Expressing past intentions


Puedes utilizar el pasado continuo para hablar de planes del pasado o intenciones que tuviste que nunca se materializaron.

Para usar el pasado continuo para expresar que tuviste intención de hacer algo, utiliza la estructura subject + verb to be (in past) + going to.

  • I was going to…
  • You were going to…
  • He was going to…
  • She was going to…
  • They were going to…
  • We were going to…
  • It was going to…

Utilizando “Going to” en el pasado y en el futuro

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Verb to be (infinitive form) y Verb to be (past form) + Going to?

  • Cuando usas la estructura Verb to be (in the infinitive) + Going to, estás hablando de planes para el futuro.
  • Cuando usas la estructura Verb to be (in past) + Going to, estás hablando de planes del pasado que nunca sucedieron.

Por ejemplo:

  • I am going to travel to Buenos Aires (Estaré en Buenos Aires pronto)
  • I was going to travel to Buenos Aires, but… (No pude viajar a Buenos aires…)

Otras formas de expresar intenciones del pasado

Existen otras formas de expresar planes e intenciones del pasado que nunca sucedieron utilizando las expresiones:

  • I wanted to …
  • I’ve been meaning to …
  • I had planned to …

Por ejemplo:

  • I wanted to eat with my family but they can’t arrive.
  • I’ve been meaning to finish this task but I can’t.
  • I had planned to talk with him, but he doesn’t come to work today.

Contribución creada con aportes de: Kevin Fiorentino.

Aportes 265

Preguntas 1

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I was going to reach out you, but I don’t see your desire
I’ve been planning to chat you but I think you don’t want
I had planned to give up, because I won’t stay with you anymore

I wanted to call but something happened.
I’ve been meaning to call you, but I need more time
I had planned to call you but, my mom got sick.

  • I was going to go to a BBQ last weekend, but I met a friend and I canceled
  • I had planned to luch with friends, but I was bussy
  • I wanted to start exercises last week, but I was too tired

I wanted to buy a tablet
I’ve been meaning to study at weekend but i was busy outside
I had planned to sell this but regretted it
Yesterday i was going to visit my girlfriend

I was going to reach out you, but I don’t see your desire
I’ve been planning to chat you but I think you don’t want
I had planned to give up, because I won’t stay with you anymore

  • I wanted to see more than 30 minutes of classes.
  • I was going to play CSGO instead studying but my awareness doesn’t let me do that.
  • I had planned to call my dad, but I forgot that.
my parents an i were going to cinema, but we changed our mind i wanted enjoy netflix's series, but i forgot to extend my subscription i was to get hair cut, but i woke up very late

I was going to reach out you, but I don’t see your desire
I’ve been planning to chat you but I think you don’t want
I had planned to give up, because I won’t stay with you anymore

was going to go to a BBQ last weekend, but I met a friend and I canceled
I had planned to luch with friends, but I was bussy
I wanted to start exercises last week, but I was too tired

  • I wanted to go walk with you, but others plans happened.
  • I’ve been meaning to text her, but instead she called me first.
  • I had planned to give my dog a bath, but there was no water.
* I wanted to clean my bedroom but I had the flu.
1.- I wanted to play soccer with my friends, but I have a lot of work to do, so that's why I couldn't see my friends
We use past continuous to talk about past plans and intentions. * Past continuous can help you also trasmit feelings about things that you wanted to do. But for some reason you couldn´t . EXAMPLES\_ * Mary was going to call you ... * We were going to travel ... * They were going to visit me... Other ways to referer to plans in the past! * I wanted to... * I´ve been meaning to... * I had planned to...
i was going to travel to Colombia, but something happened.
**I wanted to study English years ago, but I couldn't**
1. I was going to eat Pan de Bono, but the restaurant was close. 2. I wanted to go out with a friend, but we were both busy. 3. I had planned to sleep more, but I had some work to do.
**Hello there, these are my plans that never happen** 😁 1.- I wanted to sleep more this weekend but my neighbors decide to rebuild all their apartment on Sunday morning 2.-I've been meaning to start reading a new book, but a decide to finish the last one that I had been reading. 3.-I had planned to participe in next race in my town, but I´m afraid that I haven´t been training long enough. **Maybe next time** 🙂
i´ve been planning to eat a fast food for the weekend but instead i'll make a healthy food. I had done a reservation for going to cinema this weekend but my brother wants to resting at house.
I wanted to exercised more the last week, but I decided to study more time english,
I wanted to talk her, but i know that i have to be focus in myself I've been meaning to call her but i really can't do that I had planned to go to cine, but i didn't have time to do that
Past intentions -> past continuous * Mary was going to call you, but... * We were going to travel, but... * They were going to visit me, but... Other ways to plans in the past 1. I wanted to... 2. I've been meaning to... 3. I had planned to... Lets' practice 1. I wanted to swim every day. 2. I've been meaning to travel to Canada. 3. I had planned to sleep in the evening.
* I was meaning to print a leasing sign for my apartment, but couldn't because of a big storm in my city. * I was going to share the photographs with you, but I can't find them anywhere. * I has planned to invite you all to pizza, but everybody was craving burger.
* I wanted to finish organizing the documents, but I remembered you haven't sent me yours! * I've been meaning to visit you at the hospital, but your family is first at it. * I had planned to go to the cinema, but I prefer to save for my trip in September
### **1. "I wanted"** 1. **I wanted to travel to Japan last year, but I had to cancel the trip.** *(Quería viajar a Japón el año pasado, pero tuve que cancelar el viaje.)* 2. **She wanted to start her own business, but she couldn't find the right funding.** *(Ella quería empezar su propio negocio, pero no pudo encontrar el financiamiento adecuado.)* ### **2. "I had planned to"** 1. **I had planned to learn French before moving to Paris, but I ran out of time.** *(Había planeado aprender francés antes de mudarme a París, pero me quedé sin tiempo.)* 2. **We had planned to visit the Grand Canyon last summer, but the weather was too bad.** *(Habíamos planeado visitar el Gran Cañón el verano pasado, pero el clima era demasiado malo.)* ### **3. "I have been planning to"** 1. **I have been planning to renovate my house for months, but I still haven't started.** *(He estado planeando renovar mi casa durante meses, pero aún no he comenzado.)* 2. **She has been planning to write a book for years, but she's been too busy with work.** *(Ella ha estado planeando escribir un libro durante años, pero ha estado demasiado ocupada con el trabajo.)*
I wanted to tallk to you but you didn't anwer the phone. I was going to celebrate my birthday, but I didn't have the money. I was planning to keep the secret, however they discovered me.
Activity: * I was going to eat pizza but I remembered my diet. * My family were going to buy some ice cream. * I had planned to play video games but I had work to do.
She was going to call the meeting off, but she decided to continue with our schedule  He was going to cheat on his wife, but he felt guilty It was going to clean the office out, however, the settings did not function well We were going to check in our luggage, but the airline canceled the flight
i wanted to study more time but i worked to much. i was going to early to my home but one client to came in the last minuntes in my job.
1.- I was going to go to the party, but I had to go to work at the last minute. 2.- They were going to bring the beer before the party started. 3.- I wanted to go on vacation, but I don't have enough money. 4.- I've been meaning to text her, but I haven't had the time. 5.- I had planned to come see you, but there was so much traffic.
I was going to exercises but I feel asleep. They were going to walk along the park but it started to rain She was going to dance with her friends but she had to work.
I wanted to know my nephew but he lives far away. I've been meaning to learn japanese because I want to understand animes without subtitles. I had planned to travel on my next vacations.
i was going to go to sleep early but i used too much the celllphone i was going to talk to my friends but they didn`t listen to me i was going to eat toasts but i forgot to buy more cheese
i wanted to go to sleep but i had to practice english i`ve been meaning to start a story but i completed my notebook i had planned to go to the cinema but it was rainig
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# Expressing past intentions. Practice: \- I wanted to \_go swimming at the pool, but I can’t\_. \- I’ve been meaning to \_give some advice, but they don’t mind\_. \- I had planned to \_take 5 courses this semester, but they only allow me to take 3\_. Talk about three things you indented to do last weekend, but you couldn’t!. \- I wanted to eat in that Japanese Restaurant, but there were no reservations. \- I had planned to walk in the park, but it was raining. \- I’ve been meaning to help her with homework but I didn’t’ have time.
* I was calling to my old best friend but I got busy * I was going to wash my car but I got sick * I wanted to go to the gym on Saturday but I felt tired
I was going to quit my job, but I didn’t get the other one. I wanted to live in lima, but I didn’t earn enough. I’ve been meaning to continue studying online, but I had a lot of work I had planned to go to churin´s pools, but The huayco destroyed the road to get there.
I was going to sleep, but I say not, keep studying :) I've been planning to study this weekend, but I got sick. x.x I had planned to go to the concert, but I didn't have enough money :c
  • I wanted to be here hours ago!
  • I’ve been meaning to visit you, but I have had a lot of work!
  • I had planned to do our couple project but I haven’t had the time.
    I was going to have to study more time but time is limited and I need rest.
    I wanted to rest more, but my schdule is so hard thant I can’t.
    I’ve been meaning to eat more healty but I can’t
  • I was going to go to the museum, but it started raining.
  • I was going to watch a movie, but I fell asleep.
  • I was going to eat at a delicious restaurant, but it was expensive.
  • I wanted to go to the museum, but it started to rain.
  • I’ve been meaning to play soccer, but I was injured.
  • I had planned to visit you, but an unexpected visit from my uncle happened at my house, so I couldn’t.
i wanted to call my mom last week but i just forgotten

“Expressing past intentions”

  1. I wanted to
  2. I’ve been meaning to
  3. I had planned to

I wanted to watch a movie but I’ve been meaning to I should to study English and I had to planned to travel after finish my course

I wanted to fix the bug, but it was impossible. I've been meaning to do it when is was there I had planned to go, but my car broke
\- I wanted to move forward with my side project, but i had a aws event this weekend. \- I was going to read my book, but since friday i couldn't continue \- We were going to travel to Huaraz-Peru, but we were busy
* I had planned to watch the Platzi Conf, but it coincides with my sister's birthday. * I've been meaning to ask her out, but it seems like I'll have to compete for her. * I wanted to be more confident with women, and now I feel like I have a superpower.

I wanted to buy some fruits this weekend, but i didn’t have money.
I had planned to go cycling but i didn’t sleep well
I’ve been meaning to wash my car but i didn’t pay the water bill so i couldn’t do that.

I wanted to go to my grandmother’s house
I’ve been meaning to walk to the park, but I was lazy
I had planned to travel to barcelona this week, but I chose to go to madrid first


  1. That day I wanted to tell you something important.
  2. I’ve been meaning to ask your opinion about this book.
  3. I had planned to make a reservation for three people, but we are more, right?
  4. I was going to buy another type of cheese, but this one is delicious.
  5. I wanted to give him a big hug, but he couldn’t come.
  6. I had planned to rehearse with my guitarist, but his mother needed care.
  • I wanted to do my homework
  • I’ve been meaning to play music
  • I had planned to wash my laundry
  • I wanted to visit your new house but you didn´t invite me
  • I´ve been meaning to sell my car but I remembered that next month I´ll need it
    -I had planned to travel to Medellin next weekend but I got sick

I wanted to go to Shopping Center but I decided to study

1. I wanted to play tennis but I got an injury in my ankle. 2. I’ve been meaning to help you but you never came. 3. I had planned to buy a new car but it was impossible with the new baby.

1- I wanted to Travel to another country but, i didn’t have the passport
2- I’ve been meaning to learn another language but, i lose the time in other things
3- I had planned to Travel to Canada but, i need to finish learning English

I wanted to study three hours daily but it was impossible.
I’ve been meaning to call you but I think you are upset.
I have planned to visit to my grandparents but I got sick.

I was going to visit my friehds but I haven´t money
I´ve been visiting places I need had rest.
I had planned to learned.
I had planned to go a movie yesterday.

I was having to do a promotional video.
I wanted to watch a new serie.
I had planned to sleep earlier.

  • I wanted to traveled to Korea.
  • I’ve been meaning to moved of my house.
  • I had planned to buy a motocycle

i wanted to surfing with my paddel but there were many big waves.
i was going to run on the beach but there was too many people.

i wanted to go at the library, but i cound´t due to rained all day


  • I wanted to record videos for social media.
  • I’ve been meaning to finish all my pending work.
  • I had planned to travel.
  • I was going to rest for the weekend.

Past intentions

  • I was going to visit my best friend but I was sick.
  • I’ve been meaning to cook hamburgers but I couldn’t buy the bread.
  • My family and I were going to travel but my father had an inconvenience with his car.
  • I had planned to swimming the last week but I didn’t.

  • I was going to eat mexican food but the restaurant didn’t open.

  • I wanted to go to the gym but I haven’t money.

My turn:

  • I wanted to share with them
  • I’ve been meaning see you
  • I had planned to call you

thanks for read

I was going to climb in the Cajón del Maipo, but I never did.
I wanted to up the hill using the Funicular, but I never planned it
I’ve been meaning to …
I had planned to …

  • I wanted to meet you but I have been really busy, my job is so stressful.

  • I’ve been meaning to ask you out, but you are always busy.

  • Actually, I had planned to clear my schedule in order to go to the cinema with you.

  • I was planning to visit my girlfriend, but I remembered my English lessons.

  • I was going to watch a movie. but I couldn’t find a good one.

  • I was going to the gym, but in the end, I skipped leg day, not good.

Good lecture

I wanted to go to a friend’s party but i prefered to stay at home.
I’ve been meaning to call you and say thank you for the new job.
I had planned to go to the park this morning, but It rained.

  • I wanted to study English before.

  • I’ve been meaning to speak with him, but I was very busy in my new job.

  • I had planned to visit Italy, but this year I’m going to buy a house, and them change my plans.

I wanted to go out but I had a lot of work
I´ve been meaning to read a new book but I forgot to buy it
I had planned to visit my friends but it was raining

I wanted to call my family before starting to study
I´ve been meaning to cook before starting to work
I had planned to clean my room before turning on my computer

  • I wasn’t going to wake up early and doing my daily routine, but my goals are stronger, and I’m here fighting as I want it.
    A bit of motivation guys
I wanted to go visiting my best friend. I was going to start studying for my exams. I've been wanting to get outside.

I was going to study more hours in Platzi, but I did not do it.
I was going to go to the park but I was in my house.
I was going to read a novel but I watched a video.

  • I wanted to sleep longer but mi husban wake me up.
  • I’ve been meaning to go to the supermarket but I didn’t wan’t to go alone.
  • I had planned to finish my homework today but it is so long.

Last weekend

  • I was going to fix my husband’s nails but we were to bussy
  • I was going to go to the gym but I was inability
  • I wanted to see holy week movies but there were no that kind of movies on the TV.
  • I wanted to study marketing, but I have the purpose to study english one hour per day.
  • I’ve been meaning to seen TLOU, but I don´t have HBO suscription.
  • I had planned to go to Platzi Conf MX, but I have class on these days.
  • I wanted to improve my level of English, so I bought a platzi membership.
  • I had planned to recover my love for the theater, so I’m going to take acting classes.
  • I have been planning to visit my friends, but have never scheduled it.
  • I was sending the email but the requirements changed.
  • She wanted to travel but had an emergency.
  • They’ve been intended to organize a surprise party but they couldn’t.
  • He had planned to work on that project on the weekend but he had an accident.

I was going to do a homework but I needed something and I couldn’t do it.


  • I wanted to take a shower before this class
  • I’ve been meaning to give food to my pets
  • I had planned to call my mom before joining the class

Exercise: talk about three things you intended to do last weekend

  • I wanted to visit my grandparents because there was a familiar meeting but it didn’t was possible
  • I’ve been meaning to study English but I went out all weekend
  • I had planned to process my personal ID but the government dependency was closed

I was going to do my paperwork to start my classes.

I wanted to bathe the dog.
I’ve been meaning to finish my college.
I had planned to read a Marketing book.

  • I was going to buy a microphone last week, but I spent my money on food

  • I wanted to do my English curse, but I received an urgent call

  • I had planned to travel to Ecuador last year, but I couldn’t because I didn’t have money.

I’ve been meaning to watch the series you recommend, but suddenly an old friend came to visit.

Was going to

I wanted visit my boyfriend but I had work to do I’ve been meaning to came soon but there was a lot of traffic I had planned invite her to a party but then we got angry

I wanted my younger brother to study English.

I want to go to fix my cycle

  • I wanted to travel yesterday, but the wheater wasn’t good.
  • I’ve been meaning to learn to play piano, but I broke my left arm.
  • I had planned to go out with friends, but they couldn’t.
  • I wanted to start a new course about AWS
  • I’ve been meaning to talk to her, but I’ve had the opportunity
  • I had planned to eliminate my social networks but I couldn’t

-In the last weekend i had planned get out with my friends but i have been a ankle sprain and for that i couldn’t.
-The weekend i wanted going to gym but for the hit in my ankle i couldn’t.
-I was going to go to street lighting of my city but i had not in conditions.

  • I wanted to watch another episode of a series that I am watching in Netflix, but I think the best is watch another English class.
  • I’ve been meaning to tell you about the new museum of the city.
  • I had planned to visit the new museum but that day it rained.
  • I had planned to take more English classes but the last week I had a lot of work to do.
  • I wanted to hang out with my friends these days, but they were busy.
  • I was going to buy a laptop, but they didn’t have the one I wanted.

I was studying English every day.
I was checking my social media.
I was watching videos on YouTube.

i was going to watch tv but i preferred to study
i had planed to call you but i dont was really sure
i have been planning to reach you out but i could not


  • I wanted to see my friend, but I couldn’t.
  • I’ve been meaning to start this course yesterday.
  • I had planned to visit my uncle.

We use past continuous to talk about past plans and intentions.

FUTURE: I’m going to travel.
PAST: I was going to travel.

Other ways to refer to plans in the past!
I wanted to _______
I’ve been meaning to ______
I had planned to _____


Please, if this is wrong, correct me

  • I was going to travel to Mexico city
  • She was going to visit me house yesterday
  • They were going to finish your homework

I wanted to have surgery over the weekend, but the insurance company did not authorize it.
I’ve been meaning to give up, but I can’t let down the people who believe in me.
I had planned to travel around the world, but I don’t have the enough money.

I was going to the party but I had to work. I wanted to write you but I really forgot it!

The last weekend
… I was goint to go to the cinema but I had a lot of homework.
… I wanted to run in the park but it was raining.
… I was going to bake a pay but i didnt have a sugar

! wanted to travel to Canada but i cant because i was sick.
I’ve been studied another career like arts but my father told me that it is not a good idea.
I had planned to visit my parents but my car dosents works.