Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades


Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos

Superlativos en Inglés


Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"


Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas


Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés


Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés

Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés

Expresa cantidades en Inglés


Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"


Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés


Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés


Cuantificadores con "of"


Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado

Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés

Comparativos en Inglés


Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"


Comparativos usando "more + than"


Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés


Adverbios terminados en "-ly"


Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos


Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés


Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios

Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés

Expresiones útiles en Inglés


"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés


Expresa posesión y características usando "of"


Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones


Negaciones en Inglés


"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación


Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés

Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés

Uso del gerundio en Inglés


Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés


Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"

Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés

Sigue practicando


Ahora sabes usar adjetivos y cuantificadores

Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"



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Aportes 181

Preguntas 10

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Ronaldo is better than Mesi

Hello there!
I share with you a small sumary about adjetives, comparatives and superlatives:

Messi is better than Cristiano 😎🔥

I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them 🤔

Hamilton is better then Verstapen

I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them

I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them

I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them 🤔

Foam Mattress are more Comfortable than Resort Mattress.
Nature is more important than any business polluting our environment.
Mandarin is more difficult to learn that English.
Technology knowledge make humans more successful than any other jobs.
Organic food is more Delicious than Genetically modified.

winter is better than summer

Today, my brother in law went to haircutstore because he look like a afro, but in my opinion I see him better.

List of two-syllable adjectives you can either add -er or put more in front

  1. Common: More Common
  2. Narrow: Narrower
  3. Cruel: Crueller
  4. Pleasant: More Pleasant
  5. Gentle: More Gentle
  6. Polite: More Polite
  7. Handsome: More Handsome
  8. Simple: More Simple
  9. Likely: More Likely
  10. Stupid: More Stupid

Good lecture.

common: more common
narrow: narrower
cruel: crueller
pleasant: more pleasant
gentle: more gentle
polite: more polite
handsome: more handsome
simple: more simple
likely: more likely
stupid: more stupid

  • I cook better than my sisters.
  • My brother knows more than me.
  • I am better than yesterday.
  • i see better with my glasses than without them.

This is a good explanation. For me is a good lesson. Now I understand more English.

My brother is smarter than me. Jenny is more smiling than my girlfriend. The party is more fun than the previous. They are nicer than the others.
Jhon Is taller Tha Peter Motocycles are cheaper than cars My watch Is nicer Than yours
Sarah is taller than Samuel.  Brazil is large than Colombia. Elephant is bigger than lion. Raul is busier than Thiago. My ticket is more expensive than ticket them. Lady is happier than Vivian.
* Cocodrile is more common than Flamingos in Africa * Maracaibo is hotter than Caracas * Roque's Beaches are more beatiful than La Guaira' beaches * Burguer is less healthy than Arepa
Messi was and will be better than Ronaldo for ever until end of time
China is further away than Chile from Venezuela

Lucas is happier than Lulu.

Rafa is stupider than Barth

  • This car is more common than your bike.
  • My favorite song is saddes than your history.
  • This way is narrower than the other.
  • My stupid friend is crueller than your cousin.
  • This place is more pleasant than that park.
  • People of this town are gentler than my neighborhood people.
  • My chief is politer than my partners.
  • My brother handsome than me.
  • Your task is simpler than my job.
  • It’s more likely that this game ends first than your problem
  • That man is so stupid than these dogs fighting here.
  • Sarah is taller than Josy.
  • Titanic is longer than Shrek.
  • Martha is nicer than Jake.
  • Brazil is larger than Argentina.
  • Which animal is bigger than the elephant?
  • The song “Tears in Heaven” is sadder than the song “Happy”.
  • My wedding day was happier than this party.
  • Johnny is busier than me.
  • My daughter is more beautiful than his.
  • That artwork is more perfect than the one we saw yesterday.
  • We can’t fly first class. Those tickets are more expensive than the others.
  • This one is more simple than the other exercise.
  • This one is simpler than the other exercise.
  • He is more polite than me.
  • He is politer than me.
  • My grandma bakes better cookies than my mom.
  • This system is worse than the previous one.

Real Madrid is better than Barcelona


My practice.
-I have less money than your sister.
-The second world war was worse than the first world war.
-We live further away than you.
-Your science project is worse than mine.
-My sister is more intelligent than me.
-My teacher is more beautiful than yours.


*My mom cook better than me.
*The sunflower is more beautifull than the rose.

Water is better than soda


Comparative Adjectives

One and two syllables

General rule: add -er (comparative)
Adjective Comparative
tall taller
long longer

Sarah is taller than Josy.
Titanic is longer than Shrek.
If the adjective ends in e, add -r
Adjective Comparative
nice nicer
large larger

Martha is nicer than Jake.
Brazil is larger than Argentina.
If the adjective ends in CVC (consonant + single vowel + consonant), we double the final consonant and add -er
Adjective Comparative
big bigger
sad sadder

Which animal is bigger than an elephant?
The song “Tears in Heaven” is sadder than the song “Happy”.
If the adjective ends in consonant + y, change the y to an i and add -er
Adjective Comparative
happy happier
busy busier

My wedding day was happier than this party.
Johnny is busier than me.
Two and three or more syllables

Put more in front of the adjective.
Adjective Comparative
beautiful more beautiful
perfect more perfect
expensive more expensive

My daughter is more beautiful than his.
That artwork is more perfect than the one we saw yesterday.
We can’t fly first class. Those tickets are more expensive than the others.
List of two-syllable adjectives you can either add -er or put more in front


This one is more simple than the other exercise.
This one is simpler than the other exercise.
Let’s ask Martin to speak to the principal. He is more polite than me.
Let’s ask Martin to speak to the principal. He is politer than me.
Irregular comparatives

Adjective Comparative
bad worse
far farther / further
good better
little less
much more

My grandma bakes better cookies than my mom.
Nothing works! This system is worse than the previous one!

Messi is better than Messi 😉

This class was easier than others.

List of two-syllable adjectives you can either add -er or put more in front

  • common

Web development is more common than History this ages

  • narrow

The 33º street is more narrow than 27º street in Bucaramanga

  • cruel

You are crueler with your pet than me with my cat

  • pleasant

be with you is more pleasant than stay with my father

  • gentle

Your grandmother is more gentle than your aunt

  • polite

In university I’m politer than in my house

  • handsome

Your dog is more handsome than my sister

  • simple

Your art workbook is simpler than your biology workbook

  • likely

die is likelier than wedding with you

  • stupid

You are more stupid than Maduro

my new car runs faster than the old one
my sister cooks better than me
the summer mornings are more beautiful than the mornings winter

I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of

  • The sun is better than the rain.
  • Apple computer is more expensive than Asus computer.
  • I am happier in my new job than in my old job.
  • This year it is more common to travel than the old year.
  • My father is busier than my mother.

My practice:
common: more common
narrow: narrower
cruel: crueller
pleasant: more pleasant
gentle: more gentle
polite: more polite
handsome: more handsome
simple: more simple
likely: more likely
stupid: more stupid

I’m taller than my husband
Today I’m sadder than yesterday
The life is happier now than two years ago
My sister is busier than me because she has 2 kids

The gorila is larger than chinpance
The blue whale is bigger than elephan
Children are happier than adults

The gorila is larger than chinpance
The blue whale is bigger than elephan
Children are happier than adults

Pele is the greatest ever


Chemistry is more difficult than math
Jungkook is more handsome than Jimin

The red rose is bigger than the white one.

Thanks for this reading

I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them

thanks i understand better now. 👍

The anaconda is longer than cocodrile
The gorila is larger than chinpance
The blue whale is bigger than elephan
Children are happier than adults
This drew is more beautiful than other one

This is a good explanation.
Thank you!

I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them

Ronaldo is better than Mesi

tulips are more delicate than daisies

Thanks for class!! 😉

Found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:

• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly

But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them.

I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them

this class is very assertive to learn

thanks for class

ello there!
I share with you a small sumary about adjetives, comparatives and superlatives:







better than Mesi

Ronaldo is




The cost redwood sequoia is taller than African acacia.
The Symphony of Seas cruise is largest than the RMS Queen Mary 2 ocean liner.
Ants are bigger than termites.
Today, I’m happier than yesterday.
F1 cars are more perfect than Formula E
Lebron J. is better than S. Curry.

I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them 🤔

Foam Mattress are more Comfortable than Resort Mattress.
Nature is more important than any business polluting our environment.
Mandarin is more difficult to learn that English.
Technology knowledge make humans more successful than any other jobs.
Organic food is more Delicious than Genetically modified.

I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them 🤔




  • The cost redwood sequoia is taller than African acacia.
  • The Symphony of Seas cruise is largest than the RMS Queen Mary 2 ocean liner.
  • Ants are bigger than termites.
  • Today, I’m happier than yesterday.
  • F1 cars are more perfect than Formula E
  • Lebron J. is better than S. Curry.

My house is larger than hers.
This box is smaller than the one I lost.
Your dog runs faster than Jim’s dog.
The rock flew higher than the roof.

Tall- taller
Long- longer

very good


Colombia is better than china

●I found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
●But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them

thanks for this class

found other adjectives to add “er” or put “more”:
• Clever
• Quiet
• Friendly
But, is there any rule? Or in this case, they are just a few of them 🤔

Hello there!
I share with you a small sumary about adjetives, comparatives and superlatives:

  • Martha is nicer than Jake.

  • Brazil is larger than Argentina.

  • Sarah is taller than Josy.

  • Titanic is longer than Shrek.

We use comparative adjectives to show change or make comparisons:

This car is certainly better, but it’s much more expensive.
I’m feeling happier now.
We need a bigger garden.

We use than when we want to compare one thing with another:

She is two years older than me.
New York is much bigger than Boston.
He is a better player than Ronaldo.
France is a bigger country than Britain.

When we want to describe how something or someone changes we can use two comparatives with and:

The balloon got bigger and bigger.
Everything is getting more and more expensive.
Grandfather is looking older and older.

We often use the with comparative adjectives to show that one thing depends on another:

The faster you drive, the more dangerous it is.
(= When you drive faster, it is more dangerous.)

The higher they climbed, the colder it got.
(= When they climbed higher, it got colder.)

Thank you for the information 👍

For example

  • Batman is longer than Superman

  • Mario is nicer than Pedro.

  • Which house is bigger than a castle?

russia us the larguest country in the wordl

my house is bigges than you

Platzi is better than Duolingo