I am completely sure that I am going to learn English with Platzi
Learn English is incredibly useful.
The weather is exceptionally ideal.
I am totally certain that this course is one of the best.
Colombian people are totally brilliant.
Introduction to Requests and Reflexive Pronouns
Adding information
Role play: Bumping into an old friend
I've never heard of them
You're always working!
Relative clauses
Cause and effect
Quiz: Adding information
This is surpisingly cheap!
Adverb positions
Either and neither
Practice your speaking with me!
Quiz: Adverbs
Role play: What would you do if you were me?
Requests with "will" and "would"
Is it necessary?
Asking for advice
Quiz: Requests
Useful phrases
Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns
I hope so / not
A week's holiday
Placeholders: do, does and did
Quiz: Useful phrases
Phrasal verbs
We're not dressing up, are we?
They ran out of patience
Interactive Activity: Vocabulary and Grammar
Quiz: Phrasal verbs
Till the next time!
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Los intensificadores son aquellas palabras que denotan un nivel superior al adjetivo que lo acompaña. Los intensificadores más comunes son: very, particularly, remarkably, unsually y really.
Los adjetivos débiles son aquellos que se relacionan con el intensificador “very” para denotar un nivel superior al significado del adjetivo.
Los adjetivos fuertes son sinónimos de los adjetivos débiles con “very”, por lo tanto, es necesario un intensificador diferente para expresar un nivel más a su significado.
Weak adjectives | Strong adjectives |
very big | enormous, huge |
very small | tiny |
very clever | brilliant |
very bad | awful, terrible, disgusting, dreadful |
very tasty | delicious |
very good | excellent, ideal, wonderful, splendid |
very sure | certain |
Escribe una oración con cada una de los siguientes intensificadores: completely, incredibly, exceptionally, totally y particularly.
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Contribución creada por Andrés Guano (Platzi Contributor).
Aportes 242
Preguntas 4
I am completely sure that I am going to learn English with Platzi
Learn English is incredibly useful.
The weather is exceptionally ideal.
I am totally certain that this course is one of the best.
Colombian people are totally brilliant.
I’m completely certain next year will be amazing
This is particularly delicious, you should taste it!
She is Incredibly wonderful! Can’t stop looking up at her (Talking about little ali)
My draws are totally awful, I can’t even draw a simple line
I’m completely sure that the keys are in the car.
Incredibly, She survived the accident.
This project is exceptionally good.
I **totally **forgot about our meeting yesterday
She enjoys working out every day **particularly **in the morning.
Intensifiers are words that are used to make an adjective stronger.
Two of the most common intensifiers in English are the words very and really.
For instance:
It’s a very interesting movie. It’s a really interesting story.
Some of the most common intensifiers: amazingly, exceptionally,incredibly, particularly, remarkably and unusually.
For example:
That painting is amazingly beautiful. It’s been exceptionally cold in September.
Then in English we have WEAK adjectives and STRONG adjectives. The differences between them are their different intensities.
For example:
So instead of saying VERY BIG (very + weak adjective), you could use ENORMOUS or HUGE (strong adjectives).
We can use INTENSIFIERS with STRONG ADJECTIVES like: absolutely, completely, exceptionally, particularly, really, quite, totally and utterly.
For examples:
To make the expressions “very awful” more intense, we can use: “really awful”. In the same way, instead of “very clever”, we can use: “exceptionally brilliant”. And finally,instead of “very hungry”, we can use: “absolutely starving”.
Make a sentences with each one of these intensifiers:
⚡ I’m completely thankful with the doctor who saved my life
⚡ Ana has composed an incredibly beautiful song
⚡ She likes James Cameron’s movies but particularly interstellar is her favorite
⚡ My cousin Mariana is exceptionally brilliant
She is** completely** dedicate at work.
It was an** incredibly** tiny audience.
That restaurant make** exceptionally **delicious food.
The birthday party will be totaly wonderful space.
He is particularly brilliant in maths.
“This is surprisingly cheap!”
That day i was completely certain that she was totally brilliant.
I’m completely capable of finishing this english course.
she told me that I smelled incredibly delicious.
she is exceptionally qualified for that position.
he is totally well-knowm for that gold medal.
I’m particularly interested in you.
I’m completely sure that I’m going to find a jbo in 2 years
That woman is incredibly brilliant and beautiful
It’s exceptionally interesting to learn english
I’m totally agree with he
I’m particulary interested in IA
This information is completly cartain
The price of this car is incredibly expensive
The rice is exceptionally delicious in this chinese restaurant
The way that he is eating is totally disgusting
The summer is particularly sof in this city
Mi task :
thanks to read
in platzi there is a very excellent courses for continue my english learning
my friend is exceptionally good playing the piano
i totally sure that cook the dinner this night
Hello 👋
This is my practice:
I am completely dreadful.
She is incredibly famous.
It is exceptionally delicious.
We are totally certnain
They are particularly splendid
I´m completely certain that I´ll learn english
That movie is incredibly awesome
My bicycle is exceptionally splendid
My mom´s food is particularly delicius
Our trip was totally terrible
She is completely crazy for ski
I actually cook really tasty but my brother does it terribly.
The cat is vey brilliant catching the toy
You are the Ideal person to take this job.
I’m certain you are going to make it.
She has a huge ego.
This TransMilenio is completely packed.
The water is incredibly freezing, it just was here for a few minutes.
You presentation is exceptionally spotless.
That guy is totally hilarious.
The food is particularly terrible
i failed completely the math exam, i didn´t study hard
the party was totally a success
the new car was incredibly faster
the fashion will be particulary different
Restaurant´s food has been exceptionally delicious
he is completely crazy
That was an incredibly huge mountain
He was an exceptionally hilarious person
His job was totally awful
The house of my friend is particularly filthy
I’m completely sure who do that.
The movie was incredibly funny.
This course is exceptionally i’m learning a lot.
The fridge it’s totally full of food.
He’s dog is particularly strange.
These courses are incredibly amazing, every day I learn a little bit more
My practice
She is completely crazy!
This is incredibly delicious!
He is exceptionally brilliant at his work!
That news is totally terrible!
That design is particularly beautiful.
The car is completely sure.
The entrance to the concert was incredibly organizad.
The project was exceptionally interesting
Driving car in Bogota is totally chaotic.
The bakery has some desserts partiularly delicious.
This holiday was completely relaxing.
I waked up late but incredibly, I arrived early.
Fidel whom is a pilot, is exceptionally skilled to drive car.
I totally misunderstand you, really sorry.
This chef cooks particularly delicious.
Brownies are exceptionally delicious
This month has been particularly cold
That’s a totally brillant idea
He is incredibly strong
You are completely wrong.
I am totally starving.
My brother is exceptionally brilliant.
The sun is incredibly enormous.
The motorcycle is completely splendid.
The cake is particularly delicious.
• This work is quite huge for me.
• My waist is surprisingly tiny for a man.
• Gottmik is exceptionally brilliant to be a dog.
• I’ve just received quite awful news.
• They committed a particularly terrible crime.
• I walked into the place and suddenly I felt an utterly disgusting glance behind me.
• The monster visualised an absolutely dreadful rejection of his creator.
• Christmas dinner was remarkably excellent last year.
• The taste of the Ricanolli has amazingly ideal for my pleasure.
• L’antica Rome has some unexpected wonderful meals such as lasagne, some meats but the better part of it’s the desserts.
• His fashion tastes are particularly splendid for a young guy.
• I’m completely certain that I put my coat by the window.
Today is a incredibly day
I promise completely sure that i finish this course
I have a friend whom is exceptionally
I am totally certain that I will learn English this year
This lesson is completely useful.
I am increibly impress wiht these examples.
Learning other language is excceptionally necessary.
I am totally agree.with you.
This excercise is particuarly interesting.
I’m completely certain that he loves me
The moon was inclredibly shining
The beach is exceptionally splendid
The dinner was totally delicious
I like things particularly tiny
You are very exceptionally
This movie is very particularly.
You say completely the true.
the cat is completely tiny
the music is completelly splendid
the singer is exceptionally brilliant
the food was totally delicious
the child is particularly enormous
You’re completely wrong about this idea.
This course is incredibly good for us.
This guy is Exceptionally smart.
I totally agree with you
This car is particularly huge
I’m completely happy with my english classes.
The heat in the city is incredibly hot.
She is exceptionally good in dancing.
He is totally wrong.
That night was partiiclarly awesome.
According to what you said, you are completely fall in love on her
To become a Chistian is incredibly wonderful
My wife is exceptionally beautiful
That picture is totally terrible
This plate has a particularly delicious taste
I’m completely sure that this course will help me in my career path
reading a book every day has an incredibly impact on your mindset
The presentation was exceptionally fascinating
she is completely hideous
we are incredibly starving
you are exceptionally gorgeous
they are particularly terrifying
I am totally Dirty
-I am completely busy.
-She is completely tired.
-What happened me was incredibly.
-That news it’s incredibly.
-Your performance is exeptionally.
-My soccer team won exceptionally.
-I am totally convinced of that is the best decision.
-To be successful is a decision totally personal.
-We are particularly awesomed for your grew it.
-we finish cold particularly then of heard that news.
I am completely exhausted.
The trip was incredibly awesome.
The exam was exceptionally difficult.
She is totally certain that tomorrow is going to rain.
My father is particularly worried about the situation.
Adverbs of degree
that food is completely delicious.
That house is incredibly huge.
This kid is exceptionally brilliant.
The film is totally terrifying.
this place is particularly packed on holidays.
I am completely sure that Jhon will come to the party.
The new car it´s incredibly fast.
You are the most exceptionally girl that I´ve ever knonw.
I´m totally sure that Platzi it´s excellent for learn English.
This course it´s particulary good.
I am completely swamped.
I am incredibly exhausted.
This bug is exceptionally huge.
This dessert is totally delicious.
Breakfast is particularly essential.
That old house is completely terrifying
I cleaned my bedroom, it ends up incredible spotless
That girl is exceptionally gorgeous
The stadium was totally packed for the game
The streets near to downtown area were particularly filthy
– That was a very completely story.
– That is a really incredibly music.
– This is a wonderful view.
– That´s a totally unexpected.
– The exam was particularly simple.
I am completely sure that I am going to learn English with Platzi
Learn English is incredibly useful.
The weather is exceptionally ideal.
I am totally certain that this course is one of the best.
1- This chocolate dessert is completely delicious. I'll order one more.
2- The last year I flew in first class although my experience was incredibly terrible.
3- I visited the Moma in New York four months ago. I'm thinking to go again because
it's exceptionally excellent.
4- Are you totally certain about doing that?
5- Her house is particularly filthy because she doesn't like to clean.
He is completely brilliant
Shes is increibly wonderful
He passed excepcionally his test
He got totally huge
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