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Using different writing styles


Aportes 16

Preguntas 0

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

  1. A letter.
  2. A review.
  3. An essay.
  4. An article.

thank you


#### **Articles** An article is a piece of writing typically found in newspapers, magazines, or online publications. It informs readers about news, current events, or real topics, providing detailed information. Articles often include exact dates, times, people's names, or locations to give readers a comprehensive understanding. #### **Reviews** A review focuses on the writer's opinion of something, such as a book, movie, place, product, or service. It contains adjectives expressing either positive or negative sentiments, along with a rating system to evaluate the subject. #### **Letters** A letter is a personalized message from one person to another, which can be formal or informal. It includes a greeting and a sign-off, such as "Dear" or "To whom it may concern," and often concludes with phrases like "All the best" or "Love" followed by the writer's signature. #### **Essays** An essay is a persuasive piece of writing centered around one central idea. It consists of an introduction, body paragraphs presenting arguments or supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Phrases like "on one hand" or "on the other hand" are common, and transitional words like "additionally," "moreover," or "however" help to structure the essay.


  • A letter
  • A review
  • An essay
  • An article

I love writing in Spanish and thought my writings were articles however with this explanation I understand much better that I use to write essays. 😅

The first text is a letter, the second one is a review, the third is an essay, and the last one is an article.

Here are my notes of the class ### Articles * Found in newspapers, magazines, and other publications * Cover news, current events, and real topics * Informative in nature * Use common language * Include exact dates, people's names, and locations ### Reviews * Focus on the writer's opinion of something (e.g., a book, movie, or product) * Use positive and negative adjectives * Often include ratings ### Letters * Messages addressed to one person * Can be formal or informal * Include a greeting and a sign-off * Examples of greetings: "Dear" or "To whom it may concern" * Examples of sign-offs: "All the best", "Love", signature ### Essays * Persuasive writing texts with one central idea * Have an introduction, body, and conclusion * Can be academic or personal * Common phrases: * "On one hand / on the other hand" * "Additionally / moreover / furthermore" * "However" * "To sum up / in conclusion"
Once again, here's a summary: Using different styles of writing. Articles: Found in newspapers, magazines, and other publications. Discusss news, current events, and real topics. Is informative. Usialy to learn about some topic. Common language: Exact dates. People names. Locations. Articles are used to provide comprehensives details of a topic. Reviews: Reflects the writer's opinion of something e.g. a book, a movie, etc. Common language: Positive adjectives. Negative adjectives. Rating. Letter: Is a message directed to a person. Can be formal or informal. Have a greeting and a sign-off. Common language: Opening: Dear, to whom it may concern. closing: All the best, Love. Signing off: Signature. Essays: Is a persuasive writing text around one central idea. Includes introduction, body, and conclusion. Can be academic or personal in nature. Common language: On the one hand, On the other hand, additionally, moreover, however, to sum up, in conclusion. Once again some samples are used. The first one is a letter written to the writer's sick aunt. The second one is a review giving a positive opinion of a movie. The third is an essay related to the lack of resources and attention to senior citizens. The last one is an article about a natural disaster in Oklahoma. Summing up this lesson, four styles of writing were exposed, Articles to inform about events providing specific datails. Reviews focus on personal opinions about a subject. Letters to give a message to another person. Essay is a text with an influence of a central idea. These four writing styles support the expression of ideas with a specific focus depending on the topic or subject and the intended audience.

4 types of writing

  • letter
  • essay
  • review
  • article
  1. A letter ©
  2. A review (B)
  3. An essay (D)
  4. An article (A)

an article (review is the correct one)
an essay
an article

-A letter
-A review
-An essay
-An article

  1. C)
    A letter
  2. B)
    A review
  3. D)
    A essay
  4. A)
    An article
  1. C) a letter.
  2. B) a review.
  3. D) an essay.
  4. A) an article


  1. A letter
  2. A review
  3. An essay
  4. An article