Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades


Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos

Superlativos en Inglés


Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"


Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas


Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés


Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés

Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés

Expresa cantidades en Inglés


Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"


Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés


Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés


Cuantificadores con "of"


Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado

Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés

Comparativos en Inglés


Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"


Comparativos usando "more + than"


Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés


Adverbios terminados en "-ly"


Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos


Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés


Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios

Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés

Expresiones útiles en Inglés


Expresa posesión y características usando "of"


"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés


Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones


Negaciones en Inglés


"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación


Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés

Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés

Uso del gerundio en Inglés


Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés


Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"

Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés

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Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Usamos some, a lot of y lots of con sustantivos contables, incontables, así como en oraciones afirmativas, negativas y hasta en preguntas.

¿Qué significa Some / a lot of / lots of?

  • Some: un número o cantidad indeterminada de algo
  • A lot of / lots of: un gran número o cantidad de algo

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre a lot of y lots of?

Afortunadamente, hay una buena noticia: son iguales. Puedes utilizar cualquiera y tendrán el mismo significado. La única diferencia que podemos destacar es que lots of es más informal que a lot of. Lots of es como una abreviación que empleas con tus amigos, como I’m y I am.

Veamos algunos ejemplos en que podemos usar cada una:

  • I saw some police officers in front of your house. / He visto a algunos policías delante de su casa.
  • There are a lot of / lots of people here. / Hay mucha gente aquí.
  • Would you like some coffee? / ¿Te gustaría algo de café?
  • I didn’t have** a lot of / lots of** time to finish the exam. / No tuve mucho tiempo para terminar el examen.
  • He drinks a lot of / lots of water. / El bebe mucha agua.
  • He is drinking some water. / Él está bebiendo un poco de agua.


Crea al menos 3 oraciones usando cada una de las palabras aprendidas en esta clase. Te comparto unos ejemplos más que puedes usar como guía:

  • I have finished my classes. I have** a lot of** time.
  • I have some iced tea in the fridge.
  • I want a lot of cheese on my pizza.
  • I need some money for groceries.

Contribución creada con aportes de: José Miguel Veintimilla.

Aportes 817

Preguntas 24

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

I’m drinking some coffee.
We have a lot of books.
There are some bananas in the fridge.
There are a lots of dogs in the park.

  • I want to drink some water right now.
  • There are a lot of birds eating fruit in my window.
  • There is some milk in the fridge.
  • Platzi has lots of new fantastic courses in English Platzi Academy. I love it!🤗
- There is some milk in the fridge. - There some bananas on the table.
  • I’ll give you lots of hugs and kisses when I’ll see you. 😃
  • My coworker didn’t come today and I have a lot of work. 😮
  • There are a lot of birds on this tree. 😄
  • Some glasses were broken by the earthquake. 😦
  • Would you like to meet some friends? 😉

My notes! ❤️
Some / a lot of / lots of

  • You can use them with countable or uncountable nouns ( A lot of water - A lot of people )

  • We usually use a lot of and lots of in affirmative sentences.

  • Some: unspecified amount of something

  • A lot of / lots of: large amount of something.

  • We can use a lot of and lots of interchangeably. They mean the same.

words “some”, “a lot of” and “lots of”. In what contexts can these words be used? you can use them with both countable and uncountable nouns.
For example, a lot of water. The water is uncountable. Or many people. People is a countable noun. you can use these words in affirmative and negative sentences and questions.

However, we tend to use the words “a lot of” and “lots of” mainly in affirmative sentences.
, first, we use the word “some” when the quantity or number of something is not being specified,
I saw some police officers in front of your house
Do you want some coffee?
he is drinking some water.
there are a lot of people in the street

I have a lot of books in my room
There are a lot of pictures in the museum
My neighbour has some birds
My brother has some toys
The dog drinks a lot of water after run

Let’s practice

  • The next year I’ll be in a concert and I’d believe that it’s going to be with a lot of people. I’d love to be there in this moment!!

  • Marcos has had a lot of cars, but this car is in another level.

  • My aunt started reading fantasy books last year, and now she has a lot of books, she always invites me to read, but I don’t want to do it.

  • Maicol will be a lot of successful this year with his idea, I know, God will help him.

  • My cousin has some colors, and he doesn’t want to lend me them.


  • There are a lot of apples here.
  • She gifts some money to a stranger.
  • He drinks a lot of alcohol
  • They eat some fast food.

i’ll need buy some pants
here we can find a lot of rocks white
plazti have got a lot of courses
under the bridge you´ll see a lot of fish
in the page 89 u can find some iconic protagonist

  • I´m drinking some water
  • There are a lot of animals
  • There are some milk in the fridge
  • Would you like some juice?

A lion drinks some water from that lake.

Kevin and Mary have a lot of toys.

There are some cats on the roof.

In my fridge, there are some oranges.

My cellphone has some charged battery.

There is a lot of water here.
In that glass of water there is a lot of.
In that glass there is some water.
There are a lot of people in the car.
There are some people in the car
There is some tortillas on the table.
In the bookcase there are some books
There are quite a lots of stories in the books

I need a lot of time to practice english
I have some problems to learn french
There are lots of people that want to practice english
I need some lemon juice for my soup

I have some papers on my desk
Yesterday, i saw a lot of people on the street
Maybe next weekend we do some errands
This club is nice, but there are a lot of people here

I like to spend some time every day to study English.
I would like to dedicate some time to continue with other courses at Platzi.
I have a lot of pending work to solve for this week.



  • An afraid guy is drinking some filtered water.
  • Lil’ Wizzy has lots of bills in his shaky hands.
  • There are a lot of people on the main street.
  • Last weekend, there was some rain in my place.
  • Here, I have some whiteboards in my workstation.
  • Should we buy some paper for the printer?
  • It has made lots of holes in the lanyard.

I’m drinking some coffee.
We have a lot of books.
There are some bananas in the fridge.
There are a lots of dogs in the park.


  • .i ´m driinking some milk

she has a lot of clothes to wash

  • I have some hungry
    I have a lot of homework
    I want to travel for some time

I’m drinking some coffee.
We have a lot of books.
There are some bananas in the fridge.
There are a lots of dogs in the park.

I’m drinking some coffee.
We have a lot of books.
There are some bananas in the fridge.
There are a lots of dogs in the park.

  • He wants to drink a lot of water right now
  • He has lots of money
  • The are some people on the street
  • There is some bread in the kitchen
  • I have lots of homework
  • You have a lot of work tomorrow
  • I drink a lot of water when I am nervous.
  • He has a lot of money.
  • There are some people on the street.
  • There are some apples on the table.
  • I drink a lot of coffee in the morning.
  • There is a lot of water everywhere.

he is drinking a lot of water due to his last embarrassing comment.
“Jesse better shut up jaja”

I need some motivation to study English.
I want a lot of milkshake after the burger.
I drink some water after the gym.
I see a lot of TV on the weekends.
I like some of those shoes that you see there.

ohh muy woow

I have some milk in the fridge
I don’t have lots of money to travel
We have some instruments at home

me gusta

he’s drinking some water.
He drinks a lot of water.
He has a lot of money.
He has some money.
There are a lot of people on the street.
I’m drinking a lot of water.
She eats some grapes.


You can indeed use "a lot of" and "lots of" to refer to a large number or amount of something, both with countable and uncountable nouns. The statement in your quiz is true. If the quiz marked your answer as false, there might be a misunderstanding or error in the quiz itself. Remember, "a lot of" and "lots of" are interchangeable, and you can use them in affirmative sentences, questions, and negative sentences.
In my work, there are some coworkers who have more than five years of experience. On the way to work, across a street I see lots of birds singing.
* In my city, there are **a lot of** traffic every day. * I want to eat **some** candies. * My wife loves to eat **lots of** vegetables. * I like to read **some** fiction books every year.
there are some books on the table. I see some people in the street I drink a lots of water in the morning
1. I require a lot of time to learn programming, there are some things that suddenly arise like bugs, errors, etc. That we need to fix it and solve it 2. If you want to excel at something, prepare to spend a lot of time practicing continuosly. Practice makes perfect, and the repetition is the key. 3. Social media consumes a lot of time. Don't let it do so excessively.
* I have some sneakers in my room. * I need to buy some shorts for the summer. * My grandma brought some bread for us. * I'm going to wash a lot of clothes today. * I still don't read a lot of books. * There are a lot of cars in my neighborhood. * I have saved lots of money. * My brother has lots of video games. * We drank lots of beer in the karaoke.
* I have a lot of time. * there are lost of cars in the parking. * you have some money at home
* I have alot of time. * There are lots of cars in the parking. * you have some money at home.
* There are some pencils on my desk. * My mother has a lot of pans in her kitchen. * I want to learn a lot of vocabulary in English
I have a lot of animals in my house she has some toys We have lot of free time.
* He is drinking some water * He has some money * There are some people on the street
he's thirsty, indeed he needs to drink lost of fresh water
* There are some toys. * There are some shoes. * We have some boxes. * We have some computers.
I eat some pizza. There are a lot of toys. There are some motorcycles. He is drinking some coffee. We need a lot of money.
° He needs to drink a lot of water. ° He has a lot of money. ° There are a lot of people. My sentences: • It's raining a lot today • I need some reading • There's a lot of chaos in the house
Some childrens in this school are doing exercise. She had lots of clothes in her cupboard until her father sold it. When he was a child. He collected a lot of things. May I have some apple juice, please? There are a lot of pills in that pill jar.
* We have some friends coming over later. * They have a lot of books in their library
my burger has a lot of cheese he eated some sushi rolls in the cinema there's a lots of people

I´m eating some grapes
I ´m cooking a lot of rice
I´m drinking lots of water

* "There are some cases where JavaScript is not the best option." * "There are a lot of communities about software development."
**She has a lot of books to read, m**y cat eats a lot of cookies, **I need some peace.** :)
-My mom is drinking some water -I drank a lot of water during work out
He is drinking some water He has lots of money. There are a lot of people. I have a lot of books in my house. She has some rings in her hand. We don't have some time. She is eating a lot of nuts.
I have some books in my bedroom an my sister has a lot of pencils because she is a artist
* I need a lot of sleepy hours * there are a some people on this chat * i have a lot of football shirts
1. Jesse is drinking ***some******* water because he's nervous. 2. Wiz has a lot of money to spend. 3. There are a lot of people across the street.
1. "The man drinks some water." 2. "He has a lot of money in his hands." 3. "I see in the street a lot of people." Exercises: * I have a lot of pencils in my desktop * Platzi has a lot of courses. * My english need a lot of practice now, 🤣.
Correction * I have some books in my bedroom. * There are a lot of trees around my home. * I have some notebooks near to me. * I can see some pens. * There are lots of comments in the comments section.
* I have some books in my bedroom. * There are a lot of trees around my home. * I have some notebooks near to me. * I can see some pencil. * There are lots of comments in the comments section.
* He is drinking some water * Ha has a lot of money * There are a lot of people on the street **Practice:** * I have some notebooks in my room * I don't earn a lot of money in my work * There aren't some pillows on my bed * I wear a lot of t-shirts every week * There are some windows in my room
* There are some sofa in my home * outside there are a lot of trees * there are some mirrors * there are lots of curtains in the flat * this neigborhood has a lot of aparments
There are lots of cars up and dow There are some birds above the tree There ara some poultry in the farm
There are some birds up in the sky Today i went to the Town there were lots of people and some trash. Was on the street When i went For a walk .i took. Lots of water
* He drinks a lot of / some water * He has a lot of money / some money * There are some people on the street / lots of people on the street My examples: * There are lots of clouds in the sky * Some people leave their houses to go work * Lots of birds take a rest on my roof
  • Do you want some water?
  • There are a lot of people in the mall, we’d better go somewhere else.
  • There are lots of apples in the refrigerator
There are lot of yuyos on the grass
1. Due to the picture, I want to drink some water right now. 2. I have a lot of eagerness to finish the English course soon. 3. I need lots of practice to improve my speaking skills. 4. Some cold weather wouldn’t be bad around here. 5. I need a lot of energy to finish my project.
There are some clothes outside there are a lot of things about the refrigerator

I have some friends coming over for dinner tonight.
There are a lot of interesting books in the library.
We have lots of options to choose from on the menu.

* I have finished my classes. I do not have much time. * I have some ice cream in the fridge. * I want a lot of meat in my food.
* I have a lot of work to do * My daughter wants some more sugar for her bubble tea * I need to get home soon
i buy some ice cream there are a lot of motorcycles in my neighborhood

There are some cars in the street.

1. I am cooking some pancakes 2. There are a lot of garbagge in the street 3. There are lots of food for the picnic 4. I bought some bananas in the morning 5. There are a lot of pollution in this city
I have some of fruit in the kitchen You have some time without run There are a lot of people in the park
* I would like some dessert * I want lots of soda for dinner * You have a lot of sugar *
would you like some drink? they are a lot of people on the street.
I have some time before of leave. I shoul be stay lot of in the street.
She has a lo of love for me. He drink some serum. There are a lot of people in the stadium. The car use a lot of wheels in the race. The dog eat some food.
  • I have some water in a bottle.
  • I want to make a lot of money to become independent.
  • Waking up early requires lots of determination.


There are some things on my desk, that’s why its dirty

I have some cellphones, beacuse a care their and still working

I have a lot of activities todar, clean my room, study english, prepared dinner, make my bed, make my lessons on duolingo, etc.

I have a lot of musics that like me a lot

Claro, aquí están las correcciones para esas oraciones:

  1. There are some things on my desk, that’s why it’s dirty.
    (Hay algunas cosas en mi escritorio, por eso está sucio. Se corrigió “its” a “it’s” para indicar la contracción de “it is,” y se ajustó el orden de las palabras para que sea gramaticalmente correcto).
  2. I have some cellphones because I take care of them, and they are still working.
    (Tengo algunos teléfonos celulares porque me preocupo por ellos, y todavía funcionan. Se corrigió “a care their” a “I take care of them” para expresar la idea correctamente y se agregó “and” para conectar las dos ideas).
  3. I have a lot of activities today: clean my room, study English, prepare dinner, make my bed, do my lessons on Duolingo, etc.
    (Tengo muchas actividades hoy: limpiar mi habitación, estudiar inglés, preparar la cena, hacer mi cama, hacer mis lecciones en Duolingo, etc. Se corrigió “todar” a “today” y se agregaron dos puntos para introducir la lista de actividades).
  4. I have a lot of music that I like a lot.
    (Tengo mucha música que me gusta mucho. Se corrigió “musics” a “music,” y se agregó “I like” para que la oración sea gramaticalmente correcta).

Espero que estas correcciones te sean útiles. Si tienes alguna otra pregunta o necesitas más ayuda, no dudes en preguntar.

In Cuenca city there are a lot of houses with red roof.

My husband works a lot of in the house.
There are a lots of in the fridge.
I´m drinking some tea.
In my neighborhood there are a lots of plants and trees.
My husband has some games in the shelf.
There are some lemons in the lemontree.

A lot of people like baseball
Some people hate baseball
Lots of people wants to be rich

Thera are a lot of musical offer in audio plataforms.
If you upload you music, you can charge some money.

  • There are a lot of / lots of songs on Spotify that you can listen to!.
  • He has some books hidden in his basement.
  • She has some blouses, and each one is a different color.
  • There are a lot of people at the park. What happened?
  1. I like Pabellon a lot of chicken.
  2. I can some drink water.
  3. My internet is a lot faster than yours.
  4. I want lots of money this year.
  5. I going to run **a lot **faster than you.

There are a lot of books over the bookcase.
There are lots of books over the bookcase.

In the bookcase are some pictures.

In my closet are lot of jackets.
In my closet are lots of jackets.

In the glass are some water.

I have a lot of winter clothes.
I have lots of winter clothes.

  • There are a lot of flyers on the table.
  • I have some pen in my backpack
  • My desk have a lot of papers

I am drinking some juice.
You are eating a lot of fruit.
They buy some bread.
There are lots of children in the park.

lot of / lots of

  • People don’t drink a lot of water as they should.
  • There are a lot of good options available at this restaurant.
  • Do you have a lot of classmates in your new school?


  • Would you like some coffee?
  • I have some apples.
  • I couldn’t find any apples at the store, so I bought some oranges instead

I take some sugar with my coffee
She has a lot of shoes
He has some horror books in his house

I see lots of desks in the office
We drink some coffee in the morning
There are a lot of people in my house
He would like eat some soup
Would you like some ice cream?
Do you have a lot of dogs?

My cats have a lot of / lots of toys
My cats have some toys

I have a lot of colors pencils
I have some colors pencils

There are lots of fruit
There are some fruit.

I have lots of chocolates.
I have some money.
Does she has a lot of love to give?