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Practice your speaking with me!


Graba un audio del siguiente diálogo, puedes hacerlo con alguien más. ¡Comparte tu trabajo en la sección de aportes!

Bumping into an old friend

Emily: Thomas!?
Thomas: Emily! Long time no see. How’s it going?
Emily: Wow, you look so different. I’ve been doing well, thanks for asking. Are you living in the city now?
Thomas: Not really, I just came here for work. I’m staying for a couple of weeks. What are you doing? Would you like to have some coffee?
Emily: I was going home. Sure! Have you heard of this new café, what’s its name? … Expresso! They say it’s very nice.
Thomas: Yes! I heard about it last week in town. There’s one over there as well. I haven’t been there, though.
Emily: There’s one just a couple of blocks away. Let’s go there!
Thomas: Sure. Let me just reply to this quick work message.
Emily: Classic Thomas. You’re always working! You will never change.
Thomas: You know me!
Emily: You can reply later, let’s go!
Emily: So, what are you having?
Thomas: I’ll have a latte, thanks!
Emily: No problem. I’ll have a latte too.

Thomas: Yes!
Emily: What’s up?
Thomas: Well, they just confirmed that the employees who have been at the company for more than two years can apply to this new open managerial position, which I’m very interested in.
Emily: Great! I know you’ve always wanted to lead a team. What are the requirements to apply for this position?
Thomas: Well, there are some courses, training and work you must do to apply and show you’re interested. I’ve been studying and working so much that I have hardly slept.
Emily: You know that’s not good. You need to get some rest, you’re always working too much! However, I’m extremely glad for you. You’re so committed and goal-oriented that I’m sure you will get this position.
Thomas: Thank you, Emily! But enough about me. What have you been up to?
Emily: I’m planning to take a career break. I’ve been working incredibly hard for so many years and I think it’s time for me to rest.
Thomas: Amazing! What are you planning to do?
Emily: I wanted to take a break this year but neither my parents nor my friends think it’s a completely good idea, since there are some restrictions in certain cities and countries due to the current situation. So they said I should put it off for a year.
Thomas: I see. It makes sense. I’m sure you will make the right decision.
Emily: Thanks! And what about your family? How are your parents and siblings doing?

Aportes 111

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I loved this activity…

I guess it wasn’t so bad 😄

Hey Cesar and classmates this is my recording of the role play, was an amazing activity thanks
I appreciate your feedback
My recording

súper divertido xD

I loved the dynamic

# Practice your speaking with me! My audio: # <>

Hi! Here’s my role play, so to feel more comfortable with my name, I made a few changes to the beginning of the script 😜:


I like this type of activity, because it helps improve your fluency when speaking.

Here's is my part of the Audio :D <>
<> I don't now why cesar's part didn't get recorded
yes, it´s very nice, sorry,
This is my record: <> Nice activity!!
My audio: <>

"Practice your speaking with me!"

This is my roleplay:

exciting activity, I feel like I speak English very well

Here´s my roleplay:

I loved this exercise with the roleplay. It was a great opportunity to practice!

This is my recording.

I enjoy so much to do this!

This is my activity:
I like this type of activities.

tank you
estoy aprendiendo
me gusta


Thank you so much!!

I loved the dialogue is useful for any catch-up conversation

The role play was amazing , i have never seen this methodology

I recomend that continue to be applied in others courses



Calos .Francisco

heat: how are you?

francisco: very well, times of no benos

carlos: oo yes from schoo


Thank you so much!!

very good

soo cool

i like

Thanks you





Very good



Hey Cesar and classmates this is my recording of the role play, was an amazing activity thanks
I appreciate your feedback

I really enjoyed this role play. It is a great way to practice and learn your own speaking.

**I have loved this roleplay**
I thought I was in a real conversation, just nice!

I really enjoyed this role play. It is a great way to practice and learn your own speaking.

I loved the dialogue is useful for any catch-up conversation!

I love this kind of exercise, you should do it more often in other courses.

Great initiative.

excellent class!

very very interesting

My conversation