I enjoy riding bycicle on weekends
Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades
Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos
Superlativos en Inglés
Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"
Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas
Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés
Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés
Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés
Expresa cantidades en Inglés
Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"
Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés
Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés
Cuantificadores con "of"
Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado
Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés
Comparativos en Inglés
Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"
Comparativos usando "more + than"
Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés
Adverbios terminados en "-ly"
Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos
Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés
Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios
Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés
Expresiones útiles en Inglés
Expresa posesión y características usando "of"
"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés
Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones
Negaciones en Inglés
"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación
Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés
Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés
Uso del gerundio en Inglés
Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés
Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"
Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés
Sigue practicando
Ahora sabes usar adjetivos y cuantificadores
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¡Continúa aprendiendo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀
Una de las cosas más emocionantes de aprender clase a clase, es que siempre puedes poner en práctica los conceptos aprendidos anteriores con los nuevos.
Ahora vamos a conocer una parte muy importante del idioma inglés: ¡los gerundios!
Un gerundio es la forma no personal del verbo que expresa duración de la acción verbal. Indica que una acción se está realizando en el momento en que se dice la oración. Un gerundio funciona como adverbio y como verbo.
En español, los gerundios terminan en ando (nadando) y endo (bebiendo). En inglés, se construyen agregando la terminación ING al verbo (swimming, drinking).
Una de las maneras de saber si estás usando los gerundios como objetos, es haciendo una pregunta con what.
What does he enjoy doing on weekends?
He enjoys watching TV on weekends.
What does the boy hate doing in the afternoon?
He hates sleeping in the afternoon.
What do you enjoy eating when you go out?
I love eating hamburgers when I go out.
What do you enjoy doing on the weekends?
I enjoy studying marketing in Platzi.
Contribución creada con aportes de: José Miguel Veintimilla.
Aportes 691
Preguntas 10
I enjoy riding bycicle on weekends
I love going out on weekends
I enjoy studying in my weekends
Hello teacher, after a long time, I’m returning to study english 😄, I was busy in my job.
Well, I leave here my answers:
On the weekend, I love dancing and studying at Platzi
I enjoy resting at home and watch tv
I enjoy going for walks with my family anywhere we can get some fresh air
I enjoy learning at Platzi on weekends
What do you enjoy doing on weekends?
I love doing DIY projects and hiking on the weekends.
i love to be studying here.
on weekends I like to go out to eat and watching movies.
¿What do you enjoy doing on weekend?
I enjoy visiting to my grandmother in her farmhouse.
i enjoy doing my makeup to go out on wee kends
I like playing videogames with my friends until night.
I enjoy studying at platzi on weekends
I enjoy hanging out with my kitty and obviusly my family xD, because they make a grilled meat and we drink lots beer and wine on saturdays and the next day we go to other city in Boyacá.
I enjoy watching TV on weekends
thank you.
I enjoy camping on weekends
On weekends I love studying on the platzi and watching a movie in English ⛱️.
he enjoys watching series on netflix
I like playing video games
I enjoy listenig pop music on weekends
What do you enjoy doing on weekends?
I love to go hiking.
I enjoy going to the church on weekends.
I enjoy running on the park on my weekends
What do you enjoy doing on the weekends?
On the weekends I like to study in Platzi and eat a lot.
I love hanging out with my boyfriend on weekends
I enjoy going out with my friends on weekends
He hates doing homework in the afternoon
I love eating hamburges when I go out
I enjoy studying in Platzi on weekends 💚💚
What do you enjoy doing on weekends?
I enjoy running at the park
He enjoys watching tv on weekends.
In the afternoon, he hates doing his homework.
I enjoy eating hamburgers when I go out.
What do you enjoy doing on weekends?
On weekends, I enjoy watching Formula 1 with my girlfriend and playing football with my son.
I enjoy sleeping on weekends
I love sleeping on weekends
I enjoy recording new video for my channel in YouTube
Hey enjoy watching series on weekends
The boy hates doing homework in the afternoon
I love eating ice cream when I go out
Let´s Practice
I enjoy going to classes of “salsa cubana”
My contribution
What do you enjoy doing on weekends?
I love playing basketball on weekends.
I love sleeping on weekends
I enjoy playing rubik’s cube on weekends.
What do you love? or I love what?
I love stydying match
What does she hate? or she hates what?
She hates watching soccer.
What do they enjoy? or they enjoy what?
They enjoy swimming at the sea.
What does he enjoy doing on weekends?
he enjoys watching Netflix on weekend
What does the boy hate doing in the afternoon?
The boy hates practicing math in the afternoon.
what do you enjoy eating when you go out?
I love eating hamburguers.
I love playing video games on weekends!
I love watching movies
I love reading in the Nights of Stars
I dream of eating something fantastic
I love studying new technologies on the weekend while drinking mates.
i enjoy chill out,not do nothing in the day
i love riding bycicle on weekends
I enjoy hiking on weekends
What did you enjoy doing on weekends?
On weekends i enjoy preparing my blble’s class.
and also enjoy hanging out with my friends
I enjoy playing basketball on weekend.
I enjoy reading books on weekends
i enjoy traveling to villages with my motorcycle and friends on weekends
I love playing Marvel Snap.
I like studying english
I really enjoy eating with my family
on the weekends, I love studying on Platzi and playing with the PC in the morning. and the afternoon I enjoy practicing basketball with my friends
What do you enjoy doing on weekends?
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