- Having discussed all the pros and cons, I wholeheartedly believe in Ellen’s project.
- Checking my old documents, I found my first job application.
All you will learn about conditionals and hypothetical situations
Future Perfect Passive & Hypothetical situations
Future Perfect Passive
Discussing a future project
Third Conditional and a Review of Other Conditionals
Sequence of events
Hypothetical situations with Past Simple
Hypothetical situations with Past Perfect
Quiz: Future Perfect Passive & Hypothetical situations
Formal and informal English
One should always do one's best
Giving reasons with since
No matter
Should as a conditional
Monologue "New Job"
Quiz: Formal and informal English
Reports, beliefs and comments
Reporting beliefs and impersonal comments
Imminent events
Adding information
Subject-verb inversion
Roleplay: Platzi News
Quiz: Reports, beliefs and comments
Cleft Sentences
Hypothetical situations using ‘only if’
Cleft sentences in Past, Present and, Future
Questions using complement clauses with is it/was it
Quiz: Cleft Sentences
Course Outcomes
Crea una cuenta o inicia sesión
¡Continúa aprendiendo sin ningún costo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Narrar los hechos que sucedieron es muy importante para que puedas expresar el orden de los mismos, cómo la primera acción afectó la segunda o el tiempo exacto de ocurrencia de diferentes situaciones.
Para poder expresar correctamente el orden de ocurrencia de diferentes acciones, podemos hacer uso de dos estructuras gramaticales, dependiendo si los hechos se produjeron uno después del otro, o de manera simultánea.
Si un evento ocurrió después de otro, exprésate con la fórmula “Having + past participle” donde usualmente la primera cláusula sucedió antes que la cláusula principal de toda la oración.
Veamos algunos ejemplos: - Having recruited some volunteers, we started collecting the data. - Having written the first copy, we asked our manager to check it. - Having finalized the report, we presented it to our founders.
Si dos acciones sucedieron al mismo tiempo, exprésate utilizando la forma -ing de cualquier verbo en la primera cláusula, también conocido present participle.
Tal vez te resulte familiar la forma -ing de los verbos con el nombre de gerundios. Los gerundios son verbos que pueden emplearse como sustantivos, el present participle también son verbos terminados en -ing, pero que se usan como adjetivos o también como verbos.
Veamos algunos ejemplos: - Collecting the data samples, we realized that we were going to miss the deadline. - Presenting in front of our founders, I forgot what I was going to say. - Talking to our volunteers, we understood that data collection was a challenging task.
Si aún no te ha quedado claro la diferencia en de estas dos tipos de expresiones, analicemos las siguientes dos oraciones y responde la pregunta ¿Qué sucedió primero?:
En la primera oración, Jess creció en Seattle y, años después, al llegar al Colombia, tuvo un shock cultural, dado que provenía de una cultura totalmente distinta. En la segunda oración, Jess expresa que durante su infancia en Seattle, nunca aprendió nada sobre la cultura Colombiana.
Comprender cuándo utilizar having y cuándo utilizas el present participle te será de gran ayuda para expresar secuencias de eventos y utilizar verbos en su forma -ing de una manera diferente y más avanzada.
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino (Platzi Contributor).
Aportes 166
Preguntas 10
We studied two ways to show a sequence of events:
The first is when something happened as the consequence of a previous event.
The structure that we can use is Having + Past Participle, using it implies:
● A more economical way of making sentences.
● The action in the first clause usually happens before the action in the main clause.
● Having recruited some volunteers, we started collecting the data.
● Having written the first copy, we asked our manager to check it.
● Having finalized the report, we presented it to our founders.
The second one is when we need to show things happening simultaneously.
Pretty straightforward you only need to use the gerund of a verb.
● Collecting the data samples, we realized that we were going to miss the deadline.
● Presenting in front of our founders, I forgot what I was going to say.
● Talking to our volunteers, we understood that data collection was a challenging task.
● Speaking with the customers, I felt that they really valued more options.
My sentences:
● Having run for 30 minutes, I started with the strength workout.
● Listening to the teacher, I realized that he has positive energy.
Making dinner with my cat, I realized that food for cats are not good for human either.
Having talked with my neighbor, I found a great friend to share moments.
Speaking to our customer, I felt that they really valued more options.
Having spoken to our customer, I felt that they really valued more options.
Having + Past participle
If I had watched this class a month ago, I would have understood passive past perfect, which makes me thing that having studied in platzi was the best thing to improve my English
Having cleaned the bedroom, we watched a comedy.
Watching the tv with my sister, I forgot that the kitchen was on.
-Having lived with my mom, I understanded the importance to do some things in an specific way.
Having spoken to our customers, I felt that they really valued more options.
Speaking to our customers, I felt that they really valued more options
Having learned a little bit about IT, I decided to improve my english skill first.
Having finished the first module, I started the second one.
Oraciones utilizando la fórmula “Having + past participle”.
Estructura “Having + past participle”
Esta fórmula se utiliza para indicar que una acción ocurrió antes de otra acción en el pasado. La primera acción (la que utiliza “Having + past participle”) se completa antes de que ocurra la segunda acción mencionada en la oración principal.
Cómo se forma
"Having": Esta es una forma gerundia del verbo “have”.
Past participle: Este es el participio pasado del verbo principal de la primera acción.
Usos y Traducción
Esta estructura se usa para conectar acciones secuenciales, resaltando que la primera acción se ha completado antes de que ocurra la segunda. En español, a menudo se traduciría utilizando frases con “Después de haber…” o “Habiendo…”.
Ejemplos Explicados y Traducciones
Having recruited some volunteers, we started collecting the data.
Explicación: Primero, reclutaron a algunos voluntarios. Una vez completada esta acción, comenzaron a recopilar los datos.
Traducción: “Después de haber reclutado a algunos voluntarios, empezamos a recopilar los datos.” o "Habiendo reclutado a algunos voluntarios, empezamos a recopilar los datos."
Having written the first copy, we asked our manager to check it.
Explicación: Primero, escribieron la primera versión. Después de hacer esto, pidieron a su gerente que la revisara.
Traducción: “Después de haber escrito la primera versión, le pedimos a nuestro gerente que la revisara.” o "Habiendo escrito la primera versión, le pedimos a nuestro gerente que la revisara."
Having finalized the report, we presented it to our founders.
Explicación: Primero, finalizaron el informe. Una vez que el informe estuvo terminado, lo presentaron a sus fundadores.
Traducción: “Después de haber finalizado el informe, lo presentamos a nuestros fundadores.” o "Habiendo finalizado el informe, lo presentamos a nuestros fundadores."
Primera acción: Se expresa con “Having + past participle”.
Segunda acción: Se expresa en la cláusula principal de la oración.
Traducción: En español, a menudo se utiliza “Después de haber…” o “Habiendo…” para indicar la secuencia de acciones.
¿Por qué usar esta estructura?
Claridad: Ayuda a dejar claro el orden de las acciones.
Concisión: Permite unir dos acciones de manera concisa en una sola oración.
Fluidez: Mejora la fluidez de la escritura al conectar eventos secuenciales sin necesidad de múltiples oraciones.
Having lost her, I realized I really loved her
HAHAHA sorry, I just remembered that in my very first English classes at Platzi I always used to talk about my exes 😆
Having watched this class, I understood that I have a lot of things to learn.
Watching this class, I felt that I need more practice.
Reading my colleagues comments, I felt that I’m not alone in this path.
Having talked with our customers, we understood they wanted more options.
Having designed the user interface, we moved on to coding the backend functionalities.
Having completed the initial testing phase, we identified some critical bugs that needed fixing.
Having reviewed the code thoroughly, the development team submitted it for peer review.
Debugging the application, we discovered that multiple users were encountering login issues.
Testing the software across different devices, we noticed that the mobile version was slower to load.
Discussing the project with the client, we found that their requirements had changed during development.
Having taken this course, I learned a lot. (Jess is a great teacher)
Studying this course, I realized that it was going to be difficult.
My examples:
Speaking at a virtual work meeting, my cat suddenly walked in front of the camera.
Having finished a long task at the office, my coworker and I went out for coffee.
Driving to the office, I realized that I left the computer charger at home.
Having printed my final paper for the international science magazine, I spilled coffee on it.
Having spoken to our customers, I felt that they really valued more options. ( Having + pst participle form )
Speaking to our customers I realized that they really valued more options. ( Present participle form )
Let’s practice!
Having + past participle
Having rearranged my calendar, I saw that I have a lot of spare time.
Eating my dinner I felt that the chicken needs to be more time in the oven.
Speaking to our customers, I felt that they really valued more options.
Speaking to our customers , I felt that they really valued more options.
Having studied so much today, I have come to realize that life is so much more than that.
Working in the office, we could share quality time with each other.
Having drunk some water I realized how thristy I was
Drinking some water I realized how thristy I was
Having read this wonderful story I started my passion for books
Reading this wonderful story I sarted my passion for books
-Speaking to our customers, I felt that they were considering other options.
Having spoken with the manager, I started making the report.
Having read that report, I present my questions to the board.
Having written my quitting letter to my superior, I started packing my belongings.
Speaking with Sarah, I realized Mark was selling company data to our rivals.
Playing tennis with my boss, I understood why I´m not getting the raise.
Having read the book, I started writing an essay about it.
Baking some cakes, I realized that I forget the sugar.
Watching this lesson I was convinced that I need to study more about the participles and gerunds
Having watched 2 times this lesson, I understood better the subject "sequence of events "
My examples:
having revised the code of our new software i think it’s ready to be deployed.
revising the code of our new software i noticed a security misconfiguration
Having studied for the exam, i realiced that i was going to failed
Runing with my girlfriend, i heared that she had a problem
Presente participle: Having experience with our project. I realized that our company is massive compared with others.
Past participle: Having experimented with our project. I realized the huge dimensions of our company in the markets.
Please correct me if i am wrong 😃
Playing the final of the chess tournament I realized that I was so fortunate of my life
Having eaten the whole pizza, I reminded there were still french fries yet to come.
Filling the last part of the form, I realized my name wasn’t on it.
Having tested the dishes, I declared the winner
Checking my untouched folders for the past month, I realised that i need to clean my computer!
Having eat before my girl come home, i realized that the food was out of time.
Talking to my mom, we remembered old times.
I want you to make at least two sentences.
Original sentence: I read the binnacle carefully, then ran the procedure without problems.
Having + past participle form: Having read the binnacle carefully, I ran the procedure without problems.
Present participle form: Reading the binnacle I understood what I have to do.
Original sentence: I passed the exam easily, before I had studied very conscientiously.
Having + past participle form: Having studied very conscientiously , I passed the exam easily.
Present participle form: Studying very conscientiously I enjoyed what I learned.
Original sentence: I poured rice, water and a little salt into the pot, so I lit the fire to cook.
Having + past participle form: Having poured rice, water and a little salt into the pot , I lit the fire to cook.
Present participle form: Pouring rice, water and a little salt into the pot, I remembered how long I would have to cook for.
HAVING + PAST PARTICIPLE show two sequential events in the same sentence.
For example: These two sequential sentences ‘I collected the data then I analyzed the results’, we convert to one only sentence with two sequential events ‘Having collected the data, I analyzed the result’.
We use it as a more economical way of making sentences. The first thing in the sentence is usually the first thing that happens in a sequence.
PRESENT PARTICIPLE is essentially the VERB + ING. It’s used to show two things that happened simultaneously.
For example: Collecting the data samples, we realized that we were going to miss the deadline.
Thank you teacher, now I understand the present participle and when I need to use the verb having with the past participle.
Having Loved my pet, I Knew the hard of lose a big partner.
Working on technology, I understood the importance of creativity.
having cleaned my room i started painting it
Doing the interview i thought that the job is not for me
Speaking to our customers, I felt they really valued more options
Having spoken to our customers, I felt they really valued more options.
Having grown up in Seattle, Colombian culture was a big shock.
Having grown up in Seattle, I did not see much Colombian culture.
Speaking to our customer, I felt they really valued more options
*Having known Platzi, I did realize that really I can speak English, it’s amezing.
*Knowing Platzi, I did could give me count that it’s possible speak in English to me.
Having watched that movie, I understood why my mom loved watching it.
Singing your favorite song, I realized that was the perfect one for our friendship.
Let’s try
I thought it was:
Having spoken to our customers, I felt that they really valued more options.
because you could identify their feeling just after their feedback, but on second thought, I realized that sometimes you could interpret some keywords and other gestures.
I would have less weight, if I had exercised
if you had eaten on time, you wouldn’t have hungry
if he had cleaned his clothes, he wouldn’t have missed the party
-Speaking to our customers, I felt that they really valued more options.
Speaking with our customers, I felt that they really valued more options.
Listening to some audio from Tony Robbins, I discovered how to change my habits.
Having spoken with our customers, I felt that they really valued more options. (I thought that maybe it could be)
Speaking to our costumers, I felt that they really valued more options.
I spoke to our customers. I felt that they really valued more options.
Having discussed all the pros and cons, I wholeheartedly believe in Ellen’s project.
Checking my old documents, I found my first job application
Thanks to the way of explaining the teacher can clarify my doubts
Having talked to my best friend, made me think about the career that I was about to choose.
Coding the whole project in just one night, made me see how fast I can write with the keyboard.
Discuss first, and then…
Having discussed with our customers. We felt that customers really aprecciate more options.
At the same time
Speaking with our customer, We felt that they really apreciate more options.
I liked to know about present participle.
Having discussed all the pros and cons, I wholeheartedly believe in Ellen’s project.
Checking my old documents, I found my first job application
The first is when something happened as the consequence of a previous event.
The structure that we can use is Having + Past Participle, using it implies:
● A more economical way of making sentences.
● The action in the first clause usually happens before the action in the main clause
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