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Consejos para cerrar contratos en marketing


Has recorrido el camino, has crecido y te has convertido en un experto en marketing. Tu marca personal se ve muy bien y ahora vas a salir a hacer acuerdos.

¿Cómo se hacen estos acuerdos?

1. Sé impasible

Antes de cerrar cualquier trato, asegúrate de conocer a tu cliente. No hay nada peor para tus prospectos que detectar sensación de nerviosismo o impaciencia de tu parte. Así que céntrate en dominar tu argumento de ventas ignorando la presión incluso si tienes prisa.

2. No te enojes

Recuerda que a veces tu cliente necesita tu servicio o producto sin necesidad de conocer muchos detalles. Es normal que te sientas frustrado, pero no lo tomes personal. Si deseas obtener las mejores ofertas, no pongas todo en el corazón, piensa con la cabeza y actúa.

3. Acepta la opinión de tu cliente

Es una técnica súper efectiva para tener buenas relaciones con tus clientes. La voz es una poderosa herramienta de persuasión, modula tu tono, ajusta tu velocidad de habla y modifica su poder para ganarte el respeto de tu cliente.

4. Cuida a tu cliente

Atrévete a preguntarles cómo les va, qué objetivos tienen, eso dice mucho de ti y de tu personalidad, además, te ayudará a alinear tu argumento de ventas con sus necesidades, demostrándole que en realidad te preocupas por él.

Ahora, estás listo para salir a hacer negocios. Sé el mejor marketer y recuerda preguntarte en todo momento ¿qué legado estoy dejando?

Puedes encontrar a tu profesor como @barryonyango en todas las plataformas de redes sociales.

Contribución creada por: Natali Franco Gil

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Consejos para cerrar contratos en marketing

  1. Comprende al cliente
  2. No siempre te enojes (ofendas)
    3 Acepta la opinión del cliente
  3. Cuida al cliente

Thank you!! Muy importante no tomarse las cosas personales!

Thanks a lot teacher, I learned a lot of you!
🚀 How to Build Your Personal Brand as a Marketer from Scratch 🚀 Would you like to be a high-impact marketer and differentiate yourself from the competition? Then you need to create your personal brand, which is the way you present yourself to the world and communicate your value. 💯 In this article, I’m going to show you a step-by-step guide to building your personal brand as a marketer from scratch. Here are the steps you should follow: 🤝 Be Impassive: Before closing any deal, make sure you know your customer. There’s nothing worse for your prospects than detecting a sense of nervousness or impatience on your part. So focus on mastering your sales pitch by ignoring the pressure, even if you’re in a hurry. 😌 Control Your Emotions: Remember that sometimes your customer needs your service or product without needing to know many details. It’s normal to feel frustrated, but don’t take it personally. If you want to get the best deals, don’t put everything in your heart, think with your head and act. 🗣️ Listen and Accept Your Customer’s Opinion: The voice is a powerful tool of persuasion. Modulate your tone, adjust your speaking speed, and modify its power to earn your customer’s respect. Learn to listen and consider their points of view. 🤗 Take Care of Your Customer: Dare to ask them how they are doing, what objectives they have. This says a lot about you and your personality. Plus, it will help you align your sales pitch with their needs, showing them that you really care about them. Now, you’re ready to go out and do business. Be the best marketer and always ask yourself: what legacy am I leaving? 👊

Closing deals as a marketer:

  • Relax and flow: Focus on your sales pitch.
  • Customers are the kings.
  • Don’t get upset. Sometimes your customers may need your products without knowing all the details.
  • Do not take any personally. Keep your emotions inside of you.
  • Customers know what they want.
  • Accept the opinion of your client.
  • Modulate your tone of voice, writing, and speaking.
  • Care about your client.
  • Ask for the goals of your customers.
  • Align your sales pitch with the needs of your clients and create a feeling of caring.
  • Do a random calling and ask to your client “How are you doing?”
  • What legacy am I leaving?
  • You are working for the people.
  • Your customer is the king.

Think with your head…i like that advice.
