Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades


Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos

Superlativos en Inglés


Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"


Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas


Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés


Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés

Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés

Expresa cantidades en Inglés


Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"


Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés


Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés


Cuantificadores con "of"


Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado

Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés

Comparativos en Inglés


Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"


Comparativos usando "more + than"


Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés


Adverbios terminados en "-ly"


Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos


Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés


Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios

Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés

Expresiones útiles en Inglés


Expresa posesión y características usando "of"


"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés


Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones


Negaciones en Inglés


"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación


Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés

Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés

Uso del gerundio en Inglés


Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés


Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"

Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés

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Cuantificadores con "of"


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Un cuantificador (quantifier) es una palabra que indica la cantidad de algo. Generalmente, van acompañadas de la palabra of. Algunos de ellos son:

  • lots / muchos
  • some / algunos
  • a bit / un poco
  • a lot / mucho

Cómo usar quantifiers

Los quantifiers se usan después de sustantivos, pronombres, determinantes o una forma posesiva antes de un sustantivo.

  • She donated lots of her clothes to charity. // Ella donó mucha de su ropa a la caridad.
    En esta oración podemos saber que ella no donó toda su ropa, pero sí una gran cantidad.

Ejemplos del uso de quantifiers

  • Some of these pens are not mine.
  • You should have a bit of optimism.
  • Lots of their money came from their family.
  • A lot of the umbrellas are pink.
  • Can I have some of your brownies, please?
  • I save a bit of money every month.

Ejercicio usando quantifiers

Anímate a crear una oración con cada uno de los cuantificadores que acabamos de ver: lots / some / a bit / a lot + of.

Contribución creada con aportes de: José Miguel Veintimilla.

Aportes 729

Preguntas 42

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

A lot of Platzi students love teacher Cesar.

Can you borrow me some of your colors?

This trains it’s lots of people.

Excurse, Can you give me a bit of toilet paper?

She learned a lot of his boyfriend

He paid a lot money yesterday

He saved some of his candy in my backpack

I spent a bit of me money

A lot of students prefer to learn face-to-face

  • lots / muchos

  • some / algunos

  • a bit / un poco

  • a lot / mucho

I need a lot of money
I have a bit of money :C
I drink a lot´s of water every day

I love lots of the shoes.
She has some oranges.
I want a bit of rice.
I still don’t know a lot of Acapulco beaches.

A lot of the umbrellas are pink and some of the umbrellas are purple.
Can I have some of your brownies, please?
I savea a bit of money every month.

My practice:

  • SOME OF the umbrellas are purple.
  • I have A LOT OF brownies for breakfast.
  • I need to take SOME OF these banknotes to the bank.


  • SOME OF my shoes are flat.
  • I have A LOT OF things to do today.
  • I saw LOTS OF people on the street yesterday.
  • These fries need A BIT OF salt to be tasty.
  • I have lots of things in the drawer

  • Some of those children are very annoying

  • I want a bit of orange juice, please

  • I have a lot of things to do

I need a lot of money to buy a computer.
some of those players are drunk.
They have lots of doubts about us.
I want a bit of time for myself.

  • I need a lot of money to buy a computer.
  • some of those players are drunk.
  • They have lots of doubts about us.
  • I want a bit of time for myself.

I need a lot of money to buy a computer.
some of those players are drunk.
They have lots of doubts about us.
I want a bit of time for myself.

* There are a lot of umbrellas in this street * Could you give me some of these brownies, please? * Every week, I spend a bit of money in healthy food

Can you give some of you tea, please?
I see a lot of theese sugarcloud on the street.

Some of the students are talking in class
Can I have some of this cake?
Lots of people are going to be in that concert
Could you give me a little bit of this cake?

I have a lot of clothes red. Some of this food are cold. Could you put a bit of sugar in my coffee, please? He has a lots of money at the bank.

There was a lot of rain last week.

A lot of Platzi students love teacher Cesar.

Can you borrow me some of your colors?

This trains it’s lots of people.

Excurse, Can you give me a bit of toilet paper?

She learned a lot of his boyfriend

He paid a lot money yesterday

He saved some of his candy in my backpack

I spent a bit of me money

A lot of students prefer to learn face-to-face


First. A thief needs some of love.
Second. He did steal a lot of money comming from the bank.
Third. The thief is lying down over lots of mountain of money.
Fourth. It was did need a bit of patience for catch the thief.

you have clothes lots of your father, right
can you give me some of water
you are rude can you have a bit of love
my friends know a lot of politic

Lots of my classmates are very smart.
I forgot to clean a little bit of the trash.

A lot of the breads in Colombia are sweet.
Lots of colege students love their careers.
Can you bring some of yours pens, please?
I´ve saved a bit of money every week.

I need a bit of suggar They have a lots of papers We eat some of our sweets
There are a lots of gift in the store Some of there books are mine
* **lots** / My sister has a lot of clothes that she doesn't use them. * **some** / Some of my friends want to sleep at my house. * **a bit** / I can bring a bit of beer to your party. * **a lot** / A lot of plastic can't recycle.
* Lots of my sneakers were bought with a discount. * We sang some of the songs yesterday. * I like a bit of spice in my food. * A lot of people want to go to the concert.
* a lot of the watches are expensive * Do you careful with some of the cars there are in the road when you drive? * I drink a bit of beer. * lots of thoses books not are mine
* I want to read some of books this year * I have alot of homework to do this week * lots of my friends are Doctors * You should have a bit of patience
* I have a lot of homework for tomorrow. * Do you have a bit of sugar for my coffee. * I can eat some of your apples. * Lots of the hats are black.
i like brownie plus milk at the evening
there are a lot of umbrella a the street
* I like a lots of these candys * I would like to do some of the exercises * I share with you a bit of my knowledge * A lot of the pans are big.
* Have you eaten lots of chocolate? * Would you like to share *some* wine? * I think people feel a bit more insecure * A lot of snow falls in winter.
* A lot of the umbrellas are pink * Can I have some of your brownies, please? * I save a bit of money every month
* She had a lot of pain in her shoulder last week. * A bit of sugar will make the sauce taste better. * Lots of people saw the last Championship * Some apples started to rot.
Can you give me a bit milk?  There are a lot of people in the hospital.  Some of those colors are your.  That house we have a lots of water.
|Exercise: → That's a lot of pink umbrellas. → I'd like some milk with my brownies → I need some of this money
| Oh Karl, thanks for God that I found you. Can you give me A BIT OF money for pay my monthly debts? | No man, you have LOTS OF stuff in your house. You should sell them for to pay your debts. | You don't undertand. I sell SOME OF my things this week, but it was not enough.
I made the quiz, but I have one answer incorrect. Can you help me please? "Which sentence is INCORRECT" I chose "I save a bit of money every year" but I can't understand why que correct answer is "I save some of money every year".
* I´am have a lot of Mercedes´ caps. * Some of those bags are of my mother. * She has a bit of courage today.
I get a lots of fruits you can take some of food they has a bit of this we usually make a lot of pizza
* I have a lot of friends. * My grandmother has some hair. * My aunt has a bit of money
There are a lot of umbrellas, but there are a bit of black umbrellas. I'd like some milk and a lot of brownies. I wish a lot of money.
* i make a bit of excercise every day * you need a someof free time * in the game, they made a lot of goals!
* He wants to buy some of his team's jerseys. * There were lots of people at yesterday's concert * A lot of people went to the stadium to watch the game. * Please, keep me a bit patient.
1. I'd like to order **some of** potatoes foy my salad. 2. There are **a lot of** people around the world. 3. They get **lots of** money after the 30 years. 4. **A bit of** suggar, please.
1\. There are a lot of umbrellas over the street.
* there are a lot of umbrellas are pink * there are a lots of chocolates and there is a bit of milk here
* She sees a lot of umbrellas in the sky. * A lots of the umbrellas are pink. Some of these are purple. * Lots of brownies for a cup of milk, right? * I would like a cup with some milk, please. * My wallet has a bit of money. I've paid for Platzi this month 😆
* there are lots of umbrella in the shopping * Some of those umbrellas are pink * I can eat a lot of these brownies * I spent a bit of my earn in snacks for the movie
* excuse me, I need buy some of fish * I want a lot of converse sneakers * I send you lots of congratulations for your new job * I would like to a bit of enjoy
Some of * She say some technical words in the conference A lot of * I travel to a apple threes forest, and found a lot of fresh apples. A bit of * My motorbyke was fail, and check the oil and guess!!!, there was a bit of this.
  • Lots of my shoes are old. I must buy new ones.
  • Do you want some of coffee?
  • I have a bit of money if you want I can lend it to you
  • A lot of my friends play soccer, I’m going to try it too.
Why can´t I say: \*I save some of money every year.\* What is the mistake in that sentence? Please help me.
I have a bit of clothes. My wife pay a lot of money for clothes. She always order some for dinner

I made a delicious salad with some of the fresh vegetables
Add a bit of salt to enhance the flavor.
We have a lot of work to do before the deadline.
There are lots of flowers in the garden.

lots leaves falling Some of these colors are mine. I need a little patience Many of the apples are red.
* I need some of your travel photos * A lot of his paintings are at the museum * Can you give me a bit of your cake? * You sold lots of tickets in an hour

I want a bit of sugar.
I have a lot of cellphones.

1. There are a lot of pets in my house 2. Some of my friends are tall 3. I earned a bit of money this month 4. Lots of my friends are sick
* there are a lot of students at platzi * there is a bit of pizza on the table * there are lots of zombies
A lots of cars are in the highway In my building some of neighbor do exercise You should arrive a bit of early The bread have lots of flour
I can have some of your cookies I am a bit tired today. You have lot of problems in your jobs.
I don't understand the difference between ¨lot of¨ and ¨lots of¨
A lot of exercises works to strong muscles. You need drink some water during you training. The difference between win and lost is a bit effort more everyday.
  • There are a bit of dust on the floor.
  • There are a lot of people at home at this time.
  • I have lots of certificates from approved courses.
  • Can you give me some of your food? I don’t have money.
She needs some coffee for the guests She needs a bit of my patience A lot of fruits are ripe Lots of their things belong to her brother

**¿**La Palabra **Many** también se puede utilizar**?** I have many tasks to do.
there are a lot of umbrellas in this pictures some of these umbrellas are pink in this place a bit of person.

There are a lot of umbrellas
I will eat some of these brownies
He won a lot of money.

Lots/ A lots of my cousins are scared of poor insects
Some/ Some of these plants are beautiful
a bit / I have a bit of thirst
a lot of/ The children talked a lot of today.

There are a lot of umbrellas over Susan´s head.
Would you like some brownies with milk?
I pay some money to Social Security each month.

Lots of dogs are hairy
Some of these tips I never understand before
I need a bit of your time
There is a lot of bread on the table

  • Lots of these boats are white

  • Give me some sugar please

  • I want a little bit of your ice cream

  • A lot of my pictures was painted in my childhood

In the street there are **a lot of **umbrellas pink and purple.
There are _some of _houses whit Christmas decoration.
The weather is _a bit of _rainy. But, there are lots of

He wrote a lot of his songs about the drugs.
Some of these songs has a collaborate.
Lots of their payments are divide.

  • I have lots of his shoes in my house.
  • Some of the games are boring for me.
  • I cook with a bit of salt in the food.
  • I study a lot of English in Platzi.
  • Can I have some tomatoes for my lunch?
  • Lots of his shoes belong to his brother.
  • There are a lot of bacteria in street food.
  • At my work, I only have a little bit of time to rest.

Can you lend me some of your color pencils?
Would you like to lots of mine grape juice?
I need to save a bit of my money monthly.
I spend a lot of my time in social medias.

A lot of, lots of with a noun

We use a lot of and lots of in informal styles. Lots of is more informal than a lot of. A lot of and lots of can both be used with plural countable nouns and with singular uncountable nouns for affirmatives, negatives, and questions:

We’ve got lots of things to do.

That’s a lot of money.

There weren’t a lot of choices.

Can you hurry up? I don’t have a lot of time.

Are there a lot of good players at your tennis club?
You can only use “a bit of” with uncountable nouns. If you want to use a similar word for countable nouns, it should be “few” A bit of people — Incorrect Few people — Correct

I have a lot of hungry.
Mauro shoud eats a bit of chicken
My wife earns some of money as a professional advisor

Lots of dogs are beautiful
The PC have a lot of pieces in its case
I have a bit of knowledge in Azure
Do you have some sugar for me?

They have lots of shoes
I want some of these hats
I need a bit of money for buy this computer
You know a lot of her.

  1. Some of the students in the class are preparing for the upcoming exam.

  2. Add a bit of salt in the salad please.

  3. I will save a lot of bitcoins when I have money.

  4. Lots of people went at the show last night

  • There are a lot of umbrellas in the way.

  • She have lots of umbrellas over her head.

  • I can see some purples umbrellas.

  • Can I hace a bit of you brownies please?

  • You prepared a lot of brownies. why?

• Some of your students are genius
• She has a lot of cakes in the kitchen
• Lots of cheeses come from Venezuela
• They always spent a bit of money on alcohol every week

I got a lot of good grades.
Shaquille o’neal scored a bit of points of three.
lots of people use telephone.
I´d like some of coffee.

  • lots of
    • A lots of his cars are beautiful!
  • some of
    • Some of the clothes are hers.
  • a bit of
    • I ate a bit of that cake.
  • a lot of
    • She spends a lot of money.
  • Some of the colombians live in Miami.
  • A lot of people go to the school in her lifes
  • Juan have a bit of money for go to the store.
  • Lots of your fame is for your books.
  1. I have lots of cars in my parking.
  2. He known some of places in France.
  3. She shed a bit of sugar in her table.
  4. They drink a lot of coffee in their offices.

in my country there are alot of/ lots of people in the capital
in my class some student reproved
i will spend some of my money

She saved some of his memories inyour mind.

he lost money in the bet.

I wasted a bit of my time with you

A lot of your money is lost in bets

  • Lots of his hats are black
  • Some of my friends are older than me
  • Please, can you give me a bit of sugar?
  • I have a lot of reports to do for tomorrow

this bottle has some of milk.
i’d like add some of cheese to my pizza.
there are a lot of octopus around the world-

some of

  • I need to buy some of things in the super market

a lot of

  • I´d have a lot of lucky, if I will win

lots of

  • I don´t like have lots of friends.

a bit of

  • I am thirsty, I´d like drink a bit of water

Let´s practice

-in that street there are a lot of umbrellas.

  • I will eat a lot of brownies with som of milk.

  • I have saved a lot of money.

  • He loves to walk a lot.
  • They lost some money on the stock market.
  • A lot of the jobs pay little.
  • A lots of Mexican prefer to work abroad.
  • I should laugh a bit of more.

I would like to watch some of my favorite movies this weekend
There are lots of cookies here
There is a lot of work to do today
Add a bit of garlic to the salsa

  • I need lots of bricks for my building.
  • Some people water boats when is raining.
  • You need a bit of faith
  • He has a lot food in his table.