- I lost my wine last night.
- Please, recommend me three wines.
- Gasoline it’s almost over.
- I want to buy two gasolines.
- She found jam in my fridge.
- OMG, this aisle it’s full of jams
Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades
Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos
Superlativos en Inglés
Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"
Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas
Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés
Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés
Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés
Expresa cantidades en Inglés
Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"
Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés
Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés
Cuantificadores con "of"
Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado
Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés
Comparativos en Inglés
Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"
Comparativos usando "more + than"
Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés
Adverbios terminados en "-ly"
Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos
Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés
Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios
Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés
Expresiones útiles en Inglés
Expresa posesión y características usando "of"
"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés
Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones
Negaciones en Inglés
"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación
Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés
Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés
Uso del gerundio en Inglés
Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés
Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"
Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés
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Ya sabes que hay sustantivos contables e incontables, pero qué crees… ¡Hay sustantivos incontables que tienen forma plural! Vamos a ver cómo reconocerlos.
La forma plural de uncountable nouns se usa cuando se habla de “tipos de” o “variedades de” algo. Es por esto que, para identificar si se puede emplear el sustantivo incontable en plural, debes tener en cuenta el contexto.
Por ejemplo, tanto el café como el queso existen en distintas variedades. Existe el café espresso, americano, así como que queso cheddar, parmesano, etc.
Sabiendo esto, podemos formular preguntas para referirnos a uno o varios tipos, como:
En inglés, entre los sustantivos que pueden ser countable y uncountable, encuentras:
A continuación, piensa en 5 sustantivos que funcionan como contables e incontables y formula oraciones de cada una en las dos formas.
Uncountable noun: Cheese
Used in a sentence: Cheese is yellow.
Used as a plural noun: Semi-soft cheeses are the best ones.
Contribución creada con aportes de: José Miguel Veintimilla.
Aportes 666
Preguntas 37
I love Mexican food.
Pozole is one of the most popular Mexican foods.
I want to drink some juice.
There are some juices in the fridge.
You should eat fruit.
My neighbor sells different kinds of fruits.
Different meanings (examples): Coffes, waters, chesses, milks, breads, sugars, oils.
I’d like three coffees to go, please. (cups of coffee)
Hello!!! Here are my answers:
** salt**
Pizza is delicious.
What kind of pizzas do you prefer?
I would like a lot of wine
What kind of wines would you like?.
I don’t drink beer
He’s drinking three beers.
nice class
Yesterday, I went to the mall with my friends and we ordered eight coffees.
You should try three strategies to watch the mind flies and wanders.
I have two examples, but i don’t know if tha’s correct. I read you to know the opinion.
This tea is cold, give me two teas more, please.
I like eating this cheese, but what of all chesses of the cuppboard?
What of all oils do you prefer cooking? I prefer olive oil.
I like French bread but how many breads exist?
The US dollar is the most popular currency around the world.
There are many currencies all around South America.
Craft beer is really good. You should try it!
How many beers have you drunk already?
My practice
I’d like some sugar in my coffee, please.
What kind of sugars do you have?
She found jam in my fridge.
OMG, this aisle it’s full of jams
Pizza is delicious.
What kind of pizzas do you prefer?
I would like a lot of wine
What kind of wines would you like?.
I don’t drink beer
He’s drinking three beers.
I don’t like the juice, but when I saw in your fridge that a lot of juices I wanted drink one.
I don’t like the beer, bot when I drink one I immediately want a lot of beers
My bread had cheese, because I chosed one of the cheeses table
I bought this wine of the supermarket, when I went there there was a lot of wines
My cat don’t like watch others cats
the toilet don’t have water.
this BBQ have different meats.
three juices, please.
do you want two beers!?
how much juices?
I need two bottles of water for the hike.
Can you pass me three sheets of paper?
She bought two types of cheese for the party.
We need to buy two new chairs for the dining table.
We had three great times during our vacation.
I’d like to order 3 hamburgers.
Colombia has one gasolines more expensives of the region
my motorcycle consume three gallons of gasoline for week
are there some sugar?
we have several sugars for sale
what are the top ten wines in the world?
i´d like wine please
i preffer semi-skimmed milk over other milks
I spilled my milk
this juice is make with several grapes
the grape grep up in cold weather
I like 3 milks cake
I like my coffee with 2 sugars
Juice - The juice is healthy / I´d like four orange juices to go, please.
Beer - Some people like beer / How many beers are you going to bring?
Cheese - Some cheeses are delicious / What kind of cheese do you like?
Milk - Adults humans don´t need to drink milk / You don´t need to buy 11 milks
Oil - Do you know what type of oil is healthier? / I think so will take this avocado oil.
Uncountable noun: MILK
Used in a sentence: I can’t drink milk
Used as a plural noun: We can buy now some types of milks
Uncountable noun: BREAD
Used in a sentence: I love my coffee with bread at the morning
Used as a plural noun: Breads can be different ingredients
Uncountable noun: OIL
Used in a sentence: Canola oil is the cheapest
Used as a plural noun: In Colombia canola oils are the most popular
Uncountable noun: CHEESE
Used in a sentence: Parmetian cheese is my favorite
Used as a plural noun: We can buy different cheeses for the dinner
Uncountable noun: SUGAR
Used in a sentence: I prefer my coffee without sugar
Used as a plural noun: We need many sugars for the cake
I’d like her new music.
Can you recommend to me three new bands?
There are many kinds milks
I like milks low in fat.
It’s important manteince a balance diet whit fruits and vegetables.
Not all sugars are bad.
Uncountable noun: Sugar
Used in a sentence: I need sugar in my coffe
Used as a pural noun: exist many brands suggars in the market!
Uncountable noun: Art
Used in a sentence: The gallery art is open today.
Used as a plural noun: Which are the museum with many arts?
Uncountable noun: rice
Used in a sentence: The rice is delicious
Used as a plural noun: Don’t use that rice. Exist many rices and that is not to prepare sushi
Uncountable noun: Knowledge
Used in a sentence: You have knowledge in Microsoft 365
Used as a plural noun: He has many knowledges in Microsoft technologies
Uncountable noun: Motivation
Used in a sentence: I need motivation all days
Used as a plural nouns: He has many motivations to learn english
Water is healthy
which are the most popular waters?
Cheese is rich in the pizza
which are the best cheeses for the pizzas?
milk is in fridge
Where the best milks are produced?
oil is very useful in the kitchen
which are the most quality oils?
Sugar is necessary for make dessert.
Which are the most popular sugars in Ecuador?
You have to add some olive oil into the salad.
There are different types of oils.
What are your three favorite cheeses?
Parmesan is the best cheese to use in pastas.
I love wholemeal bread.
In this bakery, there are many kinds of breads
Sugar is unhealthy for the teeth.
I’d like 2 sugars for my coffee please.
The clear waters of the lake are perfect for swimming
Water is fresh and transparent.
In the supermarket sells three kinds of apples.
My mom have a lot of picture of my sisters and mine.
My neighbor has a cat in hers house.
I don´t like cats.
I drink coffee everyday.
The president’s secretary buys two coffees in the mornings.
Oliva oil is better than oil current.
I want a massage with natural oils.
I really like a good coffee with a good bread.
What are your top 5 breads?
Uncountables nouns in plural activity:
My sentences:
which kind of jam do you want?
I’d like two jams, please
I’d like buying a some oils.
you should mix different fruits.
1.Game - I really liked this game — The variety of games in the world is amazing
2.Exercise - That exercise is too hard — Those exercises can be most appropriate
3.Song - My favorite song is “Indestructible” by Disturbed — The list of songs that’s my favorite include this one
4.Work - You work is interesting, can you tell me more about it? — Types of works i´ve had are too numerous to count
5. Color - That color isn’t like that, please check it. — The variety of colors can make the choice difficult.
When I feel thirsty, I drink some water.
I´d like to test the waters of Chavo del 8.
Mía Loves chessee.
Mia eats many types of cheeses.
I like have breakfast with coffee.
I ´d like three coffees to go
I love all food.
when I travel, I like test many foods
I love drink juice in the morning.
I like the Juices of orange and carrot.
Let´s practice
What are the most popular breads arounf the world?
You should mix different oils for a better result.
My favorite food is pasta, I love it!
I ate three pastas in my travel to Italia.
1.-I want coffee
Please, I would like three coffees to go
2.-I need a new pant
I want some pants for this week
3.-I like to drink soda
Would I like buy six sodas please?
4.- I love this cake, is very delicious
Can I recommend buy some cakes?
5.- I love make tea in the morning
Can I serve two cup of teas?
-Add some salt to taste
-Do you know how many varieties of salt there are?
-I made an almond flour cake
Milk is good for coffee
Which milks do you prefer with your coffee?
Wholemeal bread is healthy
There are lots of breads in Mexico
I prefer drink tea whitout sugar
Which sugars do you want?
I like dark beer
Which beers are your favorite?
I’d like some chicken soup for lunch
My wife knows many recipes of soups
She got 3 favorites kinds of ice creams, chocolate, strawberry and pistachio.
If you go to the frigde, your are going to see two types of milks, please bring me the Goat milk.
Hey babe, i am at the supermarket, you said me buy rice, but here are 2 diferent rices, what should i buy?
I want four coffees to go, please
I want a coffee, please.
He would like five breads to go.
What are the most popular breads around the world?
You should mix different oils for a better result.
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