trained
The safest think to do
The best enterteinment
The most spectacular dancer
The most fun
The fastest at anwering
The worst so many things to do
The most exciting

The best/ the most beaitiful / the most amazing /the most delicious / the worst / the nicest/ the worst / the most trained/ the safest/ the most spectaccular/ the most fun/ the fastest / the most exciting
  • Those were best vacations of my life
  • What was the most beautifull view you saw?
  • One of the most amazing views I have ever seen
  • But the most delicious was the seafood
  • But for me the coolest part is spending time by the pool
  • I’m the worst swimmer, right?
  • the nicest one was
  • That’s the worst feeling for me
  • I belive that crew members are the most trained people in the world
  • The safest thing to do is to follow their instrucions
  • So the best entertainment for me was the dance productions
  • The most spectacular dancers and the most beautifull light effects
  • That was the most fun thing to do.
  • She was the fastest at answering the questions.
  • It was the most exciting trip I’ve ever had

I found 17 superlatives and not 13 like you

  1. The best vacation
  2. The most beautiful
  3. The most amazing
  4. The most delicious
  5. The coolest part
  6. The worst swimmer
  7. The nicest one
  8. The highest floor
  9. The worst feeling
  10. The most trained
  11. The Safetest thing
  12. The best entertainment
  13. The most spectacular
  14. The most beautiful
  15. The most fun
  16. The fastest at answering
  17. The most exciting
the Best the most beautiful the most amazing the most delicious the coolest the worst the nicest the worst the most the Best the most spectacular the most beautiful the most fun the fastet the most exciting

The best vacation
The most beautiful.
The most amazing.
The most delicious.
The coolest.
The nicest.
The most trained.
The best entertainment.
The most spectacular.
The most beautiful.
The most fun.
The fastest.
The most exciting.

the best
the most beautiful
the most amazing
the most delicious
the worst
(the coolest)
the nicest
the highest
the worst
(the most trained)
the safest
the best
the most spectacular
the most beautiful
the most fun
the fastest
the most exciting

the best holidays
The cutest.
The most amazing.
The most delicious.
the best
The nicest.
The most qualified
The best entertainment.
The most spectacular.
The cutest.
the funniest.
the fastest.
the most exciting.

The worst The nicest The highest The worst The most The safest The best The most spectacular The most beautiful The most fun The fastest

💫 The best vacation.
💫 The most beautiful.
💫 The most amazing.
💫 The most delicious.
💫 The coolest.
💫 The nicest.
💫 The most trained.
💫 The best entertainment.
💫 The most spectacular.
💫 The most beautiful.
💫 The most fun.
💫 The fastest.
💫 The most exciting.

  • The best vacations of my life!
  • What was the most beautiful view you saw?
  • The most amazing views I have ever seen.
  • The most delicious was the seafood.
  • The coolest. part is spending time by the pool.
  • The nicest. one was located on the highest floor.
  • The most trained people in the world
  • The best entertainment for me
  • The most spectacular dancers
  • The most beautiful light effects.
  • The most fun thing to do.
  • The fastest. at answering the questions.
  • The most exciting trip I’ve ever had!.