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One should always do one's best


En español solemos referirnos a las personas en general con frases como “Uno siempre debe hacer lo mejor que puede” o “Cuando uno ama lo que hace…”. En el idioma inglés existen expresiones muy similares para hablar de verdades universales o generalizar sobre algo, incluyéndonos en la expresión.

Cómo usar las expresiones generales en inglés

Hablar de forma general nos permite expresarnos de una manera formal, general e incluirnos a nosotros mismos en esa expresión. Utilizando la palabra “One”, pero en lugar de referirnos al número uno, estamos generalizando y haciendo referencia. Mientras que la forma posesiva para hacer referencia a un objeto o algo en particular de las personas usando “One’s”.

Veamos algunos ejemplos: - One* should always do one's best. - One never knows, does one? - Does one eat donut burgers in the US? - One’s health is much more important than anything else. - One should not use one’s phone while driving. - One* should exercise every day.

Exprésate de forma general para crear enunciados que todo el mundo debería seguir o verdades universales. ¿Qué otros usos le damos en español a este tipo de oraciones?

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino (Platzi Contributor).

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Preguntas 10

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We use One to refer people in general.

Differences between One, you and they. Examples:
● Does one eat donut burgers in the US? - It includes the speaker, and it’s more formal.
● Do you eat donut burgers in the US? - It’s less formal and assumes the listener is from the US.
● Do they eat donut burgers in the US? - Refers to other

We use “One’s” to indicate that something belongs or relates to people in general. Example:
● One’s health is much more important than anything else.

● One shouldn’t use the phone while is driving.
● One’s responsibility is to ensure the safety of the others while is operating a motorized vehicle.
● One should take care of its health.
● We are free to choose what one want to do in one’s free time.

One should not allow others to interfere in your life decisions
One should practice english every day to become fluent
One should eat health food to maintain a healthy lifestyle

Does one should be always honest and direct with others?
Does one should be more selfish?
Does one should be always availabe to others?

One should learn how to be more independent and become your best version to be in a position to serve others
One should become more brave and confident

Sometimes one should be alone to improve

One should never use the phone while driving

One never uses the phone while one’s driving.
One must go to the beach at least one time in one’s life.

I like the last sentence - It’s tricky haha.

When one is driving a car, it shouldn't answer the phone.
1\. One should always be kind to others. 2\. One can learn a lot from mistakes. 3\. One must respect the opinions of others. 4\. One’s happiness is essential for a fulfilling life. 5\. One should never underestimate the power of kindness. 6\. One often finds joy in the simplest things. 7\. One needs to be open to new experiences. 8\. One’s perspective can change everything. 9\. One should strive for balance in life. 10\. One often discovers their true self through challenges.
One´s should never stop is to make some excercise.
One´s never do is to aswer a phone call when is driving.
**EXAMPLES:** 1. **One's** drive while receive a call, that could generate an accident. 2. Running in the morning along the beach, **one** should reduce stress and heart diseases.
* one shouldn't use the phone while driving * one's healht and phisycal condition increase whit morning runs
* One should not use one's phone while driving. * One should exercise every day.

one should walk in the beach.

One could try to working out 3 times a week.
One shouldn't answer the phone while driving
  • whatever happened one has to has to be grateful to understand one’s life
One should not use one's phone while driving. One should move one's body everyday

My examples:

  • One shouldn’t use the phone while driving a car

  • For one’s health is a good plan if one runs on the beach

One should run for one's health
One's responsability is most importante than expend money
  • One should improve every year as a goal, at least 1% per day.
  • Money can’t be more important than one’s happiness.

One should work out everyday.

One should not use one’s phone while driving.

One should always walk frequently


  • One should never use the phone while driving
  • One should always exercise and keep in shape
  • One must never stop learning

One’s heart health improves by jogging.

One shouldn’t drive while talking on the phone.

one should not use one’s phone while driving.
one should do exercise every day

One should do running for the one’s health.

One should exercise regularly to keep good health

One should not call when driving

One can verifiy their one´s possesion of divine Grace by comparing his state of faith with those of the Bible´s Patriarchs - Max Weber (1905, The Protestant Ethics…)

1.- One should always use earphones if one is driving.
2.- One has to do exercise if one wants to get in shape.

One shouldn’t talk to the phone while one’s driving a car

One should running everyday

One should be persistent in one's goals.
  1. One shouldn’t take one’s phone while driving
  2. One should exercise daily as part of one’s lifestyle
  • One should be worry about one’s health
  • One should run 15 mins every day
  • One’s health os more important than anything else
  • One should exercise every day.
  • One should not use one’s phone while driving.
  • One shouldn´t drive holding a phone
  • One shouldn’t attend a call, while one is driving.

One should always do one’s best.

My sentences:

  • When one is driving in one’s car, It’s very dangerous to talk on the phone.

  • One’s health is managed by one. Physical activity in the open air improves it.

One should do exercise every day when one has time.

One doesn’t speak on the phone when one drive.

This are my examples!!

  • One should not eat candies at night.
  • Can one smoke here?
  • Should one take people to the party?
  • One should never talk ill about others, ever.

one go to the beach every monday wednesday and friday

one is going to be a great teacher

  • One’s phone should not be used while driving

  • One should do cardio exercise at least thrice a wwek

  • one never use the cellphone while one is driving
  • one should exercise no matter one´s age
  • One should always do one’s best.
  • One never knows, does one?
  • Does one eat donut burgers in the US?
  • One’s health is much more important than anything else.
  • One should not use one’s phone while driving.
  • One should exercise every day.

One should work in a job that one loves.
One´s mind is like a garden: you decide what to grow in it.

  • One must not talk to the phone while driving
  • One should do exercise even on vacations.
  • One never must take the phone while one’s driving.
  • One’s always have to take a break at the beach at least once per week.


  • One shouldn’t use the phone while driving.
  • One should go for a run or walk to be healthy.

Muy bien explicada

Exselente clases


One should not allow others to interfere in their life decisions starting with our parents.
One must practice English every day to become fluent.
One must eat

One should be willing to change so as to improve

One should not allow others to interfere in their life decisions starting with our parents.
One must practice English every day to become fluent.
One must eat healthy food to maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise.


One should do what think is right.

Do they eat donut burgers in the US? - Refers to other

  • **One **shouldn´t make a call while driving.

  • **One **must working out every morning.


We use One to refer people in general.

Differences between One, you and they. Examples:
● Does one eat donut burgers in the US? - It includes the speaker, and it’s more formal.
● Do you eat donut burgers in the US? - It’s less formal and assumes the listener is from the US.
● Do they eat donut burgers in the US? - Refers to other

We use “One’s” to indicate that something belongs or relates to people in general. Example:
● One’s health is much more important than anything else.

● One shouldn’t use the phone while is driving.
● One’s responsibility is to ensure the safety of the others while is operating a motorized vehicle.
● One should take care of its health.
● We are free to choose what one want to do in one’s free time

One should always do One’s best

Used to refer to “people in general”.

Similar to you.
One never knows, does one? = You never know, do you?


One’s health is much more important that anything else

One should always do one’s best

One should be on time for each appointment

We use One to refer people in general.

Differences between One, you and they. Examples:
● Does one eat donut burgers in the US? - It includes the speaker, and it’s more formal.
● Do you eat donut burgers in the US? - It’s less formal and assumes the listener is from the US.
● Do they eat donut burgers in the US? - Refers to other

We use “One’s” to indicate that something belongs or relates to people in general. Example:
● One’s health is much more important than anything else.

● One shouldn’t use the phone while is driving.
● One’s responsibility is to ensure the safety of the others while is operating a motorized vehicle.
● One should take care of its health.
● We are free to choose what one want to do in one’s free time.

● Do you eat donut burgers in the US? - It’s less formal and assumes the listener is from the US.


One should always do One’s best

Used to refer to “people in general”.

Similar to you.
One never knows, does one? = You never know, do you?


One’s health is much more important that anything else

One should always do one’s best

One should be on time for each appointment

We use One to refer people in general.

Differences between One, you and they. Examples:
● Does one eat donut burgers in the US? - It includes the speaker, and it’s more formal.
● Do you eat donut burgers in the US? - It’s less formal and assumes the listener is from the US.
● Do they eat donut burgers in the US? - Refers to other

We use “One’s” to indicate that something belongs or relates to people in general. Example:
● One’s health is much more important than anything else

One must not use one’s cell phone while driving.
One can feel the sea breeze while runing by the sea.

We use One to refer people in general.

Differences between One, you and they. Examples:
● Does one eat donut burgers in the US? - It includes the speaker, and it’s more formal.
● Do you eat donut burgers in the US? - It’s less formal and assumes the listener is from the US.
● Do they eat donut burgers in the US? - Refers to other

We use “One’s” to indicate that something belongs or relates to people in general. Example:
● One’s health is much more important than anything else.

● One shouldn’t use the phone while is driving.
● One’s responsibility is to ensure the safety of the others while is operating a motorized vehicle.
● One should take care of its health.
● We are free to choose what one want to do in one’s free time.

One never uses the phone while one’s driving.
One must go to the beach at least one time in one’s life.

I like the last sentence - It’s tricky haha.

  • One’s runs every morning should be priority in the life of the mayor people.

One should exercise at whatever age.

One should do exercise to improve one´s health

no one should take a call while you are driving.

  • One should learn different languages in order to understand one’s world vision.
  • You need to do something good to help others.
  • They will appreciate what you have done for them.

good morning

  • One is not allowed to use the phone while driving.
  • One should exercise regularly

Here’s my interpretation of the “one’s” rule. I think when using “one”, you are referring to an unspecified person or group of persons. Does that make sense?

  • One always needs to be focused on the road while driving
  • Ensuring one’s life quality is one’s responsibility

one must pay attention to the road, instead of use the phone

You should stop watching your phone when you are driving, that’s dnagerous

They should be more responsible and stop texting while driving.

One should prioritize what is really important for oneself instead of allowing people put their expectations first for one’s life

One shouldn’t be using the phone while driving

  • One should not use mobile cellphone while driving
  • One should exerice for 30 minutes at least

One should always try not to get wet one´s feet while ruuning in any beach.

One never remembers grammar rules while talking to people.

  • One mustn’t talk one’s cellphone while driving.

  • One should do exercise every day yo improve one’s health.

  • One shouldn’t use the phone while driving.
  • One must take good care of one’s health.

One should go running in the morning.

Does one run in the beach during the morning?

Does one pay for education in the USA?

One’s way to improve our health is jogging

One’s responsibility is to avoid the use of cell phone while you are driving

  1. Does one look like a Mariachi in whole Mexico?
  2. One’s duty is to serve our country in war times

One should always do One’s best

  • Used to refer to “people in general”.

Similar to you.
One never knows, does one? = You never know, do you?


  • One’s health is much more important that anything else

  • One should always do one’s best

  • One should be on time for each appointment

  • One would run a little when one’s on beach

One should run on the beach for being healthy.