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Options: Whether or not...


Si tienes dos opciones en una situación, ¿cuál elegir o cuál sucederá? A veces necesitamos expresar las alternativas que pueden ocurrir en una situación como resultado de otra.

Uso de “whether or not” para expresar elección entre alternativas

Sabemos expresar un condicionante con la palabra “If” cuando solo tenemos una opción. Usando “whether or not” podemos expresar dos opciones de una situación y que solo una sucederá.

Ejemplos de uso de “whether or not”

Hay varias maneras de utilizar este vocabulario en una oración, todas con el mismo significado:

  • I’m going to travel there whether or not she comes with me.
  • I’m going to travel there whether she comes with me or not.
  • Whether or not she comes with me, I’m going to travel there.

Veamos algunos ejemplos más:

  • We’ll celebrate whether the team wins or not.
  • The meeting is Tuesday, whether or not everyone attends.
  • Whether the library is closed or not, you must return the borrowed books.
  • The movie is amazing whether or not he acts in it.
  • Whether or not my friend is married, is not your concern.

De esta manera, ya conoces cómo expresar con “whether or not” dos posibilidades donde solo una ocurrirá o donde solo escogerás una.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino (Platzi Contributor).

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I had to finished my career whether or not I liked it, because when I noticed that it didn’t was for me, I were very close to finish it

I will keep practicing my coding skills whether I understand something or not because sooner or later discipline will beat intelligence.

Whether or not


I must continue working here whether or not I like it because I need this job to practice my english, and then get a better one on Cloud to finally archieve freedom x)

I had to eat my lunch wheter or not I liked it because it was cooked by my wife with so much love…

Whether I like my last job or not, I have to come back if at the end of this year I will not find another most interesting job.

I have to keep studying, whether I feel motivated or not.

I will live in another country whether or not you come with me.

I remember I had a subject really difficult back in the university. It was AI (artificial intelligence). In order to graduate, I had to pass that subject whether or not was difficult. Fortunately I made it 😃

I have to put an example whether or not I known is correct

I know that my grandmother needs me a lot, but I am going to travel abroad whether or not my mother helps me

I have to do my best at workshop class whether or not I like it so as to finish my career

Studying English in Platzi is wonderful whether or not is face-to-face.

expression “whether or not” we use “whether” when two options are available
I will travel if she comes with me
I’m going to travel if she doesn’t come with me.
I am going to travel there whether she comes with me or not.
When there is only one option, for example, I will buy it if it is on sale.
we will celebrate whether the team wins or not
the meeting is on tuesday whether everyone attends or not
whether the library is closed or not, borrowed books must be returned
the movie is amazing whether i acted in it or not
whether my friend is married or not is none of your business
the house is big whether you live in it or not

I have to eat more healthy whether I like it or not

Whether or not I feel motivated I’ll keep exercising every day

Whether or not she is coming with me, i´m going to travel there

Whethere I liked him or not, we had to end our relationship, because there was no future for us.

* I had to travel abroad whether or not my familiy wanted it. * I need to buy a camery whether or not I wanted it. * Whether or not I bounght a new smarth phone, the old one was broke.
I will continue paying my mortgage , whether or not I have a job
A-5 B-3 C-2 D-4 E-1 I have to go to work tomorrow whether or not I wanted
Whether or not I arrive late, I'm going to study. I can afford whether the surgical steel or the speakers to my PC. He's going to enjoy the breakfast whether it's something he used to eat or not.
# Options: Whether or not... Practice: Match the correct sentences together: A) We’ll celebrate. 3) B) The meeting is Tuesday. 5) C) Whether the library is closed or not, 2) D) The movie is amazing 4) E) Whether or not my friend is married 1) 1\) is not your concern. 2\) you must return the borrowed books. 3\) whether the team wins or not. 4\) whether or not he acts in it. 5\) whether or not everyone attends. Practice exercise: Comment on difficult decision you have had to make. Which career to study, get married, buy a product, travel abroad. \- I had to decide whether or not to pursue a career in engineering, considering my interest in both science and design. \- It took time to figure out whether or not getting married was the best choice for us at that stage in our lives. \- I debated whether or not to buy the expensive smartphone, wondering if it was worth the expense. \- I wasn't sure whether or not to travel abroad, as I didn’t know if the weather was good.
I will keep trying to explore the entrepeur world whether my friend want to come with me or not
I had to make a difficult decision before traveling to Europe, and it was whether to pay cheaper on March with debts or to pay more on May whithout debts.
I was buying a laptop last month; I didn't know whether to buy a Lenovo laptop or HP laptop. Anyway i will continuing practicing english whether I buy one of those or not
I had to decide whether to study something that I loved or something that made more money, and years later I regret it
In my last trip to Medellin, i was looking for a new bag, when I found a store that sold them I had to decided to buy it whether or not
I wanted to study electronics whether or not I had to travel abroad.
I had to travel to the US whether or not i had the money for the airplane tickets
**Whether or not | | Changing the order of the words in the sentence** <u>ORIGINAL:</u> I'm going to travel there **whether or not** she comes with me. <u>OPTION1:</u> I'm going to travel there **whether** she comes with me **or not** <u>OPTION2:</u> **Whether or not** she comes with me, I'm going to travel there * ***You can use this expression in multiple sections or in multiple places in the sentence.*** **| Whether vs. If** **Whether:** When 2 options are presents: *I don't know **whether** to eat past or pizza* **If:** When there is only 1 option *I'll buy it **if** it is on sale* <u>PRACTICE</u> **Match the correct sentences together:** * We'll celebrate **whether** the team wins or not. * The meeting is Tuesday **whether** or not everyone attends. * **Whether** the library is closed or not, you must return the borrowed books. * The movie is amazing **whether** or not he acts in it. * **Whether** or not my friend is married is not your concern
Whether or not I have to finish this course to have my diploma.
i have beenn trying to lear englihs whether if pay for a course or not, beacause i want to improve my skills.
i been traying to learn english whather i pay for a course or not because i want to improve my skills.
Whether I will quit or not, I save money. I continue going to gym whether she goes or not. You have to tell what you do whether they answer quickly or not.
I will marry my boyfriend whether my mom accepts it or not.
We´ll celebrate whether o not everyone attends. The meeting is Tuesday whether the teman wins or not. Whether the library is close o not you must return the borrowed books. The movie is amazing whether o not he acts in it. Whether o not my friend is married in not your concern.
When I finished my bachelor's degree I was determined whether or not to travel abroad, so I went to Argentina and the USA to study and work for a couple of years.
Whether I feel like it or not, every morning I go out to exercise
Whether I like it or not, I need to learn English because I noticed that it is a very important language in my career.
I had to rice prices on my bussines whether my partner like it or not, at the end It was a good decision
Whether or not I obtain a job in cybersecurity this year, I will continue to acquire new skills in this field.

A difficult decision I had to make was whether to accept a job offer in a different city.

The team is discussing whether or not to implement the new policy.

I have to learn English whether or not I liked, because is the universal language in the world and it´s useful for differents things
I had to choose a career whether or not i liked it, because i was being presured by my family to choose fast. I would prefer to take some months to study my options. i ended up being a lawyer but looking now to pivot to tecnology in some way
A-3 B-5 C-2 D-4 E-1
Ia have to finish the project whether or not I like because it is my responsibility.
I had to take twice high school whether I wanted to or not because I had to restart my life in a different country.
I had to study law, whether or not the university taught me well. Whether or not I buy the latest smartphone, I need one for work.
I was torn between my passion for dermatology and my interest in technology, uncertain about whether to pursue a career in medicine or engineering. spoiler, nowadays, I am an engineeer in IT
**Examples:** 1. I'll send this report to William **whether** he attends my project demand **or not**. 2. Don't concern us **whether** Mary buys new clothes to assist at Alex's wedding **or not**. 3. We'll support of friend David **whether** he pass the final exam **or not**.
I study mechatronic engineering whether or not have friends in that carrer, because it is my dream.
* last year, i didn't knew whether to study, if on a public college or a private one, also I was undecided about whether i want to study, political sciences or maybe history, philosophy, sociology. Finally, i decided to study political sciences on a public college and i'm happy with my choice, that doesn't keep me away from the others options, i still can mixed my studies and be a full prepared social-cientific

If I don’t feel happy with my job, I will quit whether you support me or not.

Whether I have the money or not, I will finish my career at San Buenaventura University.

We’ll celebrate whether the team wins or not.
The meeting is on Tuesday whether or not everyone attends.
Whether the library is closed or not you must return the borrowed books.
The movie is amazing whether or not he acts in it.
Whether or not my friend is married is not your concern.

10 years ago, whether I was accepted into college or not, I would have started in the world of programming. I was going to leave my parents' house whether or not my girlfriend agreed to live together.
Whether or not I understand grammar in English, I am going to practice everyday. I am not sure whether I study Sociology or Psychology. I am going to have a new job, whether you want or not.

*Wheter I go to USA or not, I´m going to study English.
*Wheter or not all my friend are married, I prefer to be single.
*Wheter or not it is my birthday, I´m going to Cancun in December.
*Wheter or not I get a VISA, I´m going to travel abroad

I had to go to the Christmas dinner, whether or not it was far away.
I have to stop eating junk food whether my friends invite me or not, well I have to be strong or maybe try
I didn't know whether to study engineering or science.
i have to walk my dog wether i want or not , because i dont want she poops in the house
I won't give up on my dreams whether I feel exhausted or not.
I decided to study music production whether or not my parents agreed whit it, and now they support me.

The difficult thing this year was choosing whether to take the English course or not.

This year I had to choose whether to study English or study a mixture

A - 3 B - 5 C - 2 D - 4 E - 1
I'll keep doing things whether or not I got tasks assigned. Whether I work or not, I'll continue studying
1. We'll celebrate whether the teams wins or not. 2. The meeting is Tuesday whether or not everyone attends. 3. Whether the library is closed or not, you must return the borrowed books. 4. The movie is amazing whether or not he acts in it. 5. Whether or not my friend is married is not your concern.
I had to make a difficult choice at the end of high school, of course I refer to the career that I had to choose, since that was allegedly the thing that I was going to do the rest of my life. I was in love with music and playing instruments but that doesn't pay off very well, so I had to choose wether to fulfill my whim of becoming a musician or study something else that may have higher chances of getting me a regular job. After many ups and downs I finally became a Software Engineer and I am very happy with that.
Recently, I had to decide whether or not to focus on my English to travel abroad and have better job opportunities. It was hard because I also had the option to study programming or data science, which would have allowed me to get good job opportunities as well.

I don’t know **whether ** to study Graphic Design or Computer Science

  • Whether or not it’s a bad day, tomorrow the sun will rise and the moon will still be shining.

Whether or not

  • I’m looking for a new career whether I have enough time or not.
  • Whether or not the ps5 is on sale, I’ll buy it tomorrow.
  • She’ll get married soon whether she’s in a relationship or not nowadays.
  • Let me know whether he chose his new destination to travel abroad or not.
I had to finish my relationship whether or not she wanted. I will get married whether or not she forgets me.

we’ll go to the park tomorrow whether or not it rains

So you´re on the prowl wondering whether she left already or not

I will travel to the UK whether or not my familly wants.
You should give me back my bycicle, whether I were in my house or not.
Whether I have time or not I have to learn english

I went studying abroad whether I was awarded a Scholarship or not. While I was there, my father got involved in an accident, I had to decide whether to come back here or not help him at all.
AT the end, I finished my semester and returned to be with him.

I have to pass this year whether or not I have problems with comunication course.

  • I don’t know whether travel to other city for study or stay in my city with my brothers.

  • I want to buy whether a shoes or sandals.

Which career to study?
When I was young I didn’t want to be a engineer, but my father force to me whether or not I wanted. At this moment of my life I was very confused , because whether or not my parents understand me, I was living in a cloud with my personal dreams and ambitions to make a better world. Now may be you are asking yourself if I studied engineer, and the answer is yes, I am engineer, the dreams of my father but I am so happy with that whether or not I can make a better world, with my profession I can make better system and operations.

Whether or not he triste in me I"ll do it
I decided to buy some clothes whether I have the money or not, because it was too necessary for me

I decided to study Industrial Engineering whether I got a scholarship or not.
I will get married if the woman is millionaire, that’s the condition =).
I’m going to buy a videogame whether it works on PS5 or Xbox.
My uncle went to Europe whether he had money or not, to stay there for a long time.

I will search a new job whether or not I get a salary increase now Whether is too expensive or not I’ll buy an iPhone Whether or not I’m in house I’ll call you back as soon as possible

My son has to present an exam whether or no he studied for.

I had to take a decision to what to study whether or not I like the career.

The teams have to play the game whether it’s rainy or sunny, but if there is an electric storm, the game must be suspended whether the stadium is full or empty.

I need to buy a new mouse whether it is on sale or not, so I’m going to take advantage of prime day.

I must take my pill whether or not I’m at home.

You have to clean your house whether you have visitors or not.

I focus on my career, whether my friends like it or not.

I just knew that I was going to study wether my parents supported me or not.

when i was in 2022 i had choose whether to continue with my job or choose a new job

Whether or not you like, it is a reality that you need have a good level of English to have better opportunities to find a good job

  • whether or not girls reject me I will keep trying but not with the same girl
  • a - 3
  • b - 5
  • c - 2
  • d - 4
  • 5 - 1

I had to continue studying whether o not I liked it, because when I noticed that it didn’t was for me, I were very close to finish it.

I’m going to help others and be myself, whether or no the world are agree with me

Whether or not I have much time I’m going to finish platzi’s english course, litle by litle