Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades


Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos

Superlativos en Inglés


Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"


Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas


Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés


Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés

Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés

Expresa cantidades en Inglés


Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"


Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés


Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés


Cuantificadores con "of"


Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado

Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés

Comparativos en Inglés


Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"


Comparativos usando "more + than"


Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés


Adverbios terminados en "-ly"


Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos


Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés


Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios

Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés

Expresiones útiles en Inglés


Expresa posesión y características usando "of"


"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés


Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones


Negaciones en Inglés


"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación


Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés

Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés

Uso del gerundio en Inglés


Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés


Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"

Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés

Sigue practicando


Ahora sabes usar adjetivos y cuantificadores

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No se trata de lo que quieres comprar, sino de quién quieres ser. Invierte en tu educación con el precio especial

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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

12 Días
12 Hrs
5 Min
2 Seg

Expresa posesión y características usando "of"


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Seguro en algún momento dijimos The house of my father (no tan común), en lugar de My father’s house (correcto). No te preocupes, todos nos confundimos con esta palabra al principio.

Cuándo empleamos of y cuando 's (apóstrofe + s)

's: para objetos animados. Personas, animales, países, etc. Todo aquello que se considere una entidad independiente.

Por ejemplo:

  • Gabriel’s shirt is clean. / La camisa de Gabriel está limpia.
  • The dog’s ears are dirty. / Las orejas del perro están sucias.
  • Ecuador’s elections will be held next year. / Las elecciones en Ecuador se celebrarán el próximo año.

Of: para objetos inanimados. Muebles, piezas, cosas.

Por ejemplo:

  • The color of my hair is brown. / El color de mi pelo es castaño.
  • The start of the lesson was hard. / El comienzo de la lección fue duro.
  • This chair is the property of the school. / Esta silla es propiedad de la escuela.

Ejercicio usando of para expresar posesión

¡A practicar! Busca a tu alrededor, cinco objetos y dales un dueño con la palabra of. Te comparto otros ejemplos para que te guíes.

  • The color of her eyes is beautiful
  • What size of pants do you wear?
  • The departure of the train is delayed.
  • Which color of the rainbow do you like?
  • What’s your favorite part of the movie?
  • Check out the new car of the year.

Contribución creada con aportes de: José Miguel Veintimilla.

Aportes 633

Preguntas 15

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Then the principal difference between ‘’ 's " and “of” is the next:

-Of is for unanimate object like : things(tools, clothes and etc)


  • 's , is for animate objects like people,animals or etc.

The color of my dress is blue

The fretboard of my bass guitar is made of rosewood
the height of my desk is adjustable

Great class, I’ve been learning English for years and this difference has always been a trouble for me. 👍


It was really easy to understand with the animate and an inanimate being.


  • My dog’s eyes are brown.

  • The color of my computer is light blue.

  • My mom’s dress is beautiful.

  • The window of my bedroom is big.

My cat´s eyes colour are green with yellow.
I´ve ran hastly cuz I wanted found my ticket of my flight.
My brother’s brow furrowed, when he finded out my piercing. :0
She´s a nasty girl so she threw garbage of their house on my garden.
My grandfather´s kitchen was utterly mess.

The color of her eyes is green.
The material of the pants is linen.
The lenght of the train is almost a mile.

  • The computer of my mom is defective
  • The engine of the airplane is running smoothly
  • The party of my neighbor
  • The color of my mug is white
  • The tickets of concert

• The color of my bed is brown.
• The size of my shoes is 40.
• The temperature of the roof is cold.
• The water of the tank is clean.
• The belt of my pants is old.

  1. I’m always looked at the sky, because that place are born all dreams of next generations.
  2. The coins are in bags of my brown pants.
  3. The Tickets of the train are cheaper than the plain.

The ventilators of my pc are very colorful
The size of my is big because I like coffee
The color of my hair right now is violet and black on the sides
The tires of my bike are very old, I really need new ones
The weight of my motorcycle is crazy

The color of my mouse is black.
The zipper of my bag is broken.
I love the box of my cookies.
The door of my house is decorated.

He put on the shirt of our team
Nature of South America is diverse
The streets of the city are full of traffic
There is danger of death in the war
The fourth floor of the building are offices

The roof structure is made of metal.
The material of my desk is wood.



the door of my house is big
the color of the kitchen is brown
my husband’s computer is a little small

  • The color of Cesar’s shirt is black and, the color of my t-shirt is blue.
  • The color of her eyes is green
  • What is the size of your pants?
  • You must be on time for the departure of the train
  • With this weather I can only think in a big cup of coffee
  • Could you give me the addres of the school?
  • The book of this movie it’s so much better
  • This is the artwork of Picasso
  • The color of her nails was beautiful

Her hair of my cat is green, and her eyes are green.

  • Dog´s cookie
  • Mom`s shirt
  • The box of my glasses

The camera of the iphone is the best

The charge of your phone is damaged

The warranty of my phone is expired

The screen of TV is cracked

the light of the lamp is off

-The color of the bag is pink -The weather of my country is sunny - This course has 14 hours of practice

o Woeee
The fretboard of my bass guitar is made of rosewood
the height of my desk is adjustable

the color


Thank you


The color of My bottle Is purple. That dress belongs of My friends
  • Gabriel’s shirt is clean.

  • The dog’s ears are dirty.

  • Ecuador’s elections will be held next year.

The color of my eyeglasses is black with pink
the bathrooms of my school are there
the chair is brown
My eyes are black
The table of the kitchen is old

  • The color of my hair is pink.

  • The size of my blouse is small.

  • The case of my phone is black.

  • This is the house of my dog.

  • This is the crayon of my brother.

Then the principal difference between ‘’ 's " and “of” is the next:

-Of is for unanimate object like : things(tools, clothes and etc)


's , is for animate objects like people,animals or etc.

  • The color of my bed is pink
  • I like the food of that restaurant
  • The work of my dad is hard
  • This is the bed of my dog, Max
  • The chairs of the cinema are comfortable

The size of my scissors is small
The color of that highlighter pen is pink
The ink of that pen overflowed
The glass of that desk is dirty
Why are the speakers of that computer playing at low volume?


  • The color of her eyes is green.

  • What kind of pants do you prefer to wear?

  • What is the name of this train station?

  • The color my glasses is black and brown.

  • The edges of my wallet are torn, I should buy a new one.

  • The walls of my house are white and have no ornaments.

  • The door of my house is of maximum security.

1. The book is a gift of my sister 2. The city is a place of great beuaty 3. The team is a group of skilled players 4. The university is an institution of higher learning 5. The painting is a work of art
* The color of my headphones is black. * My mother's hair color is brown, almost like chocolate. * The system of my laptop is Ubuntu/Linux. * My friend's favorite color is blue.
* The door of my house is not closed. * The buses of the terminal is full people * The color of her hair is beautiful * The homework of the school is too hard * The heart is a part important of us body
* the windows of the hause is closed. * The entrance of the house is brown. * the cup of coffee is hot. * the light of the lamp is bright. * the museum of madrid is big.
* The battery of my phone is big * The color of the sky is blue * The library of my university is quiet * The color of the chair is yellow * The content of my book is huge.
* The color of my laptop is blue midnight * The material of my t-shirt is cotton. * Te material of my window is glass.
* The length of her eyelashes is perfect. * What color of pants do you wear daily? * The color of all the trains is yellow.
| My sentences: 1. The color of the TV is black. 2. The watch is made of plastic. 3. The pages of the notebook are lined. 4. I like the menu of the day. 5. A cup made of silver
The room of the house is big.  The leg of the table.  The car of the school is small.  What is the adress of his house?  I love the food of that restaurant.
the color of the door is black the color of his hair is blonde the camera of my cell phone is great
The train of this station its large The color of his eyes its nice. The size of this wallet its big
* The color of your eyes are brown * The pants of fine quality are of great comfort for outdoor activities. * The Terminal of Plaza Venezuela is Beautiful
The color of my sweater is green, blue and brown and brother's sweater is just blue :)
the color of my shirt is purple the color of my skin is beautiful the door of my house is black the color of my helmet is orange the color of my plant is green
the rails of the train are narrow
> The glasses **of** my house are dirtyThe water **of** that glass is mine.That book is property **of** the library.The exam **of** english course in platzy was crazy.The platform in the website **of** Platzi is amazing.
* the eyes of her is beautiful * the jeans are of color black
* "The color of your eyes is green." * "I found a pair of pants of size XL." * "The train of the Buenos Aires Metro is moving slowly."
Hello everybody I look aroud me and 1\. what is the material of this dooor ? 2\. I can see trought of windows 3\. What size of shoes do you have in this color ? 4\. This glass of crystal is lovely 5\. those jackets have resistence of water
* The mouse of the laptop is bright * The keys of my department * Julian's backpack is comfortable * my aunt's fan is so fresh
* The color of her eyes is green * What color of pants is your favorite?
The color of the train is yellow.

The handle of the door was broken, so we couldn’t open it.
The color of the walls in the living room is a calming shade of blue.
The smell of the fresh flowers on the table filled the room with fragrance.
The taste of the homemade cookies was delicious, making them irresistible.
The weight of the bookshelf made it difficult to move it to another room.

the chair of the station is large the window of the balcony is narrow the house's teacher the departure of the plane is on time
I'm looking For the colors of the closes The expresión of Your eyes
  • The key of my keyboard is damaged.
  • The carpet of the house is dirty.
  • The color of my brother’s laptop is blue.
  • The washing machine of the house is as new.
  • The soccer ball is property of my school but I did not return it.
1. The positon of the mouse is good for my hand. 2. Should I share the number of my credit card with someone?. 3. My brothers clean the apartment of my mom. 4. What is the different of her job and my job?. 5. I will visit the university of my brother.
* The color of my phone is black * The color of my cat is white with black spots * The color of my mug is yellow * This computer is property of the Company where I am work
The table of green color is tall The pot of his is dirty
* The color of her eyes is beautiful. * What size shoe do you wear? * What color pencil do you like? * What is your favorite cake from the restaurant? * See the new innovation of the year

The color of my desk is brown.

  1. The eyelashes of her ayes are large

  2. The color of his pant is blue

  3. The struture of the train station is grey

  4. The color of my house is yellow

  5. What kind of shoes do you like to use?

  6. The glass of the windows are dirty

  7. The walls of my room are white

  8. What kind of job do you do?

* Have you heard the song of the moment? * The color of her eyes is pleasant * the end of the year is closer * the taste of the dessert is bittersweet * my cup of tea is hot
The color of this pencil is better than the color of this pants The size of this windows is large
  • The tip of my tablet pencil is too fragile and prone to breaking.
  • The size of the letters in the book I’m reading is tiny.
  • The lens of my glasses are too dusty.
  • I don’t like the shape of my desk.

The shape of eyes is cute. The color of pants is blue. The silence of station train. 1. The lamp of room is white. 2. The books of history are interesting. 3. The lamp of room is white. 4. The books of history are interesting. 5. The pencil of wood is black. 6. The door of room is big. 7. The picture of mountain is beautiful.
  • What size of shoes do you wear?
  • The public transportation of my city is very slow
  • My dress is of Falabella

The color of her eyes is interesting
The size of these pants is large
The train station is the property of the city

I like the lenght of her lashes-
The cut of this pants is straight.
What is the route of this train?
The case if this cell phone avoids damage if you drop it.
This jar of pils are glucosamine.
The point of this pen writes very well.
The door of the office doesn´t close properly.
I like to open the window of that side of the office because lets the wind blow.

  1. The length of her eyelashes is long.
  2. What type of pants do you prefer?
    1.The color of train is yellow.
  3. The size of that train is large.

The color of that car is incredible.
The size of the bed is huge.
What flavor of ice cream do you like?
What is the name of the street?
How many layers of cream does the cake have?

  1. The notebook of his friend is red.

  2. The juice is of the flavor orange.

  3. The keyboard of my computer does not work.

  4. The control of the TV is on the sofa.

  5. The color of the desk is white.

These are my exercises
My chair is brown
The format of my watch is digital and analog
The mode of my screen is dark
The color of my laptop is black

The water of my shaker is cold.
The battery of my electronic cigarrete is low

the order of my notes

the architecture of the bellas artes in México is beautiful

The color of my bag is black
The tickets of concert
the screen of my cell phone is cracked

  1. My sister’s personality is very cool
  2. The eyes of my sister are brown
  3. My dog’s personality is very angry
  4. The job of my other sister is hard
  5. The duration of this module is long.

the color of your hair is black
the color of his cup is brown
the cellphone of color yellow is beautiful
the Monitor of her PC work very well
smart watches of their are cool.

  • The color of my car is black
  • The door of my house is big
  • The color of flower is pink
  1. The color of my eyes is green.
  2. The dress is of that store.
  3. The table is the property of the library.
  4. The color of my shoes is orange.
1. The color of headphones are black
2. Dynamics 365 is part of Microsoft 365
3. Security of my computer is very well
4. It's the belt of my jeans
5. Learn english is part of my life as a engineer

The color of sunflower is beautiful
The size of jeans is M

  • The color of my pencil is green
  • The cover of my book is hard.
  • The door of my bedroom is broken
  • Is dirty the keyboard of your computer?
  • The string of my guitar sounds well

My contribution

  1. The door of the room is closed.
  2. The number of sentences in this exercise are many.
  3. The size of my bottle is large.
  4. The pieces of my chessboard are beautiful.
  5. What’s the color of your cap?
  6. What’s the size of your T-shirt?
  • The color of my refrigerator is white.
  • The finish of the film is boring.
  • What’s your opinion of the economy?
    -Where’s the use of “and” in the senetence?
  • what are 10 examples of senetences using of?
  • Gabriel’s mug is under the desk

  • The position of the sofa is between the desk and tv

  • The portatil is of the company.
  • This shoes are of the store.
  • This flowers are of nursery.
  • This perfum is of Dolce and Gabana.
  • The color of my pencil is blue.

The blue color of the pants looks good.
We see the yellow color of the train from afar

1.-The image of the showcase is dirty.
2.-The painting of the painting is faded.
3.-The dining chair is not the same as the others
4.-The door of the house is blue
5.-We could do cleaning of the house

  • The color of your green eyes.
  • Do you like the color of my pants?
  • The departure of my train is in 5 minutes.
  • The notebook is of my son.
  • The tablet is of my daughter.
  • This desk is of my brother

Which pair of jeans do you want?
i want the dark blues ones
this phone is of my company.
the computer is of my mom.

mi backpack of work is dirty
to training i use protction of my mouth