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Antes: $249


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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

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15 Días
17 Hrs
44 Min
13 Seg

Discussing a future project


Practicar cada competencia en inglés, la lectura, escritura, escucha y el habla, cada día es vital para mejorar tu nivel en el idioma. Es momento de hacer una pausa y practicar tu lectura.

Práctica de lectura

Cuando leas un texto, hazlo en voz alta para también practicar la pronunciación de las palabras. Nuestra cabeza puede engañarnos y hacernos creer que nuestra pronunciación es muy buen si leemos mentalmente, por eso es crucial que practiques continuamente la pronunciación de cada palabra.

En el siguiente texto, Andrew y Ravee se encuentran planificando un gran evento. ¿Puedes encontrar los puntos de la conversación donde se utiliza el Futuro Perfecto?

  • Andrew: Hi Ravee! Are you ready for our meeting?
  • Ravee: Hey Andrew! Sure, let’s do it!
  • Andrew: Alright, as you know, this is going to be our biggest event of the year. It is important that we communicate that with all our existing customers.
  • Ravee: Definitely. All the marketing material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  • Andrew: Excellent! And what about the invitations for our B2B clients? And their accommodation for the event?
  • Ravee: Yeah! The operations team is on it. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week. Same for their accommodations. It will have been taken care of by early next week.
  • Andrew: Wow! Looks like we are looking good! What about the menus for lunch and dinner?
  • Ravee: Yes, I am talking with Maria about this and menus will have been decided before invitations are sent. That way, we can include a copy of the menu with their invitation.
  • Andrew: Ok. And I am worried about the merchandise for this event. I haven’t seen any samples until now. Do we have time for getting them ready before the event?
  • Ravee: Yeah, you’re right. I am a bit worried about that as well. But I have a plan. I am working with design and samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  • Andrew: So, we can expect to see a sample by the end of next week, right?
  • Ravee: Yeah, it will have been completed by that time.
  • Andrew: Ok, so, moving on to the next point. What about the actual venue? Do we have a confirmation of the capacity?
  • Ravee: Yes, we do. We are good for up to 600 people. We are expecting around 400, so it should be fine.
  • Andrew: Ok, that’s good news. And do you know who is going to be the host and main speakers at the event?
  • Ravee: Yes, we have confirmed the host, it’s Jhon! And our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations, so a list can be included with them.

Unos minutos al día practicando cada English Skill hará que tu nivel de inglés mejore lentamente. Solo se requiere de constancia y disciplina.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino (Platzi Contributor).

Aportes 123

Preguntas 2

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

These are the uses I could catch!

  1. All the market materiel will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  3. It will have been taken care of by early next week.
  4. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  6. It will have been completed by that time.
  7. Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.
  8. Everything will have been sorted out by the eve Monday of the event week.

Let’s parctice:

  1. All the market material**_ will have been posted_** on our social media channels.
  2. Indications will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  3. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  4. Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  5. Yeah, It will have been completed by that time.
  6. Our mains speakers**_ will have been decided_** before we sent the invitations.
  7. Everything will have been soldered by the Monday of the event week.

This is the transcript of the final part of the play role

  1. Wow! there’s still a lot to do and we need to give our everything to this project.

  2. I understand but don’t everything will have been sorted worry out by the eve Monday of the event week, we are going to have a great event this year

  3. Brilliant so then do you need me to take care of anything else that specifically or we can start working on these things that we are still…

  • All the marketing material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
    -The operations team is on it. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
    -Same for their accommodations. It will have been taken care of by early next week.
    -I am talking with Maria about this and menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
    -. I am working with design and samples will have been confirmed before the event.
    -Yeah, it will have been completed by that time.
    -And our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations so a list can be included with them.
  1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  3. It will have been taken care of by early next week.
  4. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  6. It will have been completed by that time.
  7. Our main speakers will have been decided before.
  8. Everything will have been sorted out by the monday of event week.
  • All the market material will have been posted on our social media in time for the event

  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end on this week.

  • Same with the acomodations, it will have been taken care off by all the next week.

  • Menus will have been decided before invitations I’ll send

  • … And samples will have been confirmed before the event. It will have been completed by that time (the end of next week)

  • Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations

  • Don’t worry. Everything will have been sorted out by the monday of event week.

I love these videos because I learn English very easily because they know how to explain

The one’s I get

  1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  3. Accomodations have been taken care of, by early this week.
  4. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  6. It will have been completed by that time.
  7. Our main speakers will have been decided before we sent out the invitations.
  8. Everything will have been solded out by the monday of the event week.
1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event. 2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week. 3. It will have been taken care of by early next week. 4. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent. 5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event. 6. It will have been completed by that time. 7. Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations. 8. Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of event week.
**I identified the ones below:** 1. The material market will have been in their social media channels in time from the event 2. The invitations will have been delivered for the end of those week 3. Also, the accommodations it will have been take care of by early next week 4. The menu will have been decided before the invitations are sent 5. He will have been working for the design of samples and confirmed before event 6. The speakers will have been decided before they send the invitations 7. Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of event week
-All the market material will have been postedin our social media channels in time for the event -invitations will have been deliverd by the end of this week, same for the accommodations, it will have been taken care of by early next week -Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent -Samples will have been comfirmed before the event -It will have been completet by that time -our main speakers will have been decided before we send out invitations -Everything will have been sorted out by the monday of the event week.

All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week
Same for the accommodations, it will have been taken care of by early next week.
Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent
Samples will have been confirmed before the event
it will have been completed by that time
Our main speaker will have been decided before we send out the invitations
Everything will have been sorted out by the monday of event week.

1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event. 2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week. 3. It will have been taken care of by early next week. 4. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent. 5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event. 6. Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations. 7. Everything will have been sorted out by the eve Monday of the event week.
Les´t do it: 1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media chanels in time for the event. 2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week. 3. It will have been take care of by early next week. 4. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent. 5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event . 6. It will have been completyed by that time. 7. Our main speaker will have been decided before we sent out the invitaions . 8. Everything will have been sorted out by the monday of event week .
1. All the market materiel **will have been** posted on our social media channels in time for the event. 2. Invitations **will have been** delivered by the end of this week. 3. It **will have been** taken care of by early next week. 4. Menus **will have been** decided before invitations are sent. 5. Samples **will have been** confirmed before the event. 6. It **will have been** completed by that time. 7. Our main speakers **will have been** decided before we send out the invitations. 8. Everything **will have been** sorted out by the eve Monday of the event week.

All the market material will have been posted on our social media channel in time for the event.

Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.

It will have been taken care of by early next week.

Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.

Merchandise samples will have been confirmed before the event.

Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out invitations.

Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of event week.

  • All the market material will have been posted on our sicual media channels in time for the event.

  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.

  • Same for the accommodations it will have been taken care of by early next week.

  • Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.

  • Design and samples will have been confirmed before the event.

  • It will have been completed by that time.

  • Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.

  • everything will have been sorted out by the monday of event week.

I found 8 uses of future perfect passive:

  • All of the market material will have been posted on our social media Channels in time for the event

  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week

  • It will have been taken care off bay early next week

  • Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent

  • Samples will have been confirmed before the event

  • It will have been completed by that time

  • Our main speaker will have been decided before we sent out the invitations

  • Everything will have been sorted out by the eve Monday before the event week

- Marketing material Will hace bien posted on our social media channels. - Menús Will hace been decided before invitations are set.

-All the marketing material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
-The operations team is on it. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
-Same for their accommodations. It will have been taken care of by early next week.
-I am talking with Maria about this and menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
-. I am working with design and samples will have been confirmed before the event.
-Yeah, it will have been completed by that time.
-And our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations so a list can be included with them.

The invitations will have delivered by the early next week, as well the accomodations.

Menus will have decided before the invitations will have sent.

The designs will have complete by the next week.

The main speaker will have decided before the invitations will have delivered.

-All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels on time for the event.

  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week… It will have been taken care of by early next week.
    -Menus will have been decided before the invitations are sent.
    -Samples will have been confirmed before the event…It will have been completed by that time.
    -Our main speaker will have been decided before we sent out the invitations.
    -Everything will have been sorted out by Monday.
  • All the market material will have been posted…
  • The invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week, same for the accommodations, they will have been taken care of by early next week.
  • Menus will have been decided before the invitations are sent.
  • Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  • It will have been completed by that time.
  • The main speakers will have been decided before we sent the invitations.
  • Everything will have been sorted out by Monday.
  • Uses the Future Perfect

All the market material will have been posted on our social media for the entire event

Invitation will have been delivered by the end of this week
Accommodation will have been taken care by early next week

-> The menus will have been decided before the invitation sent

Samples will have been confirmed before the event
Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday next week
It will have been completed by that time

All the market material we have been posted
The invitation will have been delivered by the end of this week
The menu will have been decided before the invitation are sent
The samples will have been confirmed before the event
It will have been completed by that time
Everything will be sorted out by the Monday

-All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels.
Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week
Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
Everything will have been sorted out by the eve monday of the event week

1.- All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event
2.- Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week
3.- It will have been taken care of by early next week
4.- Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent
5.- Samples will have been confirmed before the event
6.- Our main speaker will have been decided before we send out the invitations
7.- Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of the event week

  1. all the market material will have been posted on social media channel in time for the event
  2. Invitation will have been delivered by the end of this week same for the acommodations it will have been taken care of buy early next week
  3. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent
  4. Samples will have been confirmed before the event
  5. Our main speaker will have been decided before we sent out the invitations
  6. Everything will have been sorted out by monday of event week
  1. All the market material will have been posted on out social media channels in time for the event
  2. Will have been delivered by the end of this week
  3. The menus will have been decided before invitations are sent
  4. Samples will have been confirmed before the event
  5. It will have been completed by that time
  6. Will have been decided before we sent out the invitations
  7. Will have been sorted out by the eve Monday
  1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for te event.

  2. The invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.

  3. The accommodations will have been taken care of by early next week.

  4. The menus will have been decided before invitations have sent.

  5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event.

  6. Samples will have been completed by the end of next week.

  7. The main speakers will have been decided before they send the invitations.

  8. Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of event week.

How many uses of FUTURE PERFECT PASSIVE did you see?

All the market material will have been posted on our social Media Channels in the time for the event.
Invitations and accommodations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent
Samples will have been cofirmed before the event
Everything will have been sorted out by monday monday event week.

I found this uses in the Roleplay, I couldn’t identify all, but thanks, Jess i’ts a hard work:
All the market material will have been posted on our social Media channels in time for the events
Invitation will have been delivered by the end on this week
It will have been taken care of by early next week
Menus will have been decided before invitation
Samples will have been confirmed before the event
It will have completed by that time
We have been decided before we send out the invitations

All of the market material will have been posted on our social media chanels
invitations will have been delivered by the end of the week
it willl have been taken care of by early next week

menus will have been decided before invitations are send
samples will have been comfirmed before the event
it will have been completed by that time
our main speaker will have been decided before we sent out the invitations
everything will have been sorted our by monday of event week

Future Perfect Passive
Will have been posted
will have been delivered
will have been taken
Will have been decided
will have been confirmed
will have been completed
will have been decided
will have been sorted

-All the marketing material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
-Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week
-It will have been taken care of by early next week
-Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent
-Samples will have been confirmed before the event
-It will have been completed by that time
-Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations
-Everything will have been sorted out by the monday of event week

All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.

Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.

It will have been taken care of by early next week.

Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.

Samples will have been confirmed before the event.

It will have been completed by that time.

Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.

I found those sentences with future perfect passive

  • All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels.

  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.

  • Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.

  • Samples will have been confirmed before the event.

  • It will have been completed by that time.

  • Our mains speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.

  • Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of the event week.

-all the market material will have been posted on hour socia media in time for th event
-invitation will have been delivered by the next week

  • it will have been taken care pf by early next week
  • menus will have been designed before invitations are send
    -samples will have been confirmed before the event
    -it will have been completed by that time
    -our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.
    -everything will have been sorted out by the monday of even week.
  1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  3. Same for the accommodations, it will have been taken care by early next week.
  4. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  6. The main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.
  7. Everything will be sorted out by monday of event week.
  1. All the marketing material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  2. Invitations will have been delivered by the
    end of this week.
  3. samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  4. It will have been completed by that time.
  5. Main speakers will have
    been decided before we send out the invitations.

All the market materiel will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
It will have been taken care of by early next week.
Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.

Nice conversation! I can understand everything!

  • All the market material will have been posted on our social media channel in time for the event.
  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  • Accomodations will have been taken care of by early next week.
  • Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  • Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  • Our main speakers will have been decided before we sent out the invitations.
  • Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of event week.
  1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  2. Its John and our main speakers will have been decide before we send out the invitations.
  3. Everything will have been sorted out by the monday of event week.

Here I go…

  1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels
  2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week
  3. The accommodations it will have been taken care of by early next week
  4. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent
  5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event
  6. it will have been completed by that time
  7. Everything will have been sorted out by the monday of event week.

These are some that I managed to listen to:

  • All the marketing material will have been posted on our social media.
  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  • It will have been taken care of by early next week.
  • Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  • Will have been confirmed before the event.
  • It will have been completed by that time.
  • Our main speakers **will have been decided **before we sent out the invitations




All the market material will have been posted on our social media in time for the event Invitations will have been delivered by the end on this week. Same with the acomodations, it will have been taken care off by all the next week. Menus will have been decided before invitations I’ll send … And samples will have been confirmed before the event. It will have been completed by that time (the end of next week) Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations

This is the transcript of the final part of the play role

Wow! there’s still a lot to do and we need to give our everything to this project.

I understand but don’t everything will have been sorted worry out by the eve Monday of the event week, we are going to have a great event this year

Brilliant so then do you need me to take care of anything else that specifically or we can start working on these things that we are still…

I love these classes because learning English is very easy because the teacher knows how to explain in an easy and understandable way.


  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  • It will have been taken care of by early next week.
  • The menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  • The samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  • It will have been completed by that time.
  • Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.

All the market materiel will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.


This is the transcript of the final part of the play role

Wow! there’s still a lot to do and we need to give our everything to this project.

I understand but don’t everything will have been sorted worry out by the eve Monday of the event week, we are going to have a great event this year

Brilliant so then do you need me to take care of anything else that specifically or we can start working on these things that we are still…

Wow! there’s still a lot to do and we need to give our everything to this project.

I understand but don’t everything will have been sorted worry out by the eve Monday of the event week, we are going to have a great event this year

Brilliant so then do you need me to take care of anything else that specifically or we can start working on these things that we are still…

I just catched 7 ones, maybe I missed one after the second one

I just catched 7 ones, maybe I missed one after the second one

Excellent work, although, you forgot to include one sentence:

It (accommodations) will have been taken care of by early next week.
And in the six one of yours it is “send out” instead of “sent”, also you only use the plural on the noun, you should say “our main speakers” rather than “our mains speakers”.
In the last one I’m not totally sure, but I guess what he said was “sorted out by Monday of event week”.

All the market materiel will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.

These are the uses I could catch!

All the market materiel will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
It will have been taken care of by early next week.
Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
It will have been completed by that time.
Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.
Everything will have been sorted out by the eve Monday of the event week.

  1. All the market materials will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.

  2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.

  3. The Acomodations will have been taken care of by early next week

  4. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.

  5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event.

  6. It will have been completed by that time.

  7. Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations

  8. Everything will have been sorted out by Monday of the even week.

-All the market material will have been posted in our social media channels in time for the event.
-Invitations and accommodations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
-Accommodations will have been taken care of by the end of this week
-Menus will have been decided before invitations are send.

All the market materiel will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
It will have been taken care of by early next week.
Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.

-All the market material will have been posted in our social media channels in time for the event.
-Invitations and accommodations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
-Accommodations will have been taken care of by the end of this week
-Menus will have been decided before invitations are send.
-Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
-It will have been completed by that time
-Our main speakers will have been decided before we sent out the invitations.
-Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of event week.

Invaation will have been delivered by the end of this week.
Menu will have been decided before invitations are sent.
Our main speakers will have been decided before the event.

Invaation will have been delivered by the end of this week.
Menu will have been decided before invitations are sent.
Our main speakers will have been decided before the event.
Everything will have been sorted out by the onday of event week.
All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
It will have been taken care of by early next week.
I´m working with desing and samples will have been confirmed before the event.

This teacher is great, I understand all he says, very good explanation

This is the transcript of the final part of the play role

Wow! there’s still a lot to do and we need to give our everything to this project.

I understand but don’t everything will have been sorted worry out by the eve Monday of the event week, we are going to have a great event this year

Brilliant so then do you need me to take care of anything else that specifically or we can start working on these things that we are still…

excellent class
  1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  3. It will have been taken care of by early next week.
  4. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  5. Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  6. It will have been completed by that time.
  7. Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.
  8. Everything will have been sorted out by the monday of event week.
We use "el futuro pasivo perfecto" for situations that will be done in a specific time . This time have a deadline.😊
  • All the market material will have been posted on our social media planers events.
  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  • It will have been taken by early next week.
  • Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of event week.
  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week, same as for the accomodation.
  • The menus for lunch and dinner will have been decided before the invitations are sent.
  • A merchandise sample will have been seen by the end of the next week.

Excellent classes

good job!



  • All the market material have been posting
  • Invitations will have been delivered for the end of this week.
  • Acomodations It will have been taken care by early the next week.
  • Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  • Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  • It will have been completed by that time.
  • The main speaker will have been decided before we sent the invitations.
  • Everything will have been solved out by the monday event week.

Roleplay - Future Project 🎯

  1. 📲 All the marketing material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  2. 📧 The invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  3. 🏟️ The accommodation will have been taken care of by early next week.
  4. 📝 Menus will have been decided before the invitations are sent.
  5. 🪄 The design and samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  6. 🗃️ Everything will have been sorted
  7. ⛳ Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of event week.
  1. All the the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event
  2. nvitations will have been delivered by the end of this week
  3. I will have been taken care of by early next week
  4. menus will have been decided before invitation has sent
  5. And samples will have been confirmed before the event
  6. It will have been completed by that time
  7. our main speakers will have been decided before we send all the invitations
  8. Do not worry, everything will have been sort it out by the monday of this event

Excellent class

You would attend to your workshop at the University If you had brought your laptop charger.
3. It will have been taking care of early next week. 4. Menues will have been decided before invitation are sent.
1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event. 2. Invitations will have been deliberated by the end of this week.
  1. All the market material will have been posted on our social medial channels in time for the event.

  2. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.

  3. Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.

  4. Sample will have been confirmed before the event.

  5. It will have been completed at that time.

  6. Our mains speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.

  7. Everything will have been sorted out by the Monday of the event week.

ok, here I go!

  1. All the market material WILL HAVE BEEN POSTED it on our social media channel intime for the event.
  2. Invitations WILL HAVE BEEN DELIVERED by the end of this week, same for the accomodattios. It WILL HAVE BEEN TAKEN care of by early this week.
  3. Menues WILL HAVE BEEN DECIDED before invitations.
  4. Samples WILL HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED before the event.
  5. It WILL HAVE BEEN COMPLETED by that time.
  6. Our main speakers WILL HAVE BEEN DECIDED before we send the invitations.
  7. Everything WILL HAVE BEEN SOLVED by the end of monday.


I share with you my list of sentences using future perfect passive.

  • All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  • Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.
  • (same for the acommodations) It will have been taken care of by early next week.
  • Menus will have been decided before the invitations are sent.
  • […] and samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  • It will have been completed by that time.
  • […] and our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.
  • Everything will have been sorted out by the monday of the event week.

And samples will have been concerned before the event.

All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.

Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week.

Menus will have been decided before invitations are sent.

  • All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels
  • Accommodations will have benn taken care of by early next week.
  • Invitations will have been delivered by this weekend
  • Menu will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  • Samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  • It will have been completed by that time.
  • Our main speakers will have been decided before we send out invitations

Is going to be our biggest project
Invitations will have been delivered
Menueswill have been…

1)All the market material will have been posted on our social media in time fot he event
2) Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week
3) It will have been taken care of by early next week
4) Menus will have been decided before invitations upset
5) Samples will have been confirmed before the event- (by the end of this week)
6) Our main speakers will have been decided before

  1. All the market material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  2. Invitations will habe been delivered by the end of this week, same for the acommodations.
  3. It will have been taken care of by all the next week
  4. The menus will have been decided before invitations are sent
  • All the market material will have been posted on our social media channel in time for the event.
  • Invitations to B2B customers will have been delivered by the end of this week, same for the accommodations, it will have been taken care of by early next week.
  • Menu will have been decided before invitations are sent.
  • Samples will have been confirmed before the event, it will have been completed by the end of next week.
  • The main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations.
  • Everything will have been sorted out by early next week.

Oh I didn’t count them but I heard quite a bit