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Regrets, wishes and assumptions about the past


Aquí puedes ver cómo expresar arrepentimiento, deseos o suposiciones en el pasado (en inglés):

Regret = arrepentimiento - remordimiento

Wishes = deseos

Assumptions = supuestos - suposiciones

Expresar arrepentimiento, deseos o suposiciones en el pasado

Puedes utilizar la estructura Should + Have + Verb para expresar arrepentimiento:

  • I should have gone to that event.

    • Estoy arrepentido de no haber ido a ese evento.
  • You shouldn’t have said that.

    • Estoy expresando desaprobación acerca del comentario de alguien.

Puedes utilizar Must + Have + Verb para expresar inferencias y suposiciones:

  • He must have had an accident.
    • Estoy suponiendo que alguien tuvo un accidente.
  • Alex must have been sick.
    • Alex no vino, estoy suponiendo que está enfermo.

Finalmente, puedes utilizar la estructura May, Might, Could + Have + Verb para expresar posibilidades del pasado:

  • I could have been the winner.
    • No gané, pero podría haber ganado, estoy expresando una posibilidad del pasado.
  • They might have arrived by now.
    • No sé si ellos llegaron, es una posibilidad que ellos ya estén aquí.

Contribución creada con aportes de: Kevin Fiorentino.

Aportes 154

Preguntas 15

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  • Should + have: Regrets, wishes and disapproval.
    Structure; Should + have + verb in past participle
  • Must + have: Inferences and assumptions.
    Structure: Must + have + verb in past participle
  • May / Might / Could + have: Past possibilities.
    Structure: May / Might / Could + have + verb in past participle
  1. I could have bought more cheese but I didn’t know we needed it.
  2. We shouldn’t have invited so many people to our party! There isn’t enough food.
  3. I should have started saving money years ago!
  4. The weather couldn’t have been worse!
  5. I couldn’t have arrived on time. Traffic was horrible.
  6. She must have arrived already. She is very punctual.

We often use the verb ‘wish’ to express strong desires. We always wish for something to be different than it is (or was) or wish for something new or different to happen in the future. Our wishes for the present are for things that are unlikely or impossible. Our wishes for the past are always impossible, because the past cannot be changed.

  • I should have studied more english when I was young, but never it’s too late!
  • She is late, she must have had a big trouble.
  • You are fat, you shouldn’t have eaten so much!
  • I should have learned Portuguese.
  • I could have studied a master’s degree.
  • He has a stomachache. He must have eaten too much.

Regrets, wishes, and disapproval:

Should + have: I should have gone to that event (regret)
You shouldn’t have said that. (disapproval)

Should + have + verb in past participle:
Mary should have listened to my advice.

Inferences and assumptions:

Must + have:

He must have had an accident
They must have gotten the wrong number.
Must + have + verb in past participle
Alex must have been sick

Past possibilities:

May / Might / Could + have

I could have been the winner
They might have arrived by now

Could / might / may + have + verb in past participle

You could have studied French.

/// Should + have: Regrest, wishes and disapproval
He shouldn’t have ate the pork
She shouldn’t have gone alone
I should have lived in a big house
you should have drunk coffee
we should have taken the tickets

/// Must + have: Inferences and assumptions.
He must have ate the pork
She must have gone alone
must have worked too hard

/// May / Might / Could + have: Past possibilities.
He may have walked
They could have watched that movie
We Could have won the lottery

I should have written my essay last week.
She shouldn’t have eaten her meal after 10: 00 pm.

I should have done my homework, I could pass my exam
I could have gone to the concert, but I couldn’t
He must have been sick, he always comes at time

  • I should have started the project the last week, I won’t finish on time.
  • I should have gotten up earlier.
  • I could have learned english before but I didn’t study it.
  • She must have worked until night.

Robert must have had a problem
lisa should have bought a new dress
they could have visited the new church

i should have went to the school but i didnt
she must have been sick because she does not went to the school
i could have went to the school but i did not

  • The first is an assumption
  • The second one it’s past possibilities
  • The third one is a regret
  1. I should have bought more cheese but I didn’t know we needed it.
  2. We shouldn’t have invited so many people to our party! There isn’t enough food.
  3. I should have started saving money years ago!
  4. The weather couldn’t have been worse!
  5. I couldn’t have arrived on time. Traffic was horrible.
  6. She must have arrived already. She is very punctual.
1. Should + have + verb in past participle * I should have gone to that event. * You shouldn't have said that. * Mary should have listened to my advice. 2. Must + have + verb in past participle * He must have had an accident. * They must have gotten the wrong number. * Alex must have been sick. 3. May/Might/Could + have + verb in past participle * I could have been the winner. * They might have arrived by now. * You could have studied French.
She should have married him but she decided not to since he wouldn't took her out for dinner every weekend It must have been a delay, it's been more than 3 hours since the flight should have taken off He might have worked as a manager, he is absolutely qualified
That sentence "she should have had an accident" sound like told by an evil person.
Activity: 1. I could have bought more cheese but I didn’t know we needed it. 2. We shouldn’t have invited so many people to our party! There isn’t enough food. 3. I should have started saving money years ago! 4. The weather couldn’t have been worse! 5. I couldn’t have arrived on time. Traffic was horrible. 6. She must have arrived already. She is very punctual.
1\) I **could have bought** (buy) more cheese but I didn't know we needed it. (past possibility) 2\) We **shouldn't have invited** (invite) so many people to our party! There isn’t enough food. (regret) 3\) I **should have started** (start) saving money years ago! (regret) 4\) The weather **might have been**(be) worse! (past possibility) 5\) I **couldn't have arrived** (arrive) on time. Traffic was horrible. (past negative possibility) 6\) She **must have arrived** (arrive) already. She is very punctual. (assumptions)
Good night
Hi, how can see the classes in spanish please? And thank You.
1.- you should have gone to the concert yesterday; it was amazing! 2.- Really? she must have been too busy! 3.- You could have had an accident, but you never listen to me 4.- You may have had a good time at the pool.
OMG the last sentences was evil.
# Regrets, wishes and assumptions about the past. Practice: \- She must have had an accident. ASSUMPTION \- She could have had an accident. POSSIBILITY \- She should have had an accident. WISH Worksheet: Complete the following sentences using COULD HAVE, SHOULD HAVE or MUST HAVE Remember, we use: ● SHOULD HAVE: to express regrets, wishes and disapproval. ● MUST HAVE: to express inferences and assumptions. ● COULD / MIGHT / MAY HAVE: to express past possibilities. 1\) I \_could have bought\_ (buy) more cheese but I didn't know we needed it. (past possibility) 2\) We \_shouldn’t have invited\_\_(invite) so many people to our party! There isn’t enough food. (regret) 3\) I \_should have started\_\_ (start) saving money years ago! (regret) 4\) The weather \_might have done\_\_(be) worse! (past possibility) 5\) I \_couldn’t have arrived\_ (arrive) on time. Traffic was horrible. (past negative possibility) 6\) She \_must have arrived\_ (arrive) already. She is very punctual. (assumptions)
* I should have bought bitcoin in 2012 * I must have learned english when I was a kid * We should have invested in apple 20 years ago
I should have sold my Bitcoin at the high price. She must have been too busy not to go to the gym. He could have stayed if he wanted.
I've got a question... In the final exam to approve this topic... One of the things we have to answer is; She \_\_\_ have been sick. In the min 3:40 we can see an example of "Alex must have been sick" which is actually the same, just the subject changed from "Alex" to "She" in the exam... I answered Must, but it says it was wrong... Why was that, i mean, i just got confused about it, i guess the answer is "might, or could" but i guess i didn't know the context and this classs came to my mind and thats why i answered "She must have been sick"
He **must have** stayed home You **could have** asked for help We **should have** followed the advice
  1. I could have bought more cheese, but I didn’t know we needed it.
  2. We should’t have invited so many people to our party! There isn’t enough food.
  3. I should have started saving money years ago!
  4. The weather may have been worse!
  5. I could’t hace arrived on time. Traffic was horrible.
  6. She must have arrived already. She is very punctual.
You should have studied more on Platzi. You could have studied more on Thursday on Platzi. You must have studied for your English exam.
  1. We shouldn’t have done that, she is really angry with us now.
  2. He must have finished his task; he is very responsible.
  3. I might have bought that watch but I preferred to save the money.
1. She couldn't have married; I saw her last month, and she didn't have a fiancé. 2. I shouldn't have worn my new shoes; we had to walk all day. 3. Sally has a new expensive car; she must have been dating a rich man.

“Regrets, wishes and assumptions about the past”

\- i should have started to study english a long time ago \- She must have had a great day. \- I may have been a lucky day
* I should have offered a beer to my uncle. * They must have worked very hard. * She might have been my girlfriend.
  • She must have had an accident. assumptions
  • She could have had an accident. ++ possibility++
  • She should have had an accident. wishes
  1. I could have buying more chesse but i didn’t know we needed it.
  2. We shouldn’t have invited so many people to our party! there isn’t enough food.
  3. I should have started saving money years ago!
  4. The weather might being worse!
  5. I couldn’t arrive on time. Traffic was horrible.
  6. She must have arrived already. She is very punctual.

He shouldn’t have written that in the wall
They** must have** been at the airport at 9 pm
You could have told me that in this morning
You** should have** studied Music
He couldn’t have run so slowly
She must have walked to the office


  1. I should have written this instead of that.
  2. He must have rested enough.
  3. They might have started with another song.

should = Debería
must = debí
could = podría
might = podría
may = puede

Marina must have had aproblem
Juana could have bougth a new car.
They should have had more time.

She must have an accident. (assumptions).
She could have had an accident. (past possibilities)
She Should have had an accident. (wishes)

I must have been the chef in this restaurant.
I shoul have called her.
I may have been a singer.

She must had an accident. assumption
She could have had an accident. past possibility
She should have had an accident. wishes

No, Mary haven’t listened your advice.

My Practice:
Regrets, wishes and disapproval.
I-t was raining last night, when I walked home.I should have taken an umbrella.
-I should have called you sooner.
-I should have studied sooner.
-You should have spoken to me before deciding.
Inferences and assumptions
-He must have got lost.
-Where are my gloves? I must have left in the taxi.
-This antique chandelier looks terrific,You must have spent a fortune.
-They might have misunderstood us.
-She would have got a pay raise, if she have been more persistent.


  • I should have started my brand a few years ago.
  • I should have practiced more before doing the test.
  • I should have slept last night.


  • She must have forgotten the meeting.

Past possibilities

  • I could have been a physician.
  • I might have closed the door.
  • I may have worked yesterday.


  1. I Should have begun to study English when I was a child

  2. I Should have got a higher grade point average from my colleague.

  3. You should have not done that


  1. They must have got a cold because they expose outside for a long time at low temperatures.

Past possibilities
I may have visited my mom more frequently.

Assumptions, regrets, and past possibilities

  • The principal should have been fired, they had been making wrong decisions.
  • My brother shouldn’t have traveled to EE.UU without a visa.
  • I could have gotten a better result at the tournament.
  • The conference might have called off, there’s few people to assist to the talks
  • She must have forgotten the date, She’s very disciplined.
  • He must have gotten the flu caused by the intense rains.
  • She must have had an accident (estoy suponiendo que ella tuvo un accidente)

  • She could have had an accident (hay una posibilidad de que ella tuviera un accidente)

  • She should have had an accident (no es posible que ella haya tenido un accidente)
    My examples:

  • I should have traveled for vacations.

  • She must have adopted that cat.

  • He could have practiced the violin.

Good lecture

I hope with this example you can see the differences between each one

  • I should have started to study years ago
    Debería haber empezado a estudiar hace años

  • I must have started to study years ago
    Dedo haber empezado a estudiar hace años

  • I could have started to study years ago
    Podria haber empezado a estudiar hace años

  • I should have learned english when i was in school.
  • She must have slept all morning. She is late!
  • They could have started the game without me.

-He must have gone to his house. (I am almost 99% he did that)

  • He could have gone to his house(I am 50% o less he did that, probably, I do not know if he did that or not)
  • He should have gone to his house (I whised that he did that but he did not do it)

Talking about my dog strange behavior this morning:

  • Fluffy must have been sick
  • Fluffy could have been sick
  1. Assumption
  2. posibility
  • He could have won the competition.
  • She must have driven in the wrong direction.
  • They should have finished the paper yesterday.


  • She must have had an accident (assumption)
  • She could have had an accident (possibility)
  • She should have had an accident (regret)

Exercise: worksheet

  • I could have bought (buy) more cheese but I didn’t know we needed it. (past possibility)
  • We shouldn’t have invited (invite) so many people to our party! There isn’t enough food. (regret)
  • I should have started (start) saving money years ago! (regret)
  • The weather could have been (be) worse! (past possibility)
  • I couldn’t have arrived (arrive) on time. Traffic was horrible. (past negative possibility)
  • She must have arrived (arrive) already. She is very punctual. (assumptions)

He should have studied for this exam.
He must have worked a lot, it is too late.
They could taken the wrong train.

I should have played soccer with my friends.
I must have cooked with my family.
I could have studied Portuguese.


  • She must have had an accident -> I’m assuming she had an accident
  • She could have had an accident - there was a possibility for her to have an accident.
  • She should have had an accident -> I wanted for her to have an accident??


  1. She must have had an accident. Inferences or Assumption.
  2. She could have had an accident. Past Possibilities.
  3. She should have had an accident. Regret or wishes.

A) Assumption, B) past possibilities and C) disapproval

should/hsve i should have gone to thst event
regrets, wishes
1. I could have bought more cheese but I didn't know we needed it. 2. We shouldn't have invited so many people to our party. There isn't enough food. 3. I shouldn't have started saving money years ago. 4. The weather could have been worse. 5. I couldn't have arrived on time. Traffic was horrible. 6. She must have arrived already. She is very punctual.
1. I should have slept en the hotel. 2. I must have been a doctor. 3. I could have chosen my own fate.

– They must have had a bad idea.
– We could have played another day.
– He should have run at the morning

I should have memorized more words to express myself better

  • i should have slept better last night.

  • She must have been very sleepy from not sleeping well.

  1. I ** could have bought**
    (buy) more cheese but I didn’t know we needed it. (past
  2. We shouldn’t have invited
    (invite) so many people to our party! There isn’t
    enough food. (regret)
  3. I should have started
    (start) saving money years ago! (regret)
  4. The weather ** couldn’t have been**
    (be) worse! (past possibility)
  5. I ** couldn’t have arrived**
    (arrive) on time. Traffic was horrible. (past negative possibility)
  6. She must have arrived (arrive) already. She is very punctual. (assumptions)

Should + have: Regrets, wishes and disapproval.
Structure; Should + have + verb in past participle
Must + have: Inferences and assumptions.
Structure: Must + have + verb in past participle
May / Might / Could + have: Past possibilities.
Structure: May / Might / Could + have + verb in past participle


I should have studied English when I was a kid

Should + have: Regrets, wishes and disapproval.
Structure; Should + have + verb in past participle
Must + have: Inferences and assumptions.
Structure: Must + have + verb in past participle
May / Might / Could + have: Past possibilities.
Structure: May / Might / Could + have + verb in past participle


me gusta mucho la clase
tank you
I could have a new car by the next week
David must have eaten too much
Luisa should have gone to the supermarket

Past possibilities

I shouldn’t have fought with my brother.
I should have eaten enough.

I should have bought more cheese but I didn’t know we needed it.
We shouldn’t have invited so many people to our party! There isn’t enough food.
I should have started saving money years ago!
The weather couldn’t have been worse!
I couldn’t have arrived on time. Traffic was horrible.

Should + have: Regrets, wishes and disapproval.
Structure; Should + have + verb in past participle
Must + have: Inferences and assumptions.
Structure: Must + have + verb in past participle
May / Might / Could + have: Past possibilities.
Structure: May / Might / Could + have + verb in past participle

I could have won the exam from the university.
I must have lost the game.

  1. assumption
    3.wish, regret.
  • I should have started to study English when I was younger.
  • It’s going to rain. She could have an umbrella.
  • We’re late. Your mom must have ridden us to school.



  1. You shouldn’t have responded to your mother this way.
  2. He must have fallen asleep.
  3. I could have been the best player.
  4. He must have broken some bones after that fall.
  5. She may have finished the exam in time.

Should + have: Regrets, wishes and disapproval.
Structure; Should + have + verb in past participle
Must + have: Inferences and assumptions.
Structure: Must + have + verb in past participle
May / Might / Could + have: Past possibilities.
Structure: May / Might / Could + have + verb in past participle




let´s go