My answers:
Cesar, You should eat something / Should we go to eat?
Cesar, You should study more / Should I study with you?
Cesar, You should pay attention in your things / Should I help you to find it?
Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades
Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos
Superlativos en Inglés
Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"
Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas
Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés
Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés
Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés
Expresa cantidades en Inglés
Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"
Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés
Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés
Cuantificadores con "of"
Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado
Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés
Comparativos en Inglés
Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"
Comparativos usando "more + than"
Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés
Adverbios terminados en "-ly"
Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos
Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés
Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios
Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés
Expresiones útiles en Inglés
Expresa posesión y características usando "of"
"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés
Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones
Negaciones en Inglés
"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación
Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés
Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés
Uso del gerundio en Inglés
Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés
Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"
Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés
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Para poder hacer oraciones con ofertas y consejos para otra persona, usamos la palabra should. Sirve para recomendar una acción y para afirmar si nos parece que algo es como debería ser o no. La pronunciación correcta es /shud/.
La palabra should es cortés y amigable. No pretende obligar, sino dar una sugerencia. Por ejemplo:
Seguro te preguntas con el segundo ejemplo: ¿por qué mejor no usar can?" ¿Puedo acompañarte al trabajo? Pues bien, con can preguntas si realizar una acción es posible, con should sugieres realizar esa acción.
Las ofertas se realizan en forma de preguntas y se coloca should al inicio. Por ejemplo:
Should también se utiliza para expresar tus consejos a alguien. Se usa should después del pronombre:
Contribución creada con aportes de: José Miguel Veintimilla.
Aportes 785
Preguntas 27
My answers:
Cesar, You should eat something / Should we go to eat?
Cesar, You should study more / Should I study with you?
Cesar, You should pay attention in your things / Should I help you to find it?
You should eat some fruit
You should review the last class and practice more
You should be more careful
You should reheat the leftovers from yesterday’s dinner.
If you want to get a better grade on that exercise, you should read the instructions carefully and thoroughly.
You probably dropped it when you got on the motorcycle, you should start looking around for it.
You should eat something I should help you with math? We should go back to search it
-You should reheat the leftovers from yesterday’s dinner.
-If you want to get a better grade on that exercise, you should read the instructions carefully and thoroughly.
-You probably dropped it when you got on the motorcycle, you should start looking around for it.
You should eat breakfast before you come to class.
You should study the previous subjects harder.
Should i help you to find it
You should eat some fruit
You should review the last class and practice more
You should be more careful
We should go out to eat something.
Should I help you?
You should report the lost with the police.
My contribution
I’m hungry.
We should go eat something.
I cannot understand this exercise.
Should I study with you?
I lost my wallet on the street.
You should be more careful with it.
A- I’m Hungry
B- You should eat something.
A- I can’t understand this exercise
B- You should pay more attention in class.
A- I lost ,y wallet on the street
B- Should I help you to find it?
Which restaurant should we go?
Should I give you a hand with that excersice?
We should go to the police station.
You should buy something to eat.
You should practice more often.
You should save your wallet in your front pocket.
I’m hungry?
-Should I buy you something to eat now? Or, could you wait to be at home? , I’ll order a pizza for lunch as soon we arrive
I cannot understand this exercise
-Should i help you? I already do my homework and i have some free time.
I lost my wallet on the street.
-You should go to the police soon as possible, they can help you, but you need to report it fast
I’m hungry → We should go to kitchen for anything to eat ?
I cannot understand this exercise → Should I help you ?
I lose my wallet on the street → You should walk with more care
you should eat something
You should ask the teacher for an explanation.
you should be more careful
Interesting, I usually say: Do you want me to help you? instead of should.
Me too, Should we go to have lunch?
Yeah, it’s so difficult, Should we ask the teacher for help?
Oh no!, Should we go back and look? We aren’t so far.
You should have lunch.
You should ask the teacher for help.
We should go back to the street where you lost it.
“I’m hungry.”
“I cannot understand this exercise.”
“I lost my wallet on the street.”
I’m hungry
You should eat something of fruit
I cannot understand this exercise
Should I help you with the exercise?
I lost my wallet on the street
You should call the police to find the wallet
I’m hungry.
You should go to eat something.
Should you go to the Fred’s restaurant?
I connot understand this exercise.
You should study all day the exercises.
Should you study with a professor the exercises?
I lost my wallet on the street.
You should help me to find my wallet because lost on the street.
Should you go to the police? To report the loss of your wallet.
this is my exercise
I lost my wallet on the street. R= should I find your wallet ? where is te street where you los the wallet?
I’m hungry R= should I make a bread for you?
I cannot understanding this exercise R= should I explain this exercise ?
Should we go to dinner out?
You should ask the teacher for help
Should I help you look for your wallet?
You should go to eat anything
You should study for the exam.
You should take care of your wallet in the street.
you should eat something
should I help you with this exercise?
we should find your wallet on the same street
We should go to eat
You should pay more attention
Oh no, we should find it
You should go eat
I should help you?
You should be more careful
Let´s practice
If You’re hungry, you should eat some fruit and should take a good breakfast.
If You don´t understand this exercise, you should pay attention, take more notes and ask your teacher.
If You lost your wallet, you should be more careful.
I´m hungry = You should eat something.
I cannot understand this exercise = You should most practice.
I lost my wallet on the street = You should put a complaint.
I’m hungry I should eat.
You should study more before you take
We should go find it to see if we can find it.
You should eat something .
should i help you with your homework.
you should be more careful .
should you give me one more, please?
of course, i’ll give you one more.
we should finish this tomorrow.
you should eat something
you should see the notebook
you should call the police
Should we go to a restaurant, or do you prefer a food truck.
Should I help you with your homework?
We should go to the police station to make a report.
I am hungry:
-Oh, you are? well, should we go to a restaurant or cook food here, i know an amazing restaurant very near from here, we should go, you are going to love it.
I cannot understad this exercise:
Really? Aron you should pay more atention, but well, i am going to explain this again but you should pay atention because i am not going to explain it again.
I lost my wallet on the street:
Oh really?, we got to go back to find where you did leave it, where should we go?.
You should eat a sandwich or something
You should search in your home
You should practice more
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