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Recomendaciones finales


Refuerza y practica tu inglés con los cursos de English Academy 🚀
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Beautiful course! 🚀
Short but intense, a lot of details and concepts that are really important to have in mind when we are creating our projects through brand storytelling.

Thank you so much Barrack Onyango for share your knowledge! I hope you accomplish all your goals! 🎉


  1. Crea tu historia sin alardear.
  2. Piensa en tu público objetivo. Deja que ellos digan lo que sienten.

Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

I’m really enjoyed this course.

The teacher is amazing and all his recommendation are very useful to my projects.
I will be happy to recommend it

So good the course, I would like to recommend to have in mind that all the stories are created having in mind three pillars: emotions of people, mathematic (you use parragraphs, minutes or slides to tell a storie) and narrative.

In the story, your brand is not the protagonist but the people. The storie is how you make other people achieve their goals, and how you make them feel. Please read the book Story Brand of Donnald Miller to understand how to use storytelling in a selling process. If you understand the customer pain, you can sell your product as the solution.

Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge!

Gracias. Excelente curso
Recomendaciones finales. * Crea la historia para tu público objetivo. No hagas alarde de tu historia. * Tu marketing debe ser pensado en tu público objetivo. No se trata de ti, sino de ellos. Deja que ellos te digan lo que sienten
Thank you for your passion for teaching, your dedication, and for believing in my potential. I have enjoyed every minute in your class and I have learned so much. Thank you for sharing your experience. I wish you much success and I thank you infinitely for everything you have done for me.


Y para finalizar este curso de la mejor manera, recuerden pasar todo a la práctica.

Pueden empezar realizando el análisis de estos 3 videos que el profesor Barrack Onyango nos dejó en el PPT.

  1. The Land Of Land Rovers Campaign

  2. Proctor & Gamble’s ”Thank You, Mom” Strong Campaign

  3. Apple At Work

What a course, I really enjoy this english versión 'cause makes me practice my skills 💪

Such an inspiring and informative course! Thank you!

Loved this course! Enjoyed every bit of it 🤩. Thank you, Barrack!