Six points, I must study hard if i like finish this course
Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades
Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos
Superlativos en Inglés
Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"
Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas
Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés
Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés
Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés
Expresa cantidades en Inglés
Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"
Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés
Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés
Cuantificadores con "of"
Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado
Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés
Comparativos en Inglés
Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"
Comparativos usando "more + than"
Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés
Adverbios terminados en "-ly"
Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos
Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés
Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios
Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés
Expresiones útiles en Inglés
Expresa posesión y características usando "of"
"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés
Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones
Negaciones en Inglés
"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación
Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés
Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés
Uso del gerundio en Inglés
Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés
Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"
Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés
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Ahora sabes usar adjetivos y cuantificadores
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Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀
¡Genial! En las clases anteriores aprendiste acerca de adverbios y adjetivos. Vamos a poner estos temas en práctica con el siguiente ejercicio.
Lee las siguientes oraciones y determina si son correctas o incorrectas.
Contribución creada con aportes de: José Miguel Veintimilla.
Aportes 653
Preguntas 27
Six points, I must study hard if i like finish this course
Eight points
Sarah Left their party quick (incorrect) is quicly ✔️
it was the first time that I saw Bob reac so angrily (correct) ✔️
Lately the weather has changed dramatically (correct) ✔️
That’s a beautiful painting (incorrect) is beautifulest ❌
Sam sings beatiful (incorrect) is beautifulest ❌ is beautifully
She runs fastly (incorrect) is fastliest ❌
I never arrive late (incorrect) is I arrive never late ❌
He cooks very good (correct) ❌ is very well
You are working very hard to learn this topic (correct) ✔️
Jack felt incredibly sad after the final exam (correct) ✔️
Wow, I went bad in this quiz 😭
nine out of ten boyyys
10 points 🙆♂️
10 points.
But according to the last lesson, one of adverbs that don’t change is late (question # 3). Can anyone confirm it?
6 Points…
I got 7/10. I’ll keep studying. Good test.
Only seven points. I didn’t remember fast is the same as an adjective and as an adverb
8 points 😦
8/10, I am happy 😃
Seven points
8 points
It was the first that
Six points, I must review classes of this module.
Hi, my score was 8 points.
6 Points. I need to study hard to finish this course.
Nine points for me.
7/10 :’(
I get eight points xD
I got 7 points
Seven points. 😃
Seven points. I need to practice more. 😃
seven points
8/10 points
Eight points
Nine points
Sarah Left their party quick (incorrect) is quicly ✔️
it was the first time that I saw Bob reac so angrily (correct) ✔️
Lately the weather has changed dramatically (correct) ✔️
That’s a beautiful painting (incorrect) is beautifulest ❌
Sam sings beatiful (incorrect) is beautifulest ❌ is beautifully
She runs fastly (incorrect) is fastliest ❌
I never arrive late (incorrect) is I arrive never late ❌
He cooks very good (correct) ❌ is very well
You are working very hard to learn this topic (correct) ✔️
Jack felt incredibly sad after the final exam (correct)
I had 3 errors, my grade was 7 😕
8 points 😂
8 points here!
Seven points
In the interactive quiz I obtained seven points. I need to study hard.
EIGHT points
8 points 😃
Six points
I get seven points in the quiz
9 points, I had a problems with the irregulars adverbs
All correct except Sentence 8 asdaskjdhas
My score was nine!! 🤗
Sarah left the party quickly.
It was the firt that I saw Bob react so angrily.
Lately the weather has changed dramatically.
That’s a beautiful painting.
Sam sings beautifully.
She runs fast.
I never arrive late .
He cooks very well.
You are working very hard to learn this topic
Jack felt incredibly sad after final exam.
Sarah left the party quick.
Should say: Sarah left the party quickly
It was the first time that I saw Bob react so angrily.
Lately, the weather has changed dramatically.
That’s a beautiful painting.
Sam sings beautiful.
should say: Sam sings beautifully.
She runs fastly.
Should say: she runs fast.
I never arrive late.
He cooks very good.
Should say: he cooks very well.
You are working very hard to learn this topic.
Jack felt incredibly sad after the final exam.
Eight points after three tries
eight points
i have 8 points corrects
i had 8 points
8 points, I have to practice the adverbs not change forms, yeah¡¡
i got eight ponts in this class
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