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Writing a powerful conclusion


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I think the weight of the essays, chronicles or something written which exposes a thesis or a personal opinion is the conclusion.
And most importantly, the conclusion has to be a clear reflection of our thoughts and beliefs. The research and the process of redaction and conjunction of ideas is important but, the way we finish gives us our own style and the verdict of the readers. We can be emphatic with them or disgusting. The conclusion is the best way to connect with the audience.

Common mistakes!

  • Presenting new information.
  • Repeating the thesis statement.
  • Being apologetic.
  • Ending with a quote.
  • Rushing.

In a world where blue jays and raccoons can be friends with a white immortal gorilla and live the craziest adventures that a human mind can imagine, a bit of intrigue needs to arise in you, if not, give me some of what you and the writer of this series are taking. “Regular Show” is for many criticisms a cinematographic piece of art, that has marked and influenced the childhood of many people and as one of those, I can agree that this is the most creative animated series that has been ever created.

Regular Show Is a series of Mordecai and Rigby, a blue jay and a raccoon, respectively, who work for a park where the most absurd and fictitious things happen. With a bubble gum dispenser as a boss, an immortal albino gorilla as a coworker, a fat zombie who lives with a ghost in a trailer, and the park owner’s son as the “supervisor” with ahead of the size of a beach ball, nothing can go well. Now that you have an idea of what are we talking about, let’s focus on the plot and why is impossible to find inconsistencies in the story, even being so absurd. The regular show consists of 8 seasons, with about 20 episodes each, in which every single episode is a news story, where the park gets destroyed, they fly to the space to fight mystic babies, acquire superpowers or beat each other, but okay… you get me, weird things happen in that park. There’s another interesting fact about this series and that is that each new tale has a similarity, the structure of the events. First, they are having a civilized conversation as we humans tend to do, then some of the fictitious events mentioned before occur, third, the members of the park find a conflict to fight or argue over about, like that time Skips (the albino gorilla) killed Rigby in an arm wrestling game and had to beat the Death in an arm-wrestling match to resurrect the raccoon. And finally, they reconcile with each other, agree to be friends, just to find a new problem to fight about, and repeat that sequence over and over again. Moving on, now, you understand what type of characters and tales we are talking about, nonetheless, there are many negative and criticizable aspects of this cinematographic piece. One of them is the absurdness or hyperboles, a resource that many series apply to their stories to make it seem more attractive and entertaining, overused can be annoying for viewers and it’s something I find in regular shows. For instance, Money Heist is a Spanish series where several thieves rob the banks with the best security, every time the police are close to catching them, they make it look (in the most absurd way possible) like it was always part of the plan, this each of the 4 times they robbed. This being a crucial factor of “Regular Show” can be perceived as annoying and exhausting. Additionally, being a series with each episode a different story can make it hard to trap the viewer’s attention. Think about the show where you were the most invested in, it was probably something like Stranger Things, a series that combines absurd and real-life experiences that develops a plot that catches the attention of everyone, something we can’t see on Regular Show.

To conclude, if you are the type of person who likes fictitious cinematographic plays, where they don’t follow a coherent tale, but the creativity of the writers creates absurd art that may not have you super invested but will give you an entertaining time, “Regular Show” a not regular series with humanized animals who fight mystic animals (kind off), is just for you.

Hey people here it is: Living with Diabetes, I hope you like it!

Never miss a chance in your essay and the conclusion isn’t the exception

Star Wars Rebels: As a sequel to the Star Wars series Clone Wars, Lucasfilm creates a whole history about the first steps of the Rebels who fight against The Empire after the order 66, the series introduces us to The squadron Fenix, who is a cell of the raising Rebellion. “Rebels” is a poem about all of the magic things that we love about the Star Wars universe, badass moments, quite good development of the characters, and a new thing that blows up our minds with the story of the force and Jedi and Sith legacy. And is a good prequel to the events in A new hope, all of these stories match, and make sense in the canon. I have no complaints about, more than the weird nose of Ezra. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

I think the weight of the essays, chronicles or something written which exposes a thesis or a personal opinion is the conclusion.
And most importantly, the conclusion has to be a clear reflection of our thoughts and beliefs. The research and the process of redaction and conjunction of ideas is important but, the way we finish gives us our own style and the verdict of the readers. We can be emphatic with them or disgusting. The conclusion is the best way to connect with the audience.

I think the weight of the essays, chronicles or something written which exposes a thesis or a personal opinion is the conclusion.
And most importantly, the conclusion has to be a clear reflection of our thoughts and beliefs. The research and the process of redaction and conjunction of ideas is important but, the way we finish gives us our own style and the verdict of the readers. We can be emphatic with them or disgusting. The conclusion is the best way to connect with the audience.



I know that's no perfect but here is my essay: We all need to eat, and beyond sustenance, we love food. But do we know how to eat? That's the question I've pondered since my late teens. My research has led me to multiple conclusions. Firstly, some argue that we should focus solely on calories or macronutrients. But is that enough? If most of your food comes from whole, real sources, tracking calories and macronutrients might be beneficial. However, if you're unsure what's good or bad for you, it could lead to consuming more processed foods than you should. There are more restrictive diets, like vegetarian or vegan lifestyles, often adopted for moral reasons rather than health benefits. While admirable, self-implemented dietary changes without professional guidance can cause severe illnesses or vitamin deficiencies. To conclude, it might sound simple, but the key is something we all know: balance. Investigate what's good for you. If your principles are important, follow them, but always consult professionals. Now is your turn – so please tell me, what do you think?
### **Why are conclusions important?** * **Often Overlooked:** Many writers neglect the conclusion because they are tired after writing a long essay. * **Opportunity for Closure:** A strong conclusion provides a satisfying ending for the reader and ensures your essay makes a strong impact. ### **How to leave a positive impression** 1. **Review your essay:** * Re-read your essay and note the important points you discussed. * Use these points to remind your reader of your strongest arguments. 2. **Include your thesis statement:** * Mention your thesis statement (from the introduction) in the conclusion. * Paraphrase the thesis and logically summarize each key idea discussed. 3. **Discuss the implications:** * Explain what might happen if the reader accepts your opinion. * Outline possible consequences to engage the reader. 4. **Appeal to emotions:** * Make a personal connection by relating the topic to yourself. * Show your human side to connect with the reader on a personal level. 5. **End with a question:** * Provide "food for thought" by asking a thought-provoking question at the end. * Examples: "What do you think about this?" or "What are the implications of this topic?" ### **Common mistakes to avoid in conclusions** * **Presenting new information:** * Don’t introduce new points in the conclusion. Create another paragraph if needed. * **Repeating the thesis statement without paraphrasing:** * Avoid copying the thesis statement from the introduction. Paraphrase it instead. * **Being apologetic:** * Don’t apologize for your views (e.g., "I'm sorry to say this, but..."). * Express your opinions confidently without apology. * **Ending with a quote:** * Avoid ending with a quote. Quotes can be interpreted in many ways, and you want a clear, strong closure. * **Rushing through the conclusion:** * Take your time to write the conclusion, as it is just as important as any other part of the essay. * A strong conclusion can influence whether the reader wants to read more of your work.
As conclusion, it's important not forget the Derevensky, Temcheff and Gupta words, who alerted us about the denger of sport bets in teens. They are the most week and manipulable persons. It's our task help and suport them so much as be nesesary. The are the future, the awareness is our most important gun.
In a world where blue jays and raccoons can be friends with a white immortal gorilla and live the craziest adventures that a human mind can imagine, a bit of intrigue needs to arise in you, if not, give me some of what you and the writer of this series are taking. “Regular Show” is for many criticisms a cinematographic piece of art, that has marked and influenced the childhood of many people and as one of those, I can agree that this is the most creative animated series that has been ever created. Regular Show Is a series of Mordecai and Rigby, a blue jay and a raccoon, respectively, who work for a park where the most absurd and fictitious things happen. With a bubble gum dispenser as a boss, an immortal albino gorilla as a coworker, a fat zombie who lives with a ghost in a trailer, and the park owner’s son as the “supervisor” with ahead of the size of a beach ball, nothing can go well. Now that you have an idea of what are we talking about, let’s focus on the plot and why is impossible to find inconsistencies in the story, even being so absurd. The regular show consists of 8 seasons, with about 20 episodes each, in which every single episode is a news story, where the park gets destroyed, they fly to the space to fight mystic babies, acquire superpowers or beat each other, but okay… you get me, weird things happen in that park. There’s another interesting fact about this series and that is that each new tale has a similarity, the structure of the events. First, they are having a civilized conversation as we humans tend to do, then some of the fictitious events mentioned before occur, third, the members of the park find a conflict to fight or argue over about, like that time Skips (the albino gorilla) killed Rigby in an arm wrestling game and had to beat the Death in an arm-wrestling match to resurrect the raccoon. And finally, they reconcile with each other, agree to be friends, just to find a new problem to fight about, and repeat that sequence over and over again. Moving on, now, you understand what type of characters and tales we are talking about, nonetheless, there are many negative and criticizable aspects of this cinematographic piece. One of them is the absurdness or hyperboles, a resource that many series apply to their stories to make it seem more attractive and entertaining, overused can be annoying for viewers and it’s something I find in regular shows. For instance, Money Heist is a Spanish series where several thieves rob the banks with the best security, every time the police are close to catching them, they make it look (in the most absurd way possible) like it was always part of the plan, this each of the 4 times they robbed. This being a crucial factor of “Regular Show” can be perceived as annoying and exhausting. Additionally, being a series with each episode a different story can make it hard to trap the viewer’s attention. Think about the show where you were the most invested in, it was probably something like Stranger Things, a series that combines absurd and real-life experiences that develops a plot that catches the attention of everyone, something we can't see on Regular Show. To conclude, if you are the type of person who likes fictitious cinematographic plays, where they don’t follow a coherent tale, but the creativity of the writers creates absurd art that may not have you super invested but will give you an entertaining time, “Regular Show” a not regular series with humanized animals who fight mystic animals (kind off), is just for you.
Common mistakes! * Presenting new information. * Repeating the thesis statement. * Being apologetic. * Ending with a quote. * Rushing.
Embracing the nature of life  Did my grandma almost die? I asked myself. Yes, I think she almost did. It´s been almost a week since her stroke and I´m still in shock. At first, I thought she would dye, that was the harder part, or at least I thought that. It wasn´t.  The most difficult part was acknowledging that if she got out of that hospital, her life would never be the same, not only hers but also mine and my mom's.   What is a stroke? You may ask. I did it too. I have heard about it but never knew for sure what it was, it was something brain-related. If you´re reading this you will finally know. A stroke is “A medical emergency. A stroke can cause lasting brain damage, long-term disability, or even death.” It is basically when the blood flow in your brain is stopped by a clot, and causes permanent brain damage. That is why my grandma can move half her body, because of a tiny clot. What fragile humans are, what fragile is life itself…  What should we do now? The only answer that seems suitable for me at the moment, is to give her back all the care and love that she gave us years ago, give it her back, and more. We can not do otherwise, I can not cure her, the damage is done, and I can't restart her brain, but I can help her to learn to eat again, to speak again, to walk again. I can do that and I will. I will do that for her as she did for me.  Conclusions? Yes, I have a few.  From that moment to the future my grandma would never be the same, me neither. Those are facts. Medical facts.  Life is brief and unexpected. We should be loving more, not only our family but also ourselves, our jobs, and our place on this earth.  But the biggest conclusion I can get out of this situation is that love brings more love back.  ![](file:///C:/Users/Windows%2010/Pictures/abu.PNG)![](<file:///C:/Users/Windows%2010/Pictures/abu.PNG >)
Curve of learning Are you silly? Why you can nota understand what I am saying! Have someone told you that? The reality is that many people had felt the same. When we talk about learning there are many thoughts and opinión. I am a teacher since 2018, based on My experience I have created that not only in My experience as a teacher, but also when I was a student. I've got the next conclusion. Word demand us live as fast as the fastest live in any área, but that presión can overwhelm you in a high way and finally hate the procesos of learning. But it is si sad, because you are losing the joy of learn new things. It is true that you need to prioritize, put your goals and be discipline, but without the presión of being the best. Remember always going to be someone better that you, but it musn't be like that. Platzi taugh me that you hace to he clear with your motivations and goals. But never comepared You with other, at least you wanna learn of that person is right but not more. Understanding your real motivations and not being compared with no one, are some clues to love learn and get progress.

In this class i have been watching a lot of good articles, this interaction is so good for the inhabit of learning

The importance of a strong conclusion is similar to those moments when you are engrossed in the story of a movie, game, or book, thoroughly enjoying everything until the very end fails to satisfy you. It leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth, despite having liked everything else. I believe that the conclusion is just as important, if not more important, than the initial hook.

good night, thanks for the explanation<3

In a world where blue jays and raccoons can be friends with a white immortal gorilla and live the craziest adventures that a human mind can imagine, a bit of intrigue needs to arise in you, if not, give me some of what you and the writer of this series are taking. “Regular Show” is for many criticisms a cinematographic piece of art, that has marked and influenced the childhood of many people and as one of those, I can agree that this is the most creative animated series that has been ever created.

Regular Show Is a series of Mordecai and Rigby, a blue jay and a raccoon, respectively, who work for a park where the most absurd and fictitious things happen. With a bubble gum dispenser as a boss, an immortal albino gorilla as a coworker, a fat zombie who lives with a ghost in a trailer, and the park owner’s son as the “supervisor” with ahead of the size of a beach ball, nothing can go well. Now that you have an idea of what are we talking about, let’s focus on the plot and why is impossible to find inconsistencies in the story, even being so absurd. The regular show consists of 8 seasons, with about 20 episodes each, in which every single episode is a news story, where the park gets destroyed, they fly to the space to fight mystic babies, acquire superpowers or beat each other, but okay… you get me, weird things happen in that park. There’s another interesting fact about this series and that is that each new tale has a similarity, the structure of the events. First, they are having a civilized conversation as we humans tend to do, then some of the fictitious events mentioned before occur, third, the members of the park find a conflict to fight or argue over about, like that time Skips (the albino gorilla) killed Rigby in an arm wrestling game and had to beat the Death in an arm-wrestling match to resurrect the raccoon. And finally, they reconcile with each other, agree to be friends, just to find a new problem to fight about, and repeat that sequence over and over again. Moving on, now, you understand what type of characters and tales we are talking about, nonetheless, there are many negative and criticizable aspects of this cinematographic piece. One of them is the absurdness or hyperboles, a resource that many series apply to their stories to make it seem more attractive and entertaining, overused can be annoying for viewers and it’s something I find in regular shows. For instance, Money Heist is a Spanish series where several thieves rob the banks with the best security, every time the police are close to catching them, they make it look (in the most absurd way possible) like it was always part of the plan, this each of the 4 times they robbed. This being a crucial factor of “Regular Show” can be perceived as annoying and exhausting. Additionally, being a series with each episode a different story can make it hard to trap the viewer’s attention. Think about the show where you were the most invested in, it was probably something like Stranger Things, a series that combines absurd and real-life experiences that develops a plot that catches the attention of everyone, something we can’t see on Regular Show.

To conclude, if you are the type of person who likes fictitious cinematographic plays, where they don’t follow a coherent tale, but the creativity of the writers creates absurd art that may not have you super invested but will give you an entertaining time, “Regular Show” a not regular series with humanized animals who fight mystic animals (kind off), is just for you. Yes

Common mistakes!

  • Presenting new information.
  • Repeating the thesis statement.
  • Being apologetic.
  • Ending with a quote.
  • Rushing.



Presenting new information.
Repeating the thesis statement.
Being apologetic.
Ending with a quote.

Star Wars Rebels: As a sequel to the Star Wars series Clone Wars, Lucasfilm creates a whole history about the first steps of the Rebels who fight against The Empire after the order 66, the series introduces us to The squadron Fenix, who is a cell of the raising Rebellion. "Rebels" is a poem about all of the magic things that we love about the Star Wars universe, badass moments, quite good development of the characters, and a new thing that blows up our minds with the story of the force and Jedi and Sith legacy. And is a good prequel to the events in A new hope, all of these stories match, and make sense in the canon. I have no complaints about, more than the weird nose of Ezra. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗
